Líneas de Investigación – Dr. Andrés Tittarelli en
Líneas de Investigación – Dr. Andrés Tittarelli en Dr. Andrés Tittarelli Investigador Adjunto, Universidad de Chile. El sistema inmunológico está formado por un conjunto de numerosos tipos celulares y procesos biológicos que a través de una acción coordinada, protegen al organismo de diversos tipos de agresiones, tanto externas (como patógenos, contaminantes, traumatismo) o internas (como […]
Research Lines – Dr. Vicente Torres Gómez
Líneas de Investigación – Dr. Vicente Torres Gómez 2 en Dr. Vicente Torres Gómez Principal Investigator, Universidad de Chile. He leads 2 research lines, both in the context of cell migration: 1. Role of endosomal traffic in tumor cell migration and metastasis.2. Cell migration in wound healing. His research is funded by sources from government agencies, […]
Research Lines – Dr. Leandro Carreño
Research Lines – Dr. Leandro Carreño Dr. Leandro Carreño Alternate Director MIII, Universidad de Chile. Allergic diseases originate from aberrant immune responses against innocuous non-infectious antigens (allergens), that do not produce inflammatory immune responses in most healthy individual. The predisposition to develop allergic diseases includes genetic and environmental factors. Currently, allergic diseases affect approximately 30% of […]
Líneas de Investigación – Dr. Alexis Kalergis en
Research Lines – Dr. Pablo González
Líneas de Investigación – Dr. Pablo González Dr. Pablo González Principal Investigator Pontificia Universidad Católica. Every day we are exposed to viruses that can seriously affect our health. Due to the diversity and characteristics of viruses, these microorganisms are difficult to treat and often must be controlled by the immune system, extending recovery time. While a […]
Dr. Pablo González
Dr. Pablo González Dr. Pablo González Principal Investigator P. Universidad Católica. Dr. Pablo González is an Associate Researcher at the Millennium Institute for Immunology and Immunotherapy and serves as an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Biological Sciences at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He is also a member of the faculty of the doctoral […]
Ola de frío y enfermedades respiratorias

Doctor Alexis Kalergis explica impacto de alergia en virus respiratorios: “Podrían desarrollar un cuadro más severo”

“La parka no abriga lo que hace es mantener el calor”

Dr. Hernán Peñaloza
Dr. Hernán Peñaloza Dr. Hernán Peñaloza Young Investigator, Universidad Católica. Bachelor in Biological Sciences from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2009-2013). Between 2014 and 2018, he pursued a PhD in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology under the supervision of Dr. Susan Bueno at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. His doctoral studies, coupled with a doctoral […]
Dr. Diego Carrillo
Dr. Felipe Simón
Dr. Felipe Simón Dr. Felipe Simón Principal Investigator, Universidad Andrés Bello. Felipe Simon is a Full Professor at Universidad Andrés Bello. He holds a degree in Biochemistry, a Master’s in Biological Sciences with a specialization in Physiology, and a PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Chile. He has a distinguished career in research […]
Dr. Angello Retamal
Dr. Angello Retamal Dr. Ángello Retamal Young Investigator, Universidad de Antofagasta. Dr. Angello Retamal-Díaz is an assistant professor at the Department of Biotechnology at the University of Antofagasta, Chile. He completed his education in biochemistry at the University of Concepción, beginning his scientific career in the laboratory of Dr. Ángel Oñate. He later specialized in […]
Dra. Luisa Duarte
Dra. Luisa Duarte Dra. Luisa Duarte Young Investigator, Universidad del Desarrollo. Dr. Luisa Duarte is a Bacteriologist and Clinical Laboratorist from the Universidad Industrial de Santander in Colombia and a Doctor in Biological Sciences with a Major in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. During his doctoral training, his thesis […]
Dr. Kurt Buchegger
Dr. Felipe Melo
Dr. Felipe Melo Dr. Felipe Melo Young Investigator, Universidad Andrés Bello. Felipe Melo González is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Life Sciences of the Andrés Bello University. He obtained a degree in biochemistry from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and subsequently completed a PhD in immunology at the University of Manchester, UK, […]
Dr. Alexis M. Kalergis
Dr. Alexis M. Kalergis Dr. Alexis M. Kalergis MIII Director. Dr. Alexis Kalergis is a Full Professor at the Schools of Biological Sciences and Medicine of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and a Doctor on Microbiology and Immunology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. He did two postdoctoral studies at […]