IMII – Instituto Milenio en Inmunología e Inmunoterapia :: Millennium Institute on Immunology and Immunotherapy

Publicaciones IMII

Publicaciones 2022

1. Gallbladder cancer. Roa JC, García P, Kapoor VK, Maithel SK, Javle M, Koshiol J. Juan Carlos Roa Strauch. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 10.1038/s41572-022-00398-y.

2. c-Abl kinase at the crossroads of healthy synaptic remodeling and synaptic dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases. Gutiérrez DA, Chandía-Cristi A, Yáñez MJ, Zanlungo S, Álvarez AR(*). Regeneration Research 10.4103/1673-5374.346540.

3. Oxidized High-Density Lipoprotein Induces Endothelial Fibrosis Promoting Hyperpermeability, Hypotension, and Increased Mortality. Rojas M, Prado Y, Tapia P, Carreño LJ, Cabello-Verrugio C, Simon F. Antioxidants. 10.3390/antiox11122469.

4. In Vivo and in vitro antitumor activity of tomatine in hepatocellular carcinoma. Echeverría C, Martin A, Simon F, Salas CO, Nazal M, Varela D, Pérez-Castro RA, Santibanez JF, Valdés-Valdés RO, Forero-Doria O, Echeverría J. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 10.3389/fphar.2022.1003264.

5. Bile Acids Induce Alterations in Mitochondrial Function in Skeletal Muscle Fibers. Abrigo J, Olguín H, Gutierrez D, Tacchi F, Arrese M, Cabrera D, Valero-Breton M, Elorza AA, Simon F, Cabello-Verrugio C. Antioxidants. 10.3390/antiox11091706.

6. Combined Administration of Andrographolide and Angiotensin- (1-7) Synergically Increases the Muscle Function and Strength in Aged Mice. Abrigo J, Simon F, Cabrera D, Vilos C, Cabello-Verrugio C. Felipe Alonso Simon Pino. CURRENT MOLECULAR MEDICINE. 10.2174/1566524021666211207112106.

7. Intensive care unit-acquired weakness: A review from molecular mechanisms to its impact in COVID-2019. Gonzalez A, Abrigo J, Achiardi O, Simon F, Cabello-Verrugio C. European Journal of Translational Myology. 10.4081/ejtm.2022.10511.

8. Regulatory Mechanisms of Muscle Mass: The Critical Role of Resistance Training in Children and Adolescent. Castelli F, Valero-Breton M, Hernandez M, Guarda F, Cornejo J, Cabello-Verrugio C, Cabrera D. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 10.1007/5584_2022_743.

9. Adapt to Persist: Glioblastoma Microenvironment and Epigenetic Regulation on Cell Plasticity. Uribe, D., Niechi, I., Rackov, G., Erices, J. I., San Martín, R., & Quezada, C. José Erices Rodríguez. Biology (Basel). 10.3390/biology11020313.

10. A2B Adenosine Receptor Enhances Chemoresistance of Glioblastoma Stem-Like Cells under Hypoxia: New Insights into MRP3 Transporter Function. Rocha, J. D., Uribe, D., Delgado, J., Niechi, I., Alarcón, S., Erices, J. I., Melo, R., Fernández-Gajardo, R., Salazar-Onfray, F., San Martín, R., & Quezada Monrás, C. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 10.3390/ijms23169022.

11. Amyloid β-Peptide Causes the Permanent Activation of CaMKIIα through Its Oxidation. Picón-Pagès P, Fanlo-Ucar H, Herrera-Fernández V, Ausellé-Bosch S, Galera-López L, Gutiérrez DA, Ozaita A, Álvarez AR, Oliva B, Muñoz FJ. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 10.3390/ijms232315169.

12. The c-Abl/p73 pathway induces neurodegeneration in a Parkinson’s disease model. Marín T, Valls C, Jerez c, Huerta T, Elgueta D, Vidal RL, Alvarez AR(*), Cancino GI (*). Neuroscience Reports. 10.1016/j.ibneur.2022.10.006.

13. Neuronopathic Gaucher disease: Beyond lysosomal dysfunction. Arévalo NB, Lamaizon CM, Cavieres VA, Burgos PV, Alvarez AR, Yañez MJ(*), Zanlungo S(*). Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 10.3389/fnmol.2022.934820.

14. Surface enhanced fluorescence effect improves the in vivo detection of amyloid aggregates. Cabrera P, Jara-Guajardo P, Oyarzún MP, Parra-Muñoz N, Campos A, Soler M, Álvarez A, Morales-Zavala F, Araya E, Minniti AN, Aldunate R, Kogan MJ(*). Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 10.1016/j.nano.2022.102569.

15. c-Abl activation linked to autophagy-lysosomal dysfunction contributes to neurological symptoms of Niemann-Pick type A disease. Marín T, Dulcey AE, Campos F, De la Fuente C, Acuña M, Castro J, Pinto C, Yáñez MJ, Cortez C, McGrath DW, Sáez PJ, Gorshkov K, Zheng W, Southall NT, Fonseca C, Marugan JJ(*), Alvarez AR(*), Zanlungo S (*) Tamara Alejandra Marin Marin. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 10.3389/fcell.2022.844297.

16. Host-virus relationships: a sum of many battles. López-Lastra M. Open Bio. 10.1002/2211-5463.13420.

17. The low affinity A2B adenosine receptor enhances migratory and invasive capacity in vitro and angiogenesis in vivo of glioblastoma stem-like cells. Erices, J. I., Niechi, I., Uribe-Ojeda, A., Toro, M. L. Á., García-Romero, N., Carrión-Navarro, J., Monago-Sánchez, Á., Ayuso-Sacido, Á., Martin, R. S., & Quezada-Monrás, C. Frontiers in Oncology. 10.3389/fonc.2022.969993.

18. Modulation of immune cells as a therapy for cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Soto JA, Melo F, Riedel CA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. International Journal of Molecular sciences. 10.3390/ijms231810706.

19. Inactivated Vaccine-induced SARS-CoV-2 Variant-Specific Immunity in Children. Soto JA, Melo F, Gutierrez C, Schulz BM, Berríos RV, Rivera D, Piña A, Hoppe G, Duarte L, Vásquez Y, Moreno D, Ríos M, Palacios P, García R, Santibañez A, Pacheco G, Méndez C, Andrade C, Silva P, Diethelm B, Astudillo P, Calvo M, Cárdenas A, González M, Goldsack M, Gutierrez V, Potin M, Schilling A, Tapia L, Twelee L, Villena R, Grifoni A, Sette A, Weiskopf, Fasce R, Fernandez J, Mora J, Ramírez E, Gaete A, Acevedo M, Valiente F, Soto-rifo R, Retamal A, Muñoz N, Meng X, Xin Q, Alarcon Q, Gonzalez JV, Le Corre N, Álvarez MJ, Gonzalez PA, Abarca K, Perret C, Carreño L, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. American society for microbiolgy. 10.1128/mbio.01311-22.

20. Safety and Immunogenicity of an Inactivated Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Vaccine in a Subgroup of Healthy Adults in Chile. Bueno SM, Abarca K, González PA, Gálvez NMS, Soto JA, Duarte LF, Schultz BM, Pacheco GA, González LA, Vásquez Y, Ríos M, Melo-González F, Rivera-Pérez D, Iturriaga C, Urzúa M, Domínguez A, Andrade CA, Berríos-Rojas R, Canedo G, Covián C, Moreno D, Saavedra F, Vallejos OP, Donato P, Espinoza P, Fuentes D, González M, Guzmán P, Muñoz P, Pérez CM, Potin M, Rojas A, Fasce RA, Fernández J, Mora J, Ramírez E, Gaete A, Oyarzún A, Valiente F, Soto-Rifo R, Wiskopf D, Sette A, Zeng G, Meng W, González JV, Kalergis AM. Clinical Infectious Disease. 10.1093/cid/ciab823.

21. Involvement of trained immunity during autoimmune responses. Mora V, Loaiza R, Soto JA, Bohmwald K, Kalergis AM. Journal of autoimmunity. 10.1016/j.jaut.2022.102956.

22. Female offspring gestated in hypothyroxinemia and infected with human Metapneumovirus (hMPV) suffer a more severe infection and have a higher number of activated CD8+ T lymphocytes. Funes SC, Ríos M, Fernández-Fierro A, Rivera-Pérez D, Soto JA, Valbuena JR, Altamirano-Lagos MJ, Gómez-Santander F, Jara EL, Zoroquiain P, Roa JC, Kalergis AM, Riedel CA. Frontiers in immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2022.966917.

23. Risk Factors from Pregnancy to Adulthood in Multiple Sclerosis Outcome. González-Madrid E, Rangel-Ramírez MA, Mendoza-León MJ, Álvarez-Mardones O, González PA, Kalergis AM, Opazo MC, Riedel CA. International journal of molecular sciences. 10.3390/ijms23137080.

24. Contribution of Gut Microbiota to Immune Tolerance in Infants. Mendez CS, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. Journal of Immunology Research. 10.1155/2021/7823316.

25. Potential Neurocognitive Symptoms Due to Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection. Andrade CA, Kalergis AM, Bohmwald K. Pathogens. 10.3390/pathogens11010047.

26. Trained immunity contribution to autoimmune and inflammatory disorders. Funes S, Rios M, Fernández A, Di Genaro MS, Kalergis AM. Frontiers in immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2022.868343.

27. Neurotrophin Signaling Impairment by Viral Infections in the Central Nervous System. Bohmwald K, Andrade CA, Mora VP, Muñoz JT, Ramirez R, Rojas MF, Kalergis AM. International Journal of Molecular sciences. 10.3390/ijms23105817.

28. Influence of online opinions and interactions on the covid-19 vaccination in Chile. Villegas C, Ortiz A, Arriagada V, Ortega S, Walker J, Arriagada E, Kalergis AM, Huepe C. Scientific Reports. 10.1038/s41598-022-23738-0.

29. Durability of AZD1222 and hybrid humoral immunity against omicron BA.1 and BA.4. Soto-Rifo, R.Lancet Infectious Diseases. 10.1016/S1473-3099(22)00667-3.

30. Epitranscriptomic regulation of HIV-1 full-length RNA packaging. Pereira-Montecinos C, Toro-Ascuy D, Ananías-Sáez C, Gaete-Argel A, Rojas-Fuentes C, Riquelme-Barrios S, Rojas-Araya B, García-de-Gracia F, Aguilera-Cortés P, Chnaiderman J, Acevedo ML, Valiente-Echeverría F, Soto-Rifo R. Nucleic Acids Research. 10.1093/nar/gkac062.

31. Identification of VEGFR2 as the Histatin-1 receptor in endothelial cells. Mateluna C, Torres P, Rodriguez-Peña M, Silva P, Matthies DJ, Criollo A, Bikker FJ, Bolscher JGM, Wilson CAM, Zapata-Torres G, Torres VA. Biochemical Pharmacology. 10.1016/j.bcp.2022.115079.

32. “The Sall2 transcription factor promotes cell migration regulating focal adhesion turnover and integrin β1 expression”. Riffo E, Palma M, Hepp MI, Benítez-Riquelme D, Torres VA, Castro AF, Pincheira R. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 10.3389/fcell.2022.1031262.

33. BCG vaccination induces cross-protective immunity against pathogenic microorganisms. Soto JA, Gálvez NMS, Andrade CA, Ramírez MA, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. Trends in Immunology. 10.1016/

34. Role of Extracellular Trap Release During Bacterial and Viral Infection. Schultz BM, Acevedo OA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. Frontiers in Microbiology. 10.3389/fmicb.2022.798853.

35. Bioinformatic and experimental characterization of SEN1998: a conserved gene carried by the Enterobacteriaceae-associated ROD21-like family of genomic islands. Piña-Iturbe A, Hoppe-Elsholz G, Fernández PA, Santiviago CA, González PA, Bueno SM Susan. Scientific Reports. 10.1038/s41598-022-06183-x.

36. Polypyrimidine-Tract-Binding Protein Isoforms Differentially Regulate the Hepatitis C Virus Internal Ribosome Entry Site. Angulo, J., Cáceres, C.J., Contreras N., Fernández-García, L.,Chamond, N, Ameur, M., Sargueil, B., López-Lastra, M. Viruses. 10.3390/v15010008.

37. RNA-Binding Proteins as Regulators of Internal Initiation of Viral mRNA Translation. López-Ulloa B, Fuentes Y, Pizarro-Ortega MS, López-Lastra M. Viruses. 10.3390/v14020188.

38. Federation of clinical immunology societies goes south 2021, advanced course on molecular and cellular translational immunology. Diethelm B, Reyes A,Rosenstein Yvonne, Kalil J, Hill M, Docena G, Anegon I, González PA, Kalergis AM. Immunotherapy. 10.2217/imt-2022-0075.

39. BCG-Based vaccines elicit antigen-specific adaptative and trained immunity against SARS-CoV-2 and Andes orthohantavirus. Soto JA, Díaz FE, Retamal A, Gálvez NMS, Melo F, Piña A, Ramírez MA, Bohmwald K, González PA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. Vaccines (Basel). 10.3390/vaccines10050721.

40. From animal studies into clinical trials: the relevance of animal models to develop vaccines and therapies to reduce disease severity and prevent hRSV infection. Soto JA, Gálvez NMS, Rivera DB, Díaz FE, Riedel CA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. Expert opinion on drug Discovery. 10.1080/17460441.2022.2123468.

41. Safety and Non-Inferiority Evaluation of Two Immunization Schedules with an Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine in Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Abarca K, Iturriaga C, Urzúa M, Le corre N, Pineda A, Fernandez C, Domínguez A, González PA, Bueno SM, Donato P, Espinoza P, Fuentes D, González M, Guzman P, Muñoz P, Pérez C, Potin M, Rojas A, Gonzalez JV, Gálvez NMS, Aguirre F, Aljaro S, Batiz LF, Campisto Y, Cepeda M, Cortés A, López S, Pérez ML, Schilling A, Kalergis AM. Vaccines (Basel). 10.3390/vaccines10071082.

42. A Booster Dose of CoronaVac Increases Neutralizing Antibodies and T Cells that Recognize Delta and Omicron Variants of Concern. Schultz B, Melo F, Duarte L, Galvez NMS, Pacheco G, Soto JA, Berríos R, Gonzalez LA, Moreno D, Rivera D, Ríos M, Vásquez Y, Hoppe G, Andrade CA, Vallejos OP, Piña A, Iturriaga C, Urzua M, Navarrete MS, Rojas A, Fasce R, Fernandez J, Mora J, Ramirez E, Gaete A, Acevedo ML, Valiente F, Soto-Rifo R, Weiskopf D, Grifoni A, Sette A, Zeng G, Meng W, González JV, González PA, Abarca K, Kaleris AM, Bueno SM. American society for microbiolgy. 10.1128/mbio.01423-22.

43. Differences in the immune response elicited by two immunization schedules with an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in a randomized phase 3 clinical trial. Galvez NMS, Pacheco G, Schultz BM, Melo F, Soto JA, Duarte LF, González LA, Rivera D, Rios M, Berrios R, Vásquez Y, Moreno D, Vallejos O, Andrade CA, Hoppe G, Iturriaga C, Urzua M, Navarrete MS, Rojas A, Fasce R, Fernandez J, Mora J, Ramirez E, Gaete A, Acevedo M, Valiente F, Soto-Rifo R, Weiskopf D, Grifoni A, Sette Zeng, Meng Wing, González JV, Jonhson M, Goldblatt D, González PA, Abarca K, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. ELife. 10.7554/eLife.81477.

44. Contribution of two-dose vaccination toward the reduction of COVID-19 cases, ICU hospitalizations and deaths in chile assessed through explanatory generalized additive models for location, scale and shape . Reyes H, Diethelm B, Méndez C, Rebolledo D, Lillo B, Muñoz SR, Bueno SM, González PA, Kalergis AM. Frontiers in immunology. 10.3389/fpubh.2022.815036.

45. Aging envisage imbalance of the periodontium: A keystone in oral disease and systemic health. Villalobos V, Garrido M, Reyes A, Fernández C, Diaz C, Torres VA, González PA, Cáceres M. Frontiers in immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2022.1044334.

46. The Emerging Role of PIWI-Interacting RNAs (piRNAs) in Gastrointestinal Cancers: An Updated Perspective. Riquelme I, Pérez-Moreno P, Letelier P, Brebi P, Roa JC. Cancers. 10.3390/cancers14010202.

47. Neutralizing antibodies induced by homologous and heterologous boosters in CoronaVac vaccinees in Chile. Acevedo J, Acevedo ML, Gaete-Argel A, Araos R, Gonzalez C, Espinoza D, Rivas S, Pizarro P, Jarpa S, Soto-Rifo R, Jara A, Valiente-Echeverría F. Clinical Microbiology and Infection. 10.1016/j.cmi.2022.11.017.

48. The double-stranded RNA-binding protein, Staufen1, is an IRES-transacting factor regulating HIV-1 cap-independent translation initiation. Ramos H, Monette A, Niu M, Barrera A, López-Ulloa B, Fuentes Y, Guizar P, Pino K, DesGroseillers L, Mouland AJ, López-Lastra M. Nucleic Acids Research. 10.1093/nar/gkab1188.

49. LDL particle size and antioxidant HDL function improve after sustained virological response in patients with chronic HCV. Vargas JI, Rivera K, Arrese M, Benitez C, Barrera F, Hugo M, Arab JP, Pino K, Barrera A, Lopez-Lastra M, Rigotti A, Soza A. Annal of Hepatology. 10.1016/j.aohep.2021.100555.

50. Relationship between endothelial and angiogenesis biomarkers envisage mortality in a prospective cohort of COVID-19 patients requiring respiratory support. Maldonado F, Morales D, Díaz-Papapietro C, Valdés C, Fernandez C, Valls N, Lazo M, Espinoza C, González R, Gutiérrez R, Jara A, Romero C, Cerda O, Cáceres M. Frontiers in medicine. 10.3389/fmed.2022.826218.

51. Is There a Role for Heat Shock Factor in Viral Infections? Antonia Reyes, Areli J. Navarro, Benjamín Diethelm, Alexis M. Kalergis, Pablo A. González. FEBS Open Bio. 10.1002/2211-5463.13419.

52. Role of Epitranscriptomic and Epigenetic Modifications during the Lytic and Latent Phases of Herpesvirus Infections. Soto AA, Ortiz G, Contreras S, Soto-Rifo R, González PA. Microorganisms. 10.3390/microorganisms10091754.

53. Environmental and Lifestyle Risk Factors in the Carcinogenesis of Gallbladder Cancer. Pérez-Moreno P, Riquelme I, García P, Brebi P, Roa JC. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 10.3390/jpm12020234.

54. Gallbladder reporting and data system (GB-RADS) for risk stratification of gallbladder wall thickening on ultrasonography: an international expert consensus. Gupta P, Dutta U, Rana P, Singhal M, Gulati A, Kalra N, Soundararajan R, Kalage D, Chhabra M, Sharma V, Gupta V, Yadav TD, Kaman L, Irrinki S, Singh H, Sakaray Y, Das CK, Saikia U, Nada R, Srinivasan R, Sandhu MS, Sharma R, Shetty N, Eapen A, Kaur H, Kambadakone A, de Haas R, Kapoor VK, Barreto SG, Sharma AK, Patel A, Garg P, Pal SK, Goel M, Patkar S, Behari A, Agarwal AK, Sirohi B, Javle M, Garcea G, Nervi F, Adsay V, Roa JC, Han HS. Abdominal Radiology. 10.1007/s00261-021-03360-w.

55. Mucocutaneous Manifestations in Autoimmune Gastritis: A Prospective Case-Control Study. Gonzalez A, Latorre G, Paredes L, Montoya L, Maquilon S, Shah SC, Espino A, Sabatini N, Torres J, Roa JC, Riquelme A, Kolbach M. The American Journal of Gastroenterology. 10.14309/ajg.0000000000001501.

56. Interplay between Lipid Metabolism, Lipid Droplets, and DNA Virus Infections. Mónica A. Farías, Benjamín Diethelm-Varela, Areli J. Navarro, Alexis M. Kalergis, and Pablo A. González. Cells. 10.3390/cells11142224.

57. Pharmacological Inhibition of IRE-1 Alpha Activity in Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 and Type 2-Infected Dendritic Cells Enhances T Cell Activation. Tognarelli EI, Retamal-Díaz A, Farías MA, Duarte LF, Palomino TF, Ibañez FJ, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, González PA. Frontiers in immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2021.764861.

58. Distal Consequences of Mucosal Infections in Intestinal and Lung Inflammation. Melo-González F, Sepúlveda-Alfaro J, Schultz BM, Suazo ID, Boone DL, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. Frontiers in Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2022.877533.

59. Limited Heme Oxygenase Contribution to Modulating the Severity of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium Infection. Sebastián VP, Moreno-Tapia D, Melo-González F, Hernández-Cáceres MP, Salazar GA, Pardo-Roa C, Farías MA, Vallejos OP, Schultz BM, Morselli E, Álvarez-Lobos MM, González PA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. Antioxidants. 10.3390/antiox11061040.

60. Non-capsular based immunization approaches to prevent Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. Silva PH, Vázquez Y, Campusano C, Retamal-Díaz A, Lay MK, Muñoz CA, González PA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 10.3389/fcimb.2022.949469.

61. Differential neutralizing antibody responses elicited by CoronaVac and BNT162b2 against SARS-CoV-2 Lambda in Chile. Nature Microbiology. 10.1038/s41564-022-01092-1.

62. Reduced immune response to inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in a cohort of immunocompromised patients in Chile. Balcells ME, Le Corre N, Durán J, Ceballos ME, Vizcaya C, Mondaca S, Dib M, Rabagliati R, Sarmiento M, Burgos PI, Espinoza M, Ferrés M, Martinez-Valdebenito C, Ruiz-Tagle C, Ortiz C, Ross P, Budnik S, Solari S, Vizcaya MLÁ, Lembach H, Berrios-Rojas R, Melo-González F, Ríos M, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, Nervi B. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 10.1093/cid/ciac167.

63 Identification of biomarkers for disease severity in nasopharyngeal secretions of infants with upper or lower respiratory tract viral infections. Bertrand PJ, Vázquez Y, Beckhaus AA, González LA, Contreras AM, Ferrés M, Padilla O, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. Clinical Experimental Immunology. 10.1093/cei/uxac083.

64. SARS-CoV-2 vaccine booster in solid organ transplant recipients previously immunised with inactivated versus mRNA vaccines: A prospective cohort study. Dib M, Le Corre N, Ortiz C, García D, Ferrés M, Martinez-Valdebenito C, Ruiz-Tagle C, Ojeda MJ, Espinoza MA, Jara A, Arab JP, Rabagliati R, Vizcaya C, Ceballos ME, Sarmiento M, Mondaca S, Viñuela M, Pastore A, Szwarcfiter V, Galdames E, Barrera A, Castro P, Gálvez NM, Soto JA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, Nervi B, Balcells ME. Lancet Regional Health – Americas. 10.1016/j.lana.2022.100371.

65. Genetic Variation in MicroRNA-423 Promotes Proliferation, Migration, Invasion, and Chemoresistance in Breast Cancer Cells. Morales-Pison S, Jara L, Carrasco V, Gutiérrez-Vera C, Reyes JM, Gonzalez-Hormazabal P, Carreño LJ, Tapia JC, Contreras HR. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 10.3390/ijms23010380.

66. Editorial: Innate Immune Cells in the Control of Intracellular Bacteria. Balboa L, Baena A, Carreño LJ. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 10.3389/fcimb.2022.830203.

67. Is there a role for herpes simplex virus type 1 in multiple sclerosis? Luisa F. Duarte, Sebastian Gatica, Almendra Castillo, Alexis M. Kalergis, Susan M. Bueno, Claudia A. Riedel, Pablo A. González. Microbes and Infection. 10.1016/j.micinf.2022.105084.

Publicaciones 2021

1. Asymptomatic Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Infection Causes an Earlier Onset and More Severe Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Luisa F. Duarte, María J. Altamirano-Lagos, Jorge H. Tabares-Guevara, Ma. Cecilia Opazo, Máximo Díaz, Romina Navarrete, Catalina Muza, Omar P. Vallejos, Claudia A. Riedel, Susan M. Bueno, Alexis M. Kalergis and Pablo A. González, (2021), Frontiers in Immunology

2. Impact of Hypoxia over Human Viral Infections and Key Cellular Processes. Antonia Reyes, Luisa F. Duarte, Mónica A. Farías, Eduardo Tognarelli, Alexis M. Kalergis, Susan M. Bueno and Pablo A. González, (2021). International Journal of Molecular Sciences. ijms22157954.

3. Herpes simplex virus interference with immunity: Focus on dendritic cells. Mónica A. Farías, Duarte Luisa, Tognarelli Eduardo, Gonzalez Pablo, (2021). Virulence.

4. Crosstalk Between Epithelial Cells, Neurons and Immune Mediators in HSV-1 Skin Infection. Luisa F. Duarte, Antonia Reyes, Mónica A. Farías, Claudia A. Riedel, Susan M. Bueno, Alexis M. Kalergis and Pablo A. González, (2021). Frontiers in Immunology.

5. Modulation of Endosome Function, Vesicle Trafficking and Autophagy by Human Herpesviruses. Eduardo I. Tognarelli, Antonia Reyes, Nicolás Corrales, Leandro J. Carreño, Susan M. Bueno, Alexis M. Kalergis and Pablo A. González, (2021). Cells.

6. Therapeutic uses of natural astaxanthin: An evidence-based review focused on human clinical trials. Andrea Donoso, Javiera Gonzalez-Duran , Andres Agurto Munoz, Pablo A. Gonzalez, Cristian Agurto-Munoz, (2021). Pharmacological Research.

7. Characterization of the anti-inflammatory capacity of IL-10- producing neutrophils in response to Streptococcus pneumoniae infection, Frontiers in Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2021.638917. González LA, Melo-González F, Sebastian P, Vallejos OP, Noguera LP, Suazo IC, Schultz BM, Soto JA, Manosalva AH, Parker D, Riedel CA, González PA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, (2021).

8. Recognition of Variants of Concern by Antibodies and T Cells Induced by a SARS-CoV-2 Inactivated Vaccine, Frontiers in Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2021.747830. Melo-González F, Soto JA, González LA, Fernández J, Duarte LF, Schultz BM, Gálvez NMS, Pacheco GA, Ríos M, Vázquez Y, Rivera-Pérez D, Moreno-Tapia D, Iturriaga C, Vallejos OP, Berríos-Rojas RV, Hoppe-Elsholz G, Urzúa M, Bruneau N, Fasce RA, Mora J, Grifoni A, Sette A, Weiskopf D, Zeng G, Meng W, González-Aramundiz JV, González PA, Abarca K, Ramírez E, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, (2021).

9. Serial Stimulation of Invariant Natural Killer T Cells with Covalently Stabilized Bispecific T-cell Engagers Generates Antitumor Immunity While Avoiding Anergy, Cancer Research. 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-20-2219. Saavedra-Avila NA, Keshipeddy S, Guberman-Pfeffer MJ, Pérez-Gallegos A, Saini NK, Schäfer C, Carreño LJ, Gascón JA, Porcelli SA, Howell AR., (2021).

10. IL-10-Dependent Amelioration of Chronic Inflammatory Disease by Microdose Subcutaneous Delivery of a Prototypic Immunoregulatory Small Molecule. Jorge H. Tabares-Guevara, Julio C. Jaramillo , Laura Ospina-Quintero, Christian A. Piedrahita-Ochoa, Natalia Garcia-Valencia, David E. Bautista-Erazo, Erika Caro-Gomez, Camila Covian, Angello Retamal-Dıaz, Luisa F. Duarte, Pablo A. Gonzalez, Susan M. Bueno, Claudia A. Riedel, Alexis M. Kalergis and Jose R. Ramırez-Pineda, (2021). Frontiers in Immunology.

11. Induction of Trained Immunity by Recombinant Vaccines. Covián C, Ríos M, Berríos-Rojas RV, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. , (2021). Front Immunol. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2020.611946.

12. Immune response during hantavirus diseases: implications for immunotherapies and vaccine design. Saavedra F, Díaz FE, Retamal-Díaz A, Covián C, González PA, Kalergis AM, (2021). Immunology. doi: 10.1111/imm.13322.

13. Contribution of Pro-Inflammatory Molecules Induced by Respiratory Virus Infections to Neurological Disorders. Bohmwald K, Andrade CA, Kalergis AM, (2021). Pharmaceuticals (Basel). doi: 10.3390/ph14040340.

14. Safety and Immunogenicity of an Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine in a Subgroup of Healthy Adults in Chile., Clinical Infectious Diseases. 10.1093/cid/ciab823. Bueno SM*, Abarca K, González PA, Gálvez NMS, Soto JA, Duarte LF, Schultz BM, Pacheco GA, González LA, Vázquez Y, Ríos M, Melo-González F, Rivera-Pérez D, Iturriaga C, Urzúa M, Domínguez A, Andrade CA, Berrios RV, Canedo-Marroquín G, Covián C, Moreno-Tapia D, Saavedra F, Vallejos OP, Donato P, Espinoza P, Fuentes D, González M, Guzmán P, Muñoz-Venturelli P, Pérez CM, Potin M, Rojas Á, Fasce R, Fernández J, Mora J, Ramírez E, Gaete-Argel A, Oyarzún-Arrau A, Valiente-Echeverría F, Soto-Rifo R, Weiskopf D, Sette A, Zeng G, Meng W, González-Aramundiz JV, Kalergis AM, (2021).

15. Extending the endocrine hypertension spectrum: novel nonclassic apparent mineralocorticoid excess. Carvajal CA, Tapia-Castillo A, Fardella CE, (2021). Endocrinology. doi: 10.1007/s12020-021-02783-1.

16. Novel metabolomic profile of subjects with non-classic apparent mineralocorticoid excess., Scientific Reports. 10.1038/s41598-021-96628-6. Tapia-Castillo A, Carvajal CA, López-Cortés X, Vecchiola A, Fardella CE, (2021).

17. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and Adiponectin are associated with metabolic syndrome components. Vecchiola A, García K, González-Gómez LM, Tapia-Castillo A, Artigas R, Baudrand R, Kalergis AM, Carvajal CA, Fardella CE, (2021). American Journal of Hypertension. doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpab138.

18. Lung pathology due to hRSV infection impairs blood-brain barrier permeability enabling astrocyte infection and a long-lasting inflammation in the CNS. Bohmwald K, Soto JA, Andrade-Parra C, Fernández-Fierro A, Espinoza JA, Ríos M, Eugenin EA, González PA, Opazo MC, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, (2021). Brain Behav Immun. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2020.09.021.

19. Respiratory viral infections during pregnancy: effects of SARS-CoV-2 and other related viruses over the offspring. Riedel C, Rivera JC, Canedo-Marroquín G, Kalergis AM, Opazo MC, (2021). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/S2040174420001373.

20. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Apolipoprotein B, Apolipoprotein E, and Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Are Associated With Serum Lipid Levels in Northern Chilean Subjects. A Pilot Study., Front Genet. 10.3389/fgene.2021.640956. Gálvez AS, Ramírez H, Placencia P, Rojas C, Urzúa X, Kalergis AM, Salazar LA, Escobar-Vera J, (2021).

21. Modulation of Adaptive Immunity and Viral Infections by Ion Channels. Modulation of Adaptive Immunity and Viral Infections by Ion Channels., Front Physiol. 10.3389/fphys.2021.736681. Bohmwald K, Gálvez NMS, Andrade CA, Mora VP, Muñoz JT, González PA, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, (2021).

22. Allergens of the urushiol family promote mitochondrial dysfunction by inhibiting the electron transport at the level of cytochromes b and chemically modify cytochrome c 1. Pacheco R, Quezada SA, Kalergis AM, Becker MI, Ferreira J, De Ioannes AE, (2021). Biol Res. doi: 10.1186/s40659-021-00357-z.

23. The double-stranded RNA-binding protein, Staufen1, is an IRES-transacting factor regulating HIV-1 cap-independent translation initiation., Nucleic Acid Research. 10.1093/nar/gkab1188. Ramos H., Monette A. ,Niu M., Barrera A, López-Ulloa B, Fuentes Y., Guizar P., Pino K., DesGroseiller, L., Mouland A.J., López-Lastra M., (2021).

24. New Insights on the Early Interaction Between Typhoid and Non-typhoid Salmonella Serovars and the Host Cells., Frontiers in Microbiology. 10.3389/fmicb.2021.647044. Schultz BM, Melo-Gonzalez F, Salazar GA, Porto BN, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM., (2021).

25. Immune Profile and Clinical Outcome of Breakthrough Cases After Vaccination With an Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine., Frontiers in Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2021.742914. Duarte LF, Gálvez NMS, Iturriaga C, Melo-González F, Soto JA, Schultz BM, Urzúa M, González LA, Vázquez Y, Ríos M, Berríos-Rojas RV, Rivera-Pérez D, Moreno-Tapia D, Pacheco GA, Vallejos OP, Hoppe-Elsholz G, Navarrete MS, Rojas Á, Fasce RA, Fernández J, Mora J, Ramírez E, Zeng G, Meng W, González-Aramundiz JV, González PA, Abarca K, Bueno SM and Kalergis AM, (2021).

26. Effective Treatment against ESBL-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae through Synergism of the Photodynamic Activity of Re (I) Compounds with Beta-Lactams., Pharmaceutics. 10.3390/pharmaceutics13111889. González IA, Palavecino A, Núñez C, Dreyse P, Melo-González F, Bueno SM, Palavecino CE, (2021).

27. Activation of regulator ArcA in the presence of hypochlorite in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium., Biochimie. 10.1016/j.biochi.2020.11.009. Cabezas CE, Laulié AM, Briones AC, Pardo-Esté C, Lorca DE, Cofré AA, Morales EH, Mora AY, Krüger GI, Bueno SM, Hidalgo AA, Saavedra CP, (2021).

28. Type I Natural Killer T Cells as Key Regulators of the Immune Response to Infectious Diseases., Clinical Microbiology Reviews. 10.1128/CMR.00232-20. Gálvez NMS, Bohmwald K, Pacheco GA, Andrade CA, Carreño LJ, Kalergis AM., (2021).

29. Induction of Protective Immunity by a Single Low Dose of a Master Cell Bank cGMP-rBCG-P Vaccine Against the Human Metapneumovirus in Mice. Soto JA, Gálvez NMS, Pacheco GA, Canedo-Marroquín G, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, (2021). Front Cell Infect Microbiol. DOI: 10.3389/fcimb.2021.662714.

30. Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms Modulating Trained Immunity by Various Cell Types in Response to Pathogen Encounter. Front Immunol. 10.3389/fimmu.2021.745332. Acevedo OA, Berrios RV, Rodríguez-Guilarte L, Lillo-Dapremont B, Kalergis AM, (2021).

31. Contribution of Dysregulated DNA Methylation to Autoimmunity. Funes SC, Fernández-Fierro A, Rebolledo-Zelada D, Mackern-Oberti JP, Kalergis AM, (2021). Int J Mol Sci. doi: 10.3390/ijms222111892.

32. The Causes and Long-Term Consequences of Viral Encephalitis. Bohmwald K, Andrade CA, Gálvez NMS, Mora VP, Muñoz JT, Kalergis AM, (2021). Front Cell Neurosci. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2021.755875.

33. Host Components That Modulate the Disease Caused by hMPV. Gálvez NMS, Andrade CA, Pacheco GA, Soto JA, Stranger V, Rivera T, Vásquez AE, Kalergis AM, (2021). Viruses. doi: 10.3390/v13030519.

34. A Recombinant BCG Vaccine Is Safe and Immunogenic in Neonatal Calves and Reduces the Clinical Disease Caused by the Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Front Immunol. 10.3389/fimmu.2021.664212. Díaz FE, Guerra-Maupome M, McDonald PO, Rivera-Pérez D, Kalergis AM, McGill JL, (2021).

35. Bacterial and Viral Coinfections with the Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Pacheco GA, Gálvez NMS, Soto JA, Andrade CA, Kalergis AM, (2021). Microorganisms. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9061293.

36. LDL particle size and antioxidant HDL function improve after sustained virological response in patients with chronic HCV. Annals of Hepatology. 10.1016/j.aohep.2021.100555. Vargas JI, Rivera K, Arrese M, Benitez C, Barrera F, Hugo M, Arab JP, Pino K, Barrera A, Lopez-Lastra M, Rigotti A, Soza A., (2021).

37. The viral nucleocapsid protein and the human RNA-binding protein Mex3A promote translation of the Andes orthohantavirus small mRNA. PLOS Pathogen. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1009931. Vera-Otarola J, Castillo-Vargas E, Angulo J, Barriga FM, Batlle E, Lopez-Lastra M., (2021).

38. The internal ribosome entry site of the Dengue virus mRNA is active when cap-dependent translation initiation is inhibited. Journal of Virology, 10.1128/JVI.01998-20. Fernández-García L, Angulo J, Ramos H, Barrera A, Pino K, Vera-Otarola J, López-Lastra M., (2021).

39. Dysregulated Immune Responses in COVID-19 Patients Correlating With Disease Severity and Invasive Oxygen Requirements. Frontiers Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2021.769059. Garcia- Gonzalez, P., Tempio, F., Fuentes, C., Merino C., Vargas, L., Simon, V., Ramirez-Pereira M., Rojas V., Tobar., E., Landskron, G., Araya JP., Navarrete, M., Bastias C., Tordecilla R., Varas, M., Maturan, P., Marcoleta A., Allende M.L., Naves, R., Hermoso, M., Salazar-Onfray, F., Lopez M.N., Bono M.R., and Osorio, F. , (2021).

40. Invitro Phenotyope induction of Circulating Monocytes CD16 and CD163 Analysis., Journal of inflamation research. 10.2147/JIR.S292513. Karsulovic, C., Tempio F., López M.N., Guerrero, J., and Goecke, A, (2021).

41. The Role of CXCL10 and IL-18 as Markers of Repigmentation Response in Nonsegmental Vitiligo Treated with Narrowband UVB Phototherapy: A Prospective Cohort Study., Journal of investigative Dermatology. 10.1016/j.jid.2020.12.021. Hojman, L., Cabrera, R., Karsulovic, C., Tempio, F., Perez, C., López, M.N., (2021).

42. Aminoguanidine Prevents the Oxidative Stress, Inhibiting Elements of Inflammation, Endothelial Activation, Mesenchymal Markers, and Confers a Renoprotective Effect in Renal Ischemia and Reperfusion Injury. Antioxidants. 10.3390/antiox10111724. Pasten C, Lozano M, Rocco J, Carrión F, Alvarado C, Liberona J, Michea L, Irarrázabal CE., (2021).

43. Effect of Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy on clinical and laboratory biomarkers associated with gastric damage in healthy school-aged children: A randomized non-blinded trial. Lucero Y, Lagomarcino AJ, Torres JP, Roessler P, Mamani N, George SA, Huerta N, González M, O’Ryan G M., (2021). Helicobacter. doi: 10.1111/hel.12853.

44. Safeguarding vaccine production and supply strategies for polio eradication endgame. Bandyopadhyay AS, O’Ryan M., (2021). Lancet Reg Health West Pac. doi: 10.1016/j.lanwpc.2021.100159.

45. Helicobacter pylori, clinical, laboratory, and noninvasive biomarkers suggestive of gastric damage in healthy school-aged children: A case-control study. Lucero Y, Lagomarcino AJ, Torres JP, Roessler P, Mamani N, George S, Huerta N, Gonzalez M, O’Ryan M., (2021). Int J Infect Dis. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2020.11.202.

46. Attended Automated Office Blood Pressure Measurement Versus Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in a Primary Healthcare Setting in Chile. South Medical Journal. 10.14423/SMJ.0000000000001206. Michea L , Toro L, Alban N , Contreras D , Morgado P, Paccot M, Escobar MC , Lorca E, (2021).

47. Glutathione S-Transferase and Clusterin, New Players in the Ischemic Preconditioning Renal Protection in a Murine Model of Ischemia and Reperfusion. Cellular Physiology & Biochemistry. 10.33594/000000442. Pasten C, Herrera-Luna Y, Lozano M, Rocco J, Alvarado C, Liberona J, Michea L, Irarrázabal CE, (2021).

48. Dynamic IgG seropositivity after rollout of CoronaVac and BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccines in Chile: a sentinel surveillance study. Sauré D, O’Ryan M, Torres JP, Zuniga M, Santelices E, Basso LJ, (2021). Lancet Infect Dis. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(21)00479-5.

49. The burden of norovirus disease in children: a multi-country study in Chile, Brazil, Thailand and the Philippines. Safadi MA, Riera-Montes M, Bravo L, Tangsathapornpong A, Lagos R, Thisyakorn U, Linhares AC, Capeding R, Prommalikit O, Verstraeten T, O’Ryan M. , (2021). Int J Infect Dis. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2021.06.037.

50. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Antibody Prevalence in Blood in a Large School Community Subject to a Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak: A Cross-sectional Study. Torres JP, Piñera C, De La Maza V, Lagomarcino AJ, Simian D, Torres B, Urquidi C, Valenzuela MT, O’Ryan M., (2021). Clin Infect Dis. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa955.

51. Norovirus: Facts and Reflections from Past, Present, and Future. Lucero, Y.; Matson, D.O.; Ashkenazi, S.; George, S.; O’Ryan, M. , (2021). Viruses. 10.3390/v13122399.

52. The Role of Serology Testing in the Context of Immunization Policies for COVID-19 in Latin American Countries. dos Santos Ferreira, C.E.; Gómez-Dantés, H.; Junqueira Bellei, N.C.; López, E.; Nogales Crespo, K.A.; O’Ryan, M.; Villegas, J. , (2021). Viruses. 10.3390/v13122391.

53. Cancer research in Latin America, 2014-2019, and its disease burden, Journal of Scientometric Res. 10.5530/jscires.10.1s.19. Lewison G., Owen GI., Gomez H., Cazap E., Murillo R., Saldaña KU., Dreyer M., Tsunoda A., Jimenez de la Jara J., (2021).

54. Mechanobiology of autophagy: The unexplored side of cancer., Frontiers in Oncology. 10.3389/fonc.2021.632956. Hérnandez-Cáceres MP., Muñoz L., Pradenas JM., Pena F., Lagos P., Aceiton P., Owen GI., Morselli E., Criollo A., Ravasio A., Bertocchi C., (2021).

55. Thyroid Gene Mutations in Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women Diagnosed With Transient Congenital Hypothyroidism: Implications for the Offspring’s Health., Frontiers in endocrinology. 10.3389/fendo.2021.679002. Opazo MC, Rivera JC, Gonzalez PA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, Riedel CA, (2021).

56. C-type lectin receptors MR and DC-SIGN are involved in recognition of hemocyanins, shaping their immunostimulatory effects on human dendritic cells. Villar J, Salazar ML, Jiménez JM, Campo MD, Manubens A, Gleisner MA, Ávalos I, Salazar-Onfray F, Salazar F, Mitchell DA, Alshahrani MY, Martínez-Pomares L, Becker MI, (2021). European Journal of Immunology. DOI: 10.1002/eji.202149225.

57. A case-control study of a combination of single nucleotide polymorphism and clinical parameters to predict clinically relevant toxicity associated with fluoropyrimidine and platinum-based chemotherapy in gastric cancer., BMC Cancer. 10.1186/s12885-021-08745-0. Cordova-Delgado M., Nravo ML., Cumsille E., Hill CN., Muñoz-Medel M., Pinto MP., Retamal IN., Lavanderos MA., Miquel JF., Rodriguez-Fernandez M., Liao Y., Li Z., Corvalán AH., Armisén R., Garrido M., Quiñones LA., Owen GI., (2021).

58. CD73 Ectonucleotidase Restrains CD8+ T Cell Metabolic Fitness and Anti-tumoral Activity, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 10.3389/fcell.2021.638037. Briceño P, Rivas-Yañez E, Rosemblatt MV, Parra-Tello B, Farías P, Vargas L, Simon V, Cárdenas C, Lladser A, Salazar-Onfray F, Elorza AA, Rosemblatt M, Bono MR, Sauma D., (2021).

59. The Evaluation of 17 Gastrointestinal Tumor Markers Reveals Prognosis Value for MUC6, CK17, and CD10 in Gallbladder-Cancer Patients. Carrasco C, Tittarelli A, Paillaleve N, Pozo MD, Rojas-Sepúlveda D, Barría O, Fluxá P, Hott M, Martin C, Quezada C, Salazar-Onfray F., (2021). Diagnostics (Basel). doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11020153.

60. Immunosuppressive Mechanisms of Regulatory B Cells, Frontiers in Immunology. 16643224, 10.3389/fimmu.2021.611795. Catalán D, Mancilla MA, Ferrier A, Soto L, Oleinika K, Aguillón JC, Aravena O. , (2021).

61. Comparing Approaches to Normalize, Quantify, and Characterize Urinary Extracellular Vesicles. J Am Soc Nephrol. 1555-9041, 10.1681 / ASN.2020081142. Charles J. Blijdorp , Omar A. Z. Tutakhel , Thomas A. Hartjes, Thierry P. P. van den Bosch,Martijn H. van Heugten, Juan Pablo Rigalli, Rob Willemsen,Usha M. Musterd-Bhaggoe, Eric R. Barros, Roger Carles-Fontana,Cristian A. Carvajal , Onno J. Arntz, Fons A. J. van de Loo, Guido Jenster,Marian C. Clahsen-van Groningen, Cathy A. Cuevas, David Severs, Robert A. Fenton,Martin E. van Royen , Joost G. J. Hoenderop , René J. M. Bindels , andEwout J. Hoorn “, (2021).

62. Extracellular vesicles regulate purinergic signaling and epithelial sodium channel expression in renal collecting duct cells. The Faseb Journal. 0892-6638, 10.1096/fj.202002559R. Eric R. Barros Lamus, Valentina Carotti,Christine R. S. de Vries, Femke Witsel,Onno J. Arntz, Fons A. J. van de Loo, Cristian A. Carvajal, René J. M. Bindels,Joost G. J. Hoendero, Juan P. Rigalli, (2021).

63. Proteomic Profile of Urinary Extracellular Vesicles Identifies AGP1 as a Potential Biomarker of Primary Aldosteronism. Endocrinology. 1365-2265, 10.1210/endocr/bqab032. Barros ER, Rigalli JP, Tapia-Castillo A, Vecchiola A, Young MJ, Hoenderop JGJ, Bindels RJM, Fardella CE, Carvajal CA, (2021).

64. Serum alpha-1-acid glycoprotein-1 and urinary extracellular vesicle miR-21-5p as potential biomarkers of primary aldosteronism. Frontiers in Immunology. 1664-3224, 10.3389/fimmu.2021.768734. Carvajal CA. Tapia-Castillo A, Perez J, Fardella CE, (2021).

65. Primary aldosteronism, aldosterone and extracellular vesicles. Endocrinology. 1365-2265, Carvajal CA. Tapia-Castillo A, Perez J, Fardella CE, (2021).

66. Aldosterone and renin concentration were abnormally elevated in a cohort of normotensive pregnant women. Endocrinology. 1365-2265, 10.1007/s12020-021-02938-0. Pasten V, Tapia-Castillo A, Fardella CE, Leiva A, Carvajal CA, (2021).

67. Respiratory viral infections during pregnancy: effects of SARS-CoV-2 and other related viruses over the offspring. International Society for Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. 2040-1744, Riedel C, Rivera JC, Canedo-Marroquín G, Kalergis AM, Opazo MC, (2021).

68. Role of inflammation in hypertension. Revista Medica de Chile, 10.4067/s0034-98872021000200255. Prat H, Araos P, Michea L., (2021).

69. Herpes Simplex Viruses Type 1 and Type 2 Infection and Immunity. Antonia Reyes, Mónica A. Farías, Nicolás Corrales, Eduardo Tognarelli, Pablo A.González, (2021). Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences.

70. Interim Report: safety and immunogenicity of an inactivated vaccine 2 against SARS-CoV2 in healthy Chilean adults in a phase 3 clinical trial. MedRxiv, 10.1101/2021.03.31.21254494. Bueno SM*, Abarca K, González PA, Gálvez NMS, Soto JA, Duarte LF, Schultz BM, Pacheco GA, González LA, Vázquez Y, Ríos M, Melo-González F, Rivera-Pérez D, Iturriaga C, Urzúa M, Dominguez A, Andrade CA, Berrios RV, Canedo-Marroquín G, Covián C, Moreno-Tapia D, Saavedra F, Vallejos OP, Donato P, Espinoza P, Fuentes D, González M, Guzmán P, Muñoz-Venturelli P, Pérez CM, Potin M, Rojas A, Fasce R, Fernández J, Mora J, Ramírez E, Gaete-Argel A, Oyarzún-Arrau A, Valiente-Echeverría F, Soto-Rifo R, Weiskopf D, Sette A, Zeng G, Meng W, González-Aramundiz JV, Kalergis AM*, (2021).

71. A booster dose of an inactivated vaccine increases neutralizing antibodies and T cell responses against SARS-CoV-2. MedRxiv, 10.1101/2021.11.16.21266350. Schultz BM, Melo-González F, Duarte LF, Gálvez NMS, Pacheco GA, Soto JA, Berríos-Rojas RV, González LA, Moreno-Tapia D, Rivera-Pérez D, Hoppe-Elsholz G, Iturriaga C, Ríos M, Vallejos OP, Urzúa M, Vázquez Y, Navarrete MS, Rojas A, Weiskopf D, Sette A, Zeng G, Meng W, CoronaVac03CL Study Group, González-Aramundiz JV, González PA, Abarca K, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, (2021).

72. Lung pathology due to hRSV infection impairs blood–brain barrier permeability enabling astrocyte infection and a long-lasting inflammation in the CNS Karen Bohmwald, Jorge A. Soto, Catalina Andrade-Parra, Ayleen Fernández-Fierro, Janyra A. Espinozaa, Mariana Ríos, Eliseo A. Eugenin, Pablo A. González, María Cecilia Opazo, Claudia A. Riedel, Alexis M. Kalergis. Brain, Behaviour and Immunity

Publicaciones 2020

1. The Internal Ribosome Entry Site of Dengue Virus mRNA Is Active When Cap-Dependent Translation Initiation Is Inhibited. Leandro Fernández-García, Jenniffer Angulo, Hade Ramos, Aldo Barrera, Karla Pino, Jorge Vera-Otarola,. Marcelo López-Lastraa. J Virol 95:e01998-20.

2. Lung pathology due to hRSV infection impairs blood–brain barrier permeability enabling astrocyte infection and a long-lasting inflammation in the CNS Karen Bohmwald, Jorge A. Soto, Catalina Andrade-Parra, Ayleen Fernández-Fierro, Janyra A. Espinozaa, Mariana Ríos, Eliseo A. Eugenin, Pablo A. González, María Cecilia Opazo, Claudia A. Riedel, Alexis M. Kalergis. Brain, Behaviour and Immunity

3. ICD-10 coded hospitalizations due to drug hypersensitivity: A nationwide study from Chile Juan J. Escobar, BS, Raquel Aguilera-Insunz, MD, MMS, Arturo Borzutzky, MD, and Rodrigo Hoyos-Bachiloglu, MD, MMSc. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice2020 Mar;8(3):1156-1158.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2019.10.012. Epub 2019 Oct 31.

4. Repertoire and Diversity of Toxin–Antitoxin Systems of Crohn’s Disease-Associated Adherent-Invasive Escherichia coli. New Insight of This Emergent E. coli Pathotype. Paula Bustamante and Roberto Vidal. Front. Microbiol. 11:807. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00807.

5. Human Norovirus Proteins: Implications in the Replicative Cycle, Pathogenesis, and the Host Immune Response., Frontiers in Immunology. 1664-3224, 10.3389/fimmu.2020.00961 Campillay-Véliz CP, Carvajal JJ, Avellaneda AM, Escobar D, Covián C, Kalergis AM, Lay MK, (2020).

6. Current antivirals and novel botanical molecules interfering with herpes simplex virus infection., Fontiers in Microbiology. 1664-302X, DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00139. Alvarez DM, Castillo E, Duarte LF, Arriagada J, Corrales N, Farías MA, Henríquez A, Agurto-Muñoz A, González PA, (2020).

7. Antibody development for preventing the human respiratory syncytial virus pathology., Molecular Medicine. 1076-1551, 10.1186/s10020-020-00162-6. Soto JA, Gálvez NMS, Pacheco GA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, (2020).

8. Anti-herpetic Activity of Macrocystis pyrifera and Durvillaea antarctica Algae Extracts Against HSV-1 and HSV-2., Frontiers in Microbiology. 1664-302X, 10.3389/fmicb.2020.02006. Castillo E, Duarte LF, Corrales N, Álvarez DM, Farías MA, Henríquez A, Smith PC, Agurto-Muñoz C, González PA, (2020).

9. Cetylpyridinium chloride blocks herpes simplex virus replication in gingival fibroblasts., Antiviral Research. 0166-3542, 10.1016/j.antiviral.2020.104818. Álvarez DM, Duarte LF, Corrales N, Smith PC, González PA, (2020).

10. Immunoglobulins concentration and B cell counts as severity markers in adult community-acquired pneumonia: Cross sectional study, Medicine. 0025-7974, 10.1097/MD.0000000000022390. Vivian Luchsinger, Luis Lizama, María Luisa Garmendia, Fabián Tempio, Mauricio Ruiz, Rolando Pizarro, Patricio Rossi, Lucía Huenchur, Cristian Moreno, Mercedes López, Sandra Ampuero, Carmen Larrañaga, Luis Fidel Avendaño, (2020).

11. Amide-Linked C4″-Saccharide Modification of KRN7000 Provides Potent Stimulation of Human Invariant NKT Cells and Anti-Tumor Immunity in a Humanized Mouse Model, ACS Chemical Biology. 1554-8929, 10.1021/acschembio.0c00707. Saavedra-Avila NA, Keshipeddy S, Guberman-Pfeffer MJ, Pérez-Gallegos A, Saini NK, Schäfer C, Carreño LJ, Gascón JA, Porcelli SA, Howell AR, (2020).

12. Classic and Nonclassic Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess Syndrome., The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 0021-972X, 10.1210/clinem/dgz315. Carvajal CA, Tapia-Castillo A, Vecchiola A, Baudrand R, Fardella CE., (2020).

13. Contribution of hypoxia inducible factor-1 during viral infections., VIRULENCE. 2150-5594, 10.1080/21505594.2020.1836904. Reyes A, Corrales N, Gálvez NMS, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, González PA, (2020).

14. Current Insights in the Development of Efficacious Vaccines Against RSV, Frontiers in Immunology. 1664-3224, 10.3389/fimmu.2020.01507. Jorge A. Soto, Laura M. Stephens, Kody A. Waldstein, Gisela Canedo-Marroquín, Steven M. Vargas, Alexis M. Kalergis, (2020).

15. Deciphering Additional Roles for the EF-Tu, l-Asparaginase II and OmpT Proteins of Shiga Toxin-ProducingEscherichia coli, Microorganisms. 2076-2607, 10.3390/microorganisms8081184 Torres, AN; Chamorro-Veloso, N; Costa, P; Cadiz, L; Del Canto, F; Venegas, SA; Nitsche, ML; Coloma-Rivero, RF; Montero, DA; Vidal, RM, (2020).

16. A heat-shocked melanoma cell lysate vaccine enhances tumor infiltration by prototypic effector T cells inhibiting tumor growth, Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer. 2051-1426, 10.1136/jitc-2020-000999. María Alejandra Gleisner, Cristián Pereda, Andrés Tittarelli, Mariela Navarrete, Camila Fuentes, Ignacio Ávalos, Fabian Tempio, Juan Pablo Araya, María Inés Becker, Fermín Eduardo González, Mercedes Natalia López, Flavio Salazar-Onfray, (2020).

17. Eplerenone implantation improved adipose dysfunction averting RAAS activation and cell division, Frontiers in Endocrinology. 1664-2392, 10.3389/fendo.2020.00223. Andrea Vecchiola, Cristobal A. Fuentes, Isidora Solar, Carlos F. Lagos, Maria Cecilia Opazo, Natalia Muñoz-Durango, Claudia A. Riedel, Gareth I. Owen, Alexis M. Kalergis, Carlos E. Fardella, (2020).

18. Evaluation of the chemopreventive potentials of ezetimibe and aspirin in a novel mouse model of gallbladder preneoplasia, Molecular oncology. 1574-7891, 10.1002/1878-0261.12766. Lorena Rosa, Lorena Lobos-González, Natalia Muñoz-Durango, Patricia García, Carolina Bizama, Natalia Gómez, Ximena González, Ignacio A Wichmann, Nicolás Saavedra, Francisca Guevara, Jaime Villegas, Marco Arrese, Catterina Ferreccio, Alexis M Kalergis, Juan Francisco Miquel, Jaime A Espinoza, Juan C Roa, (2020).

19. Flow Cytometry Evaluation of Gap Junction-Mediated Intercellular Communication Between Cytotoxic T Cells and Target Tumor Cells., Methods in Molecular Biology. 1064-374, 10.1007/7651_2020_326. Navarrete M., Salazar-Onfray F., Tittarelli A., (2020).

20. Detection of a novel severe mutation affecting the CYP21A2 gene in a Chilean male with salt wasting congenital adrenal hyperplasia., Endocrine. 1355-008X, 10.1007/s12020-019-02097-3. Arteaga E, Valenzuela F, Lagos CF, Lagos M, Martinez A, Baudrand R, Carvajal C, Fardella CE, (2020).

21. Development and analytical validation of real-time PCR for the detection of Streptococcus agalactiae in pregnant women, BioMed Central pregnancy and childbirth. 1471-2393, 10.1186/s12884-020-03038-z. Daniel F Escobar, Diego A Diaz-Dinamarca, Carlos F Hernández, Daniel A Soto, Ricardo A Manzo, Pedro I Alarcón, Camila H Pinto, Diego N Bastias, Carolayn N Oberg-Bravo, Robert Rojas, Sebastián E Illanes, Alexis M Kalergis, Abel E Vasquez, (2020).

22. Distribution of Locus of Adhesion and Autoaggregation and hes Gene in STEC Strains from Countries of Latin America, CURRENT MICROBIOLOGY. 0343-8651;1432-0991, 10.1007/s00284-020-02062-8. Velez, MV; Colello, R; Etcheverria, AI; Vidal, RM; Montero, DA; Acuna, P; Fretes, RMG; Toro, M; Padola, NL, (2020).

23. Novel Aspects of Extracellular Vesicles in the Regulation of Renal Physiological and Pathophysiological Processes, Frontiers in cell and developmental biology. 2296-634X, 10.3389/fcell.2020.00244. Juan Pablo Rigalli, Eric Raul Barros, Vera Sommers, René J. M. Bindels and Joost G. J. Hoenderop, (2020).

24. Peripheral Blood Classical Monocytes and Plasma Interleukin 10 Are Associated to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Response in Breast Cancer Patients, Frontiers in Immunology. 1664-3224, 10.3389/fimmu.2020.01413. Javier Valdés-Ferrada, Natalia Muñoz-Durango, Alejandra Pérez-Sepulveda,Sabrina Muñoz, Irenice Coronado-Arrázola, Francisco Acevedo, Jorge A. Soto, Susan M. Bueno, Cesar Sánchez, Alexis M. Kalergis, (2020).

25. TCR Repertoire Characterization for T Cells Expanded in Response to hRSV Infection in Mice Immunized with a Recombinant BCG Vaccine, Viruses. 1999-4915, 10.3390/v12020233. Emma Rey-Jurado, Karen Bohmwald, Hernán G Correa, Alexis M Kalergis, (2020).

26. Pharmacological management of human respiratory syncytial virus infection, Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy. 1465-6566;1744-7666, 10.1080/14656566.2020.1806821. Alexis M Kalergis , Jorge A Soto, Nicolás M S Gálvez, Catalina A Andrade, Ayleen Fernandez, Karen Bohmwald, Susan M Bueno, (2020).

27. Horizontally Acquired Homologs of Xenogeneic Silencers: Modulators of Gene Expression Encoded by Plasmids, Phages and Genomic Islands., Genes. 2073-4425, 10.3390/genes11020142 . Piña-Iturbe A, Suazo ID, Hoppe-Elsholz G, Ulloa-Allendes D, González PA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, (2020).

28. Innate Immune Components that Regulate the Pathogenesis and Resolution of hRSV and hMPV Infections., Viruses. 1999-4915, 10.3390/v12060637 Andrade CA, Pacheco GA, Gálvez NMS, Soto JA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, (2020),

29. L-Arginine Enhances Intracellular Killing of Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 by Murine Neutrophils, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 2235-2988, 10.3389/fcimb.2020.571771 . Peñaloza HF, Ahn D, Schultz BM, Piña-Iturbe A, González LA, Bueno SM, (2020).

30. Urinary sodium-to- potassium ratio and plasma renin and aldosterone concentrations in normotensive children: implications for the interpretation of results., J Hypertens. 2020, Apr;38(4):671-678. 0263-6352, 10.1097/HJH.0000000000002324. Martinez-Aguayo AG, Campino C, Rodriguez-Fernandez M, Poggi H, D’apremont I, Moore R, Garcia H, Solari S, Allende F, Peredo S, Trincado C, Carvajal C, Arancibia M, Ossa JT, Sifaqui S, Fardella CE, Baudrand R, (2020).

31. Mucosal Vaccination with Lactococcus lactis-Secreting Surface Immunological Protein Induces Humoral and Cellular Immune Protection against Group B Streptococcus in a Murine Model, Vaccines. 2076-393X, 10.3390/vaccines8020146 Diego A Diaz-Dinamarca, Carlos Hernandez, Daniel F Escobar, Daniel A Soto, Guillermo A Muñoz, Jesús F Badilla, Ricardo A Manzo, Flavio Carrión, Alexis M Kalergis, Abel E Vasquez, (2020).

32. Naturally Derived Heme-Oxygenase 1 Inducers and Their Therapeutic Application to Immune-Mediated Diseases, Frontiers in immunology. 1664-3224, 10.3389/fimmu.2020.01467. Funes SC, Rios M, Fernández-Fierro A, Covián C, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Mackern-Oberti JP, Kalergis AM, (2020).

33. The impact of the micronutrient iodine in health, Critical reviews in food science and nutrition. 1040-8398, 10.1080/10408398.2020.1843398. Opazo MC, Coronado-Arrázola I, Vallejos OP, Moreno-Reyes R, Fardella C, Mosso L, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, (2020).

34. Hypoxic Melanoma Cells Deliver microRNAs to Dendritic Cells and Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes through Connexin-43 Channels, International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 1422-0067, 10.3390/ijms21207567. Andrés Tittarelli, Mariela Navarrete, Marcelo Lizana, Francisca Hofmann-Vega, Flavio Salazar-Onfray, (2020).

35. ICD-10 coded hospitalizations due to drug hypersensitivity: A nationwide study from Chile., The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice. 2213-2198, 10.1016/j.jaip.2019.10.012. Escobar JJ, Aguilera-Insunza R, Borzutzky A, Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, (2020).

36. Immunization of mice with chimeric antigens displaying selected epitopes confers protection against intestinal colonization and renal damage caused by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, nature partner journals Vaccines. 2059-0105, 10.1038/s41541-020-0168-7. Montero D.A., Del Canto F., Salazar J.C., Céspedes S., Cádiz L., Arenas-Salinas M., Reyes J., Oñate Á., Vidal R.M., (2020).

37. Increasing food allergies in Chile, a developing country post-epidemiological transition., Pediatr Allergy Immunology. 0905-6157, 10.1111/pai.13225. Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, Escobar JJ, Cifuentes C, Aguilera-Insunza R, Morales PS, Borzutzky A, (2020).

38. Inverse Relationship Between Alzheimer’s Disease and Cancer: How Immune Checkpoints Might Explain the Mechanisms Underlying Age-Related Diseases, Journal Alzheimer Diseases. 1387-2877, 10.3233/JAD-190839. Nicole K Rogers, Cesar Romero, Carol D SanMartín, Daniela P Ponce, Felipe Salech, Mercedes N López, Alejandra Gleisner, Fabián Tempio, María I Behrens, (2020).

39. Respiratory viral infections during pregnancy: effects of SARS-CoV2 and other related viruses over the offspring, Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 10.1017/S2040174420001373. Claudia Riedel, Juan Carlos Rivera, Gisela Canedo-Marroquín, Alexis M. Kalergis and Ma. Cecilia Opazo, (2020).

40. Genomic characterization of the non-O1/non-O139 Vibrio cholerae strain that caused a gastroenteritis outbreak in Santiago, Chile, 2018, Mkicrobial Genomics. 2057-5858, 10.1099/mgen.0.000340. Arteaga M, Velasco J, Rodriguez S, Vidal M, Arellano C, Silva F, Carreño LJ, Vidal R, Montero DA, (2020).

41. Type I Natural Killer T Cells as Key Regulators of the Immune Response to Infectious Diseases, Clinical microbiology reviews. 0893-8512, 10.1128/CMR.00232-20. Nicolás M S Gálvez, Karen Bohmwald, Gaspar A Pacheco, Catalina A Andrade, Leandro J Carreño, Alexis M Kalergis, (2020).

42. mTORC inhibitor Sirolimus deprograms monocytes in “cytokine storm” in SARS-CoV2 secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis- like syndrome, Journal Clinical Immunology. 1521-6616, 10.1016/j.clim.2020.108539. Claudio Karsulovic, Mercedes Lopez, Fabian Tempio, Julia Guerrero, Annelise Goecke, (2020).

43. The Role of Dendritic Cells During Infections Caused by Highly Prevalent Viruses., Frontiers in Immunology. 1664-3224, 10.3389/fimmu.2020.01513. Soto JA, Gálvez NMS, Andrade CA, Pacheco GA, Bohmwald K, Berrios RV, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, (2020).

44. New Insights on the Role of Lipid Metabolism in the Metabolic Reprogramming of Macrophages, Frontiers in Immunology. 1664-3224, 10.3389/fimmu.2019.02993. Ana Batista-Gonzalez, Roberto Vidal, Alfredo Criollo and Leandro J. Carreño, (2020).

45. Ten years of molecular epidemiology surveillance of Listeria monocytogenes in Chile, Food Microbiology. 0740-0020, 10.1016/ Paduro C, Montero DA, Chamorro N, Carreño LJ, Vidal M, Vidal R, (2020).

46. Repertoire and Diversity of Toxin – Antitoxin Systems of Crohn’s Disease-Associated Adherent-Invasive Escherichia coli. New Insight of This Emergent E. coli Pathotype, FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY. 1664-302X, 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00807. Bustamante, P; Vidal, R, (2020).

47. Rho-kinase pathway activation and apoptosis in circulating leucocytes in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction., Journal of cell and molecular medicine. 1582-1838, 10.1111/jcmm.14819. Ocaranza MP, Moya J, Jalil JE, Lavandero S, Kalergis AM, Molina C, Gabrielli L, Godoy I, Córdova S, Castro P, Mac Nab P, Rossel V, García L, González J, Mancilla C, Fierro C, Farías L., (2020).

48. Study of a classification algorithm for AIEC identification in geographically distinct E. coli strains, Scientific Reports. 2045-2322, 10.1038/s41598-020-64894-5. Camprubi-Font, C; Bustamante, P; Vidal, RM; O’Brien, CL; Barnich, N; Martinez-Medina, M, (2020).

49. Role of CXCL10 and IL-18 as markers of repigmentation response in non-segmental vitiligo treated with narrowband-UVB phototherapy: a prospective cohort study, Journal Investigative dermatology. 0022-202X, in process. Hojjman Lia; Cabrera, Raul; Karsulovic, Claudio Antonio; Tempio, Fabian; Perez, Claudio; Lopez, Mercedes, (2020).

50. SARS-CoV-2: Immune Response Elicited by Infection and Development of Vaccines and Treatments, Frontiers in Immunology. 1058-4838, 10.1093/cid/ciaa955. Gisela Canedo-Marroquín, Farides Saavedra, Catalina A Andrade, Roslye V Berrios, Linmar Rodríguez-Guilarte, María C Opazo, Claudia A Riedel, Alexis M Kalergis, (2020).

51. Safety and immunogenicity evaluation of recombinant BCG vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase I clinical trial, EClinicalMedicine. 2589-5370, 10.1016/j.eclinm.2020.100517. Katia Abarca, Emma Rey-Jurado, Natalia Muñoz-Durango, Yaneisi Vázquez, Jorge A Soto, Nicolás M S Gálvez, Javier Valdés-Ferrada, Carolina Iturriaga, Marcela Urzúa, Arturo Borzutzky, Jaime Cerda, Luis Villarroel, Victoria Madrid, Pablo A González, José V González-Aramundiz, Susan M Bueno, Alexis M Kalergis, (2020).

52. A molecular stratification of Chilean gastric cancer patients with potential clinical applicability, Cancers. 2072-6694, 10.3390/cancers12071863. Mauricio P. Pinto, Miguel Córdova-Delgado, Ignacio N. Retamal, Matías Muñoz-Medel, M.Loreto Bravo, Doris Duran, Francisco Villanueva, César Sanchez, Francisco Acevedo, Sebastián Mondaca, Erica Koch, Carolina Ibañez, Héctor Galindo, Jorge Madrid, Bruno Nervi, José Peña, Javiera Torres, Gareth I. Owen, Alejandro H. Corvalán, Ricardo Armisén, Marcelo Garrido, (2020).

53. Chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis in children: a multicenter case series., Rheumatol Int. 0172-8172, 10.1007/s00296-019-04400-x. Concha S, Hernández-Ojeda A, Contreras O, Mendez C, Talesnik E, Borzutzky A, (2020).

54. Cap-independent translation initiation of the unspliced RNA of retroviruses, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Gene Regulatory Mechanisms. 1874-9399, 10.1016/j.bbagrm.2020.194583. Aldo Barrera, Valeria Olguín, JorgeVera-Otarola, Marcelo López-Lastra, (2020).

55. Connexin-Mediated Signaling at the Immunological Synapse, International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 1422-0067, 10.3390/ijms21103736. Andrés Tittarelli, Mariela Navarrete, María Alejandra Gleisner, Peter Gebicke-Haerter and Flavio Salazar-Onfray, (2020).

56. Coronavirus Disease-19: An Interim Evidence Synthesis of the World Association for Infectious Diseases and Immunological Disorders (Waidid)., Front Med (Lausanne. 2296-858X, 10.3389/fmed.2020.572485. Abu-Raya B, Migliori GB, O’Ryan M, Edwards K, Torres A, Alffenaar JW, Märtson AG, Centis R, D’Ambrosio L, Flanagan K, Hung I, Lauretani F, Leung CC, Leuridan E, Maertens K, Maggio MG, Nadel S, Hens N, Niesters H, Osterhaus A, Pontali E, Principi N, Rossato Silva D, Omer S, Spanevello A, Sverzellati N, Tan T, Torres-Torreti JP, Visca D, Esposito S, (2020),

57. Could BCG Vaccination Induce Protective Trained Immunity for SarsCov 2., Frontiers in Immunology. 1664-3224, 10.3389/fimmu.2020.00970. Camila Covián, Angello Retamal-Díaz, Susan M. Bueno and Alexis M. Kalergis, (2020).

58. Deciphering the role of the coagulation cascade and autophafy in cancer-related thrombosis and metastasis, Frontiers Oncology. 2234-943X, 10.3389/fonc.2020.605314. Charlotte Nicole Hill, Maria Paz Hernández-Cáceres, Catalina Asencio, Begoña Torres, Benjamin Solis, Gareth I Owen, (2020).

59. Early origins of allergy and asthma (ARIES): study protocol for a prospective prenatal birth cohort in Chile., BMC Pediatrics. 1471-2431, 10.1186/s12887-020-02077-x. Hernández CD, Casanello P, Harris PR, Castro-Rodríguez JA, Iturriaga C, Perez-Mateluna G, Farías M, Urzúa M, Hernandez C, Serrano C, Sandoval M, Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, Uauy R, Borzutzky A, (2020).

60. Gastric Damage and Cancer-Associated Biomarkers in Helicobacter pylori-Infected Children., Front Microbiol. 1664-302X, 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00090. George S, Lucero Y, Torres JP, Lagomarcino AJ, O’Ryan M, (2020).

61. Global Perspectives on Immunization During Pregnancy and Priorities for Future Research and Development: An International Consensus Statement. Front Immunol. 1664-3224, 10.3389/fimmu.2020.01282. Abu-Raya B, Maertens K, Edwards KM, Omer SB, Englund JA, Flanagan KL, Snape MD, Amirthalingam G, Leuridan E, Damme PV, Papaevangelou V, Launay O, Dagan R, Campins M, Cavaliere AF, Frusca T, Guidi S, O’Ryan M, Heininger U, Tan T, Alsuwaidi AR, Safadi MA, Vilca LM, Wanlapakorn N, Madhi SA, Giles ML, Prymula R, Ladhani S, Martinón-Torres F, Tan L, Michelin L, Scambia G, Principi N, Esposito S, (2020).

62. Infectious and non‐infectious diseases burden among Haitian immigrants in Chile: a cross‐sectional study., Nature Scientific reports. 2045-2322, 10.1038/s41598-020-78970-3. Francisco Fuster, Felipe Peirano, José Ignacio Vargas, Francisco Xavier Zamora, Marcelo López‐Lastra, Ruth Núñez, Jacinta Soza, Katherine González, Denisse Estay, Beatrice Barchiesi, Antonieta Fuster, Ignacia López, Nicolás Utrera, Jorge Landeros, Javiera Chandía, Angela Paredes, Daniela Reyes, Rodrigo Arias, Luis Padilla,Hernán Suárez, Katia Farcas, Macarena Cannistra, Geraldine Muñoz, Ignacio Rodríguez, Ivana Ormazábal, Josefina Cortés, Bárbara Cornejo, Franco Manzur, Antonia Reyes, Vicente Leiva, María Victoria Raimann, Catalina Arrau, Valentina Cox, Alejandro Soza, (2020).

63. Post-translational modifications of hnRNP A1 differentially modulate retroviral IRES-mediated translation initiation, Nucleic Acid Research. 0305-1048, 10.1093/nar/gkaa765. Aldo Barrera, Hade Ramos, Jorge Vera-Otarola, Leandro Fernández-Garcıa, Jenniffer Angulo, Valeria Olguíın, Karla Pino, Andrew J. Mouland Marcelo López-Lastra, (2020).

64. Helicobacter pylori, clinical, laboratory and noninvasive biomarkers suggestive of gastric damage in healthy school-aged children: a case-control study, International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 1201-9712, 10.1016/j.ijid.2020.11.202. Yalda Lucero, Anne J Lagomarcino, Juan P Torres, PatriciaRoessler, Nora Mamani, Sergio George, Nicole Huerta, Monica Gonzalez, Miguel O’Ryan G, (2020).

65. The Andes Orthohantavirus NSs Protein Antagonizes the Type I Interferon Response by Inhibiting MAVS Signaling, Journal of Virology. 0022-538X, 10.1128/JVI.00454-20. Jorge Vera-Otarola, Loretto Solis, Fernando Lowy, Valeria Olguín, Jenniffer Angulo, Karla Pino, Nicole D Tischler, Carola Otth Paula Padula, Marcelo López-Lastra, (2020).

66. The impact of the potential antitumor agent 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl) amino-1,4-naphthoquinone (Q7) on vasomotion is mediated by the vascular endothelium, but not vascular smooth muscle cell metabolism, Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology. 0160-2446, 10.1097/FJC.0000000000000940. Javier Palacios, Julio Benites, Gareth Owen, Pablo Morales, Mario Chiong, Chukwuemeka Nwokocha, Adrian Paredes, Fredi Cifuentes, (2020).

67. Mandatory notifications of type 1 diabetes incident cases in Chilean children, 2006-2014: a population-based study, Pediatric Diabetes. 1399-543X, 10.1111/pedi.12937. Garfias CP, Borzutzky A, Ugarte MF, Garcia HJ, Phingsthorn M, Garcia HG, (2020).

68. Maternal H. pylori is associated with differential fecal microbiota in infants born by vaginal delivery., Scientific Reports. 2045-2322, 10.1038/s41598-020-64296-7. Hernandez CD, Shin H, Troncoso PA, Vera MH, Villagran AA, Rodriguez-Rivera SM, Ortiz MA, Serrano CA, Borzutzky A, Dominguez-Bello MG, Harris PR, (2020).

69. Multi-objective optimization for personalized prediction of venous thromboembolism in ovarian cancer patients, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2168-2194, 10.1109/JBHI.2019.2943499. Maria Emilia Frésard, Rafaela Erices, Maria Loreto Bravo, Mauricio Cuello, Gareth I. Owen, Carolina Ibañez, Maria Rodriguez-Fernandez, (2020).

70. Norovirus compared to other relevant etiologies of acute gastroenteritis among families from a semirural county in Chile., International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 1201-9712, 10.1016/j.ijid.2020.10.013. Lucero Y, Lagomarcino AJ, Espinoza M, Kawakami N, Mamani N, Huerta N, Del Canto F, Farfán M, Sawaguchi Y, George S, O’Ryan M, (2020).

71. Parent reported outcomes to measure satisfaction, acceptability, and daily life impact after vaccination with whole-cell and acellular pertussis vaccine in Chile., Vaccine. 0264-410X, 10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.08.046. O’Ryan M, Calvo AE, Espinoza M, Vega N, Lagomarcino AJ, López Castillo H, Puentes E, Macina D., (2020).

72. SARS-CoV-2 antibody prevalence in blood in a large school community subject to a Covid-19 outbreak: a cross-sectional study., Clinical Infectious Diseases. 1664-3224, 10.3389/fimmu.2020.569760.Torres JP, Piñera C, De La Maza V, Lagomarcino AJ, Simian D, Torres B, Urquidi C, Valenzuela MT, O’Ryan, (2020).

73. The Reprimo-like gene is an epigenetic-mediated tumor suppressor and a candidate biomarker for the non-invasive detection of gastric cancer., International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 1422-0067, 10.3390/ijms2124947. Maria Alejandra Alarcón, Wilda Olivares, Miguel C´rodova-Delgado, Matías Muñoz-Medel, Tomas de Mayo, Gonzalo Carrasco-Aviño, Ignacion Wichmann, Natalia Landeros, Julio amigo, Enrique Norero, Franz Villarroel-Espíndola, Arnoldo Riquelme, Marcelo Garrido, Gareth I. Owen, Alejandro H Corvalan, (2020).

74. Severe respiratory disease caused by human respiratory syncytial virus impairs language learning during early infancy, Scientific reports. 2045-2322, 10.1038/s41598-020-79140-1. Marcela Peña, Cristina Jara, Juan C Flores, Rodrigo Hoyos-Bachiloglu, Carolina Iturriaga, Mariana Medina, Javier Carcey, Janyra Espinoza, Karen Bohmwald, Alexis M Kalergis, Arturo Borzutzky, (2020).

75. Surface Immunogenic Protein of Streptococcus Group B is an Agonist of Toll-Like Receptors 2 and 4 and a Potential Immune Adjuvant, Vaccines. 2076-393X, 10.3390/vaccines8010029. Diego A Diaz-Dinamarca, Ricardo A Manzo, Daniel A Soto, María José Avendaño-Valenzuela, Diego N Bastias, Paulina I Soto, Daniel F Escobar, Valeria Vasquez-Saez, Flavio Carrión, Magdalena S Pizarro-Ortega, Christian A M Wilson, Julio Berrios, Alexis M Kalergis, Abel E Vasquez, (2020).

76. Contribution of NKT cells to the immune response and pathogenesis triggered by respiratory viruses, Virulence. 2150-5594, 10.1080/21505594.2020.1770492. Rey-Jurado E, Bohmwald K, Gálvez NMS, Becerra D, Porcelli SA, Carreño LJ, Kalergis AM, (2020).

77. Optimizing RT-PCR detection of SARS-CoV-2 for developing countries using pool testing., Revista Chilena de infectología. 0716-1018, 10.4067/s0716-10182020000300276. Farfan MJ, Torres JP, O’Ryan M, Olivares M, Gallardo P, Lastra J, Salas C, (2020).

78. Pandemic and vaccines, chimera or reality? Revista Médica de Chile. 0034-9887, 10.4067/s0034-98872020000400427. George S, Torres Torreti JP, O’Ryan M, (2020).

79. Estudio de frecuencia y asociación de los polimorfismos RS965513 y RS1867277 del gen FOXE1 con el carcinoma papilar de tiroides y su riesgo de recurrencia en población chilena., Revista Chilena de Endocrinología y Diabetes. 0718-493X. Carolina Valdivia P., Daniela Olivari U., María Javiera Pérez E., Alejandra Tapia Castillo, David Ortiz C., Eric Barros L, Carlos E. Fardella B, Cristián A. Carvajal M, José Miguel Domínguez R-T, (2020).

Publicaciones 2019

1. Antimicrobial properties of a novel copper-based composite coating with potential for use in healthcare facilities. David A Montero, Carolina Arellano; Mirka Pardo; Rosa Vera; Ricardo Gálvez; Marcela Cifuentes; María A Berasain; Marisol Gomez; Claudio Ramírez; Roberto Vidal. Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control. DOI: 10.1186/s13756-018-0456-4. Related research line: New developments of copper surfaces in health and food production institutions. Publication date: 05-01-19.

2. Identification and detection of iha subtypes in LEE-negative Shigatoxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains isolated from humans, cattle and food. Rocío Colello, Alejandra Krüger, María Victoria Velez, Felipe Del Canto, Analía Inés Etcheverría, Roberto Vidal, Nora Lía Padola Heliyon. DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e03015.Related research line: Pathogenic E. coli. Publication date: 06-12-19.

3. Pertussis Prevention: Reasons for Resurgence, and Differences in the Current Acellular Pertussis Vaccines. Esposito, Susanna; Stefanelli, Paola; Fry, Norman K.; Fedele, Giorgio; He, Qiushui; Paterson, Pauline; Tan, Tina; Knuf, Markus; Rodrigo, Carlos; Olivier, Catherine Weil; Flanagan, Katie L.; Hung, Ivan; Lutsar, Iria; Edwards, Kathryn; O’Ryan, Miguel; Principi, Nicola. Frontiers in Immunology. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.01344. Related research line: Rotavirus and other enteric virus infections and vaccine development. Publication date: 03-07-19.

4. Genome and Functional Characterization of Colonization Factor Antigen I- and CS6-Encoding Heat-Stable Enterotoxin-Only Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli Reveals Lineage and Geographic Variation. Tracy H. Hazen, Sushma Nagaraj, Sunil Sen, Jasnehta Permala-Booth, Felipe Del Canto, Roberto Vidal, Eileen M. Barry, Jacob P. Bitoun, Wilbur H. Chen, Sharon M. Tennant, David A. Rasko mSystems. DOI: 10.1128/mSystems.00329-18. Related research line: Pathogenic E. coli. Publication date: 15-01-19.

5. Cumulative acquisition of pathogenicity islands has shaped virulence potential and contributed to the emergence of LEE-negative Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli strains. David Arturo Montero, Felipe Del Canto, Juliana Velasco, Rocío Colello, Nora Lia Padola, Juan Carlos Salazar, Carla San Martin, Angel Oñate, Jorge Blanco, David A. Rasko, Carmen Contreras, Jose Luis Puente, Flemming Scheutz, Eelco Franz & Roberto M. Vidal Emerging Microbes & Infections. DOI: 10.1080/22221751.2019.1595985. Related research line: Pathogenic E. coli. Publication date: 29-03-19.

6. New insights for vaccine development against Clostridium difficile infections. Pizarro-Guajardo M, Chamorro-Veloso N, Vidal RM, Paredes-Sabja D. Anaerobe DOI: 10.1016/j.anaerobe.2019.04.009. Related research line: Chimeric vaccine design for STEC. Publication date: 26-04-19.

7. Ten years of molecular epidemiology surveillance of Listeria monocytogenes in Chile. Paduro C, Montero DA, Chamorro N, Carreño LJ, Vidal M, Vidal R Food Microbiology. DOI: 10.1016/ Related research line: Other Food pathogens like Listeria monocytogenes. Publication date: 26-07-19.

8. Comparative genomic analysis and molecular examination of the diversity of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli isolates from Chile. Rasko DA, Del Canto F, Luo Q, Fleckenstein JM, Vidal R, Hazen TH PLoS Neglected Tropical Disease. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007828. Related research line: Pathogenic E. coli. Publication date: 20-11-19.

9. Cytokines in the Respiratory Airway as Biomarkers of Severity and Prognosis for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection: An Update. Vázquez Y, González L, Noguera L, González PA, Riedel CA, Bertrand P, Bueno SM. Frontiers in Immunology. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.01154. Related research line: Identification of antigens of human respiratory pathogens and human proinflammatory cytokines for the diagnosis of severe respiratory diseases. Publication date: 04-06-19.

10. Interleukin-10 Produced by Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells Provides Protection to Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Sequence Type 258 by Enhancing Its Clearance in the Airways. Peñaloza HF, Noguera LP, Ahn D, Vallejos OP, Castellanos RM, Vazquez Y, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, González L, Suazo I, Pardo-Roa C, Salazar GA, Prince A, Bueno SM. Infection and Immunity. DOI: 10.1128/IAI.00665-18. Related research line: Role of pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the susceptibility of the host to infectious diseases. Publication date: 23-04-19.

11. Dendritic Cells Loaded with Heat Shock-Conditioned Ovarian Epithelial Carcinoma Cell Lysates Elicit T Cell-Dependent Antitumor Immune Responses In Vitro. Flores I, Hevia D, Tittarelli A, Soto D, Rojas-Sepúlveda D, Pereda C, Falcón-Beas C, Gatica J, Falcón-Beas F, González FE,Galindo Mario, Salazar-Onfray F, López MN Journal Immunological Research. DOI: 10.1155/2019/9631515. Related research line: Immunology and Cancer. Publication date: 16-10-19.

12. “Cx43-Gap Junctions Accumulate at the Cytotoxic Immunological Synapse Enabling Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Melanoma Cell Killing”. Hofmann F, Navarrete M, Álvarez J, Guerrero I, Gleisner MA, Tittarelli A, Salazar-Onfray F. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. DOI: 10.3390/ijms20184509. Related research line: Connexins and Gap Junctions interaction between Immune cells and tumors. Publication date: 12-09-19.

13. Association Between Plasma Antibody Responses and Risk for Cryptococcus-Associated Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome. Yoon HA, Nakouzi A, Chang CC, Kuniholm MH, Carreño LJ, Wang T, Ndung’u T, Lewin SR, French MA, Pirofski L Journal of Infectious Disesases. DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiy447. Related research line: Improving viral immunity by targeting Natural Killer T cells. Publication date: 09-01-19.

14. l-NIL prevents the ischemia and reperfusion injury involving TLR-4, GST, clusterin, and NFAT-5 in mice. Consuelo Pasten, Cristóbal Alvarado, Jocelyn Rocco, Luis Contreras, Paula Aracena, Jéssica Liberona, Cristian Suazo, Luis Michea, and Carlos E. Irarrázabal American Journal of Physiology – Renal Physiology. DOI: 10.1152/ajprenal.00398.2018. Related research line: Role of dietary chloride as accompanying ion of sodium in Angiotensin II hypertension. Publication date: 30-04-19.

15. The cancer-related transcription factor RUNX2 modulates expression and secretion of the matricelllar protein. Villanueva F, Araya H, Briceño P, Varela N, Stevenson A, Jerez S, Tempio F, Chnaiderman J, Perez C, Villarroel M, Concha E, Khani F, Thaler R, Salazar-Onfray F, Stein GS, van Wijnen AJ, Galindo M. Journal Cell Physiology. DOI: 10.1002/jcp.28046. Related research line: Design of improved vaccines against cancer. Publication date: 31-08-19.

16. Is there an association between indoor allergens and the severity of atopic dermatitis? Cid BJ, Perez-Mateluna G, Iturriaga C, Zambrano MJ, Vives MI, Valenzuela PM, Borzutzky A. International Journal of Dermatology. DOI: 10.1111/ijd.14281. Related research line: Pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis. Publication date: 30-04-19.

17. Vitamin D modulates the allergic phenotype of dendritic cells in children with atopic dermatitis. Cristi F, Pérez-Mateluna G, Vera-Kellet C, Silva-Valenzuela S, Iturriaga C, Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, Navarrete-Dechent C, Cifuentes L, Camargo CA, Kalergis A, Borzutzky A. Experimental Dermatology. DOI: 10.1111/exd.13873. Related research line: Pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis. Publication date: 31-03-19.

18. Glucocorticoids Decrease Longitudinal Bone Growth in Pediatric Kidney Transplant Recipients by Stimulating the FGF23/FGFR3 Signaling Pathway. Ángela Delucchi, Luis Toro, Rodrigo Alzamora, Victor Barrientos, Magdalena González, Rodrigo Andaur, Pablo León, Francisco Villanueva, Mario Galindo, Facundo Las Heras, Martín Montecino, Daniel Moena, Andrea Lazcano, Viola Pinto, Paulina Salas, María Loreto Reyes, Verónica Mericq, Luis Michea The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.3761. Related research line: To evaluate if FGF23 is implicated and/or a useful biomarker of Acute kidney Injury (AKI). Publication date: 31-10-19.

19. Dendritic cells are crucial for cardiovascular remodeling and modulate neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin expression upon mineralocorticoid receptor activation. Patricio Araos, Carolina Prado, Mauricio Lozano, Stefanny Figueroa, Alexandra Espinoza, Thorsten Berger, Tak Mak, Frédéric Jaisser, Rodrigo Pacheco, Luis Michea, Cristián Amador; Journal of Hypertension. DOI: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000002067. Related research line: Role of dietary chloride as accompanying ion of sodium in Angiotensin II hypertension. Publication date: 31-07-19.

20. TRPM4 channel is involved in regulating epithelial to mesenchymal transition, migration, and invasion of prostate cancer cell lines. Alfredo I. Sagredo, Eduardo A. Sagredo, Victor Pola, César Echeverría, Rodrigo Andaur, Luis Michea, Andrés Stutzin, Felipe Simon, Katherine Marcelain, Ricardo Armisén Journal of Cellular Physiology. DOI: 10.1002/jcp.27371. Related research line: Immunological aspects of Galbladder tumors. Publication date: 31-03-19.

21. Host Component Contributing to Respiratory Syncytial Virus Pathogenesis. Carvajal JJ, Avellaneda AM, Salazar-Ardiles CN, Maya JE, Kalergis AM, Lay MK Frontiers Immunology. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.02152. Related research line: Host factors on and viral induced disease outcome. Publication date: 12-09-19.

22. BCG-Induced Cross-Protection and Development of Trained Immunity: Implication for Vaccine Design. Covián C, Fernández-Fierro A, Retamal-Díaz A, Díaz FE, Vasquez AE, Lay MK, Riedel CA, González PA, Bueno SM and Kalergis AM Frontiers Immunology. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.02806. Related research line: Host factors on and viral induced disease outcome. Publication date: 29-11-19.

23. Correlation between female sex, IL28B genotype, and the clinical severity of bronchiolitis in pediatric patients. Astudillo P, Angulo J, Pino K, de Carvalho JB, de Morais GL, Perez S, de Vasconcelos ATR, Ferrés M, López-Lastra M. Pediatric Research. DOI: 10.1038/s41390-019-0623-1. Related research line: Host factors on and viral induced disease outcome. Publication date: 23-10-19.

24. A Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism of αVβ₃ Integrin Is Associated with the Andes Virus Infection Susceptibility. Martínez-Valdebenito C, Angulo J, Le Corre N, Marco C, Vial C, Miquel JF, Cerda J, Mertz G, Vial P, Lopez-Lastra M, Ferrés M. Viruses. DOI: 10.3390/v11020169. Related research line: Host factors on and viral induced disease outcome. Publication date: 20-02-19.

25. Severe Necrotic Reaction to 23-Valent Polysaccharide Pneumococcal Vaccine in a Patient With STAT3 Deficiency. Piñones M, Vizcaya C, Pérez-Mateluna G, Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, Borzutzky A. Journal Allergy Clinical Immunology: in Practice. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaip.2019.01.033. Related research line: Discovery and characterization of novel genetic etiologies of primary immunodeficiencies. Publication date: 31-05-19.

26. Helicobacter pylori pediatric infection changes FcεRI expression in dendritic cells and Treg profile in vivo and in vitro. Leon MA, Palma C, Hernandez C, Sandoval M, Cofre C, Perez-Mateluna G, Borzutzky A, Harris PR, Serrano CA. Microbes and Infection. DOI: 10.1016/j.micinf.2019.05.001. Related research line: Discovery and characterization of novel genetic etiologies of primary immunodeficiencies. Publication date: 02-12-19.

27. Novel penguin Avian avulaviruses 17, 18 and 19 are widely distributed in the Antarctic Peninsula. Olivares F, Tapia R, Gálvez C, Meza F, Barriga GP, Borras-Chavez R, Mena-Vasquez J, Medina RA, Neira V. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. DOI: 10.1111/tbed.13309. Related research line: Molecular Virology – Influenza. Publication date: 29-07-19.

28. Dexamethasone turns tumor antigen-presenting cells into tolerogenic dendritic cells with T cell inhibitory functions. Falcón-Beas C, Tittarelli A, Mora-Bau G, Tempio F, Pérez C, Hevia D, Behrens C, Flores I, Falcón-Beas F, Garrido P, Ascui G, Pereda C, González FE, Salazar-Onfray F, López MN Immunobiology. DOI: 10.1016/j.imbio.2019.05.011. Related research line: New antigens and vaccines against cancer. Publication date: 06-06-19.

29. Coagulation Factor Xa Promotes Solid Tumor Growth, Experimental Metastasis and Endothelial Cell Activation. Arce M, Pinto MP, Galleguillos M, Muñoz C, Lange S, Ramirez C, Erices R, Gonzalez P, Velasquez E, Tempio F, Lopez MN, Salazar-Onfray F, Cautivo K, Kalergis AM, Cruz S, Lladser Á, Lobos-González L, Valenzuela G, Olivares N, Sáez C, Koning T, Sánchez FA, Fuenzalida P, Godoy A, Contreras Orellana P, Leyton L, Lugano R, Dimberg A, Quest AFG, Owen GI. Cancers. DOI: 10.3390/cancers11081103. Related research line: New antigens and vaccines against cancer. Publication date: 02-08-19.

30. Inverse Relationship Between Alzheimer’s Disease and Cancer: How Immune Checkpoints Might Explain the Mechanisms Underlying Age-Related Diseases. Nicole K. Rogers, Cesar Romero, Carol D. SanMartín, Daniela P. Ponce, Felipe Salech, Mercedes N. López, Alejandra Gleisner, Fabián Tempio, María I. Behrens Journal of Alzheimer’s Diseases. DOI: 10.3233/JAD-190839. Related research line: Design of improved vaccines against cancer. Publication date: 09-12-19.

31. Primary Intestinal Lymphangiectasia (Waldmann’s disease) Borzutzky A, Espino A, Alberti G, Torres J, Harris PR. American Journal of Gastroenterology. DOI: 10.1038/s41395-018-0413-0. Related research line: Discovery and characterization of novel genetic etiologies of primary immunodeficiencies. Publication date: 28-02-19.

32. Disseminated Mycobacterial Disease in a Patient with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome: Case Report and Review of the Literature Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, Gallo S, Vizcaya C, Zuñiga P, Valbuena JR, Casanova JL, Bustamante J, Borzutzky A. Journal of Clinical Immunology. DOI: 10.1007/s10875-019-00678-5. Related research line: Discovery and characterization of novel genetic etiologies of primary immunodeficiencies. Publication date: 31-10-19.

33. Interleukin-8 Secreted by Glioblastoma Cells Induces Microvascular Hyperpermeability Through NO Signaling Involving S-Nitrosylation of VE-Cadherin and p120 in Endothelial Cells. Guequén A, Zamorano P, Córdova F, Koning T, Torres A, Ehrenfeld P, Boric MP, Salazar-Onfray F, Gavard J, Durán WN, Quezada C, Sarmiento J, Sánchez FA. Frontiers Physiology. DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2019.00988. eCollection 2019. Related research line: Design of improved vaccines against cancer. Publication date: 01-08-19.

34. Extracellular adenosine promotes cell migration/invasion of Glioblastoma Stem-like Cells through A3 Adenosine Receptor activation under hypoxia. Torres Á, Erices JI, Sanchez F, Ehrenfeld P, Turchi L, Virolle T, Uribe D, Niechi I, Spichiger C, Rocha JD, Ramirez M, Salazar-Onfray F, San Martín R, Quezada C. Cancer Letter. DOI: 10.1016/j.canlet.2019.01.004. Related research line: Design of improved vaccines against cancer. Publication date: 30-04-19.

35. IRE1α Activation in Bone Marrow-Derived Dendritic Cells Modulates Innate Recognition of Melanoma Cells and Favors CD8+ T Cell Priming. Medel B, Costoya C, Fernandez D, Pereda C, Lladser A, Sauma D, Pacheco R, Iwawaki T, Salazar-Onfray F, Osorio F. Frontiers in Immunology. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.03050. Related research line: New antigens and vaccines against cancer. Publication date: 31-01-19.

36. Chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis in children: a multicenter case series. Concha S, Hernández-Ojeda A, Contreras O, Mendez C, Talesnik E, Borzutzky A. Rheumatology International. DOI: 10.1007/s00296-019-04400-x. Related research line: Discovery and characterization of novel genetic etiologies of primary immunodeficiencies. Publication date: 02-08-19.

37. Mandatory notifications of type 1 diabetes incident cases in Chilean children, 2006-2014: a population-based study Garfias CP, Borzutzky A, Ugarte MF, Garcia HJ, Phingsthorn M, Garcia HG. Pediatric Diabetes. DOI: 10.1111/pedi.12937. Related research line: Role of vitamin D in immune-mediated and other extraskeletal diseases in Chile. Publication date: 19-10-19.

38. Solar radiation, air pollution, and bronchiolitis hospitalizations in Chile: An ecological study. Terrazas C, Castro-Rodriguez JA, Camargo CA, Borzutzky A. Pediatric Pulmonology. DOI: 10.1002/ppul.24421. Related research line: Role of vitamin D in immune-mediated and other extraskeletal diseases in Chile. Publication date: 30-09-19.

39. ICD-10 coded hospitalizations due to drug hypersensitivity: A nationwide study from Chile. Escobar JJ, Aguilera-Insunza R, Borzutzky A, Hoyos-Bachiloglu R. Journal Allergy Clinical Immunology: in Practice. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaip.2019.10.012. Related research line: Early origins of allergy and asthma. Publication date: 31-10-19.

40. Mucosal Exposure to Cigarette Components Induces Intestinal Inflammation and Alters Antimicrobial Response in Mice. Berkowitz L, Pardo-Roa C, Salazar GA, Salazar-Echegarai F, Miranda JP, Ramírez G, Chávez JL, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, Álvarez-Lobos M Frontiers in Immunology. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.02289. Related research line: IBD implications in Paneth Cells in patients that are smokers. Publication date: 25-09-19.

41. Conservation and global distribution of non-canonical antigens in Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. Kuhlmann FM, Martin J, Hazen TH, Vickers TJ, Pashos M, Okhuysen PC,Gómez-Duarte OG, Cebelinski E, Boxrud D, Del Canto F, Vidal R, Qadri F, Mitreva M, Rasko DA, Fleckenstein JM. PLoS Neglected Tropical Disease. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007825. Related research line: Pathogenic E. coli. Publication date: 22-11-19.

42. New insights on the role of lipid metabolism in the metabolic reprogramming of macrophages. Ana Batista-Gonzalez, Roberto Mauricio Vidal, Alfredo Criollo and Leandro J Carreño Frontiers Immunology. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.02993. Related research line: Elaboration and characterization of anti-inflammatory lipsoomes to treat allergy. Publication date: 05-12-19.

43. Predominance of Rotavirus G8P[8] in a City in Chile, a Country Without Rotavirus Vaccination.Lucero, Yalda; O’Ryan, Miguel; Liparoti, Giulia; Huerta, Nicole; Mamani, Nora; Ramani, Sasirekha; Lagomarcino, Anne J.; Del Canto, Felipe; Quense, Jorge Journal of Pediatrics. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2018.08.037. Related research line: Rotavirus and other enteric virus infections and vaccine development. Publication date: 01-01-19.

44. Antibody persistence and booster response in adolescents and young adults 4 and 7.5 years after immunization with 4CMenB vaccine. Nolan, Terry; Elena Santolaya, Maria; de Looze, Ferdinandus; Marshall, Helen; Richmond, Peter; Henein, Sam; Rheault, Paul; Heaton, Ken; Perrett, Kirsten P.; Garfield, Hartley: Gupta, Anil; Ferguson, Murdo; D’Agostino, Diego; Toneatto, Daniela; O’Ryan, Miguel Vaccine. DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2018.12.059. Related research line: Norovirus infection and vaccine development. Publication date: 21-02-19.

45. Chilean Registry for Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Latin American Perspective. Pinto MP, Muñoz Medel M, Carrillo D, Retamal IN, Bravo ML, Valenzuela Y, Nervi B, Sánchez C, Galindo H, Ibañez C, Peña J, Balmaceda C, Madrid J, Briones J, Torres J, Nilo F, Guarda FJ, Quintana JC, Orellana P, Mondaca S, Acevedo F, Vicentini D, Cordova-Delgado M, Owen GI, Garrido M Hormones & Cancer. DOI: 10.1007/s12672-018-0354-5. Related research line: Translational research in cancer. Publication date: 01-02-19.

46. Fact or Fiction, It Is Time for a Verdict on Vasculogenic Mimicry? Valdivia A, Mingo G, Aldana V, Pinto MP, Ramirez M, Retamal C, Gonzalez A, Nualart F, Corvalan AH, Owen GI Frontiers in Oncology. DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2019.00680. Related research line: Vasculogenic Mimicry in ovarian and gastrintestinal cancer. Publication date: 02-08-19.

47. High Proportion of Potential Candidates for Immunotherapy in a Chilean Cohort of Gastric Cancer Patients: Results of the FORCE1 Study. Cordova-Delgado M, Pinto MP, Retamal IN, Muñoz-Medel M, Bravo ML, Fernández MF, Cisternas B, Mondaca S, Sanchez C, Galindo H, Nervi B, Ibáñez C, Acevedo F, Madrid J, Peña J, Koch E, Maturana MJ, Romero D, de la Jara N, Torres J, Espinoza M, Balmaceda C, Liao Y, Li Z, Freire M, Gárate-Calderón V, Cáceres J, Sepúlveda-Hermosilla G, Lizana R, Ramos L, Artigas R, Norero E, Crovari F, Armisén R, Corvalán AH, Owen GI, Garrido M. Cancers. DOI: 10.3390/cancers11091275. Related research line: Immunology and Cancer. Publication date: 30-08-19.

48. Multi-objective optimization for personalized prediction of venous thromboembolism in ovarian cancer patients. Fresard ME, Erices R, Bravo ML, Cuello M, Owen GI, Ibanez C, Rodriguez-Fernandez M. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2019.2943499. Related research line: Translational research in cancer. Publication date: 24-09-19.

49. Targeted deep sequencing from multiple sources demostrates increased NOTCH1 alterations in lung cancer patient plasma. Liao Y, Ma Z, Zhang Y, Li D, Lv D, Chen Z, Li P, Ai-Dherasi A, Zheng F, Tian J, Zou K, Wang Y, Wang D, Cordova M, Zhou H, Li X, Liu D, Yu R, Zhang X, Zhang J, Zhang X, Zhang X, Li Y, Shao Y, Song L, Liu R, Wang Y, Sufiyan S, Liu Q, Owen GI, Li Z, Chen J. Cancer Medicine. DOI: 10.1002/cam4.2458. Related research line: Translational research in cancer. Publication date: 01-08-19.

50. Regulation of Tolerogenic Features on Dexamethasone-Modulated MPLA-Activated Dendritic Cells by MYC. García-González PA, Maggi J, Schinnerling K, Sepúlveda-Gutiérrez A, Soto L, Neira O, Mehdi AM, Nel HJ, Pesce B, Aravena O, Molina MC, Catalán D, Thomas R, Verdugo RA, Aguillón JC. Frontiers in Immunology. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.01171. Related research line: Biology of dendritic cells and their therapeutic use in autoimmune diseases. Publication date: 28-05-19.

51. Clinical, Biochemical, and Genetic Characteristics of “Nonclassic” Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess Syndrome. Tapia-Castillo A, Baudrand R, Vaidya A, Campino C, Allende F, Valdivia C, Vecchiola A, Lagos CF, Fuentes CA, Solari S, Martínez-Aguayo A, García H, Carvajal CA, Fardella CE. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. DOI: 10.1210/jc.2018-01197.Related research line: Endocrine Hypertension. Publication date: 01-02-19.

52. The Aldosterone/Renin Ratio Predicts Cardiometabolic Disorders in Subjects Without Classic Primary Aldosteronism. Vecchiola A, Fuentes CA, Barros ER, Martínez-Aguayo A, García H, Allende F, Solari S, Olmos R, Carvajal C, Tapia-Castillo A, Campino C, Kalergis AM, Baudrand R, Fardella CE. American Journal Hypertension. DOI: 10.1093/ajh/hpz023. Related research line: Endocrine Hypertension. Publication date: 22-04-19.

53. Using plasma cell-free DNA to monitor the chemoradiotherapy course of cervical cancer. Tian J, Geng Y, Lv D, Li P, Cordova M, Liao Y, Tian X, Zhang X, Zhang Q, Zou K, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Li Y, Zhang J, Ma Z, Shao Y, Song L, Owen GI, Li T, Liu R, Liu Q, Zou L, Zhang Z, Li Z. International Journal of Cancer. DOI: 10.1002/ijc.32295. Related research line: Translational research in cancer. Publication date: 29-03-19.

54. The Reprimo gene family member, reprimo-like (rprml), is requerid for blood development in embryonic zebrafish. Stanic K, Reig G, Wichmann IA, Opazo JC, Owen GI, Corvalán AH, Concha ML, Amigo JD. Scientific Reports. DOI: 10.3390/cancers11060801. Related research line: Coagulation and Cancer. Publication date: 09-05-19.

55. Urinary sodium-to-potassium ratio and plasma renin and aldosterone concentrations in normotensive children: implications for the interpretation of results. Alejandro Martinez-Aguayo, Carmen Campino; Maria Rodriguez-Fernandez,Helena Poggi;Ivonne D’apremont; Rosario Moore;Hernan Garcia; Sandra Solari; Fidel Allende;S oledad Peredo;Claudia Trincado;Cristian Carvajal; Monica Arancibia; Jose Ossa; Sofia Sifaqui; Carlos Fardella; Rene Baudrand; Journal of Hypertension. DOI: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000002324. Related research line: Endocrine Hypertension. Publication date: 04-12-19.

56. Downregulation of exosomal miR 192 5p and miR 204 5p in subjects with nonclassic apparent mineralocorticoid excess Alejandra Tapia Castillo, Dominic Guanzon, Carlos Palma, Andrew Lai, Eric Barros, Fidel Allende, Andrea Vecchiola, Carlos E. Fardella, Carlos Salomón and Cristian A. Carvajal Journal of Translational Medicine. DOI: 10.1186/s12967 019 02143 8. Related research line: Endocrine Hypertension. Publication date: 27-11-19.

57. Circulating Endothelial Cells From Septic Shock Patients Convert to Fibroblasts Are Associated With the Resuscitation Fluid Dose and Are Biomarkers for Survival Prediction. Tapia P, Gatica S, Cortés-Rivera C, Otero C, Becerra A, Riedel CA, Cabello-Verrugio C, Kalergis AM, Simon F Critical Care Medicine. DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000003778. Publication date: 01-07-19.

58. Mucin 5B, carbonic anhydrase 9 and claudin 18 are potential theranostic markers of gallbladder carcinoma. Espinoza JA, Riquelme I, Sagredo EA, Rosa L, García P, Bizama C, Apud-Bell M, Leal P, Weber H, Benavente F, Vargas S, Romero D, Kalergis AM, Roa JC. Histopathology. DOI: 10.1111/his.13797. Related research line: Immunological aspects of Galbladder tumors. Publication date: 28-01-19.

59. Immune checkpoints and the regulation of tolerogenicity in dendritic cells: Implications for autoimmunity and immunotherapy. Funes SC, Manrique de Lara A, Altamirano-Lagos MJ, Mackern-Oberti JP, Escobar-Vera J, Kalergis AM. Autoimmunity Reviews. DOI: 10.1016/j.autrev.2019.02.006. Related research line: Role of HO-1 in autoimmunity and tolerance. Publication date: 08-02-19.

60. Contribution of Fcγ Receptor-Mediated Immunity to the Pathogenesis Caused by the Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Acevedo OA, Díaz FE, Beals TE, Benavente FM, Soto JA, Escobar-Vera J, González PA, Kalergis AM. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. DOI: 10.3389/fcimb.2019.00075. Related research line: Mechanisms of pathogenicity used by the human Respiratory Syncytial Virus to prevent T cell activation and cause Central Nervous System inflammation. Publication date: 29-03-19.

61. Copper deficiency-induced anemia is caused by a mitochondrial metabolic reprograming in erythropoietic cells. Jensen EL, Gonzalez-Ibanez AM, Mendoza P, Ruiz LM, Riedel CA, Simon F, Schuringa JJ, Elorza AA Metallomics. DOI: 10.1039/c8mt00224j. Related research line: Mitochondrial Function in Erythropoiesis. Publication date: 20-02-19.

62. Cellular immune response induced by surface immunogenic protein with AbISCO-100 adjuvant vaccination decreases group B Streptococcus vaginal colonization. Soto JA, Diaz-Dinamarca DA, Soto DA, Barrientos MJ, Carrión F, Kalergis AM, Vasquez AE. Molecular Immunology. DOI: 10.1016/j.molimm.2019.04.025. Related research line: Vaccine development against the respiratory syncytial virus. Publication date: 09-05-19.

63. Detection of a novel severe mutation affecting the CYP21A2 gene in a Chilean male with salt wasting congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Arteaga E, Valenzuela F, Lagos CF, Lagos M, Martinez A, Baudrand R, Carvajal C, Fardella CE. Endocrine. DOI: 10.1007/s12020-019-02097-3. Related research line: Endocrine Hypertension. Publication date: 30-09-19.

64. [Update in the clinical management of low renin hypertension]. Macchiavello S, Fardella C, Baudrand R. Revista Medica de Chile. DOI: 10.4067/S0034-98872019000400490. Related research line: Endocrine Hypertension. Publication date: 01-04-19.

65. Classic and nonclassic apparent mineralocorticoid excess. Cristian A. Carvajal, Alejandra Tapia-Castillo, Andrea Vecchiola, Rene Baudrand, Carlos E. Fardella Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. DOI: 10.1210/clinem/dgz315 Related research line: Endocrine Hypertension. Publication date: 01-12-19.

66. The absence of interleukin 10 affects the morphology, differentiation, granule content and the production of cryptidin-4 in Paneth cells in mice. Berkowitz L, Pardo-Roa C, Ramírez G, Vallejos OP, Sebastián VP, Riedel CA, Álvarez-Lobos M, Bueno SM PLoS One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0221618. Related research line: IBD implications in Paneth Cells in patients that are smokers. Publication date: 11-09-19.

67. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Infection of the Central Nervous System: Insights Into Proposed Interrelationships With Neurodegenerative Disorders. Duarte LF, Farías MA, Álvarez DM, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, González PA. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. DOI: 10.3389/fncel.2019.00046. Related research line: Effect of herpes simplex virus infection over host susceptibility to neurological inflammatory diseases. Publication date: 26-02-19.

68. Pathogenicity island excision during an infection by Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis is required for crossing the intestinal epithelial barrier in mice to cause systemic infection. Pardo-Roa C, Salazar GA, Noguera L, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Vallejos OP, Suazo I, Schultz BM, Coronado-Arrazola I, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. PLoS Pathogens. DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008152. Related research line: Lateral transfer of genes in Salmonella and its role in virulence. Publication date: 04-12-19.

69. Contribution of Cytokines to Tissue Damage During Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection. Bohmwald K, Gálvez NMS, Canedo-Marroquín G, Pizarro-Ortega MS, Andrade-Parra C, Gómez-Santander F, Kalergis AM. Frontiers in Immunology. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00452.Related research line: Mechanisms of pathogenicity used by the human Respiratory Syncytial Virus to prevent T cell activation and cause Central Nervous System inflammation. Publication date: 18-03-19.

70. Herpes Simplex Virus Evasion of Early Host Antiviral Responses. Tognarelli EI, Palomino TF, Corrales N, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, González PA. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. DOI: 10.3389/fcimb.2019.00127. Publication date: 30-04-19.

71. Contribution of IDO to human respiratory syncytial virus infection Benavente FM, Soto JA, Pizarro-Ortega MS, Bohmwald K, González PA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. Journal of Leukocyte Biology. DOI: 10.1002/JLB.4RU0219-051RR. Related research line: Mechanisms of pathogenicity used by the human Respiratory Syncytial Virus to prevent T cell activation and cause Central Nervous System inflammation. Publication date: 15-05-19.

72. Characterization of LDLR rs5925 and PCSK9 rs505151 genetic variants frequencies in healthy subjects from northern Chile: Influence on plasma lipid levels. Rojas C, Ramírez H, Salazar LA, Kalergis AM, Gálvez AS, Escobar-Vera J. Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis. DOI: 10.1002/jcla.23001. Related research line: Discovery and characterization of novel genetic etiologies of primary immunodeficiencies. Publication date: 22-08-19.

73. Lithraea caustic (Litre) Extract Promotes an Antitumor Response Against B16 Melanoma Robles-Planells C, Michelson SA, Mena J, Escrig D, Rojas JL, Sanchez-Guerrero G, Hernández R, Barrera-Avalos C, Rojo LE, Sauma D, Kalergis AM, Imarai M, Fernández R, Robles CA, Leiva-Salcedo E, Santander R, Escobar A, Acuña-Castillo C. Frontiers in Pharmacology. DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2019.01201. Related research line: Immunology and Cancer. Publication date: 22-10-19.

74. Rho-kinase pathway activation and apoptosis in circulating leucocytes in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. Ocaranza MP, Moya J, Jalil JE, Lavandero S, Kalergis AM, Molina C, Gabrielli L, Godoy I, Córdova S, Castro P, Mac Nab P, Rossel V, García L, González J, Mancilla C, Fierro C, Farías L. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. DOI: 10.1111/jcmm.14819. Related research line: Discovery and characterization of novel genetic etiologies of primary immunodeficiencies. Publication date: 28-11-19.

75. Contribution of Resident Memory CD8+ T Cells to Protective Immunity Against Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Their Impact on Vaccine Design. Retamal-Díaz A, Covián C, Pacheco GA, Castiglione-Matamala AT, Bueno SM, González PA, Kalergis AM. Pathogens. DOI: 10.3390/pathogens8030147. Related research line: Vaccine development against the respiratory syncytial virus. Publication date: 11-09-19.

76. Immune-Modulation by the Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus: Focus on Dendritic Cells. Eduardo I. Tognarelli, Susan M. Bueno and Pablo A. González Frontiers in Immunology. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00810. Related research line: Vaccine development against the respiratory syncytial virus. Publication date: 15-04-19.

77. Current Animal Models for Understanding the Pathology Caused by the Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Altamirano-Lagos MJ, Díaz FE, Mansilla MA, Rivera-Pérez D, Soto D, McGill JL, Vasquez AE, Kalergis AM. Frontiers in Microbiology. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00873. Related research line: Vaccine development against the respiratory syncytial virus. Publication date: 03-05-19.

78. The Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio Predicts the Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Luminal B Breast Cancer. Rivas M, Acevedo F, Dominguez F, Galindo H, Camus M, Oddo D, Villarroel A, Razmilic D, Peña J, Munoz Medel M, Navarro ME, Perez-Sepulveda A, Medina L, Merino T, Briones J, Kalergis A, Sanchez C. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. DOI: 10.31557/APJCP.2019.20.7.2209. Related research line: Immunology and Cancer. Publication date: 01-07-19.

79. Tolerogenic dendritic cell transfer ameliorates systemic lupus erythematosus in mice. Funes SC, Ríos M, Gómez-Santander F, Fernández-Fierro A, Altamirano-Lagos MJ, Rivera-Perez D, Pulgar-Sepúlveda R, Jara EL, Rebolledo-Zelada D, Villarroel A, Roa JC, Mackern-Oberti JP, Kalergis AM. Immunology. DOI: 10.1111/imm.13119. Related research line: Publication date: 07-10-19.

80. The OXPHOS supercomplex assembly factor HIG2A responds to changes in energetic metabolism and cell cycle. Salazar C, Elorza AA, Cofre G, Ruiz-Hincapie P, Shirihai O, Ruiz LM. J Cell Physiology. DOI: 10.1002/jcp.28362. Related research line: Bioenergetics in Cell Metabolism. Publication date: 30-03-19.

81. The Emerging Roles of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Oxidase 2 in Skeletal Muscle Redox Signaling and Metabolism. Henríquez-Olguín C1,2, Boronat S3, Cabello-Verrugio C4,5,6, Jaimovich E2, Hidalgo E3, Jensen TE1. Antioxid Redox Signal. DOI: 10.1089/ars.2018.7678. Related research line: Skeletal muscle wasting development in patients with chronic hepatic disease. Publication date: 20-12-19.

82. N-Acetyl Cysteine attenuates the sarcopenia and muscle apoptosis induces by Chronic liver disease. Ábrigo, J., Marín, T., Aguirre, F., Tacchi, F., Vilos, C., Simon, F., Arrese, M., Cabrera, D., Cabello-Verrugio, C Curr Mol Med. DOI: 10.2174/1566524019666190917124636. Related research line: Skeletal muscle wasting development in patients with chronic hepatic disease. Publication date: 30-12-19.

83. The p75NTR neurotrophin receptor is required to organize the mature neuromuscular synapse by regulating synaptic vesicle availability. Pérez, V., Bermedo-Garcia, F., Zelada, D., Court, F.A., Pérez. M.Á., Fuenzalida, M., Ábrigo, J., Cabello-Verrugio, C., Moya-Alvarado, G., Tapia, J.C., Valenzuela, V., Hetz, C., Bronfman, F.C., Henríquez, J.P. Acta Neuropathologica Communications. DOI: 10.1186/s40478-019-0802-7. Related research line: Skeletal muscle wasting development in patients with chronic hepatic disease. Publication date: 12-09-19.

84. Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Skeletal Muscle Pathologies. Abrigo J, Simon F, Cabrera D, Vilos C, Cabello-Verrugio C. Current Protein & Peptide Science. DOI: 10.2174/1389203720666190402100902. Related research line: Skeletal muscle wasting development in patients with chronic hepatic disease. Publication date: 30-12-19.

85. Rotavirus vaccines for infants. David O Matson, Miguel Luis O´Ryan Gallardo. UpToDate. 2019.

86. Norovirus. Miguel G O’Ryan, Neil R Blacklow. UpToDate. 2019.

87. Acute viral gastroenteritis in children in resource-rich countries: Clinical features and diagnosis. David O Matson, Miguel G O’Ryan. UpToDate. 2019.

88. Patient Education: Acute diarrhea in children (Beyond the Basics). Gary R Fleisher, David O Matson, Miguel G O’Ryan. UpToDate. 2019.

89. Acute viral gastroenteritis in children in resource-rich countries: management and Prevention. David O Matson, Miguel G O’Ryan. UpToDate. 2019.

90. Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of rotavirus infection. David O Matson, Miguel G O’Ryan. UpToDate. 2019.

Publicaciones IMII 2018  

Impact of Cigarette Smoking on the Gastrointestinal Tract Inflammation: Opposing Effects in Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. Berkowitz L, Schultz BM, Salazar GA, Pardo-Roa C, Sebastian VP, Alvarez-Lobos MM, Bueno SM. Frontiers in Immunology 10.3389/fimmu.2018.00074.

Evaluation of Monoclonal Antibodies that Detect Conserved Proteins from Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Metapneumovirus and Adenovirus in human samples. González LA, Vázquez Y, Mora JE, Palavecino CE, Bertrand P, Ferrés M, Contreras AM, Beckhaus AA, Riedel CA, Bueno SM. Journal of Virological Methods. 10.1016/j.viromet.2018.01.011.

Persistent Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium Infection Increases the Susceptibility of Mice to Develop Intestinal Inflammation        Schultz BM, Salazar GA, Paduro CA, Pardo-Roa C, Pizarro DP, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Torres J, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Álvarez-Lobos MM, Bueno SM. Frontiers in Immunology           10.3389/fimmu.2018.01166.

Comparative and Phylogenetic Analysis of a Novel Family of Enterobacteriaceae-associated Genomic Islands that Share a Conserved Excision/Integration module.Piña-Iturbe A, Ulloa-Allendes D, Pardo-Roa C, Coronado-Arrázola I, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Sclavi B, González PA, Bueno SM. Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-018-28537-0

Expanding the Current Knowledge About the Role of Interleukin-10 to Major Concerning Bacteria. Peñaloza HF, Noguera LP, Riedel CA, Bueno SM. Frontiers in Microbiology. 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02047.

Heme Oxygenase-1 as a Modulator of Intestinal Inflammation Development and Progression. Sebastian VP, Salazar GA, Coronado-Arrázola I, Schultz BM, Vallejos OP, Berkowitz L, Álvarez-Lobos MM, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. Frontiers in Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01956.

Dual Modifications of α-Galactosylceramide Synergize to Promote Activation of Human Invariant Natural Killer T Cells and Stimulate Anti-tumor Immunity. Chennamadhavuni D, Saavedra-Avila NA, Carreño LJ, Guberman-Pfeffer MJ, Arora P, Yongqing T, Pryce R, Koay HF, Godfrey DI, Keshipeddy S, Richardson SK, Sundararaj S, Lo JH, Wen X, Gascón JA, Yuan W, Rossjohn J, Le Nours J, Porcelli SA, Howell AR. Cell Chemical Biology. 10.1016/j.chembiol.2018.06.008

Association between plasma antibody responses and risk for Cryptococcus-associated immune reconstitution inflammatory síndrome. Yoon HA, Nakouzi A, Chang CC, Kuniholm MH, Carreño LJ, Wang T, Ndung’u T, Lewin SR, French MA, Pirofski LA. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 10.1093/infdis/jiy447

Serum Cortisol and Cortisone as Potential Biomarkers of Partial 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 2 Deficiency. Carvajal CA, Tapia-Castillo A, Valdivia CP, Allende F, Solari S, Lagos CF, Campino C, Martínez-Aguayo A, Vecchiola A, Pinochet C, Godoy C, Iturrieta V, Baudrand R, Fardella CE. Am J Hypertens. doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpy051.

Sodium Intake Is associated With Endothelial Damage Biomarkers and Metabolic Dysregulation           Campino C, Baudrand R, Valdivia CA, Carvajal C, Vecchiola A, Tapia-Castillo A, Martínez-Aguayo A, Garcia H, García L, Allende F, Solari S, Fuentes CA, Lagos CF, Rojas MP, Muñoz D, Fardella CE      Am J Hypertens.  doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpy097.

Response to Associations Among Sodium Intake, Endothelial Dysfunction, and Endothelial Damage Biomarkers in Hypertension (AJH-D-18-00331). Campino C, Baudrand R, Fardella CE. Am J Hypertens.  doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpy151.

Clinical, Biochemical and Genetic Characteristics of “Non-Classical” Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess Syndrome.     Tapia-Castillo A, Baudrand R, Vaidya A, Campino C, Allende F, Valdivia C, Vecchiola A, Lagos C, Fuentes C, Solari S, Martínez-Aguayo A, García H, Carvajal CA, Fardella CE. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.  doi: 10.1210/jc.2018-01197.

Experimental Dissection of the Lytic Replication Cycles of Herpes Simplex Viruses in vitro. Francisco J. Ibáñez, Mónica A. Farías, Maria P. Gonzalez-Troncoso, Nicolás Corrales, Luisa F. Duarte, Angello Retamal-Díaz and Pablo A. González*. Frontiers in Microbiology doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02406

Neurologic Alterations Due to Respiratory Virus InfectionsKaren Bohmwald, Nicolás M. S. Gálvez, Mariana Ríos, Alexis M. Kalergis. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2018.00386

“Human Metapneumovirus: Mechanisms and Molecular Targets Used by the Virus to Avoid the Immune System”.    “Jorge A. Soto, Nicolás M. S. Gálvez, Felipe M. Benavente, Magdalena S. Pizarro-Ortega, Margarita K. Lay, Claudia Riedel, Susan M. Bueno, Pablo A. Gonzalez, Alexis M. Kalergis”. Frontiers in Immunology. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.02466

Clinical and microbiological response of mice to intranasal inoculation with Lactococcus lactis expressing Group A Streptococcus antigens, to be used as an anti-streptococcal vaccine. Patricia C. Garcia, Braulio A. Paillavil, Natalia Scioscia, James B. Dale, Paulette Legarraga, Francisco J. Salazar-Echegarai, Susan M. Bueno, Alexis M. Kalergis, Aniela Wozniak. Microbiology and Immunology. doi: 10.1111/1348-0421.12657

Comparative effect of platelet-rich plasma, platelet-poor plasma, and fetal bovine serum on the proliferative response of periodontal ligament cell subpopulations. Constanza E. Martínez, Roberto Gómez, Alexis M. Kalergis, Patricio C. Smith. Clinical Oral Investigations.

“Oral vaccine based on a surface immunogenic protein mixed with alum promotes a decrease in Streptococcus agalactiae vaginal colonization in a mouse model”. D.A. Diaz-Dinamarca, D.A. Soto, Y.Y Leyton, M.J. Altamirano-Lagos, M.J. Avendaño, A.M. Kalergis,  A.E. Vasquez. Molecular Immunology.

Patterns of antibody response during natural hRSV infection: insights for the development of new antibody-based therapies. Natalia Muñoz-Durango, Magdalena S. Pizarro-Ortega, Emma Rey-Jurado, Fabián E. Díaz, Susan M. Bueno, Alexis M. Kalergis. EXPERT OPINION ON INVESTIGATIONAL DRUGS.

Role of Regulatory T Cells in Infection and Vaccination During Early Infancy. Samanta Celeste Funes, Miguel Andres Mansilla, Gisela Canedo-Marroquín, Margarita K. Lay, Claudia A. Riedel, Alexis M. Kalergis. Current Pharmaceutical Design. “DOI:10.2174/1381612824666180829094315”

Immunization with a Mixture of Nucleoprotein from Human Metapneumovirus and AbISCO-100 Adjuvant Reduces Viral Infection in Mice Model. Diego A. Diaz-Dinamarca, Francisco J. Ibañez, Daniel A. Soto, Jorge A. Soto, Pablo F. Cespedes, Nicolas A. Muena, Diego S. Garate, Alexis M. Kalergis, Abel E. Vasquez. VIRAL IMMUNOLOGY        DOI: 10.1089/vim.2017.0159

“An Update on Host-Pathogen Interplay and Modulation of Immune Responses during Orientia tsutsugamushi Infection”. Fabián E. Díaz, Katia Abarca, Alexis M. Kalergis. Clinical Microbiology Reviews. doi: 10.1128/CMR.00076-17

“Assessing the Importance of Domestic Vaccine Manufacturing Centers: An Overview of Immunization Programs, Vaccine Manufacture, and Distribution”   Emma Rey-Jurado, Felipe Tapia, Natalia Muñoz-Durango, Margarita K. Lay, Leandro J. Carreño, Claudia A. Riedel, Susan M. Bueno, Yvonne Genzel, Alexis M. Kalergis    Frontiers in Immunology. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.00026

Contribution of sex steroids and prolactin to the modulation of T and B cells during autoimmunity       Gabriela Recalde, Tamara Moreno-Sosa, Florencia Yúdica, Cristian A. Quintero, María Belén Sánchez, Graciela A. Jahn, Alexis M. Kalergis, Juan Pablo Mackern-ObertiAutoimmunity Reviews.

Implications of macrophage polarization in autoimmunity”Samanta C. Funes, Mariana Rios, Jorge Escobar-Vera, Alexis M. Kalergis” . IMMUNOLOGY. doi:10.1111/imm.12910 Insights on the crosstalk between dendritic cells and helper T cells in novel genetic etiology for mendelian susceptible mycobacterial disease. Emma Rey-Jurado, Magdalena S. Pizarro-Ortega, Alexis M. Kalergis. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. DOI: 10.1038/s41423-018-0177-x

“Nitric oxide activation by progesterone suppresses ATP-induced ciliary activity in oviductal ciliated cells”      Bredford Kerr, Mariana Rios, Karla DroguettC, Manuel Villalón. Reproduction, Fertility and Development.

Protective immunity induced by an intranasal multivalent vaccine comprising 10 Lactococcus lactis strains expressing highly prevalent M-protein antigens derived from Group A Streptococcus. Aniela Wozniak, Natalia Scioscia, Patricia C. García, James B. Dale, Braulio A. Paillavil, Paulette Legarraga, Francisco J. Salazar-Echegarai, Susan M. Bueno, Alexis M. Kalergis. Microbiology and Immunology. doi: 10.1111/1348-0421.12595


The Optimisation of the Expression of Recombinant Surface Immunogenic Protein of Group B Streptococcus in Escherichia coli by Response Surface Methodology Improves Humoral Immunity. Diego A. Díaz‑Dinamarca, José I. Jerias, Daniel A. Soto, Jorge A. Soto, Natalia V. Díaz, Yessica Y. Leyton, Rodrigo A. Villegas,Alexis M. Kalergis, Abel E. Vásquez. Molecular Biotechnology.

Differential expression profile of CXCR3 splicing variants is associated with thyroid neoplasia. Potential role in papillary thyroid carcinoma oncogenesis? “Soledad Urra, Martin C. Fischer, José R. Martínez, Loreto Véliz, Paulina Orellana, Antonieta Solar, Karen Bohmwald, Alexis Kalergis, Claudia Riedel, Alejandro H. Corvalán, Juan C. Roa, Rodrigo Fuentealba, C. Joaquin Cáceres, Marcelo López-Lastra, Augusto León, Nicolás Droppelmann, Hernán E. González”. Oncotarget. doi:  10.18632/oncotarget.23502

IL28B gene polymorphism rs12979860, but not rs8099917, contributes to the occurrence of chronic HCV infection in Uruguayan patients. Echeverría N, Chiodi D, López P, Sanchez Ciceron A, Angulo J, López-Lastra M, Silvera P, Canavesi A, Bianchi C, Colistro V, Cristina J, Hernandez N, Moreno P. Virology Journal. doi:10.1186/s12985-018-0946-2

Hepatitis A outbreak since November 2016 affecting men who have sex with men (MSM) in Chile connected to the current outbreak in MSM in Europe, situation up to October 2017. Rivas, Violeta; Barrera, Aldo; Pino, Karla; Núñez, Ruth; Caceres, C. Joaquin; Lopez-Lastra, Marcelo; Soza, Alejandro. Eurosurveillance. doi:10.2807/1560-7917

Non-canonical translation initiation of the spliced mRNA encoding the human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 basic leucine zipper protein            Cáceres, C Joaquín; Angulo, Jenniffer; Lowy, Fernando; Contreras, Nataly; Walters, Beth; Olivares, Eduardo; Allouche, Delphine; Merviel, Anne; Pino, Karla; Sargueil, Bruno; Thompson, Sunnie R; López-Lastra, Marcelo. Nucleic Acids Research.  doi:10.1093/nar/gky802

1918 influenza virus: 100 years on, are we prepared against the next influenza pandemic? Medina RA. Nat Rev Microbiol. doi: 10.1038/nrmicro.2017.174.

Infection of novel reassortant H1N2 and H3N2 swine influenza A viruses in the guinea pig model.         Tapia R, García V, Mena J, Bucarey S, Medina RA, Neira V.   Vet Res. doi: 10.1186/s13567-018-0572-4.

Reemergence of H3N8 Equine Influenza A virus in Chile, 2018. Mena, J., Brito, B., Moreira, R., Tadich, T., González, I., Cruces, J., Ortega, R., van Bakel, H., Rathnasinghe, R., Pizarro-Lucero, J., Medina, R.A., Neira, V.  Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. doi: 10.1111/tbed.12984

Pure platelet-rich plasma and supernatant of calcium-activated P-PRP induce different phenotypes of human macrophagesEscobar G, Escobar A, Ascui G, Tempio FI, Ortiz MC, Pérez CA, López MN.Future Medicine. doi: 10.2217/rme-2017-0122.

Erythropoietin induces bone marrow and plasma fibroblast growth factor 23 during acute kidney injury          Toro L, Barrientos V, León P, Rojas M, Gonzalez M, González-Ibáñez A, Illanes S, Sugikawa K, Abarzúa N, Bascuñán C, Arcos K, Fuentealba C, María Tong A,  A. Elorza A, Pinto ME, Alzamora R, Romero C, Michea L.     Kidney International.

Myeloid CD11c+ Antigen-Presenting Cells Ablation Prevents Hypertension in Response to Angiotensin II Plus High-Salt Diet. Hevia D, Araos P,  Prado C, Fuentes Luppichini E,  Rojas M,  Alzamora R,  Cifuentes-Araneda F,  A. Gonzalez A,  A. Amador C, Pacheco R,  Michea L. Hypertension            10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.117.10145

TRPM4 channel is involved in regulating epithelial to mesenchymal transition, migration, and invasion of prostate cancer cell lines.  I. Sagredo A, . Sagredo E,  Pola V, Echeverría C,  Andaur R, Michea L,  Stutzin A, Simon F,  Marcelain K, Armisén R.     Journal of Cellular Physiology  10.1002/jcp.27371

L-NIL prevents the ischemia and reperfusion injury involving TRL4, GST, clusterin and NFAT5 in mice. Pasten C, Alvarado C, Rocco J, Contreras L, Aracena P, Liberona J, Suazo C, Michea LF, Irarrázabal CE. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol.

Impact of Maternal Antibody on the Immunogenicity of Inactivated Polio Vaccine in Infants Immunized With Bivalent Oral Polio Vaccine: Implications for the Polio Eradication Endgame. Gaensbauer JT, Gast C, Bandyopadhyay AS, O’Ryan M, Saez-Llorens X, Rivera L, Lopez-Medina E, Melgar M, Weldon WC, Oberste MS, Rüttimann R, Clemens R, Asturias EJ. Clin Infect Dis. 2018 Oct 30;67(suppl_1):S57-S65.  doi: 10.1093/cid/ciy649.

Intestinal Immunity to Poliovirus Following Sequential Trivalent Inactivated Polio Vaccine/Bivalent Oral Polio Vaccine and Trivalent Inactivated Polio Vaccine-only Immunization Schedules: Analysis of an Open-label, Randomized, Controlled Trial in Chilean Infants. Brickley EB, Wieland-Alter W, Connor RI, Ackerman ME, Boesch AW, Arita M, Weldon WC, O’RyanMG, Bandyopadhyay AS, Wright PF. Clin Infect Dis. 2018 Oct 30;67(suppl_1):S42-S50.  doi: 10.1093/cid/ciy603.

Predominance of Rotavirus G8P[8] in a City in Chile, a Country Without Rotavirus Vaccination. Lucero Y, O’Ryan M, Liparoti G, Huerta N, Mamani N, Ramani S, Lagomarcino AJ, Del Canto F, Quense J. J Pediatr. 2018 Oct 5. pii: S0022-3476(18)31211-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2018.08.037.

Indications for Helicobacter pylori Eradication: Do We Need to Consider to Screen and Treat Asymptomatic Children? Lucero Y, George S, O’Ryan M. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2018 Oct;67(4):e86-e87.  doi: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000002082.

Coli Surface Antigen 26 Acts as an Adherence Determinant of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and Is Cross-Recognized by Anti-CS20 Antibodies. Cádiz L, Torres A, Valdés R, Vera G, Gutiérrez D, Levine MM, Montero DA, O’Ryan M, Rasko DA, Stine OC, Vidal R, Del Canto F. Front Microbiol. 2018 Oct 16;9:2463.  doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02463. eCollection 2018.

Global epidemiology of serogroup B meningococcal disease and opportunities for prevention with novel recombinant protein vaccines. Villena R, Safadi MAP, Valenzuela MT, Torres JP, Finn A, O’Ryan M.   Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2018 May 4;14(5):1042-1057.  doi: 10.1080/21645515.2018.1458175. Epub 2018 Apr 30

The ArcAB two-component regulatory system promotes resistance to reactive oxygen species and systemic infection by Salmonella Typhimurium. Pardo-Esté C, Hidalgo AA, Aguirre C, Briones AC, Cabezas CE, Castro-Severyn J, Fuentes JA, Opazo MC, Riedel CA, Otero C, Pacheco R, Valvano MA, Saavedra CP. Plos one doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0203497

Chilean Gastric Cancer Task Force. A study protocol to obtain a clinical and molecular classification of a cohort of gastric patients    Gareth I Owen, Mauricio P Pinto, Ignacio N Retamal, María F Fernandez, Betzabe Cisternas, Sebastián Mondaca, Cesar Sánchez, Hector Galindo, Bruno Nervi, Carolina Ibañez, Francisco Acevedo, Jorge Madrid, José Peña, Maria Loreto Bravo, Maria Jose Maturana, Miguel Cordova-Delgado, Diego Romero, Nathaly de la Jara, Javiera Torres, Maria Rodriguez-Fernandez, Manuel Espinoza, Carlos Balmaceda, Matías Freire, Valentina Gárate-Calderón, Fernando Crovari, Paula Jimenez-Fonseca, Alberto Carmona-Bayonas, Ariel Zwenger, Ricardo Armisen, Alejandro H Corvalán, Marcelo Garrido. Medicine. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000010419.

Expression of RPRM/rprm in the olfactory system of embryonic zebrafish (Danio rerio). Karen Stanic, Alonso Quiroz, Carmen G Lemus, Ignacio a Wichmann, Alejandro H Corvalan, Gareth I Owen, Juan C Opazo, Miguel L Concha, Julio D  Amigo.  Frontiers in neuroanatomy. doi: 10.3389/fnana.2018.00023

Patient inflammatory status and CD4+/CD8+intraepithelial tumor lymphocyte infintration are predictors of outcomes in high-grade serous ovarian cáncer. Mauricio P Pinto, Carlos Balmaceda, Maria L Bravo, Sumie Kato, Alejandra Villarroel, Gareth I Owen, Juan Carlos Roa, Mauricio A Cuello, Carolina Ibañez. Gynecologic Oncology. doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2018.07.025

The Reprimo gene family: A novel gene lineage in gastric cancer with tumor suppressive properties. Julio d Amigo, Juan C Opazo, Roddy Jorquera, Ignacio A Wichmann, Benjamin A Garcia-Bloj, Maria Alejandra Alarcon, Gareth I Owen, Alejandro H Corvalan. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. doi: 10.3390/ijms19071862

Simvastatin interferes with cancer ‘stem-cell’ plasticity reducing metastasis in ovarian cancer   S Kato, M F Liberona, J Cerda-Infante, M Sanchez, J Henriquez, C Bizama, M L Bravo, P González, R Gejman, J Brañes, K Garcia, C Ibañez, G I Owen, J C Roa, V Montecinos, M A Cuello   Endocrine Related Cancer. doi: 10.1530/ERC-18-0132

Copper deficiency-induced anemia is caused by a mitochondrial metabolic reprograming in erythropoietic cells. Jensen EL,  Gonzalez-Ibanez AM,  Mendoza P, Ruiz LM,  Riedel CA,  Simon F, Schuringa JJ  and Elorza AA. Royal society of chemistry. doi: 10.1039/c8mt00224j

The ArcAB two-component regulatory system promotes resistance to reactive oxygen species and systemic infection by Salmonella Typhimurium. Pardo-Esté C, Hidalgo AA, Aguirre C, Briones AC, Cabezas CE, Castro-Severyn J, Fuentes JA, Opazo CM, Riedel CA, Otero C, Pacheco R, Valvano MA, Saavedra CP. Plos one. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0203497

Gestational Hypothyroxinemia Affects Its Offspring With a Reduced Suppressive Capacity Impairing the Outcome of the Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. Haensgen H, Albornoz E, Opazo MC, Bugueño K, Jara Fernández EL, Binzberger R, Rivero-Castillo T, Venegas Salas LF, Simon F, Cabello-Verrugio C, Elorza AA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, Riedel CA. Frontiers in inmunology. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01257

Role of Oxidative Stress as Key Regulator of Muscle Wasting during Cachexia. Ábrigo J, Elorza AA, Riedel CA, Vilos C, Simon F, Cabrera D, Estrada L, Cabello-Verrugio C.    Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity doi: 10.1155/2018/2063179

Intestinal Microbiota Influences Non-intestinal Related Autoimmune Diseases.  Opazo MC, Ortega-Rocha EM, Coronado-Arrázola I, Bonifaz LC, Boudin H, Neunlist M, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, Riedel CA. Frontiers in microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00432

Role of Transforming Growth Factor Family of Peptides in Health and Diseases.  Cabello-Verrugio C. Current protein & peptide science. doi: 10.2174/138920371912180926125239

Gestational Hypothyroxinemia Affects Its Offspring With a Reduced Suppressive Capacity Impairing the Outcome of the Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. Haensgen H, Albornoz E, Opazo MC, Bugueño K, Jara Fernández EL, Binzberger R, Rivero-Castillo T, Venegas Salas LF, Simon F, Cabello-Verrugio C, Elorza AA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, Riedel CA. Frontiers in inmunology. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01257

Sarcopenia in a mice model of chronic liver disease: role of the ubiquitin-proteasome system and oxidative stress.    Campos F, Abrigo J, Aguirre F, Garcés B, Arrese M, Karpen S, Cabrera D, Andía ME, Simon F, Cabello-Verrugio C. Pflügers Archiv : European journal of physiology. doi: 10.1007/s00424-018-2167-3

Role of Oxidative Stress as Key Regulator of Muscle Wasting during Cachexia. Ábrigo J, Elorza AA, Riedel CA, Vilos C, Simon F, Cabrera D, Estrada L, Cabello-Verrugio C.    Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity. doi: 10.1155/2018/2063179

Combined Therapies for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy to Optimize Treatment Efficacy. Cordova G, Negroni E, Cabello-Verrugio C, Mouly V, Trollet C. Combined   Frontiers in genetics. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2018.00114

Transforming Growth Factor-Beta Family: Advances in Vascular Function and Signaling Gatica S, Cabello-Verrugio C, Simon F. Current protein & peptide science          doi: 10.2174/1389203719666171128114730

TGF-β and Hepatocellular Carcinoma: When A Friend Becomes An Enemy. Arrese M, Hernandez A, Astete L, Estrada L, Cabello-Verrugio C, Cabrera D.        Current protein & peptide science. doi: 10.2174/1389203718666171117112619

Central Role of Transforming Growth Factor Type Beta 1 in Skeletal Muscle Dysfunctions: An Update on Therapeutic Strategies. Abrigo J, Simon F, Cabrera D, Cordova G, Trollet C, Cabello-Verrugio C. Current protein & peptide science. doi: 10.2174/1389203718666171117101916.

TGF-β requires the activation of canonical and non-canonical signalling pathways to induce skeletal muscle atrophy. Ábrigo J, Campos F, Simon F, Riedel C, Cabrera D, Vilos C, Cabello-Verrugio C. Biological chemistry. doi: 10.1515/hsz-2017-0217

Copper deficiency-induced anemia is caused by a mitochondrial metabolic reprograming in erythropoietic cells. Jensen EL,  Gonzalez-Ibanez AM,  Mendoza P, Ruiz LM,  Riedel CA,  Simon F, Schuringa JJ  and Elorza AA. Royal society of chemistry. doi: 10.1039/c8mt00224j

TRPM4 channel is involved in regulating epithelial to mesenchymal transition, migration, and invasion of prostate cancer cell lines. Sagredo AI, Sagredo EA, Pola V, Echeverría C, Andaur R, Michea L, Stutzin A, Simon F, Marcelain K, Armisén R. Journal of Cellular Physiology. doi: 10.1002/jcp.27371

Gestational Hypothyroxinemia Affects Its Offspring With a Reduced Suppressive Capacity Impairing the Outcome of the Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. Haensgen H, Albornoz E, Opazo MC, Bugueño K, Jara Fernández EL, Binzberger R, Rivero-Castillo T, Venegas Salas LF, Simon F, Cabello-Verrugio C, Elorza AA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, Riedel CA. Frontiers in inmunology. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01257

Sarcopenia in a mice model of chronic liver disease: role of the ubiquitin-proteasome system and oxidative stress.    Campos F, Abrigo J, Aguirre F, Garcés B, Arrese M, Karpen S, Cabrera D, Andía ME, Simon F, Cabello-Verrugio C. Pflügers Archiv : European journal of physiology. doi: 10.1007/s00424-018-2167-3

Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 Expression Mediates Capsaicin-Induced Cell Death. Ramírez-Barrantes R, Córdova C, Gatica S, Rodriguez B, Lozano C, Marchant I, Echeverria C, Simon F, Olivero P. Frontiers in physiology. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.00682

Role of Oxidative Stress as Key Regulator of Muscle Wasting during Cachexia. Ábrigo J, Elorza AA, Riedel CA, Vilos C, Simon F, Cabrera D, Estrada L, Cabello-Verrugio C.    Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity. doi: 10.1155/2018/2063179

Critical contribution of Na+-Ca2+ exchanger to the Ca2+-mediated vasodilation activated in endothelial cells of resistance arteries. Lillo MA, Gaete PS, Puebla M, Ardiles NM, Poblete I, Becerra A, Simon F, Figueroa XF. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. doi: 10.1096/fj.201700365RR

Transforming Growth Factor-Beta Family: Advances in Vascular Function and Signaling. Gatica S, Cabello-Verrugio C, Simon F. Current protein & peptide science          doi: 10.2174/1389203719666171128114730

Central Role of Transforming Growth Factor Type Beta 1 in Skeletal Muscle Dysfunctions: An Update on Therapeutic Strategies. Abrigo J, Simon F, Cabrera D, Cordova G, Trollet C, Cabello-Verrugio C. Current protein & peptide science. doi: 10.2174/1389203718666171117101916

TGF-β requires the activation of canonical and non-canonical signalling pathways to induce skeletal muscle atrophy. Ábrigo J, Campos F, Simon F, Riedel C, Cabrera D, Vilos C, Cabello-Verrugio C. Biological chemistry. doi: 10.1515/hsz-2017-0217

TRPM4 regulates Akt/GSK3-β activity and enhances β-catenin signaling and cell proliferation in prostate cancer cells. Sagredo AI, Sagredo EA, Cappelli C, Báez P, Andaur RE, Blanco C, Tapia JC, Echeverría C, Cerda O, Stutzin A, Simon F, Marcelain K, Armisén R. Molecular oncology. doi: 10.1002/1878-0261.12100

Expression of the ectodomain-releasing protease ADAM17 is directly regulated by the osteosarcoma and bone-related transcription factor RUNX2. Araya HF, Sepulveda H, Lizama CO, Vega OA, Jerez S, Briceño PF, Thaler R, Riester SM, Antonelli M, Salazar-Onfray F, Rodríguez JP, Moreno RD, Montecino M, Charbonneau M, Dubois CM, Stein GS, van Wijnen AJ, Galindo MA. Journal of Cellular Biochemestry.  doi: 10.1002/jcb.26832.

Vaccination-induced skin-resident memory CD8+ T cells mediate strong protection against cutaneous melanoma. Gálvez-Cancino F, López E, Menares E, Díaz X, Flores C, Cáceres P, Hidalgo S, Chovar O, Alcántara-Hernández M, Borgna V, Varas-Godoy M, Salazar-Onfray F, Idoyaga J, Lladser A. Oncoimmunology. doi: 10.1080/2162402X.2018.1442163.

Proteomic Identification of Heat Shock-Induced Danger Signals in a Melanoma Cell Lysate Used in Dendritic Cell-Based Cancer Immunotherapy. González FE, Chernobrovkin A, Pereda C, García-Salum T, Tittarelli A, López MN, Salazar-Onfray F, Zubarev RA. Journal Immunology Research. doi: 10.1155/2018/3982942.

Molecular signatures associated with tumor-specific immune response in melanoma patients treated with dendritic cell-based immunotherapy            García-Salum T, Villablanca A, Matthäus F, Tittarelli A, Baeza M, Pereda C, Gleisner MA, González FE, López MN, Hoheisel JD, Norgauer J, Gebicke-Haerter PJ, Salazar-Onfray F. Oncotarget.  doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.24795.

Tumor lysate-based vaccines: on the road to immunotherapy for gallbladder cancer. Rojas-Sepúlveda D, Tittarelli A, Gleisner MA, Ávalos I, Pereda C, Gallegos I, González FE, López MN, Butte JM, Roa JC, Fluxá P, Salazar-Onfray F. Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy. doi: 10.1007/s00262-018-2157-5.

Antitumor activity and carrier properties of novel hemocyanins coupled to a mimotope of GD2 ganglioside. Palacios M, Tampe R, Del Campo M, Zhong TY, López MN, Salazar-Onfray F, Becker MI. European Journal of medicinal Chemistry. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2018.02.082.

High CD8+ and absence of Foxp3+ T lymphocytes infiltration in gallbladder tumors correlate with prolonged patients survival. Fluxá P, Rojas-Sepúlveda D, Gleisner MA, Tittarelli A, Villegas P, Tapia L, Rivera MT, López MN, Catán F, Uribe M, Salazar-Onfray F. British Medical Cancerdoi: 10.1186/s12885-018-4147-6.

First report of the distribution of Locus of Adhesion and Autoaggregation(LAA) pathogenicity island in LEE-negative Shiga toxin-producingEscherichia coli isolates from Argentina. Colello R, Vélez MV, González J, Montero DA, Bustamante AV, Del Canto F, Etcheverría AI, Vidal R, Padola NL. Microbial Pathogenesis           doi: 10.1016/j.micpath.2018.07.011

Publicaciones IMII 2017

Functional Impairment of Mononuclear Phagocyte System by the Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Bohmwald K, Espinoza J, Pulgar R, Jara E, Kalergis A. Frontiers in Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2017.01643.

Pharmacological Induction of Heme Oxygenase-1 Impairs Nuclear Accumulation of Herpes Simplex Virus Capsids upon Infection. Ibáñez FJ, Farías MA, Retamal-Díaz A, Espinoza JA, Kalergis AM, González PA. Frontiers in Microbiology. 10.3389/fmicb.2017.02108.

Innate immune cells for immunotherapy of autommune and cancer disorders. Shafer C, Ascui G, Ribeiro CH, López M, Prados-Rosales R, González PA. Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Banera A, Kalergis AM, Carreños LJ. International Reviews of Immunology. 10.1080/08830185.2017.1365145.

Modulation of Host Immunity by Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus Virulence Factors: A Synergic Inhibition of Both Innate and Adaptive Immunity. Canedo-Marroquin G, Acevedo- Acevedo O, Rey- Jurado E, Saavedra JM, Lay MK, Bueno, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM. Frontiers in Cell and Infection Microbiology. 10.3389/fcimb.2017.00367

A Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Deleted for Glycoprotein D Enables Dendritic Cells to Active CD4+ and CD8+T Cells. Retamal-Díaz A, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, González PA. Frontiers in Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00904.

Interlukin-10 Production by T and B Cells Is a Key Factor to Promote Systemic Salmmonella Eterica Serovas Typhimurium Infection in Mice. Salazar GA, Peñaloza HF, Pardo_roa C, Schultz B, Muñoz-Durango N, Gómez RS, Salazar FJ, Pizarro DP, Riedel CA, GonzálezPA, Alvarez-Lobos M, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. Frontiers in Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00889.

New Insights Contributing to the Development of Effective Vaccines and Therapies to Reduce the Pathology Caused by hRSV. Gálvez NMS, Soto J, Kalergis AM    International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 10.3390/ijms18081753.

Aberrant T cell immunity triggered by human Respiratory Syncytial Virus and human Metapneumovirus infection      González AE, Lay MK; Jara EL, Espinoza JA, Gómez R, Soto J, Rivera CA, Abarca K, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM. Virulence. 10.1080/21505594.2016.1265725.

Autologous tolerogenic dendritic cells derived from monocytes of sytemic  lupus eruthematosus patients and healthy donors show a stable and immunosuppressive phenotype . Obreque J, Vega F, Torres A, Cuitino L, Mackern-Oberti JP, Vivianu P, Kalergis AM, Llanos C. Immunology. 10.1111/imm.12806.

Heme Oxygenase-1 Modulates Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus Replication and Lung Pathogenesis during Infection. Espinoza JA, León MA, Céspedes PF, Gómes RS, Canedo-Marroquin G, Riquelme SA, Salazar FJ, Blancou P, Simon T, Anegon I, Lay MK, González PA, Ridel CA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. The Journal of Immunology. 10.4049/jimmunol.160141.

FOCIS goes south: Advances in translational and Clinical Immunology. Kalergis AM, Anegon I, González PA      Immunotherapy. 10.2217/imt-2017-007.

Modulation of Antiviral Immunity by Heme Oxygenase-1. Espinoza JA, González PA, Kalergis AM. The American Journal of Pathology. 10.1016/j.ajpath.2016.11.011.

THEMIS, the new kid on the block for T-cell development. Espinoza JA, Jara EL, Kalergis AM. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. 10.1038/cmi.2017.34.

Gestational Hypothyroxinemia Imprints a Switch in the Capacity of Astrocytes and Microglial Cells of Offpring to React in Imflammation. Opazo MC, González PA, Flores BD, Venegas LF, Albornoz EA, Cisternas P, Bohmwald K, Nieto PA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, Riedel CA. Mol Microbiol. 10.1007/s12035-017-0627-y.

A safe and efficient BCG vectored vaccine to prevent the disease caused by the human Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Rey-Jurado E, Soto J, Gálvez N, Kalergis AM. Human Vaccine & Immunotherapeutics. 10.1080/21645515.2017.

Hormonal Modulation of Dendritic Cells Differentiation, Maturation and Function: Implications for the Initiation and Progress of Systremic Autoimmunity. Mackern-Oberti JP, Jara EL, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM. Arch Immunil Ther. Exp. 10.1007/s00005-016-0418-6.

Imprinting of maternal thyroid hormones in the offpring. Opazo MC, Haensgen H, Bohmwald K, Venegas LF, Boudin H, Elorza AA, Simon F, Fardella C, Bueno SM, Klaregis AM, Riedel CA. International Reviews of Immunology. 10.1080/08830185.2016.

Immunological Features of Respiratory Syncytial Virus- Caused Pneumonia – Implications for Vaccine Design. Rey-Jurado E, Kalergis AM. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 10.3390/ijms18030556.

Endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition: Cytokine-mediated pathways that determine endothelial fibrosis under imflammatory conditions. Pérez L, Muñoz-Durando N, Riedel CA, Echeverría C, Kalergis AM, Cabello-Verrugo C, Simon F. Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews. 10.1016/j.cytogfr.2016.09.002.

A Potential Role of Salmonella Infection in the Onset of Imflammatory Bowel Diseases. Schultz B, Paduro CA, Salazar G, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Sebastian VP, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Alvarez-Lobos M, Bueno SM.          Frontiers in Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00191.

Modulating the function of the immune system by thyroid hormones and thyrotropin. Jara EL, Muñoz-Durango N, Llanos Ca, Fardella C, Gonzáles PA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AMN, Riedel CA. Immunology Letters. 10.1016/j.imlet.2017.02.010.

Proteomic Analysis of Exosomes and Exosome-Free Conditoned Media From Human Osteosarcoma Cell Lines Reveals Secretion of Proteins Related to Tumor Progression. Jerez S, Araya H, Thaler R, Charlesworth MC, López Solpis R, Kalergis AM, Céspedes PF, Dudakovic A, Stein GR, van Wijnen AJ, Galindo M. Journal of Cell Biochemistry. 10.1002/jcb.25642.

A single, low dose of a cGMP recombinant BCG vaccine elicits protective T cell immunity against the human respiratory syncytial virus infection and prevents lung pathology in mice. Céspedes PF, Rey-Jurado E, Espinoza JA, Rivera CA, Canedo-Marroquin G, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM.  Vaccine. 10.1016/j.vaccine.2016.12.048.

Interleukin 10 modulation of neutrophil subsets infiltrating lungs during Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. Peñaloza HF, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Bueno SM. Biochem Biophys Rep.

US6 Gene Deletion in Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Enhances Dendritic Cell Function and T Cell Activation. Retamal-Díaz A, Weiss KA, Tognarelli EI, Freire M, Bueno SM, Herold BC, Jacobs WR Jr, González PA. Front Immunol. 10.3389/fimmu.2017.01523.

Serum levels of interleukin-6 are linked to the severity of the disease caused by Andes Virus. Angulo J, Martínez-Valdebenito C, Marco C, Galeno H, Villagra E, Vera L, Lagos N, Becerra N, Mora J, Bermúdez A, Díaz J, Ferrés M, López-Lastra M. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. Enfermedades Infecciosas. 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005757.

Dexamethasone and Monophosphoryl Lipid A Induce a Distinctive Profile on Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells through Transcriptional Modulation of Genes Associated With Essential Processes of the Immune Response. García-González PA, Schinnerling K, Sepúlveda-Gutiérrez A, Maggi J, Mehdi AM, Nel HJ, Pesce B, Larrondo ML, Aravena O, Molina MC, Catalán D, Thomas R, Verdugo RA, Aguillón JC. Frontiers in Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2017.01350.

The role of interleukin-6 signalling and its therapeutic blockage in skewing the T cell balance in rheumatoid arthritis. Schinnerling K, Aguillón JC, Catalán D, Soto L. Clinical and Experimental Immunology. 10.1111/cei.12966.

TIM-1 defines a human regulatory B cell population that is altered in frequency and function in systemic sclerosis patients. Aravena O, Ferrier A, Menon M, Mauri C, Aguillón JC, Soto L, Catalán D. Arthritis Research and Therapy. 10.1186/s13075-016-1213-9.

Mind the Gaps in Tumor immunity: impact of Connexin-Mediated intercellular Connections. María Alejandra Gleisner, Mariela Navarrete, Francisca Hofmann, Flavio Salazar-Onfray and Andrés Tittarelli. Frontiers in Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2017.01067.

Proteomic identification of heat shock-induced danger signals in a melanoma cell lysate used in dendritic cell-based cancer immunotherapy. Fermin Gonzalez, Alexey Chernobrovkin,  Cristián Pereda, Tamara García-Salum, Andrés Tittarelli, Mercedes López, Flavio Salazar-Onfray, R. A. Zubarev. Journal of Immunology Research.

Targeting Innate Immune Cells for Immunotherapy. Carreño LJ, Prados-Rosales R, López MN, Baena A, González PA. J Immunol Res. 10.1155/2017/4271384.

Molluskan Hemocyanins Activate the Classical Pathway of the Human Complement System through Natural Antibodies. Pizarro-Bauerle J, Maldonado I, Sosoniuk-Roche E, Vallejos G, López MN, Salazar-Onfray F, Aguilar-Guzmán L, Valck C, Ferreira A, Becker MI.   Front Immunol. 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00188.

Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling Activates Expression of the Bone-Related Transcription Factor RUNX2 in Select Human Osteosarcoma Cell Types.Vega O, Lucero CMJ, Araya HF, Jerez S, Tapia JC, Antonelli M, Salazar-Onfray F, Las Heras F, Thaler R, Riester SM, Stein GS, van Wijnen AJ, Galindo MA. J Cell Biochem. 10.1002/jcb.26011.

Caveolin-1 Expression Increases upon Maturation in Dendritic Cells and Promotes Their Migration to Lymph Nodes Thereby Favoring the Induction of CD8+ T Cell Responses.Oyarce C, Cruz-Gomez S, Galvez-Cancino F, Vargas P, Moreau HD, Diaz-Valdivia N, Diaz J, Salazar-Onfray FA, Pacheco R, Lennon-Dumenil AM, Quest AFG, Lladser A. Front Immunol. 10.3389/fimmu.2017.01794.

Diabetic concentrations of metformin inhibit platelet-mediated ovarian cancer cell progression. Rafaela Erices, Sofía Cubillos, Raúl Aravena, Felice Santoro, Monica Marquez, Renan Orellana, Carolina Ramírez, Pamela González, Patricia Fuenzalida, María Loreto Bravo, Bárbara Oliva, Sumie Kato, Carolina Ibañez, Jorge Brañes, Erasmo Bravo, Catalina Alonso, Karen García, Clemente Arab, Vicente A. Torres, Alejandro S. Godoy, Jaime Pereira, Galdo Bustos, Julio Cesar Cardenas, Mauricio A. Cuello, Gareth I. Owen. Oncotarget. 10.18632/oncotarget.15348.

Reprimo tissue-specific expression pattern is conserved between zebrafish and human. Ricardo J. Figueroa, Gonzalo Carrasco-Avino, Ignacio A. Wichmann, Martin Lange, Gareth I. Owen, Arndt F. Siekmann, Alejandro H. Corvalan, Juan C. Opazo, Julio D. Amigo  Plos One. 10.1371/journal.pone.0178274.

The salivary peptide histatin-1 promotes endothelial cell adhesion, migration, and angiogénesis. Pedro Torres, Jorge Dıaz,Maximiliano Arce, Patricio Silva, Pablo Mendoza, Pablo Lois, Alfredo Molina-Berrıos, Gareth I. Owen, Veronica Palma, and Vicente A. Torres. The Faseb Journal. 10.1096/fj.201700085R.

Angiogenesis inhibitors in early development for gastric cancer    Mauricio P. Pinto, Gareth I. Owen, Ignacio Retamal and Marcelo Garrido. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. Angiogenesis in cancer progression.     10.1080/13543784.2017.1361926.

Structural and functional identification of vasculogenic mimicry in vitro. Dusan Racordon, Andrés Valdivia, Gabriel Mingo, Rafaela Erices, Raúl Aravena, Felice Santoro, Maria Loreto Bravo, Carolina Ramirez, Pamela Gonzalez, Alejandra  Sandoval, Alfonso González, Claudio Retamal, Marcelo J. Kogan, Sumie Kato, Mauricio A. Cuello, German Osorio, Francisco Nualart, Pedro Alvares, Araceli Gago-Arias, Daniella Fabri, Ignacio Espinoza, Beatriz Sanchez, Alejandro H. Corvalán, Mauricio P. Pinto & Gareth I. Owen. Scientific Reports. 10.1038/s41598-017-07622-w.

MicroRNA-335-5p is a potential suppressor of metastasis and invasion in gastric cáncer. Alejandra Sandoval-Bórquez, Iva Polakovicova, Nicolás Carrasco-Véliz, Lorena Lobos-González, Ismael Riquelme, Gonzalo Carrasco-Avino, Carolina Bizama, Enrique Norero, Gareth I. Owen, Juan C. Roa, and Alejandro H. Corvalán. Clinical Epigenetics. 10.1186/s13148-017-0413-8.

Oxidative stress in disease and aging: Mechanisms and therapies 2016. Cabello-Verrugio, Simon, F., Trollet, C., Santibañez, JF. Oxidative medicine cell longevity. 10.1155/2017/4310469.

The complex of PAMAM-OH dendrimer with Angiotensin (1-7) prevented the disuse-induced skeletal muscle atrophy in mice. Marquez-Miranda, V., Ábrigo, J., Rivera, JC., Araya-Duran, I., Aravena, J., Simon, F., Pacheco, N., Gonzalez-Nilo, FD., Cabello-Verrugio, C.  International journal of nanomediceine. 10.2147/IJN.S125521.

Skeletal muscle wasting: new role of non-classical renin-angiotensin system. Cabello-Verrugio, C., Rivera, JC., Garcia, D. Current opinion in Clinical nutrition & Metabolic care. 10.1097/MCO.000000000000036.

Andrographolide ameliorates inflammation and fibrogenesis and attenuates inflammasome activation in experimental non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Cabrera, D., Wree, A., Povero, D., Solis, N., Hernandez, A., Pizarro, M., Moshage, H., Torres, J., Feldstein, AE., Cabello-Verrugio, C. Scientific report. 10.1038/s41598-017-03675-z.

Central role of transforming growth factor type beta 1 in skeletal muscle dysfunctions: an update on therapeutic-strategies. Ábrigo, J., Simón, F., Cabrera, D., Cordova, G., Trollet, C., Cabello-Verrugio, C. Current proteins and peptides science. 10.2174/1389203718666171117101916.

TGF-b and Hepatocellular carcinoma: when a friend becomes an enemy.  Arrese, M., Cabrera, D., Hernandez, A., Astete, L., Estrada, L., Cabello-Verrugio, C. Current proteins and peptides science.10.2174/1389203718666171117112619.

TGF-b requires the activation of canonical and non-canonical signaling pathways to induce skeletal muscle atrophy. Ábrigo, J., Campos, F., Simon, F., Riedel, C., Cabrera, D., Vilos, C., Cabello-Verrugio, C. Biological chemistry. 10.1515/hsz-2017-0217.

Urinary Exosomes and Their Cargo: Potential Biomarkers for Mineralocorticoid Arterial Hypertension? Eric R. Barros and Cristian A. Carvajal*. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 10.3389/fendo.2017.00230.

Primary Aldosteronism Surgery Outcome (PASO) investigators. Outcomes after adrenalectomy for unilateral primary aldosteronism: an international consensus on outcome measures and analysis of remission rates in an international cohort. Williams TA, Lenders JWM, Mulatero P, Burrello J, Rottenkolber M, Adolf C, Satoh F, Amar L, Quinkler M, Deinum J, Beuschlein F, Kitamoto KK, Pham U, Morimoto R, Umakoshi H, Prejbisz A, Kocjan T, Naruse M, Stowasser M, Nishikawa T, Young WF Jr, Gomez-Sanchez CE, Funder JW, Reincke M;  C Fardella; R Baudrand.  The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. 10.1016/S2213-8587(17)30135-3.

Hypertensive Patients That Respond to Aldosterone Antagonists May Have a Nonclassical 11β-HSD2 Deficiency. Alejandra Tapia-Castillo,1,* Cristian A. Carvajal,1,* Fidel Allende,2 Carmen Campino,1 and Carlos E. Fardella. American Journal of Hypertension. 10.1093/ajh/hpx065.

Chapter 7. Epigenetics and ArterialHypertension: Evidences and Perspectives S. Friso, C.A. Carvajal, F. Pizzolo, C.E. Fardella and O. Olivieri. Translating Epigenetics to the Clinic. Genetics & Epigenetics of Endocrine Hypertension (Joven-CCM). 10.1016/B978-0-12-800802-7.00007-1.

Continuum of Renin-Independent Aldosteronism in Normotension. Rene Baudrand, Francisco J. Guarda, Carlos Fardella, Gregory Hundemer, Jenifer Brown, Gordon Williams, Anand Vaidya. Hypertension. 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.116.08952.

Topical nitric oxide releasing nanoparticles are effective in a murine model of dermal Trichophyton rubrum dermatophytosis. Mordorski B, Costa-Orlandi CB, Baltazar LM, Carreño LJ, Landriscina A, Rosen J, Navati M, Mendes-Giannini MJS, Friedman JM, Nosanchuk JD, Friedman AJ. Nanomedicine. 10.1016/j.nano.2017.06.018.

Enhanced control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis extrapulmonary dissemination in mice by an arabinomannan-protein conjugate vaccine. Prados-Rosales R, Carreño L, Cheng T, Blanc C, Weinrick B, Malek A, Lowary TL, Baena A, Joe M, Bai Y, Kalscheuer R, Batista-Gonzalez A, Saavedra NA, Sampedro L, Tomás J, Anguita J, Hung SC, Tripathi A, Xu J, Glatman-Freedman A, Jacobs WR Jr, Chan J, Porcelli SA, Achkar JM, Casadevall A. PLoS Pathogens. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1006250..

Circulating vitamin D-binding protein and free 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations in patients with melanoma: a case-control study.Navarrete-Dechent C, Del Puerto C, Molgo M, González S, Perez-Mateluna G, Uribe P, Camargo CA, Borzutzky A. J Am Acad Dermatol. 10.1016/j.jaad.2017.03.035.

Incidence and risk factors of food allergy after umbilical cord blood transplantation in children. Hernández-Ojeda A, Rojas N, Barriga F, Wietstruck MA, Morales PS, Borzutzky A. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract.           10.1016/j.jaip.2017.04.034.

Evolution of the skin manifestations of X-linked Pigmentary Reticulate Disorder.Starokadomskyy P, Sifuentes-Dominguez L, Gemelli T, Zinn AR, Dossi MT, Mellado C, Bertrand P, Borzutzky A, Burstein E. Brit J Dermatol. 10.1111/bjd.15586.

Regional solar radiation is inversely correlated with incidence and severity of tuberculosis in Chile. Balcells ME, Cerda J, Concha S, Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, Camargo CA, Martineau AR, Borzutzky A. Epidemiol Infect. 10.1017/S0950268817000607.

Primary immunodeficiencies in Chile evaluated through ICD-10 coded hospital admissions. Poli C, Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, Borzutzky A. Allergol Immunopathol (Madr). 10.1016/j.aller.2016.05.004.

Solar radiation is inversely associated with inflammatory bowel disease admissions.  Jaime F, Riutort MC, Alvarez-Lobos M, Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, Camargo CA, Borzutzky A. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2017; 52(6-7):730-737. 10.1080/00365521.2017.1307444.

Locus of Adhesion and Autoaggregation (LAA), a pathogenicity island present in emerging Shiga Toxin-producing Escherichia coli strains. Montero DA, Velasco J, Del Canto F, Puente JL, Padola NL, Rasko DA, Farfán M, Salazar JC, Vidal R. Scientific Reports10.1038/s41598-017-06999-y.

Distinctive Gut Microbiota Is Associated with Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli Infections in Chilean Children.  Gallardo P, Izquierdo M, Vidal RM, Chamorro-Veloso N, Rosselló-Móra R, O’Ryan M, Farfán MJ. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 10.3389/fcimb.2017.00424.

Mineralocorticoids modulate the expression of the β-3 subunit of the Na+, K+-ATPase in the renal collecting duct. Macarena Rojas, Pablo Díaz, Pablo León, Alexis A. Gonzalez, Magdalena González, Víctor Barrientos, Nikolay B. Pestov, Rodrigo Alzamora & Luis MicheaChannels. 10.1080/19336950.2017.1344800.

Publicaciones IMII 2016

Escaping antiangiogenic therapy: strategies employed by cancer cells. Pinto MP, Sotomayor P, Carrasco-Avino G, Corvalan AH, Owen GI.  International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2016 6;17(9).

Modulatory Effect of 2-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)amino-1,4-naphthoquinone on Endothelial Vasodilation in Rat Aorta. Palacios J, Cifuentes F, Valderrama J, Benites J, Rios D, Gonzalez C, Chiong M, Cartes-Saavedra B, Lafourcade C, Wyneken U, Gonzalez P, Owen GI, Pardo F, Sobrevia L, Buc Calderon P. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2016:3939540.

Evolutionary history of the reprimo tumor suppressor gene family in vertebrates with a description of a new reprimo gene lineage. Wichmann IA, Zavala K, Hoffmann FG, Vandewege MW, Corvalán AH, Amigo JD, Owen GI, Opazo JC. Gene. 2016 Oct 10;591(1):245-54.

Adenosine A3 receptor elicits chemoresistance mediated by multiple resistance-associated protein-1 in human glioblastoma stem-like cells. Torres A, Vargas Y, Uribe D, Jaramillo C, Gleisner A, Salazar-Onfray F, López MN, Melo R, Oyarzún C, San Martín R, Quezada C. Oncotarget 2016 7(41):67373-67386.

Dendritic cell chimerism in oral mucosa of transplanted patients affected by graft-versus-host disease. Pérez CA, Rabanales R, Rojas-Alcayaga G, Larrondo M, Escobar AF, López MN, Salazar-Onfray F, Alfaro JI, González FE. J Oral Pathol Med 2016 45(2):127-35.

CitosineAdenineRepeat Microsatellite of 11βhydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 Gene in Hypertensive Children. Valdivia C, Carvajal CA, Campino C, Allende F, Martinez‐Aguayo A, Baudrand R, Vecchiola A, Lagos CF, Tapia‐Castillo A, Fuentes CA, Aglony M; Solari S, Kalergis AM, García H, Owen GI, Fardella CE. Am J Hypertens 2016 29(1):25-32.

Aldosterone Production and Signaling Dysregulation in Obesity. Vecchiola A, Lagos CF, Carvajal CA, Baudrand R, Fardella CE. Curr Hypertens 2016 18(3):20.

Role of the ReninAngiotensinAldosterone System beyond Blood Pressure Regulation: Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms Involved in End-Organ Damage during Arterial Hypertension. Muñoz‐Durango N, Fuentes CA, Castillo AE, González‐Gómez LM, Vecchiola A, Fardella CE, Kalergis AM. Int J Mol Sci 2016 17(7). pii: E797.

Cortisol/cortisone ratio and matrix metalloproteinase9 activity are associated with pediatric primary hypertension. Martinez‐Aguayo A, Campino C, Baudrand R, Carvajal CA, García H, Aglony M,Bancalari R, García L, Loureiro C, Vecchiola A, Tapia‐Castillo A, Valdivia C, Sanhueza S, Fuentes CA, Lagos CF, Solari S, Allende F, Kalergis AM, Fardella CE. J Hypertens 2016 34(9):1808-14.

Usefulness and Pitfalls in Sodium Intake Estimation: Comparison of Dietary Assessment and Urinary Excretion in Chilean Children and Adults. Campino C, Hill C, Baudrand R, Martínez‐Aguayo A, Aglony M, Carrasco CA, Ferrada C, Loureiro C, Vecchiola A, Bancalari R, Grob F, Carvajal CA, Lagos CF, Valdivia C, Tapia‐Castillo A, Fuentes CA, Mendoza C, Garcia H, Uauy R, Fardella CE. J Hypertens 2016 29(10):1212-7.

Synthetic glycolipid activators of natural killer T cells as immunotherapeutic agents. Carreño LJ, Saavedra-Avila A and Porcelli S. Clinical & Translational Immunology 2016 8;5(4):e69.

Suppression of autophagy and antigen presentation by Mycobacterium tuberculosis PE_PGRS47. Saini NK, Baena A, Ng TW, Venkatasamy MM, Kennedy SC, Kunnath-Velayudhan S, Carreño LJ, Xu J, Chan J, Larsen MH, Jacobs WR, Jr., and Porcelli SA. Nat Microbiol. 2016 Aug 15;1(9):16133.

The Type of Growth Medium Affects the Presence of a Mycobacterial Capsule and Is Associated With Differences in Protective Efficacy of BCG Vaccination Against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Prados-Rosales R, Carreño LJ, Weinrick B, Batista-Gonzalez A, Glatman-Freedman A, Xu J, Chan J, Jacobs WR Jr., Porcelli SA and Casadevall A. J Infect Dis. 2016 Aug 1;214(3):426-37.

Modulation of antigen processing by heme-oxygenase 1. Implications on inflammation and tolerance. Riquelme SA, Carreño LJ, Espinoza JA, Mackern-Oberti JP, Alvarez-Lobos MM, Riedel CA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. Immunology. 2016 Sep;149(1):1-12.

The Ski Protein is Involved in the Transformation Pathway of Aurora Kinase A. Rivas S, Armisén R, Rojas DA, Maldonado E, Huerta H, Tapia JC, Espinoza J, Colombo A, Michea L, Hayman MJ, Marcelain K. J Cell Biochem. 2016;117(2):334-43.

Potential neurocognitive consequences of infection by human Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Flores JC, Bohmwald K, Espinoza J, Jara C, Peña M, Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, Iturriaga C, Kalergis AM, Borzutzky A. Rev Chilena Infectol. 2016 Oct;33(5):537-542.

Parent-Reported Prevalence of Food Allergy in Mexican Schoolchildren: A Population-Based Study, Ontiveros N, Valdez-Meza EE, Vergara-Jiménez MJ, Canizalez-Román A, Borzutzky A, Cabrera-Chávez F. Allergol Immunopathol (Madr). 2016;44(6):563-570.

Humoral and cellular autoreactivity to epidermal proteins in atopic dermatitis. Navarrete-Dechent C, Perez-Mateluna G, Silva-Valenzuela S, Vera-Kellet C, Borzutzky A. Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz). 2016;64(6):435-442

Geographic distribution of Kawasaki disease in Chile. Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, García A, Morales PS, Cerda J, Talesnik E, Borzutzky A.  Rev Chilena Infectol. 2016 Feb;33(1):12-8.

Vitamin D axis and its role in skin carcinogenesis: a comprehensive review. Del Puerto C, Navarrete-Dechent C, Molgo M, Borzutzky A, Gonzalez S. Applied Cancer Research 2016 36:5.

Aberrant T cell immunity triggered by human Respiratory Syncytial Virus and human Metapneumovirus infection, González AE, Lay MK, Jara EL, Espinoza JA, Gómez RS, Soto J, Rivera CA, Abarca K, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM. Virulence. 2016 2:1-20.

Opposing roles of IL-10 in acute bacterial infections. Peñaloza HF, Schultz BM, Nieto PA, Salazar GA, Suazo I, Gonzalez PA, Riedel CA, Alvarez-Lobos MM, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. Cytokine & Growth Factor Rev. 2016 Dec;32:17-30

Clinical significance of tumor expression of major histocompatibility complex class I-related chains A and B (MICA/B) in gastric cancer patients. Ribeiro CH, Kramm K, Gálvez-Jirón F, Pola V, Bustamante M, Contreras HR, Sabag A, Garrido-Tapia M, Hernández CJ, Zúñiga R, Collazo N, Sotelo PH, Morales C, Mercado L, Catalán D, Aguillón JC, Molina MC. Oncol Rep. 2016 Mar;35(3):1309-17.

Dexamethasone and monophosphoryl lipid A-modulated dendritic cells promote antigen-specific tolerogenic properties on naive and memory CD4+ T cells. Maggi J, Schinnerling K, Pesce B, Hilkens CM, Catalán D, Aguillón JC. Front Immunol. 2016 Sep 19;7:359.

Treatment with dexamethasone and monophosphoryl lipid A removes disease-associated transcriptional signatures in monocyte-derived dendritic cells from rheumatoid Arthritis patients and confers tolerogenic features. García-González PA, Schinnerling K, Sepúlveda-Gutiérrez A, Maggi J, Hoyos L, Morales RA, Mehdi AM, Nel HJ, Soto L, Pesce B, Molina MC, Cuchacovich M, Larrondo ML, Neira Ó, Catalán DF, Hilkens CM, Thomas R, Verdugo RA, Aguillón JC. Front Immunol. 2016 Oct 25;7:458.

Tolerogenic dendritic cells for reprogramming of lymphocyte responses in autoimmune diseases. García-González P, Ubilla-Olguín G, Catalán D, Schinnerling K, Aguillón JC (2016) Autoimmun Rev. 2016 15(11):1071-1080.

Infection in Health Personnel with High and Low Levels of Exposure in a Hospital Setting during the H1N1 2009 Influenza A Pandemic. Sandoval C, Barrera SC, A. Ferrés M, Cerda J, Retamal J, Medina R.A, Hirsch T, PLoS One. 2016 11(1): e0147271.

Urinary leukotriene and Bcl I polymorphism of glucocorticoid receptor gene in preschoolers with recurrent wheezing and high risk of asthma. Morales M, Flores C, Pino K, Angulo J, López-Lastra M, Castro-Rodriguez JA. Allergol Immunopathol (Madr). 2016 Jan-Feb;44(1):59-65.

LOOP IIId of the HCV IRES is essential for the structural rearrangement of the 40S-HCV IRES complex. Angulo J, Ulryck N, Deforges J, Chamond N, Lopez-Lastra M, Masquida B, Sargueil B. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Feb 18;44(3):1309-25.

Polypyrimidine tract-binding protein binds to the 5′ untranslated region of the mouse mammary tumor virus mRNA and stimulates cap-independent translation initiation. Cáceres CJ, Contreras N, Angulo J, Vera-Otarola J, Pino-Ajenjo C, Llorian M, Ameur M, Lisboa F, Pino K, Lowy F, Sargueil B, López-Lastra M.  FEBS J. 2016 May;283(10):1880-901.

Structural domains within the HIV-1 mRNA and the ribosomal protein S25 influence cap-independent translation initiation. Carvajal F, Vallejos M, Walters B, Contreras N, Hertz MI, Olivares E, Cáceres CJ, Pino K, Letelier A, Thompson SR, López-Lastra M. FEBS J. 2016 Jul;283(13):2508-27.

Effect of ezetimibe in HCV viral load after liver transplantation. Monrroy-Bravo H, Angulo J, Pino K, Labbé P, López-Lastra M, Soza A. Ann Hepatol. 2016 Sep-Oct;15(5):803-5.

Targeting deoxyhypusine hydroxylase activity impairs cap-independent translation initiation driven by the 5’untranslated region of the HIV-1, HTLV-1, and MMTV mRNAs. Cáceres CJ, Angulo J, Contreras N, Pino K, Vera-Otarola J, López-Lastra M., (2016),Antiviral Res. 2016 Oct;134:192-206.

Avian Influenza Virus H5 Strain with North American and Eurasian Lineage Genes in an Antarctic Penguin. Barriga GP, Boric-Bargetto D, San Martin MC, Neira V, van Bakel H, Thompsom M, Tapia R, Toro-Ascuy D, Moreno L, Vasquez Y, Sallaberry M, Torres-Pérez F, González-Acuña D, Medina RA., (2016). Emerg Infect Dis. 2016 Dec;22(12):2221-2223.

Challenges for Scientists in Latin America. Kalergis AM, Lacerda M, Rabinovich GA, Rosenstein Y. Trends Mol Med. 2016 Sep;22(9):743-5.

Modulation of Host Immunity by the Human Metapneumovirus. Céspedes PF, Palavecino CE, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2016 29(4):795-818.

Innate Immunity and Inflammation in NAFLD/NASH. Arrese M, Cabrera D, Kalergis AM, Feldstein AE. Dig Dis Sci. 2016 May;61(5):1294-303.

Editorial: Searching for immune tolerance manipulating new molecules and exploiting new concepts on lymphocyte biology. Catalán D, Pino-Lagos K. Front Immunol. 2016 Feb 1;7:27. This editorial made an excellent compilation on the current molecules and cell populations that are being aggressively targeted to restore immune tolerance in affected patients.

Acquired resistance to innate immune clearance promotes Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 pulmonary infection. Ahn D, Peñaloza H, Wang Z, Wickersham M, Parker D, Patel P, Koller A, Chen EI, Bueno SM, Uhlemann AC and Prince A. JCI Insight. 2016 20;1(17):e89704.

Endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition: Cytokine-mediated pathways that determine endothelial fibrosis under inflammatory conditions. Pérez L, Muñoz-Durango N, Riedel CA, Echeverría C, Kalergis AM, Cabello-Verrugio C, Simon F, Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 2017 Feb;33:41-54.

Contribution of Fcγ receptors to human respiratory syncytial virus pathogenesis and the impairment of T-cell activation by dendritic cells. Gómez RS, Ramirez BA, Céspedes PF, Cautivo KM, Riquelme SA, Prado CE, González PA, Kalergis AM. Immunology. 2016 Jan;147(1):55-72.

Gestational Hypothyroidism Improves the Ability of the Female Offspring to Clear Streptococcus pneumoniae Infection and to Recover from Pneumococcal Pneumonia. Nieto PA, Peñaloza HF, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Castellanos RM, Opazo MC, Venegas L, Padilla O, Kalergis AM, Riedel CA, Bueno SM. Endocrinology. 2016 Jun;157(6):2217-28.

Gestational Hypothyroxinemia Affects Glutamatergic Synaptic Protein Distribution and Neuronal Plasticity Through Neuron-Astrocyte Interplay. Cisternas P, Louveau A, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, Boudin H, Riedel CA. Mol Neurobiol. 2016 Dec;53(10):7158-7169.

Hormonal Modulation of Dendritic Cells Differentiation, Maturation and Function: Implications for the Initiation and Progress of Systemic Autoimmunity. Mackern-Oberti JP, Jara EL, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM., Arch Immunol Ther Exp (2016).

Imprinting of maternal thyroid hormones in the offspring. María Cecilia Opazo, Henny Haensgen, Karen Bohmwald, Luis F. Venegas, Helene Boudin, Alvaro A. Elorza, Felipe Simon, Carlos Fardella, Susan M. Bueno, Alexis M. Kalergis, Claudia A. Riedel. International Reviews of Immunology. (2016).

Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus: Infection and Pathology. Bohmwald K, Espinoza JA, Rey-Jurado E, Gómez RS, González PA, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, (2016). Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2016 Aug;37(4):522-37.

Necroptosis Promotes Staphylococcus aureus Clearance by Inhibiting Excessive Inflammatory Signaling. Kitur K, Wachtel S, Brown A, Wickersham M, Paulino F, Peñaloza HF, Soong G, Bueno S, Parker D, Prince A. Cell Rep. 2016 Aug 23;16(8):2219-30.

Neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio in complete blood count as a mortality predictor in breast cancer. Mimica X, Acevedo F, Oddo D, Ibáñez C, Medina L, Kalergis A, Camus M, Sánchez C. Rev Med Chil. 2016 Jun;144(6):691-6.

New insights about excisable pathogenicity islands in Salmonella and their contribution to virulence. Nieto PA, Pardo-Roa C, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Tobar HE, Coronado-Arrázola I, Riedel CA, Alexis M. Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. Microbes Infect. 2016 May;18(5):302-9.

Publicaciones IMII 2015

Contribution of autophagy to antiviral immunity. Rey-Jurado E, Riedel CA, González PA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, (2015), FEBS Lett

Contribution of dendritic cells to the autoimmune pathology of systemic lupus erythematosus, Mackern-Oberti JP, Llanos C, Riedel CA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, (2015),Immunology

Elevated IL-3 and IL-12p40 levels in the lower airway of infants with RSV-induced bronchiolitis correlate with recurrent wheezing.  Bertrand P, Lay MK, Piedimonte G, Brockmann PE, Palavecino CE, Hernández J, León MA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM., (2015),Cytokine, J Cytokine

Role of dendritic cells in the initiation, progress and modulation of systemic autoimmune diseases, Mackern-Oberti JP, Llanos C, Vega F, Salazar-Onfray F, Riedel CA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, (2015), Autoimmun Rev

Association of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms in IL28B, but Not TNF-α, With Severity of Disease Caused by Andes Virus, Angulo J, Pino K, Echeverría-Chagas N, Marco C, Martínez-Valdebenito C, Galeno H, Villagra E, Vera L, Lagos N, Becerra N, Mora J, Bermúdez A, Cárcamo M, Díaz J, Miquel JF, Ferrés M, López-Lastra M., (2015), Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Dec 15;61(12):e62-9. doi: 10.1093/cid/civ830.

Carbon monoxide impairs mitochondria-dependent endosomal maturation and antigen presentation in dendritic cells. Riquelme SA, Pogu J, Anegon I, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, (2014), Eur J Immunol. 2015 Oct 2. doi: 10.1002/eji.201545671

Epigenetics and arterial hypertension: the challenge of emerging evidence, Friso S; Carvajal CA; Fardella CE; Olivieri O, (2015), Transl Res. 2015 Jan; 165(1):154-65.

New clinical advances in immunotherapy for the treatment of solid tumours. , Zavala VA, Kalergis AM., (2015), Immunology.

Carbon monoxide inhibits T cell activation in target organs during systemic lupus erythematosus, Mackern-Oberti JP, Obreque J, Méndez GP, Llanos C, Kalergis AM, (2015), Clin Exp Immunol. 2015 Jun 22. doi: 10.1111/cei.12657

Citosine-Adenine-Repeat Microsatellite of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 Gene in Hypertensive Children. Valdivia C, Carvajal CA, Campino C, Allende F, Martinez-Aguayo A, Baudrand R, Vecchiola A, Lagos CF, Tapia-Castillo A, Fuentes CA, Aglony M, Solari S, Kalergis AM, García H, Owen GI, Fardella CE., (2015), Am J Hypertens.

Effect of heparin on the biological properties and molecular signature of human mesenchymal stem cells. Ling L, Camilleri ET, Helledie T, Samsonraj RM, Titmarsh DM, Chua RJ, Dreesen O, Dombrowski C, Rider DA, Galindo M, Lee I, Hong W, Hui JH, Nurcombe V, van Wijnen AJ, Cool SM., (2015), Gene. 576:292-303.

Evasion of early antiviral responses by herpes simplex viruses., Suazo PA, Ibañez FJ, Retamal-Díaz AR, Paz-Fiblas MV, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, González PA, (2015), Mediators Inflamm. 2015;2015:593757.

Gestational Hypothyroxinemia Affects Glutamatergic Synaptic Protein Distribution and Neuronal Plasticity Through Neuron-Astrocyte Interplay, Cisternas P, Louveau A, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, Boudin H, Riedel CA., (2015), Mol Neurobiol.

Herpes simplex virus 2 infection: molecular association with HIV and novel microbicides to prevent disease. Suazo PA, Tognarelli EI, Kalergis AM, González PA, (2015), Med Microbiol Immunol

Human metapneumovirus infection activates the TSLP pathway that drives excessive pulmonary inflammation and viral replication in mice, Lay MK, Céspedes PF, Palavecino CE, León MA, Díaz RA, Salazar FJ, Méndez GP, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, (2015), Eur J Immunol. 2015 Jun;45(6):1680-95.

Immune evasion by herpes simplex viruses, Retamal-Díaz AR, Suazo PA, Garrido I, Kalergis AM and González PA, (2015), Rev Chilena Infectol

Excess iodide induces an acute inhibition of the sodium/iodide symporter in thyroid male rat cells by increasing reactive oxygen species, Arriagada AA, Albornoz E, Opazo MC, Becerra A, Vidal G, Fardella C, Michea L, Carrasco N, Simon F, Elorza AA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, Riedel CA, (2015), Endocrinology

Gene expression profiling of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells – searching for molecular regulators of tolerogenicity, K Schinnerling, P García-González, JC Aguillón, (2015), Frontiers in Immunology

Contribution of Fcγ receptors to human respiratory syncytial virus pathogenesis and the impairment of T-cell activation by dendritic cells, Gómez RS, Ramirez BA, Céspedes PF, Cautivo KM, Riquelme SA, Prado CE, González PA, Kalergis AM., (2015), Immunology

Dendritic cell chimerism in oral mucosa of transplanted patients affected by graft-versus-host disease. Pérez CA, Rabanales R, Rojas-Alcayaga G, Larrondo M, Escobar AF, López MN, Salazar-Onfray F, Alfaro JI, González FE, (2015), Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine.

Outcome of relapsing Clostridium difficile infections do not correlate with virulence-, spore- and vegetative cell-associated phenotypes, Plaza-Garrido Á, Miranda-Cárdenas C, Castro-Córdova P, Olguín-Araneda V, Cofré-Araneda G, Hernández-Rocha C, Carman R, Ibáñez P, Fawley WN, Wilcox MH, Gil F, Calderón IL, Fuentes JA, Guzmán-Durán AM, Alvarez-Lobos M, Paredes-Sabja D., (2015), Anaerobe

Therapeutic potential of hyporesponsive CD4+ T cells in autoimmunity, J Maggi, C Schäfer, G Ubilla-Olguín, D Catalan, K Schinnerling, JC Aguillón, (2015), Frontiers in Immunology

Increases in reactive oxygen species enhance vascular endothelial cell migration through a mechanism dependent on the transient receptor potential melastatin 4 ion channel, Sarmiento D, Montorfano I, Cerda O, Cáceres M, Becerra A, Cabello-Verrugio C, Elorza AA, Riedel C, Tapia P, Velásquez LA, Varela D, Simon F, (2015),Microvasc Res.

Inflammatory damage on respiratory and nervous systems due to hRSV infection, Bohmwald K, Espinoza JA, Becerra D, Rivera K, Lay MK, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, (2015),Curr Opin Immunol.

Interleukin-10 plays a key role in the modulation of neutrophils recruitment and lung inflammation during infection by Streptococcus pneumoniae. Peñaloza HF, Nieto PA, Muñoz-Durango N, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Torres J, Parga MJ, Alvarez-Lobos M, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM., (2015),  Immunology

Intravenous administration of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells induces a switch from classical to atypical symptoms in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, Kurte M, Bravo-Alegría J, Torres A, Carrasco V, Ibáñez C, Vega-Letter AM, Fernández-O’Ryan C, Irarrázabal CE, Figueroa FE, Fuentealba RA, Riedel C, Carrión F, (2015), Stem Cells Int.

Metabolic syndrome and its components are strongly associated with an inflammatory state and insulin resistance in the pediatric population, Loureiro C, Godoy A, Martínez A, Campino C, Aglony M, Bancalari R, Mendoza C, Cerda J, Carvajal C, Arnaiz P, Fardella C, García H, (2015), Nutr Hosp. 2015 Apr 1; 31(4):1513-8

Neuropilin-1+ regulatory T cells promote skin allograft survival and modulate effector CD4+ T cells phenotypic signature, M Campos-Mora, R Morales, F Pérez, T Gajardo, J Campos-Acuña, D Catalan, JC Aguillón, K Pino-Lagos, (2015), Immunology and Cell Biology

LOOP IIId of the HCV IRES is essential for the structural rearrangement of the 40S-HCV IRES complex., Angulo J, Ulryck N, Deforges J, Chamond N, Lopez-Lastra M, Masquida B, Sargueil B., (2015), Nucleic Acids Res.

Role of Dendritic Cells in the Induction of Lymphocyte Tolerance, Fabiola Osorio, Camila Fuentes, Mercedes N López, Flavio Salazar-Onfray, Fermín E González, (2015), Frontiers in Immunology

Skewing dendritic cell differentation towards a tolerogenic state for recovery of tolerance in rheumatoid arthritis, K Schinnerling, L Soto, P García-González, D Catalán, JC Aguillón, (2015), Autoimmunity Reviews

Systemic Sclerosis Patients Present Alterations in the Expression of Molecules Involved in B-Cell Regulation, L Soto, A Ferrier, O Aravena, E Fonseca, J Berendsen, A Biere, D Bueno, V Ramos, JC Aguillón, D Catalán, (2015), Frontiers in Immunology

Tumor cells lysates as inmunogenic sources for cancer vaccine desing, Fermín E. González, Alejandra Gleisner, Felipe Falcón-Beas, Fabiola Osorio, Mercedes N López y Flavio Salazar-Onfray, (2015), Human vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, 10(11), 3261-3269.

The Ski Protein is Involved in the Transformation Pathway of Aurora Kinase A., Rivas S, Armisén R, Rojas DA, Maldonado E, Huerta H, Tapia JC, Espinoza J, Colombo A, Michea L, Hayman MJ, Marcelain K., (2016), J Cell Biochem

Mitotic inheritance of mRNA facilitates translational activation of the osteogenic-lineage commitment factor Runx2 in progeny of osteoblastic cells., Nelson Varela, Alejandra Aranguiz, Carlos Lizama, Hugo Sepulveda, Marcelo Antonelli, Roman Thaler, Ricardo D. Moreno, Martin Montecino, Gary S. Stein, Andre J. van Wijnen, and Mario Galindo (2015), J Cell Phys

Modulation of Immunity and Inflammation by the Mineralocorticoid Receptor and Aldosterone, Muñoz-Durango N, Vecchiola A, Gonzalez-Gomez LM, Simon F, Riedel CA, Fardella CE, Kalergis AM. (2015), Biomed Res Int. 2015;2015:652738. doi: 10.1155/2015/652738.

New insights on the viral and host factors contributing to the airway pathogenesis caused by the respiratory syncytial virus. Lay MK, Bueno SM, Gálvez N, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, (2015), Crit Rev Microbiol. 2015 Jun 29:1-13.

Novel therapies and vaccines against the human respiratory syncytial virus. Rivera CA, Gómez RS, Díaz RA, Céspedes PF, Espinoza JA, González PA, Riedel CA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM., (2015), Expert Opin Investig Drugs. 2015 Oct 12:1-18.

Overexpression of connexin 43 reduces melanoma proliferative and metastatic capacity, Tittarelli A, Guerrero I, Tempio F, Gleisner MA, Avalos I, Sabanegh S, Ortiz C, Michea L, López MN, Mendoza-Naranjo A, Salazar-Onfray F., (2015), British Journal of Cancer; 113(2), 259-67.

Pregnancy normalized familial hyperaldosteronism type I: a novel role for progesterone? Campino C, Trejo P, Carvajal CA, Vecchiola A, Valdivia C, Fuentes CA, Delgado JF, Lagos CF, Aglony M, Carrasco C, Martinez-Aguayo A, García H, Loureiro C, Fardela CE, (2015), Hum Hypertens. 2015 Feb;29(2):138-9

Purification and characterization of saxitoxin from Mytilus chilensis of southern Chile. Rubio DP, Roa LG, Soto DA, Velasquez FJ, Gregorcic NA, Soto JA, Martinez MC, Kalergis AM, Vasquez AE., (2015), Toxicon. 2015 Oct 1. pii: S0041-0101(15)30102-1. doi: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2015.09.045

Understanding Lung Immunopathology Caused by the Human Metapneumovirus: Implications for Rational Vaccine Design, Palavecino CE, Cespedes PF, Lay MK, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM., (2015), Critical Reviews in Immunology

Urinary leukotriene and Bcl I polymorphism of glucocorticoid receptor gene in preschoolers with recurrent wheezing and high risk of asthma., Morales M, Flores C, Pino K, Angulo J, López-Lastra M, Castro-Rodriguez JA, (2015), Allergol Immunopathol (Madr).

Vascular mineralocorticoid receptor and blood pressure regulation., Tarjus A, Amador C, Michea L, Jaisser F., (2015), Curr Opin Pharmacol.

Vitamin D levels and vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms in asthmatic children: a case-control study., Einisman H, Reyes ML, Angulo J, Cerda J, López-Lastra M, Castro-Rodriguez JA, (2015), Pediatr Allergy Immunol.

Transactivation activity and nucleocytoplasmic transport ofβ-catenin are independently regulated by its C-terminal end, Maturana J.L., Niechi I., Silva-Pavez E., Huerta-Castro H., Cataldo R., Härtel S., Barros L.F., Galindo M., Tapia J.C., Gene (2015).

Rapamycin-conditioned dendritic cells activated with monophosphoryl lipid-A promote allograft acceptance in vivo, J Campos-Acuña, F Pérez, E Narváez, M Campos-Mora, T Gajardo, D Catalán, JC Aguillón, K Pino-Lagos, (2015), Immunotherapy

Retinaldehyde dehydrogenase activity is triggered during allograft rejection and it drives Th1/Th17 cytokine production, R Morales, M Campos-Mora, T Gajardo, F. Pérez, J Campos, JC Aguillón, K Pino-Lagos, (2015), Immunobiology

Structure-based pharmacophore identification of selective 11beta-HSD1 inhibitors, Lagos, C. F.; Ortiz-Canales, D.; Fuentes-Ibacache, N.; Allende, F.; Fuentes, C. A.; Gonzalez-Gomez, L. M.; Campino, C.; Baudrand, R.; Carvajal, C. A.; Solari, S.; Cifuentes, M.; Vecchiola, A.; Fardella, C., (2015), Chemical Biology & Drug Design

Toxin-induced necroptosis is a major mechanism of Staphylococcus aureus lung damage. Kitur K, Parker D, Nieto P, Ahn DS, Cohen TS, Chung S, Wachtel S, Bueno S, Prince A. PLoS Pathogen DOI:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004820 April 16, 2015.

The Expression of RAC1 and Mineralocorticoid Pathway-Dependent Genes are Associated With Different Responses to Salt Intake. Tapia-Castillo A, Carvajal CA, Campino C, Hill C, Allende F, Vecchiola A, Carrasco C, Bancalari R, Valdivia C, Lagos C, Martinez-Aguayo A, Garcia H, Aglony M, Baudrand RF, Kalergis AM, Michea LF, Riedel CA, Fardella CE. Am J Hypertens. 2015 Jun;28(6):722-8. doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpu224

Publicaciones IMII 2014

Central nervous system alterations caused by infection with the human respiratory syncytial virus.
Bohmwald K, Espinoza JA, González PA, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM.
Rev Med Virol. 2014 Nov;24(6):407-19. doi: 10.1002/rmv.1813. Epub 2014 Oct 14.

Conjugal transfer of the pathogenicity island ROD21 in Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis depends on environmental conditions.
Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Tobar HE, Nieto PA, Riedel CA, Bueno SM.
PLoS One. 2014 Apr 4;9(4):e90626. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0090626.

Modulation of host adaptive immunity by hRSV proteins.
Espinoza JA, Bohmwald K, Céspedes PF, Riedel CA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM.
Virulence. 2014 Aug 5;5(7). [Epub ahead of print] Review.

The 5′ untranslated region of the human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 mRNA enables cap-independent translation initiation.
Olivares E, Landry DM, Cáceres CJ, Pino K, Rossi F, Navarrete C, Huidobro-Toro JP, Thompson SR, López-Lastra M.
J Virol. 2014 Jun;88(11):5936-55. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00279-14. Epub 2014 Mar 12.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus: Pathology, therapeutic drugs and prophylaxis.
Gomez RS, Guisle-Marsollier I, Bohmwald K, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM.
Immunol Lett. 2014 Sep 28. pii: S0165-2478(14)00194-1. doi:

Recent insights and therapeutic perspectives of angiotensin-(1-9) in the cardiovascular system.
Ocaranza MP, Michea L, Chiong M, Lagos CF, Lavandero S, Jalil JE.
Clin Sci (Lond). 2014 Nov;127(9):549-57. doi: 10.1042/CS20130449. Review.

Reply: dissociating angiotensin 1-9 anticardiovascular remodeling effects from those on blood pressure.
Ocaranza MP, Michea L, Chiong M, Lavandero S, Jalil JE.
J Hypertens. 2014 Aug;32(8):1719-21. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000000247. No

Angiotensin-(1-9) reverses experimental hypertension and cardiovascular damage by inhibition of the angiotensin converting enzyme/Ang II axis.
Ocaranza MP, Moya J, Barrientos V, Alzamora R, Hevia D, Morales C, Pinto M, Escudero N, García L, Novoa U, Ayala P, Díaz-Araya G, Godoy I, Chiong M, Lavandero S, Jalil JE, Michea L.
J Hypertens. 2014 Apr;32(4):771-83. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000000094.

Targeting dendritic cell function during systemic autoimmunity to restore tolerance.
Mackern-Oberti JP, Vega F, Llanos C, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM.
Int J Mol Sci. 2014 Sep 16;15(9):16381-417. doi: 10.3390/ijms150916381. Review.

Herpes simplex virus 2 infection: molecular association with HIV and novel microbicides to prevent disease.
Suazo PA, Tognarelli EI, Kalergis AM, González PA.
Med Microbiol Immunol. 2014 Sep 11. [Epub ahead of print]

Carbon monoxide down-modulates TLR4/MD2 expression on innate immune cells and reduces endotoxic shock susceptibility.
Riquelme SA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM.
Immunology. 2014 Sep 1. doi: 10.1111/imm.12375. [Epub ahead of print]

Dietary effect on immunological energetics in mice.
Martel SI, Riquelme SA, Kalergis AM, Bozinovic F.
J Comp Physiol B. 2014 Oct;184(7):937-44. doi: 10.1007/s00360-014-0852-x. Epub 2014 Aug 17.

Surface expression of the hRSV nucleoprotein impairs immunological synapse formation with T cells.
Céspedes PF, Bueno SM, Ramírez BA, Gomez RS, Riquelme SA, Palavecino CE, Mackern-Oberti JP, Mora JE, Depoil D, Sacristán C, Cammer M, Creneguy A, Nguyen TH, Riedel CA, Dustin ML, Kalergis AM.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Aug 5;111(31):E3214-23. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1400760111. Epub 2014 Jul 23.

A novel live vector group A streptococcal emm type 9 vaccine delivered intranasally protects mice against challenge infection with emm type 9 group A streptococci.
Wozniak A, García P, Geoffroy EA, Aguirre DB, González SA, Sarno VA, Dale JB, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Vera A, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM.
Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2014 Sep;21(9):1343-9. doi: 10.1128/CVI.00330-14. Epub 2014 Jul 23.

Induction of protective effector immunity to prevent pathogenesis caused by the respiratory syncytial virus. Implications on therapy and vaccine design.
Espinoza JA, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM.
Immunology. 2014 Sep;143(1):1-12. doi: 10.1111/imm.12313. Review.

Heme oxygenase-1 as a target for the design of gene and pharmaceutical therapies for autoimmune diseases.
Mackern-Oberti JP, Riquelme SA, Llanos C, Schmidt CB, Simon T, Anegon I, Jara E, Riedel CA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM.
Curr Gene Ther. 2014;14(3):218-35.

Independent anti-angiogenic capacities of coagulation factors X and Xa.
Lange S, Gonzalez I, Pinto MP, Arce M, Valenzuela R, Aranda E, Elliot M, Alvarez M, Henriquez S, Velasquez EV, Orge F, Oliva B, Gonzalez P, Villalon M, Cautivo KM, Kalergis AM, Pereira K, Mendoza C, Saez C, Kato S, Cuello MA, Parborell F, Irusta G, Palma V, Allende ML, Owen GI.
J Cell Physiol. 2014 Nov;229(11):1673-80. doi: 10.1002/jcp.24612.

Spironolactone decreases DOCA-salt-induced organ damage by blocking the activation of T helper 17 and the downregulation of regulatory T lymphocytes.
Amador CA, Barrientos V, Peña J, Herrada AA, González M, Valdés S, Carrasco L, Alzamora R, Figueroa F, Kalergis AM, Michea L.
Hypertension. 2014 Apr;63(4):797-803.

Gap junction intercellular communications regulate NK cell activation and modulate NK cytotoxic capacity.
Tittarelli A, Mendoza-Naranjo A, Farías M, Guerrero I, Ihara F, Wennerberg E, Riquelme S, Gleisner A, Kalergis A, Lundqvist A, López MN, Chambers BJ, Salazar-Onfray F.
J Immunol. 2014 Feb 1;192(3):1313-9. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1301297. Epub 2013 Dec 27.

Immunization with a recombinant bacillus Calmette-Guerin strain confers protective Th1 immunity against the human metapneumovirus.
Palavecino CE, Céspedes PF, Gómez RS, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM.
J Immunol. 2014 Jan 1;192(1):214-23. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1300118. Epub 2013 Dec 6.

Respiratory syncytial virus detection in cells and clinical samples by using three new monoclonal antibodies.
Gómez RS, Mora JE, Cortés CM, Riedel CA, Ferrés M, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM.
J Med Virol. 2014 Jul;86(7):1256-66. doi: 10.1002/jmv.23807. Epub 2013 Oct 22.

Herpes simplex virus type 2 glycoprotein H interacts with integrin αvβ3 to facilitate viral entry and calcium signaling in human genital tract epithelial cells.
Cheshenko N, Trepanier JB, González PA, Eugenin EA, Jacobs WR Jr, Herold BC.
J Virol. 2014 Sep 1;88(17):10026-38. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00725-14. Epub 2014 Jun 18.

Endotoxin-induced endothelial fibrosis is dependent on expression of transforming growth factors β1 and β2.
Echeverría C, Montorfano I, Tapia P, Riedel C, Cabello-Verrugio C, Simon F.
Infect Immun. 2014 Sep;82(9):3678-86. doi: 10.1128/IAI.02158-14. Epub 2014 Jun 16.

Increases in reactive oxygen species enhance vascular endothelial cell migration through a mechanism dependent on the transient receptor potential melastatin 4 ion channel.
Sarmiento D, Montorfano I, Cerda O, Cáceres M, Becerra A, Cabello-Verrugio C, Elorza AA, Riedel C, Tapia P, Velásquez LA, Varela D, Simon F.
Microvasc Res. 2014 Feb 9. pii: S0026-2862(14)00032-6. doi: 10.1016/j.mvr.2014.02.001. [Epub ahead of print]

Adaptive responses of mitochondria to mild copper deprivation involve changes in morphology, OXPHOS remodeling and bioenergetics.
Ruiz LM, Jensen EL, Bustos RI, Argüelloa G, Gutierrez-Garcia R, González M, Hernández C, Paredes R, Simon F, Riedel C, Ferrick D, Elorza AA.
J Cell Physiol. 2014 May;229(5):607-19. doi: 10.1002/jcp.24484.

Epigenetics and arterial hypertension: the challenge of emerging evidence.
Friso S, Carvajal CA, Fardella CE, Olivieri O.
Transl Res. 2014 Jun 25. pii: S1931-5244(14)00214-X. doi: 10.1016/j.trsl.2014.06.007. [Epub ahead of print] Review.

Pregnancy normalized familial hyperaldosteronism type I: a novel role for progesterone?
Campino C, Trejo P, Carvajal CA, Vecchiola A, Valdivia C, Fuentes CA, Delgado JF, Lagos CF, Aglony M, Carrasco C, Martinez-Aguayo A, García H, Loureiro C, Fardella CE.
J Hum Hypertens. 2014 Jun 19. doi: 10.1038/jhh.2014.49. [Epub ahead of print] No abstract available.

LC-MS/MS Method for the Simultaneous Determination of Free Urinary Steroids.
Allende F, Solari S, Campino C, Carvajal CA, Lagos CF, Vecchiola A, Valdivia C, Baudrand R, Owen GI, Fardella CE.
Chromatographia. 2014;77:637-642. Epub 2014 Feb 11.

Polymorphisms in the RAC1 gene are associated with hypertension risk factors in a Chilean pediatric population.
Tapia-Castillo A, Carvajal CA, Campino C, Vecchiola A, Allende F, Solari S, García L, Lavanderos S, Valdivia C, Fuentes C, Lagos CF, Martínez-Aguayo A, Baudrand R, Aglony M, García H, Fardella CE.
Am J Hypertens. 2014 Mar;27(3):299-307. doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpt277. Epub 2014

Identification of novel 11β-HSD1 inhibitors by combined ligand- and structure-based virtual screening.
Lagos CF, Vecchiola A, Allende F, Fuentes CA, Tichauer JE, Valdivia C, Solari S, Campino C, Tapia-Castillo A, Baudrand R, Villarroel P, Cifuentes M, Owen GI, Carvajal CA, Fardella CE.
Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2014 Mar 25;384(1-2):71-82. doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2014.01.011.

Different effects of progesterone and estradiol on chimeric and wild type aldosterone synthase in vitro.
Vecchiola A, Lagos CF, Fuentes CA, Allende F, Campino C, Valdivia C, Tapia-Castillo A, Ogishima T, Mukai K, Owen G, Solari S, Carvajal CA, Fardella CE.
Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2013 Aug 13;11:76. doi: 10.1186/1477-7827-11-76.

High sodium intake is associated with increased glucocorticoid production, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.
Baudrand R, Campino C, Carvajal CA, Olivieri O, Guidi G, Faccini G, Vöhringer PA, Cerda J, Owen G, Kalergis AM, Fardella CE.
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2014 May;80(5):677-84. doi: 10.1111/cen.12225. Epub 2013 May 15.

Neuropilin-1+ regulatory T cells promote skin allograft survival and modulate effector CD4+ T cells phenotypic signature.
Campos-Mora M, Morales RA, Pérez F, Gajardo T, Campos J, Catalan D, Aguillón JC, Pino-Lagos K.
Immunol Cell Biol. 2014 Sep 23. doi: 10.1038/icb.2014.77. [Epub ahead of print]

Publicaciones IMII 2013

Role of Salmonella enterica exposure in chilean Crohn’s disease patients.
Alvarez-Lobos M, Pizarro DP, Palavecino CE, Espinoza A, Sebastian VP, Alvarado JC, Ibañez P, Quintana C, Díaz O, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM.
World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2013, 19(35):5855-62.

Impaired learning resulting from respiratory syncytial virus infection.
Espinoza JA, Bohmwald K, Céspedes PF, Gómez RS, Riquelme SA, Cortés CM, Valenzuela JA, Sandoval RA, Pancetti FC, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM
Proc Natl Acad Sci, 2013, 110(22):9112-7

Gene elements that regulate Streptococcus pneumoniae virulence and immunity evasion.

Nieto PA, Riquelme SA, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM.
Current Gene Therapy. 2013. 13(1): 51-64.

Human Metapneumovirus keep dendritic cells from priming antigen-specific naive T cells.
Cespedes, PF, Gonzalez PA, Kalergis AM.
Immunology, 2013, 139 (9):366-76

Carbon monoxide exposure improves immune function in lupus-prone mice.
Mackern-Oberti JP, Llanos C, Carreño LJ, Riquelme SA, Jacobelli SH, Anegon I, Kalergis AM.
Immunology. 2013 Sep;140(1):123-32

WebRASP: a server for computing energy scores to assess the accuracy and stability of RNA 3D structures.
Norambuena, T., Cares, J.F., Capriotti, E., Melo, F.
Bioinformatics. 2013 Oct 15; 29(20):2649-50.

Towards the development of standardized methods for comparison, ranking and evaluation of structure alignments.
Slater, A.W., Castellanos, J.I., Sippl, M.J., Melo, F.
Bioinformatics. 2013 Jan 1; 29(1):47-53.

A cis-acting element present within the gag coding region negatively impacts on IRES-mediated translation from the full length HIV-1 mRNA.
F. Valiente-Echeverría, M. Vallejos, A. Monette, A. Letelier, K. Pino, F. E. Rodriguez, C. Navarrete, J. P. Huidobro-Toro, A. J. Mouland, M.López-Lastra.
PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e56962

Dual mechanisms of translation initiation of the full-length HIV-1 mRNA contribute to Gag synthesis.
A. Monette, F. Valiente-Echeverría, M. Rivero, É. A Cohen, M. Lopez-Lastra, A.J. Mouland.
PLoS One. 2013; 8(7):e68108

Genetic variations in host IL28B links to the detection of peripheral blood mononuclear cells associated hepatitis C virus RNA in chronically infected patients.
Angulo J, Pino K, Pavez C, Biel F, Labbé P, Miquel JF, Soza A, M. López-Lastra.
J Viral Hepat. 2013;20(4):263-272

Translation initiation is driven by different mechanisms on the HIV-1 and HIV-2 genomic RNAs.
S. de Breyne, R. Soto-Rifo, M. López-Lastra, T. Ohlmann.
Virus Research 2013;171(2):366-81

IL28B Polymorphisms Among Latin American HCV Patients.
A. Soza and M. López-Lastra.
Curr Hepatitis Rep (2013) 12:276–279

Steroid withdrawal in pediatric kidney transplant allows better growth, lipids and body composition: a randomized controlled trial.
Mericq V, Salas P, Pinto V, Cano F, Reyes L, Brown K, Gonzalez M, Michea L, Delgado I, Delucchi A.
Horm Res Paediatr 2013, 79(2):88-96

Influence of glucose metabolism on vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation.
Chiong M, Morales P, Torres G, Gutiérrez T, García L, Ibacache M, Michea L.
Vasa 2013, 42(1):8-16.

MicroRNA-34c Inversely Couples the Biological Functions of the Runt-related Transcription Factor RUNX2 and the Tumor Suppressor p53 in Osteosarcoma.
van der Deen, M. (1st author), Taipaleenmäki, H., Zhang, Y., Teplyuk, N.M., Gupta, A., Cinghu, S., Shogren, K., Maran, A., Yaszemski, M.J., Ling, L., Cool, S.M., Leong, D.T., Dierkes, C., Zustin, J., Salto-Tellez, M., Ito, Y., Bae, S.C., Zielenska, M., Squire, J.A., Lian, J.B., Stein, J.L., Zambetti, G.P., Jones, S.N., Galindo, M. [PI], Hesse, E., Stein, G.S., van Wijnen, A.J.
J Biol Chem. 2013, 288(29):21307-21319.

The cancer-related transcription factor Runx2 modulates cell proliferation in human osteosarcoma cell lines.
Lucero, C.M., Vega, O.A., Osorio, M.M., Tapia, J.C., Antonelli, M., Stein, G.S., van Wijnen, A.J., Galindo, M.A..
J Cell Physiol. 2013. 228(4):714-723.

Dexamethasone preconditioning improves the response of collagen-induced arthritis to treatment with short-term lipopolysaccharide-stimulated collagen-loaded dendritic cells.
Peña C, Gárate D, Contreras-Levicoy J, Aravena O, Catalán D, Aguillón JC.
Clin Dev Immunol. 2013;2013:296031

A short protocol using dexamethasone and monophosphoryl lipid A generates tolerogenic dendritic cells that display a potent migratory capacity to lymphoid chemokines.
García-González P, Morales R, Hoyos L, Maggi J, Campos J, Pesce B, Gárate D, Larrondo M, González R, Soto L, Ramos V, Tobar P, Molina MC, Pino-Lagos K, Catalán D, Aguillón JC.
J Transl Med. 2013; 11: 128.

Effect of interleukin-6 receptor blockade on the balance between regulatory T cells and T helper type 17 cells in rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Pesce B, Soto L, Sabugo F, Wurmann P, Cuchacovich M, López MN, Sotelo PH, Molina MC, Aguillón JC, Catalán D.
Clin Exp Immunol. 2013 Mar;171(3):237-42.

Blocking of p38 and transforming growth factor β receptor pathways impairs the ability of tolerogenic dendritic cells to suppress murine arthritis.
Gárate D, Rojas-Colonelli N, Peña C, Salazar L, Abello P, Pesce B, Aravena O, García-González P, Ribeiro CH, Molina MC, Catalán D, Aguillón JC.
Arthritis Rheum. 2013 Jan;65(1):120-9.

Positive association between aldosterone-renin ratio and carotid intima-media thickness in hypertensive children.
Loureiro, C.; Campino, C.; Martinez-Aguayo, A.; Godoy, I.; Aglony, M.; Bancalari, R.; Garcia, H.; Carvajal, C.A.; Fardella, C.
Clinical endocrinology. 2013, 38 (3) 352-357.

Age-related changes in 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 activity in normotensive subjects.
Campino, C.; Martinez-Aguayo, A.; Baudrand, R.; Carvajal, C.A.; Aglony, M.; Garcia, H.; Padilla, O.; Kalergis, A.M.; Fardella, C.E.
American journal of hypertension. 2013, 26 (4) 481-487.

Different effects of progesterone and estradiol on chimeric and wild type aldosterone synthase in vitro.
Vecchiola, A.; Lagos, C.F.; Fuentes, C.A.; Allende, F.; Campino, C.; Valdivia, C.; Tapia-Castillo, A.; Ogishima, T.; Mukai, K.; Owen, G.; Solari, S.; Carvajal, C.A.; Fardella, C.E.
Reproductive biology and endocrinology, 2013, RB&E. 11 (1) 76.

Immune system alterations by aldosterone during hypertension: from clinical observations to genomic and non-genomic mechanisms leading to vascular damage.
Muñoz-Durango, N.; Barake, M.F.; Letelier, N.A.; Campino, C.; Fardella, C.E.; Kalergis, A.M.
Current molecular medicine. 2013, 13 (6) 1035-1046

Gestational Hypothyroidism Increases the Severity of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis in Adult Offspring.
Eduardo A. Albornoz, Leandro J. Carreño, Claudia M. Cortes, Pablo A. Gonzalez, Pablo A. Cisternas, Kelly M. Cautivo, Tamara P. Catalán, M. Cecilia Opazo, Eliseo A. Eugenin, Joan W. Berman, Susan M. Bueno, Alexis M. Kalergis, and Claudia A. Riedel.
Thyroid. 2013 Dec;23(12):1627-37

Impaired Spatial Memory in Mice Lacking CD3ζ Is Associated with Altered NMDA and AMPA Receptors Signaling Independent of T-Cell Deficiency.
A Louveau, J Angibaud, F Haspot, MC Opazo, R Thinard, V Thepenier, SJ Baudouin SJ, Lescaudron L, Hulin P, Riedel CA, Boudin H.(
J Neurosciencie. Nov 20;33(47):18672-85. 2013.

Respiratory syncytial virus detection in cells and clinical samples by using three new monoclonal antibodies.
Gómez RS, Mora JE, Cortés CM, Riedel CA, Ferrés M, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. (2013)
J Med Virol. 2013 Oct 22. doi: 10.1002/jmv.23807. PMID: 24150877.

Copper deficiency alters cell bioenergetics and induces mitochondrial fusion through up-regulation of MFN2 and OPA1 in erythropoietic cells.
Bustos RI, Jensen EL, Ruiz LM, Rivera S, Ruiz S, Simon F, Riedel C, Ferrick D, Elorza AA.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013 Aug 2;437(3):426-32.

Lipopolysaccharide induces a fibrotic-like phenotype in endothelial cells.
Echeverría C, Montorfano I, Sarmiento D, Becerra A, Nuñez-Villena F, Figueroa XF, Cabello-Verrugio C, Elorza AA, Riedel C, Simon F.
J Cell Mol Med. 2013 Jun;17(6):800-14.

Carbon monoxide decreases endosome-lysosome fusion and inhibits soluble antigen presentation by dendritic cells to T cells.
Tardif V, Riquelme SA, Remy S, Carreño LJ, Cortés CM, Simon T, Hill M, Louvet C, Riedel CA, Blancou P, Bach JM, Chauveau C, Bueno SM, Anegon I, Kalergis AM.
Eur J Immunol. 2013 Jul 15. doi: 10.1002/eji.201343600.

Modulation of tumor immunity by soluble and membrane-bound molecules at the immunological synapse.
González PA, Carreño LJ, Céspedes PF, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM.
Clin Dev Immunol 2013;2013:450291. doi: 10.1155/2013/450291.Epub 2013 Mar 7.

Advances in understanding respiratory syncytial virus infection in airway epithelial cells and consequential effects on the immune response.
Lay MK, González PA, León MA, Céspedes PF, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM.
Microbes Infect. 2013 Mar;15(3):230-242.

Nutritional status modulates plasma leptin, AMPK and TOR activation, and mitochondrial biogenesis: implications for cell metabolism and growth in skeletal muscle of the fine flounder.
Fuentes, EN, Safian, D, Einarsdottir, IE, Valdés, JA, Elorza, AA, Molina, A, Bjornsson, BT.
General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2013 186 (6): 172-180

Adaptive responses of mitochondria in mice under mild copper deprivation involve changes in morphology, oxphos remodeling, and bioenergetics.
Ruiz LM, Jensen EL, Bustos RI, Arguello AG, Gutierrez-Garcia R, Gonzalez M, Hernandez C, Paredes R, Simon F, Riedel C, Ferrick D, Elorza AA.
Jounal of Celular Physiology, 2013. DOI: 10.1002/jcp.24484

Neisseria gonorrhoeae induces a tolerogenic phenotype in macrophages to modulate host immunity.
Escobar A, Candia E, Reyes-Cerpa S, Villegas-Valdes B, Neira T, Lopez MN, Maisey K, Tempio F, Ríos M, Acuña-Castillo C, Imarai M.
Mediators Inflamm. 2013;2013:127017. doi: 10.1155/2013/127017. Epub 2013 Sep 24.

Melanocortin 1 Receptor-derived peptides are efficiently recognized by cytotoxic T lymphocytes from melanoma patients.
González FE, Ramírez M, Allerbring EB, Fasching N, Lundqvist A, Poschke I, Achour A, Salazar-Onfray F.
Immunobiology, 2013 2985(13).

Tumour cell lysate-loaded dendritic cell vaccine induces biochemical and memory immune response in castration-resistant prostate cancer patients.
Reyes D, Salazar L, Espinoza E, Pereda C, Castellón E, Valdevenito R, Huidobro C, Inés Becker M, Lladser A, López MN, Salazar-Onfray F.
British Journal of Cancer, 2013, 109(6):1488-1497.

The immunological response and post-treatment survival of DC-vaccinated melanoma patients are associated with increased Th1/Th17 and reduced Th3 cytokine responses.
Durán-Aniotz C, Segal G, Salazar L, Pereda C, Falcón C, Tempio F, Aguilera R, González R, Pérez C, Tittarelli A, Catalán D, Nervi B, Larrondo M, Salazar-Onfray F, López MN.
Cancer Inmunology, Immunotherapy, 2013, 62(4):761-772

Chromosomal excision of a new pathogenicity island modulates Salmonella virulence in vivo.
Tobar HE, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Nieto PA, Palavecino CE, Sebastian VP, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM.
Current Gene Therapy, 2013 13(4): 240-9

Tolerogenic dendritic cells as a therapy for treating lupus.
Llanos C, Mackern-Oberti JP, Vega F, Jacobelli SH, Kalergis AM.
Clin Immunol. 2013 Aug;148(2):237-45.

Understanding respiratory syncytial virus infection to improve treatment and immunity.
Pablo A. González, Leandro J. Carreño, Susan M. Bueno, Claudia A. Riedel and Alexis M. Kalergis.
Curr Mol Med. 2013 Aug;13(7):1122-39.

High sodium intake is associated with increased glucocorticoid production, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.
Baudrand R, Campino C, Carvajal CA, Olivieri O, Guidi G, Faccini G, Vöhringer PA, Cerda J, Owen G, Kalergis AM, Fardella CE
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2013 Apr 17. doi: 10.1111/cen.12225.


Interplay between behavioural thermoregulation and immune response in mealworms.
Catalán TP, Niemeyer HM, Kalergis AM, Bozinovic F.
J Insect Physiol. 2012 Sep 14. pii: S0022-1910(12)00212-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jinsphys.2012.08.011. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 22985859

The blocking of p38 and transforming growth factor-β receptor pathways impairs the ability of tolerogenic dendritic cells to suppress murine arthritis.
Gárate D, Rojas-Colonelli N, Peña C, Salazar L, Abello P, Pesce B, Aravena O, García-González P, Ribeiro CH, Molina MC, Catalán D, Aguillón JC.
Arthritis Rheum. 2012 Sep 12. doi: 10.1002/art.37702. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 22972370

The cancer-related transcription factor Runx2 modulates cell proliferation in human osteosarcoma cell lines.
Lucero C, Vega O, Osorio M, Tapia JC, Antonelli M, Stein GS, van Wijnen AJ, Galindo M.
J Cell Physiol. 2012 Sep 4. doi: 10.1002/jcp.24218. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 22949168

Hypothyroidism in the adult rat causes incremental changes in brain-derived neurotrophic factor, neuronal and astrocyte apoptosis, gliosis, and deterioration of postsynaptic density.
Cortés C, Eugenin E, Aliaga E, Carreño LJ, Bueno SM, Gonzalez PA, Gayol S, Naranjo D, Noches V, Marassi MP, Rosenthal D, Jadue C, Ibarra P, Keitel C, Wohllk N, Court F, Kalergis AM, Riedel CA.
Thyroid. 2012 Sep;22(9):951-63. Epub 2012 Aug 7.
PMID: 22870949

Mechanisms used by virulent Salmonella to impair dendritic cell function and evade adaptive immunity.
Bueno SM, Riquelme S, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM.
Immunology. 2012 Sep;137(1):28-36. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2567.2012.03614.x.
PMID: 22703384

Haem oxygenase 1 expression is altered in monocytes from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.
Herrada AA, Llanos C, Mackern-Oberti JP, Carreño LJ, Henriquez C, Gómez RS, Gutierrez MA, Anegon I, Jacobelli SH, Kalergis AM.
Immunology. 2012 Aug;136(4):414-24. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2567.2012.03598.x.
PMID: 22587389

Low 2-methoxyestradiol levels at the first trimester of pregnancy are associated with the development of pre-eclampsia.
Pérez-Sepúlveda A, Torres MJ, Valenzuela FJ, Larraín R, Figueroa-Diesel H, Galaz J, Nien JK, Serra R, Michea L, Illanes SE.
Prenat Diagn. 2012 Aug 7:1-6. doi: 10.1002/pd.3954. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 22886584

Positive association between aldosterone-renin ratio and carotid intima-media thickness in hypertensive children.
Loureiro C, Campino C, Martinez-Aguayo A, Godoy I, Aglony M, Bancalari R, Garcia H, Carvajal CA, Fardella C.
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2012 Jul 16. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2265.2012.04503.x. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 22803613

IgG keeps virulent Salmonella from evading dendritic cell uptake.
Riquelme SA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM.
Immunology. 2012 Jul;136(3):291-305. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2567.2012.03578.x.
PMID: 22352313

M-protein gene-type distribution and hyaluronic acid capsule in group A Streptococcus clinical isolates in Chile: association of emm gene markers with csrR alleles.
Wozniak A, Rojas P, Rodríguez C, Undabarrena A, Garate C, Riedel I, Román JC, Kalergis AM, García P.
Epidemiol Infect. 2012 Jul;140(7):1286-95. Epub 2011 Sep 12.
PMID: 21906413

Respiratory syncytial virus infection and immunity.
González PA, Bueno SM, Carreño LJ, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM.
Rev Med Virol. 2012 Jul;22(4):230-44. doi: 10.1002/rmv.1704. Epub 2012 Jan 31.
PMID: 22290692

Toll-like receptor 4 gene polymorphism influences dendritic cell in vitro function and clinical outcomes in vaccinated melanoma patients.
Tittarelli A, González FE, Pereda C, Mora G, Muñoz L, Saffie C, García T, Díaz D, Falcón C, Hermoso M, López MN, Salazar-Onfray F.
Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2012 May 3. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 22552381

Birth weight is inversely associated with blood pressure and serum aldosterone and cortisol levels in children.
Martinez-Aguayo A, Aglony M, Bancalari R, Avalos C, Bolte L, Garcia H, Loureiro C, Carvajal C, Campino C, Inostroza A, Fardella C.
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2012 May;76(5):713-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2265.2011.04308.x.
PMID: 22145676

Overexpression of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in visceral adipose tissue and portal hypercortisolism in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Candia R, Riquelme A, Baudrand R, Carvajal CA, Morales M, Solís N, Pizarro M, Escalona A, Carrasco G, Boza C, Pérez G, Padilla O, Cerda J, Fardella CE, Arrese M.
Liver Int. 2012 Mar;32(3):392-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1478-3231.2011.02685.x. Epub 2011 Dec 4.
PMID: 22136330

Bone marrow stromal cells modulate mouse ENT1 activity and protect leukemia cells from cytarabine induced apoptosis.
Macanas-Pirard P, Leisewitz A, Broekhuizen R, Cautivo K, Barriga FM, Leisewitz F, Gidi V, Riquelme E, Montecinos VP, Swett P, Besa P, Ramirez P, Ocqueteau M, Kalergis AM, Holt M, Rettig M, DiPersio JF, Nervi B.
PLoS One. 2012;7(5):e37203. Epub 2012 May 22.
PMID: 22629369

FcγRIIb and BAFF differentially regulate peritoneal B1 cell survival.
Amezcua Vesely MC, Schwartz M, Bermejo DA, Montes CL, Cautivo KM, Kalergis AM, Rawlings DJ, Acosta-Rodríguez EV, Gruppi A.
J Immunol. 2012 May 15;188(10):4792-800. Epub 2012 Apr 18.
PMID: 22516957

Functional and structural analysis of the internal ribosome entry site present in the mRNA of natural variants of the HIV-1.
Vallejos M, Carvajal F, Pino K, Navarrete C, Ferres M, Huidobro-Toro JP, Sargueil B, López-Lastra M.
PLoS One. 2012;7(4):e35031. Epub 2012 Apr 4.
PMID: 22496887

11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 polymorphisms and activity in a Chilean essential hypertensive and normotensive cohort.
Campino C, Quinteros H, Owen GI, Carvajal CA, Morales M, Olivieri O, Guidi G, Faccini G, Pasini F, Baudrand R, Padilla O, Valdivia C, Thichauer J, Lagos CF, Kalergis AM, Fardella CE.
Am J Hypertens. 2012 May;25(5):597-603. doi: 10.1038/ajh.2011.263. Epub 2012 Jan 26.
PMID: 22278213

The Andes hantavirus NSs protein is expressed from the viral small mRNA by a leaky scanning mechanism.
Vera-Otarola J, Solis L, Soto-Rifo R, Ricci EP, Pino K, Tischler ND, Ohlmann T, Darlix JL, López-Lastra M.
J Virol. 2012 Feb;86(4):2176-87. Epub 2011 Dec 7.
PMID: 22156529

Interplay between thermal and immune ecology: effect of environmental temperature on insect immune response and energetic costs after an immune challenge.
Catalán TP, Wozniak A, Niemeyer HM, Kalergis AM, Bozinovic F.
J Insect Physiol. 2012 Mar;58(3):310-7. Epub 2011 Oct 14.
PMID: 22019347

A new presentation of the chimeric CYP11B1/CYP11B2 gene with low prevalence of primary aldosteronism and atypical gene segregation pattern.
Carvajal CA, Campino C, Martinez-Aguayo A, Tichauer JE, Bancalari R, Valdivia C, Trejo P, Aglony M, Baudrand R, Lagos CF, Mellado C, Garcia H, Fardella CE.
Hypertension. 2012 Jan;59(1):85-91. Epub 2011 Nov 14.
PMID: 22083159

Evasion of host immunity by virulent Salmonella: implications for vaccine design.
Riquelme SA, Wozniak A, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM.
Curr Med Chem. 2011;18(36):5666-75. Review.
PMID: 22172071

Excision of an unstable pathogenicity island in Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis is induced during infection of phagocytic cells.
Quiroz TS, Nieto PA, Tobar HE, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Lizana RJ, Quezada CP, Santiviago CA, Araya DV, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM.
PLoS One. 2011;6(10):e26031. Epub 2011 Oct 19.
PMID: 22039432

Genetic and pharmacological modulation of dendritic cell-T cell interactions as a therapeutic strategy for systemic lupus erythematosus.
Llanos C, Carreño LJ, Gutierrez MA, Riedel CA, Jacobelli SH, Kalergis AM.
Curr Gene Ther. 2011 Dec;11(6):544-53. Review.
PMID: 22023471

Anti-TNF therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis decreases Th1 and Th17 cell populations and expands IFN-γ-producing NK cell and regulatory T cell subsets.
Aravena O, Pesce B, Soto L, Orrego N, Sabugo F, Wurmann P, Molina MC, Alfaro J, Cuchacovich M, Aguillón JC, Catalán D.
Immunobiology. 2011 Dec;216(12):1256-63. Epub 2011 Jul 7.
PMID: 21840621

Increased urinary glucocorticoid metabolites are associated with metabolic syndrome, hypoadiponectinemia, insulin resistance and β cell dysfunction.
Baudrand R, Campino C, Carvajal CA, Olivieri O, Guidi G, Faccini G, Sateler J, Cornejo J, Martin BS, Dominguez JM, Cerda J, Mosso LM, Owen GI, Kalergis AM, Fardella CE.
Steroids. 2011 Dec 20;76(14):1575-81. Epub 2011 Oct 5.
PMID: 21996535

Overexpression of hepatic 5α-reductase and 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in visceral adipose tissue is associated with hyperinsulinemia in morbidly obese patients.
Baudrand R, Domínguez JM, Carvajal CA, Riquelme A, Campino C, Macchiavello S, Bozinovic M, Morales M, Pizarro M, Solis N, Escalona A, Boza C, Arrese M, Fardella CE.
Metabolism. 2011 Dec;60(12):1775-80. Epub 2011 Jun 24.
PMID: 21704348

Aldosterone as a modulator of immunity: implications in the organ damage.
Herrada AA, Campino C, Amador CA, Michea LF, Fardella CE, Kalergis AM.
J Hypertens. 2011 Sep;29(9):1684-92. Review.
PMID: 21826023

Functional gap junctions accumulate at the immunological synapse and contribute to T cell activation.
Mendoza-Naranjo A, Bouma G, Pereda C, Ramírez M, Webb KF, Tittarelli A, López MN, Kalergis AM, Thrasher AJ, Becker DL, Salazar-Onfray F.
J Immunol. 2011 Sep 15;187(6):3121-32. Epub 2011 Aug 15.
PMID: 21844382

Contribution of dendritic cell/T cell interactions to triggering and maintaining autoimmunity.
Llanos C, Carreño LJ, Kalergis AM.
Biol Res. 2011;44(1):53-61. doi: 10.4067/S0716-97602011000100007. Epub 2011 May 11. Review.
PMID: 21720681

A synthetic peptide homologous to IL-10 functional domain induces monocyte differentiation to TGF-β+ tolerogenic dendritic cells.
López MN, Pesce B, Kurte M, Pérez C, Segal G, Roa J, Aguillón JC, Mendoza-Naranjo A, Gesser B, Larsen C, Villablanca A, Choudhury A, Kiessling R, Salazar-Onfray F.

Immunobiology. 2011 Oct;216(10):1117-26. Epub 2011 Apr 22.

PMID: 21601308

Activity of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 cell cycle-dependent internal ribosomal entry site is modulated by IRES trans-acting factors.
Vallejos M, Deforges J, Plank TD, Letelier A, Ramdohr P, Abraham CG, Valiente-Echeverría F, Kieft JS, Sargueil B, López-Lastra M.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Aug;39(14):6186-200. Epub 2011 Apr 10.
PMID: 21482538

Frequency of familial hyperaldosteronism type 1 in a hypertensive pediatric population: clinical and biochemical presentation.
Aglony M, Martínez-Aguayo A, Carvajal CA, Campino C, García H, Bancalari R, Bolte L, Avalos C, Loureiro C, Trejo P, Brinkmann K, Giadrosich V, Mericq V, Rocha A, Avila A, Perez V, Inostroza A, Fardella CE.
Hypertension. 2011 Jun;57(6):1117-21. Epub 2011 Apr 18.
PMID: 21502562

Infection of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells by ANDES Hantavirus enhances pro-inflammatory state, the secretion of active MMP-9 and indirectly enhances endothelial permeability.
Marsac D, García S, Fournet A, Aguirre A, Pino K, Ferres M, Kalergis AM, Lopez-Lastra M, Veas F.
Virol J. 2011 May 13;8:223.
PMID: 21569520

Modulation of the dendritic cell-T-cell synapse to promote pathogen immunity and prevent autoimmunity.
Carreño LJ, González PA, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM.
Immunotherapy. 2011 Apr;3(4 Suppl):6-11. Review.
PMID: 21524159

Heat-shock induction of tumor-derived danger signals mediates rapid monocyte differentiation into clinically effective dendritic cells.
Aguilera R, Saffie C, Tittarelli A, González FE, Ramírez M, Reyes D, Pereda C, Hevia D, García T, Salazar L, Ferreira A, Hermoso M, Mendoza-Naranjo A, Ferrada C, Garrido P, López MN, Salazar-Onfray F.

Clin Cancer Res. 2011 Apr 15;17(8):2474-83. Epub 2011 Feb 3.

PMID: 21292818

Local cytokine response upon respiratory syncytial virus infection.
Bueno SM, González PA, Riedel CA, Carreño LJ, Vásquez AE, Kalergis AM.

Immunol Lett. 2011 May;136(2):122-9. Epub 2010 Dec 31. Review.

PMID: 21195729

Interleukin 10 decreases MICA expression on melanoma cell surface.
Serrano AE, Menares-Castillo E, Garrido-Tapia M, Ribeiro CH, Hernández CJ, Mendoza-Naranjo A, Gatica-Andrades M, Valenzuela-Diaz R, Zúñiga R, López MN, Salazar-Onfray F, Aguillón JC, Molina MC.

Immunol Cell Biol. 2011 Mar;89(3):447-57. Epub 2010 Aug 17.

PMID: 20714339

An ultrasound model to discriminate the risk of thyroid carcinoma.
Domínguez JM, Baudrand R, Cerda J, Campusano C, Fardella C, Arteaga E, Cruz F, Solar A, Arias T, Mosso L.

Acad Radiol. 2011 Feb;18(2):242-5. Epub 2010 Nov 13.

PMID: 21075018[:en]2022 IMII Publications

1. Gallbladder cancer. Roa JC, García P, Kapoor VK, Maithel SK, Javle M, Koshiol J. Juan Carlos Roa Strauch. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 10.1038/s41572-022-00398-y.

2. c-Abl kinase at the crossroads of healthy synaptic remodeling and synaptic dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases. Gutiérrez DA, Chandía-Cristi A, Yáñez MJ, Zanlungo S, Álvarez AR(*). Regeneration Research 10.4103/1673-5374.346540.

3. Oxidized High-Density Lipoprotein Induces Endothelial Fibrosis Promoting Hyperpermeability, Hypotension, and Increased Mortality. Rojas M, Prado Y, Tapia P, Carreño LJ, Cabello-Verrugio C, Simon F. Antioxidants. 10.3390/antiox11122469.

4. In Vivo and in vitro antitumor activity of tomatine in hepatocellular carcinoma. Echeverría C, Martin A, Simon F, Salas CO, Nazal M, Varela D, Pérez-Castro RA, Santibanez JF, Valdés-Valdés RO, Forero-Doria O, Echeverría J. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 10.3389/fphar.2022.1003264.

5. Bile Acids Induce Alterations in Mitochondrial Function in Skeletal Muscle Fibers. Abrigo J, Olguín H, Gutierrez D, Tacchi F, Arrese M, Cabrera D, Valero-Breton M, Elorza AA, Simon F, Cabello-Verrugio C. Antioxidants. 10.3390/antiox11091706.

6. Combined Administration of Andrographolide and Angiotensin- (1-7) Synergically Increases the Muscle Function and Strength in Aged Mice. Abrigo J, Simon F, Cabrera D, Vilos C, Cabello-Verrugio C. Felipe Alonso Simon Pino. CURRENT MOLECULAR MEDICINE. 10.2174/1566524021666211207112106.

7. Intensive care unit-acquired weakness: A review from molecular mechanisms to its impact in COVID-2019. Gonzalez A, Abrigo J, Achiardi O, Simon F, Cabello-Verrugio C. European Journal of Translational Myology. 10.4081/ejtm.2022.10511.

8. Regulatory Mechanisms of Muscle Mass: The Critical Role of Resistance Training in Children and Adolescent. Castelli F, Valero-Breton M, Hernandez M, Guarda F, Cornejo J, Cabello-Verrugio C, Cabrera D. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 10.1007/5584_2022_743.

9. Adapt to Persist: Glioblastoma Microenvironment and Epigenetic Regulation on Cell Plasticity. Uribe, D., Niechi, I., Rackov, G., Erices, J. I., San Martín, R., & Quezada, C. José Erices Rodríguez. Biology (Basel). 10.3390/biology11020313.

10. A2B Adenosine Receptor Enhances Chemoresistance of Glioblastoma Stem-Like Cells under Hypoxia: New Insights into MRP3 Transporter Function. Rocha, J. D., Uribe, D., Delgado, J., Niechi, I., Alarcón, S., Erices, J. I., Melo, R., Fernández-Gajardo, R., Salazar-Onfray, F., San Martín, R., & Quezada Monrás, C. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 10.3390/ijms23169022.

11. Amyloid ß-Peptide Causes the Permanent Activation of CaMKIIa through Its Oxidation. Picón-Pagès P, Fanlo-Ucar H, Herrera-Fernández V, Ausellé-Bosch S, Galera-López L, Gutiérrez DA, Ozaita A, Álvarez AR, Oliva B, Muñoz FJ. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 10.3390/ijms232315169.

12. The c-Abl/p73 pathway induces neurodegeneration in a Parkinson’s disease model. Marín T, Valls C, Jerez c, Huerta T, Elgueta D, Vidal RL, Alvarez AR(*), Cancino GI (*). Neuroscience Reports. 10.1016/j.ibneur.2022.10.006.

13. Neuronopathic Gaucher disease: Beyond lysosomal dysfunction. Arévalo NB, Lamaizon CM, Cavieres VA, Burgos PV, Alvarez AR, Yañez MJ(*), Zanlungo S(*). Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 10.3389/fnmol.2022.934820.

14. Surface enhanced fluorescence effect improves the in vivo detection of amyloid aggregates. Cabrera P, Jara-Guajardo P, Oyarzún MP, Parra-Muñoz N, Campos A, Soler M, Álvarez A, Morales-Zavala F, Araya E, Minniti AN, Aldunate R, Kogan MJ(*). Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 10.1016/j.nano.2022.102569.

15. c-Abl activation linked to autophagy-lysosomal dysfunction contributes to neurological symptoms of Niemann-Pick type A disease. Marín T, Dulcey AE, Campos F, De la Fuente C, Acuña M, Castro J, Pinto C, Yáñez MJ, Cortez C, McGrath DW, Sáez PJ, Gorshkov K, Zheng W, Southall NT, Fonseca C, Marugan JJ(*), Alvarez AR(*), Zanlungo S (*) Tamara Alejandra Marin Marin. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 10.3389/fcell.2022.844297.

16. Host-virus relationships: a sum of many battles. López-Lastra M. Open Bio. 10.1002/2211-5463.13420.

17. The low affinity A2B adenosine receptor enhances migratory and invasive capacity in vitro and angiogenesis in vivo of glioblastoma stem-like cells. Erices, J. I., Niechi, I., Uribe-Ojeda, A., Toro, M. L. Á., García-Romero, N., Carrión-Navarro, J., Monago-Sánchez, Á., Ayuso-Sacido, Á., Martin, R. S., & Quezada-Monrás, C. Frontiers in Oncology. 10.3389/fonc.2022.969993.

18. Modulation of immune cells as a therapy for cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Soto JA, Melo F, Riedel CA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. International Journal of Molecular sciences. 10.3390/ijms231810706.

19. Inactivated Vaccine-induced SARS-CoV-2 Variant-Specific Immunity in Children. Soto JA, Melo F, Gutierrez C, Schulz BM, Berríos RV, Rivera D, Piña A, Hoppe G, Duarte L, Vásquez Y, Moreno D, Ríos M, Palacios P, García R, Santibañez A, Pacheco G, Méndez C, Andrade C, Silva P, Diethelm B, Astudillo P, Calvo M, Cárdenas A, González M, Goldsack M, Gutierrez V, Potin M, Schilling A, Tapia L, Twelee L, Villena R, Grifoni A, Sette A, Weiskopf, Fasce R, Fernandez J, Mora J, Ramírez E, Gaete A, Acevedo M, Valiente F, Soto-rifo R, Retamal A, Muñoz N, Meng X, Xin Q, Alarcon Q, Gonzalez JV, Le Corre N, Álvarez MJ, Gonzalez PA, Abarca K, Perret C, Carreño L, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. American society for microbiolgy. 10.1128/mbio.01311-22.

20. Safety and Immunogenicity of an Inactivated Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Vaccine in a Subgroup of Healthy Adults in Chile. Bueno SM, Abarca K, González PA, Gálvez NMS, Soto JA, Duarte LF, Schultz BM, Pacheco GA, González LA, Vásquez Y, Ríos M, Melo-González F, Rivera-Pérez D, Iturriaga C, Urzúa M, Domínguez A, Andrade CA, Berríos-Rojas R, Canedo G, Covián C, Moreno D, Saavedra F, Vallejos OP, Donato P, Espinoza P, Fuentes D, González M, Guzmán P, Muñoz P, Pérez CM, Potin M, Rojas A, Fasce RA, Fernández J, Mora J, Ramírez E, Gaete A, Oyarzún A, Valiente F, Soto-Rifo R, Wiskopf D, Sette A, Zeng G, Meng W, González JV, Kalergis AM. Clinical Infectious Disease. 10.1093/cid/ciab823.

21. Involvement of trained immunity during autoimmune responses. Mora V, Loaiza R, Soto JA, Bohmwald K, Kalergis AM. Journal of autoimmunity. 10.1016/j.jaut.2022.102956.

22. Female offspring gestated in hypothyroxinemia and infected with human Metapneumovirus (hMPV) suffer a more severe infection and have a higher number of activated CD8+ T lymphocytes. Funes SC, Ríos M, Fernández-Fierro A, Rivera-Pérez D, Soto JA, Valbuena JR, Altamirano-Lagos MJ, Gómez-Santander F, Jara EL, Zoroquiain P, Roa JC, Kalergis AM, Riedel CA. Frontiers in immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2022.966917.

23. Risk Factors from Pregnancy to Adulthood in Multiple Sclerosis Outcome. González-Madrid E, Rangel-Ramírez MA, Mendoza-León MJ, Álvarez-Mardones O, González PA, Kalergis AM, Opazo MC, Riedel CA. International journal of molecular sciences. 10.3390/ijms23137080.

24. Contribution of Gut Microbiota to Immune Tolerance in Infants. Mendez CS, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. Journal of Immunology Research. 10.1155/2021/7823316.

25. Potential Neurocognitive Symptoms Due to Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection. Andrade CA, Kalergis AM, Bohmwald K. Pathogens. 10.3390/pathogens11010047.

26. Trained immunity contribution to autoimmune and inflammatory disorders. Funes S, Rios M, Fernández A, Di Genaro MS, Kalergis AM. Frontiers in immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2022.868343.

27. Neurotrophin Signaling Impairment by Viral Infections in the Central Nervous System. Bohmwald K, Andrade CA, Mora VP, Muñoz JT, Ramirez R, Rojas MF, Kalergis AM. International Journal of Molecular sciences. 10.3390/ijms23105817.

28. Influence of online opinions and interactions on the covid-19 vaccination in Chile. Villegas C, Ortiz A, Arriagada V, Ortega S, Walker J, Arriagada E, Kalergis AM, Huepe C. Scientific Reports. 10.1038/s41598-022-23738-0.

29. Durability of AZD1222 and hybrid humoral immunity against omicron BA.1 and BA.4. Soto-Rifo, R.Lancet Infectious Diseases. 10.1016/S1473-3099(22)00667-3.

30. Epitranscriptomic regulation of HIV-1 full-length RNA packaging. Pereira-Montecinos C, Toro-Ascuy D, Ananías-Sáez C, Gaete-Argel A, Rojas-Fuentes C, Riquelme-Barrios S, Rojas-Araya B, García-de-Gracia F, Aguilera-Cortés P, Chnaiderman J, Acevedo ML, Valiente-Echeverría F, Soto-Rifo R. Nucleic Acids Research. 10.1093/nar/gkac062.

31. Identification of VEGFR2 as the Histatin-1 receptor in endothelial cells. Mateluna C, Torres P, Rodriguez-Peña M, Silva P, Matthies DJ, Criollo A, Bikker FJ, Bolscher JGM, Wilson CAM, Zapata-Torres G, Torres VA. Biochemical Pharmacology. 10.1016/j.bcp.2022.115079.

32. “The Sall2 transcription factor promotes cell migration regulating focal adhesion turnover and integrin ß1 expression”. Riffo E, Palma M, Hepp MI, Benítez-Riquelme D, Torres VA, Castro AF, Pincheira R. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 10.3389/fcell.2022.1031262.

33. BCG vaccination induces cross-protective immunity against pathogenic microorganisms. Soto JA, Gálvez NMS, Andrade CA, Ramírez MA, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. Trends in Immunology. 10.1016/

34. Role of Extracellular Trap Release During Bacterial and Viral Infection. Schultz BM, Acevedo OA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. Frontiers in Microbiology. 10.3389/fmicb.2022.798853.

35. Bioinformatic and experimental characterization of SEN1998: a conserved gene carried by the Enterobacteriaceae-associated ROD21-like family of genomic islands. Piña-Iturbe A, Hoppe-Elsholz G, Fernández PA, Santiviago CA, González PA, Bueno SM Susan. Scientific Reports. 10.1038/s41598-022-06183-x.

36. Polypyrimidine-Tract-Binding Protein Isoforms Differentially Regulate the Hepatitis C Virus Internal Ribosome Entry Site. Angulo, J., Cáceres, C.J., Contreras N., Fernández-García, L.,Chamond, N, Ameur, M., Sargueil, B., López-Lastra, M. Viruses. 10.3390/v15010008.

37. RNA-Binding Proteins as Regulators of Internal Initiation of Viral mRNA Translation. López-Ulloa B, Fuentes Y, Pizarro-Ortega MS, López-Lastra M. Viruses. 10.3390/v14020188.

38. Federation of clinical immunology societies goes south 2021, advanced course on molecular and cellular translational immunology. Diethelm B, Reyes A,Rosenstein Yvonne, Kalil J, Hill M, Docena G, Anegon I, González PA, Kalergis AM. Immunotherapy. 10.2217/imt-2022-0075.

39. BCG-Based vaccines elicit antigen-specific adaptative and trained immunity against SARS-CoV-2 and Andes orthohantavirus. Soto JA, Díaz FE, Retamal A, Gálvez NMS, Melo F, Piña A, Ramírez MA, Bohmwald K, González PA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. Vaccines (Basel). 10.3390/vaccines10050721.

40. From animal studies into clinical trials: the relevance of animal models to develop vaccines and therapies to reduce disease severity and prevent hRSV infection. Soto JA, Gálvez NMS, Rivera DB, Díaz FE, Riedel CA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. Expert opinion on drug Discovery. 10.1080/17460441.2022.2123468.

41. Safety and Non-Inferiority Evaluation of Two Immunization Schedules with an Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine in Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Abarca K, Iturriaga C, Urzúa M, Le corre N, Pineda A, Fernandez C, Domínguez A, González PA, Bueno SM, Donato P, Espinoza P, Fuentes D, González M, Guzman P, Muñoz P, Pérez C, Potin M, Rojas A, Gonzalez JV, Gálvez NMS, Aguirre F, Aljaro S, Batiz LF, Campisto Y, Cepeda M, Cortés A, López S, Pérez ML, Schilling A, Kalergis AM. Vaccines (Basel). 10.3390/vaccines10071082.

42. A Booster Dose of CoronaVac Increases Neutralizing Antibodies and T Cells that Recognize Delta and Omicron Variants of Concern. Schultz B, Melo F, Duarte L, Galvez NMS, Pacheco G, Soto JA, Berríos R, Gonzalez LA, Moreno D, Rivera D, Ríos M, Vásquez Y, Hoppe G, Andrade CA, Vallejos OP, Piña A, Iturriaga C, Urzua M, Navarrete MS, Rojas A, Fasce R, Fernandez J, Mora J, Ramirez E, Gaete A, Acevedo ML, Valiente F, Soto-Rifo R, Weiskopf D, Grifoni A, Sette A, Zeng G, Meng W, González JV, González PA, Abarca K, Kaleris AM, Bueno SM. American society for microbiolgy. 10.1128/mbio.01423-22.

43. Differences in the immune response elicited by two immunization schedules with an inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in a randomized phase 3 clinical trial. Galvez NMS, Pacheco G, Schultz BM, Melo F, Soto JA, Duarte LF, González LA, Rivera D, Rios M, Berrios R, Vásquez Y, Moreno D, Vallejos O, Andrade CA, Hoppe G, Iturriaga C, Urzua M, Navarrete MS, Rojas A, Fasce R, Fernandez J, Mora J, Ramirez E, Gaete A, Acevedo M, Valiente F, Soto-Rifo R, Weiskopf D, Grifoni A, Sette Zeng, Meng Wing, González JV, Jonhson M, Goldblatt D, González PA, Abarca K, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. ELife. 10.7554/eLife.81477.

44. Contribution of two-dose vaccination toward the reduction of COVID-19 cases, ICU hospitalizations and deaths in chile assessed through explanatory generalized additive models for location, scale and shape . Reyes H, Diethelm B, Méndez C, Rebolledo D, Lillo B, Muñoz SR, Bueno SM, González PA, Kalergis AM. Frontiers in immunology. 10.3389/fpubh.2022.815036.

45. Aging envisage imbalance of the periodontium: A keystone in oral disease and systemic health. Villalobos V, Garrido M, Reyes A, Fernández C, Diaz C, Torres VA, González PA, Cáceres M. Frontiers in immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2022.1044334.

46. The Emerging Role of PIWI-Interacting RNAs (piRNAs) in Gastrointestinal Cancers: An Updated Perspective. Riquelme I, Pérez-Moreno P, Letelier P, Brebi P, Roa JC. Cancers. 10.3390/cancers14010202.

47. Neutralizing antibodies induced by homologous and heterologous boosters in CoronaVac vaccinees in Chile. Acevedo J, Acevedo ML, Gaete-Argel A, Araos R, Gonzalez C, Espinoza D, Rivas S, Pizarro P, Jarpa S, Soto-Rifo R, Jara A, Valiente-Echeverría F. Clinical Microbiology and Infection. 10.1016/j.cmi.2022.11.017.

48. The double-stranded RNA-binding protein, Staufen1, is an IRES-transacting factor regulating HIV-1 cap-independent translation initiation. Ramos H, Monette A, Niu M, Barrera A, López-Ulloa B, Fuentes Y, Guizar P, Pino K, DesGroseillers L, Mouland AJ, López-Lastra M. Nucleic Acids Research. 10.1093/nar/gkab1188.

49. LDL particle size and antioxidant HDL function improve after sustained virological response in patients with chronic HCV. Vargas JI, Rivera K, Arrese M, Benitez C, Barrera F, Hugo M, Arab JP, Pino K, Barrera A, Lopez-Lastra M, Rigotti A, Soza A. Annal of Hepatology. 10.1016/j.aohep.2021.100555.

50. Relationship between endothelial and angiogenesis biomarkers envisage mortality in a prospective cohort of COVID-19 patients requiring respiratory support. Maldonado F, Morales D, Díaz-Papapietro C, Valdés C, Fernandez C, Valls N, Lazo M, Espinoza C, González R, Gutiérrez R, Jara A, Romero C, Cerda O, Cáceres M. Frontiers in medicine. 10.3389/fmed.2022.826218.

51. Is There a Role for Heat Shock Factor in Viral Infections? Antonia Reyes, Areli J. Navarro, Benjamín Diethelm, Alexis M. Kalergis, Pablo A. González. FEBS Open Bio. 10.1002/2211-5463.13419.

52. Role of Epitranscriptomic and Epigenetic Modifications during the Lytic and Latent Phases of Herpesvirus Infections. Soto AA, Ortiz G, Contreras S, Soto-Rifo R, González PA. Microorganisms. 10.3390/microorganisms10091754.

53. Environmental and Lifestyle Risk Factors in the Carcinogenesis of Gallbladder Cancer. Pérez-Moreno P, Riquelme I, García P, Brebi P, Roa JC. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 10.3390/jpm12020234.

54. Gallbladder reporting and data system (GB-RADS) for risk stratification of gallbladder wall thickening on ultrasonography: an international expert consensus. Gupta P, Dutta U, Rana P, Singhal M, Gulati A, Kalra N, Soundararajan R, Kalage D, Chhabra M, Sharma V, Gupta V, Yadav TD, Kaman L, Irrinki S, Singh H, Sakaray Y, Das CK, Saikia U, Nada R, Srinivasan R, Sandhu MS, Sharma R, Shetty N, Eapen A, Kaur H, Kambadakone A, de Haas R, Kapoor VK, Barreto SG, Sharma AK, Patel A, Garg P, Pal SK, Goel M, Patkar S, Behari A, Agarwal AK, Sirohi B, Javle M, Garcea G, Nervi F, Adsay V, Roa JC, Han HS. Abdominal Radiology. 10.1007/s00261-021-03360-w.

55. Mucocutaneous Manifestations in Autoimmune Gastritis: A Prospective Case-Control Study. Gonzalez A, Latorre G, Paredes L, Montoya L, Maquilon S, Shah SC, Espino A, Sabatini N, Torres J, Roa JC, Riquelme A, Kolbach M. The American Journal of Gastroenterology. 10.14309/ajg.0000000000001501.

56. Interplay between Lipid Metabolism, Lipid Droplets, and DNA Virus Infections. Mónica A. Farías, Benjamín Diethelm-Varela, Areli J. Navarro, Alexis M. Kalergis, and Pablo A. González. Cells. 10.3390/cells11142224.

57. Pharmacological Inhibition of IRE-1 Alpha Activity in Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 and Type 2-Infected Dendritic Cells Enhances T Cell Activation. Tognarelli EI, Retamal-Díaz A, Farías MA, Duarte LF, Palomino TF, Ibañez FJ, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, González PA. Frontiers in immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2021.764861.

58. Distal Consequences of Mucosal Infections in Intestinal and Lung Inflammation. Melo-González F, Sepúlveda-Alfaro J, Schultz BM, Suazo ID, Boone DL, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. Frontiers in Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2022.877533.

59. Limited Heme Oxygenase Contribution to Modulating the Severity of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium Infection. Sebastián VP, Moreno-Tapia D, Melo-González F, Hernández-Cáceres MP, Salazar GA, Pardo-Roa C, Farías MA, Vallejos OP, Schultz BM, Morselli E, Álvarez-Lobos MM, González PA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. Antioxidants. 10.3390/antiox11061040.

60. Non-capsular based immunization approaches to prevent Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. Silva PH, Vázquez Y, Campusano C, Retamal-Díaz A, Lay MK, Muñoz CA, González PA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 10.3389/fcimb.2022.949469.

61. Differential neutralizing antibody responses elicited by CoronaVac and BNT162b2 against SARS-CoV-2 Lambda in Chile. Nature Microbiology. 10.1038/s41564-022-01092-1.

62. Reduced immune response to inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in a cohort of immunocompromised patients in Chile. Balcells ME, Le Corre N, Durán J, Ceballos ME, Vizcaya C, Mondaca S, Dib M, Rabagliati R, Sarmiento M, Burgos PI, Espinoza M, Ferrés M, Martinez-Valdebenito C, Ruiz-Tagle C, Ortiz C, Ross P, Budnik S, Solari S, Vizcaya MLÁ, Lembach H, Berrios-Rojas R, Melo-González F, Ríos M, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, Nervi B. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 10.1093/cid/ciac167.

63 Identification of biomarkers for disease severity in nasopharyngeal secretions of infants with upper or lower respiratory tract viral infections. Bertrand PJ, Vázquez Y, Beckhaus AA, González LA, Contreras AM, Ferrés M, Padilla O, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. Clinical Experimental Immunology. 10.1093/cei/uxac083.

64. SARS-CoV-2 vaccine booster in solid organ transplant recipients previously immunised with inactivated versus mRNA vaccines: A prospective cohort study. Dib M, Le Corre N, Ortiz C, García D, Ferrés M, Martinez-Valdebenito C, Ruiz-Tagle C, Ojeda MJ, Espinoza MA, Jara A, Arab JP, Rabagliati R, Vizcaya C, Ceballos ME, Sarmiento M, Mondaca S, Viñuela M, Pastore A, Szwarcfiter V, Galdames E, Barrera A, Castro P, Gálvez NM, Soto JA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, Nervi B, Balcells ME. Lancet Regional Health – Americas. 10.1016/j.lana.2022.100371.

65. Genetic Variation in MicroRNA-423 Promotes Proliferation, Migration, Invasion, and Chemoresistance in Breast Cancer Cells. Morales-Pison S, Jara L, Carrasco V, Gutiérrez-Vera C, Reyes JM, Gonzalez-Hormazabal P, Carreño LJ, Tapia JC, Contreras HR. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 10.3390/ijms23010380.

66. Editorial: Innate Immune Cells in the Control of Intracellular Bacteria. Balboa L, Baena A, Carreño LJ. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 10.3389/fcimb.2022.830203.

67. Is there a role for herpes simplex virus type 1 in multiple sclerosis? Luisa F. Duarte, Sebastian Gatica, Almendra Castillo, Alexis M. Kalergis, Susan M. Bueno, Claudia A. Riedel, Pablo A. González. Microbes and Infection. 10.1016/j.micinf.2022.105084.

2021 IMII Publications

1. Asymptomatic Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Infection Causes an Earlier Onset and More Severe Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Luisa F. Duarte, María J. Altamirano-Lagos, Jorge H. Tabares-Guevara, Ma. Cecilia Opazo, Máximo Díaz, Romina Navarrete, Catalina Muza, Omar P. Vallejos, Claudia A. Riedel, Susan M. Bueno, Alexis M. Kalergis and Pablo A. González, (2021), Frontiers in Immunology

2. Impact of Hypoxia over Human Viral Infections and Key Cellular Processes. Antonia Reyes, Luisa F. Duarte, Mónica A. Farías, Eduardo Tognarelli, Alexis M. Kalergis, Susan M. Bueno and Pablo A. González, (2021). International Journal of Molecular Sciences. ijms22157954.

3. Herpes simplex virus interference with immunity: Focus on dendritic cells. Mónica A. Farías, Duarte Luisa, Tognarelli Eduardo, Gonzalez Pablo, (2021). Virulence.

4. Crosstalk Between Epithelial Cells, Neurons and Immune Mediators in HSV-1 Skin Infection. Luisa F. Duarte, Antonia Reyes, Mónica A. Farías, Claudia A. Riedel, Susan M. Bueno, Alexis M. Kalergis and Pablo A. González, (2021). Frontiers in Immunology.

5. Modulation of Endosome Function, Vesicle Trafficking and Autophagy by Human Herpesviruses. Eduardo I. Tognarelli, Antonia Reyes, Nicolás Corrales, Leandro J. Carreño, Susan M. Bueno, Alexis M. Kalergis and Pablo A. González, (2021). Cells.

6. Therapeutic uses of natural astaxanthin: An evidence-based review focused on human clinical trials. Andrea Donoso, Javiera Gonzalez-Duran , Andres Agurto Munoz, Pablo A. Gonzalez, Cristian Agurto-Munoz, (2021). Pharmacological Research.

7. Characterization of the anti-inflammatory capacity of IL-10- producing neutrophils in response to Streptococcus pneumoniae infection, Frontiers in Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2021.638917. González LA, Melo-González F, Sebastian P, Vallejos OP, Noguera LP, Suazo IC, Schultz BM, Soto JA, Manosalva AH, Parker D, Riedel CA, González PA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, (2021).

8. Recognition of Variants of Concern by Antibodies and T Cells Induced by a SARS-CoV-2 Inactivated Vaccine, Frontiers in Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2021.747830. Melo-González F, Soto JA, González LA, Fernández J, Duarte LF, Schultz BM, Gálvez NMS, Pacheco GA, Ríos M, Vázquez Y, Rivera-Pérez D, Moreno-Tapia D, Iturriaga C, Vallejos OP, Berríos-Rojas RV, Hoppe-Elsholz G, Urzúa M, Bruneau N, Fasce RA, Mora J, Grifoni A, Sette A, Weiskopf D, Zeng G, Meng W, González-Aramundiz JV, González PA, Abarca K, Ramírez E, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, (2021).

9. Serial Stimulation of Invariant Natural Killer T Cells with Covalently Stabilized Bispecific T-cell Engagers Generates Antitumor Immunity While Avoiding Anergy, Cancer Research. 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-20-2219. Saavedra-Avila NA, Keshipeddy S, Guberman-Pfeffer MJ, Pérez-Gallegos A, Saini NK, Schäfer C, Carreño LJ, Gascón JA, Porcelli SA, Howell AR., (2021).

10. IL-10-Dependent Amelioration of Chronic Inflammatory Disease by Microdose Subcutaneous Delivery of a Prototypic Immunoregulatory Small Molecule. Jorge H. Tabares-Guevara, Julio C. Jaramillo , Laura Ospina-Quintero, Christian A. Piedrahita-Ochoa, Natalia Garcia-Valencia, David E. Bautista-Erazo, Erika Caro-Gomez, Camila Covian, Angello Retamal-Diaz, Luisa F. Duarte, Pablo A. Gonzalez, Susan M. Bueno, Claudia A. Riedel, Alexis M. Kalergis and Jose R. Ramirez-Pineda, (2021). Frontiers in Immunology.

11. Induction of Trained Immunity by Recombinant Vaccines. Covián C, Ríos M, Berríos-Rojas RV, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. , (2021). Front Immunol. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2020.611946.

12. Immune response during hantavirus diseases: implications for immunotherapies and vaccine design. Saavedra F, Díaz FE, Retamal-Díaz A, Covián C, González PA, Kalergis AM, (2021). Immunology. doi: 10.1111/imm.13322.

13. Contribution of Pro-Inflammatory Molecules Induced by Respiratory Virus Infections to Neurological Disorders. Bohmwald K, Andrade CA, Kalergis AM, (2021). Pharmaceuticals (Basel). doi: 10.3390/ph14040340.

14. Safety and Immunogenicity of an Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine in a Subgroup of Healthy Adults in Chile., Clinical Infectious Diseases. 10.1093/cid/ciab823. Bueno SM*, Abarca K, González PA, Gálvez NMS, Soto JA, Duarte LF, Schultz BM, Pacheco GA, González LA, Vázquez Y, Ríos M, Melo-González F, Rivera-Pérez D, Iturriaga C, Urzúa M, Domínguez A, Andrade CA, Berrios RV, Canedo-Marroquín G, Covián C, Moreno-Tapia D, Saavedra F, Vallejos OP, Donato P, Espinoza P, Fuentes D, González M, Guzmán P, Muñoz-Venturelli P, Pérez CM, Potin M, Rojas Á, Fasce R, Fernández J, Mora J, Ramírez E, Gaete-Argel A, Oyarzún-Arrau A, Valiente-Echeverría F, Soto-Rifo R, Weiskopf D, Sette A, Zeng G, Meng W, González-Aramundiz JV, Kalergis AM, (2021).

15. Extending the endocrine hypertension spectrum: novel nonclassic apparent mineralocorticoid excess. Carvajal CA, Tapia-Castillo A, Fardella CE, (2021). Endocrinology. doi: 10.1007/s12020-021-02783-1.

16. Novel metabolomic profile of subjects with non-classic apparent mineralocorticoid excess., Scientific Reports. 10.1038/s41598-021-96628-6. Tapia-Castillo A, Carvajal CA, López-Cortés X, Vecchiola A, Fardella CE, (2021).

17. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and Adiponectin are associated with metabolic syndrome components. Vecchiola A, García K, González-Gómez LM, Tapia-Castillo A, Artigas R, Baudrand R, Kalergis AM, Carvajal CA, Fardella CE, (2021). American Journal of Hypertension. doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpab138.

18. Lung pathology due to hRSV infection impairs blood-brain barrier permeability enabling astrocyte infection and a long-lasting inflammation in the CNS. Bohmwald K, Soto JA, Andrade-Parra C, Fernández-Fierro A, Espinoza JA, Ríos M, Eugenin EA, González PA, Opazo MC, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, (2021). Brain Behav Immun. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2020.09.021.

19. Respiratory viral infections during pregnancy: effects of SARS-CoV-2 and other related viruses over the offspring. Riedel C, Rivera JC, Canedo-Marroquín G, Kalergis AM, Opazo MC, (2021). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/S2040174420001373.

20. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Apolipoprotein B, Apolipoprotein E, and Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Are Associated With Serum Lipid Levels in Northern Chilean Subjects. A Pilot Study., Front Genet. 10.3389/fgene.2021.640956. Gálvez AS, Ramírez H, Placencia P, Rojas C, Urzúa X, Kalergis AM, Salazar LA, Escobar-Vera J, (2021).

21. Modulation of Adaptive Immunity and Viral Infections by Ion Channels. Modulation of Adaptive Immunity and Viral Infections by Ion Channels., Front Physiol. 10.3389/fphys.2021.736681. Bohmwald K, Gálvez NMS, Andrade CA, Mora VP, Muñoz JT, González PA, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, (2021).

22. Allergens of the urushiol family promote mitochondrial dysfunction by inhibiting the electron transport at the level of cytochromes b and chemically modify cytochrome c 1. Pacheco R, Quezada SA, Kalergis AM, Becker MI, Ferreira J, De Ioannes AE, (2021). Biol Res. doi: 10.1186/s40659-021-00357-z.

23. The double-stranded RNA-binding protein, Staufen1, is an IRES-transacting factor regulating HIV-1 cap-independent translation initiation., Nucleic Acid Research. 10.1093/nar/gkab1188. Ramos H., Monette A. ,Niu M., Barrera A, López-Ulloa B, Fuentes Y., Guizar P., Pino K., DesGroseiller, L., Mouland A.J., López-Lastra M., (2021).

24. New Insights on the Early Interaction Between Typhoid and Non-typhoid Salmonella Serovars and the Host Cells., Frontiers in Microbiology. 10.3389/fmicb.2021.647044. Schultz BM, Melo-Gonzalez F, Salazar GA, Porto BN, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM., (2021).

25. Immune Profile and Clinical Outcome of Breakthrough Cases After Vaccination With an Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine., Frontiers in Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2021.742914. Duarte LF, Gálvez NMS, Iturriaga C, Melo-González F, Soto JA, Schultz BM, Urzúa M, González LA, Vázquez Y, Ríos M, Berríos-Rojas RV, Rivera-Pérez D, Moreno-Tapia D, Pacheco GA, Vallejos OP, Hoppe-Elsholz G, Navarrete MS, Rojas Á, Fasce RA, Fernández J, Mora J, Ramírez E, Zeng G, Meng W, González-Aramundiz JV, González PA, Abarca K, Bueno SM and Kalergis AM, (2021).

26. Effective Treatment against ESBL-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae through Synergism of the Photodynamic Activity of Re (I) Compounds with Beta-Lactams., Pharmaceutics. 10.3390/pharmaceutics13111889. González IA, Palavecino A, Núñez C, Dreyse P, Melo-González F, Bueno SM, Palavecino CE, (2021).

27. Activation of regulator ArcA in the presence of hypochlorite in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium., Biochimie. 10.1016/j.biochi.2020.11.009. Cabezas CE, Laulié AM, Briones AC, Pardo-Esté C, Lorca DE, Cofré AA, Morales EH, Mora AY, Krüger GI, Bueno SM, Hidalgo AA, Saavedra CP, (2021).

28. Type I Natural Killer T Cells as Key Regulators of the Immune Response to Infectious Diseases., Clinical Microbiology Reviews. 10.1128/CMR.00232-20. Gálvez NMS, Bohmwald K, Pacheco GA, Andrade CA, Carreño LJ, Kalergis AM., (2021).

29. Induction of Protective Immunity by a Single Low Dose of a Master Cell Bank cGMP-rBCG-P Vaccine Against the Human Metapneumovirus in Mice. Soto JA, Gálvez NMS, Pacheco GA, Canedo-Marroquín G, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, (2021). Front Cell Infect Microbiol. DOI: 10.3389/fcimb.2021.662714.

30. Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms Modulating Trained Immunity by Various Cell Types in Response to Pathogen Encounter. Front Immunol. 10.3389/fimmu.2021.745332. Acevedo OA, Berrios RV, Rodríguez-Guilarte L, Lillo-Dapremont B, Kalergis AM, (2021).

31. Contribution of Dysregulated DNA Methylation to Autoimmunity. Funes SC, Fernández-Fierro A, Rebolledo-Zelada D, Mackern-Oberti JP, Kalergis AM, (2021). Int J Mol Sci. doi: 10.3390/ijms222111892.

32. The Causes and Long-Term Consequences of Viral Encephalitis. Bohmwald K, Andrade CA, Gálvez NMS, Mora VP, Muñoz JT, Kalergis AM, (2021). Front Cell Neurosci. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2021.755875.

33. Host Components That Modulate the Disease Caused by hMPV. Gálvez NMS, Andrade CA, Pacheco GA, Soto JA, Stranger V, Rivera T, Vásquez AE, Kalergis AM, (2021). Viruses. doi: 10.3390/v13030519.

34. A Recombinant BCG Vaccine Is Safe and Immunogenic in Neonatal Calves and Reduces the Clinical Disease Caused by the Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Front Immunol. 10.3389/fimmu.2021.664212. Díaz FE, Guerra-Maupome M, McDonald PO, Rivera-Pérez D, Kalergis AM, McGill JL, (2021).

35. Bacterial and Viral Coinfections with the Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Pacheco GA, Gálvez NMS, Soto JA, Andrade CA, Kalergis AM, (2021). Microorganisms. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9061293.

36. LDL particle size and antioxidant HDL function improve after sustained virological response in patients with chronic HCV. Annals of Hepatology. 10.1016/j.aohep.2021.100555. Vargas JI, Rivera K, Arrese M, Benitez C, Barrera F, Hugo M, Arab JP, Pino K, Barrera A, Lopez-Lastra M, Rigotti A, Soza A., (2021).

37. The viral nucleocapsid protein and the human RNA-binding protein Mex3A promote translation of the Andes orthohantavirus small mRNA. PLOS Pathogen. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1009931. Vera-Otarola J, Castillo-Vargas E, Angulo J, Barriga FM, Batlle E, Lopez-Lastra M., (2021).

38. The internal ribosome entry site of the Dengue virus mRNA is active when cap-dependent translation initiation is inhibited. Journal of Virology, 10.1128/JVI.01998-20. Fernández-García L, Angulo J, Ramos H, Barrera A, Pino K, Vera-Otarola J, López-Lastra M., (2021).

39. Dysregulated Immune Responses in COVID-19 Patients Correlating With Disease Severity and Invasive Oxygen Requirements. Frontiers Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2021.769059. Garcia- Gonzalez, P., Tempio, F., Fuentes, C., Merino C., Vargas, L., Simon, V., Ramirez-Pereira M., Rojas V., Tobar., E., Landskron, G., Araya JP., Navarrete, M., Bastias C., Tordecilla R., Varas, M., Maturan, P., Marcoleta A., Allende M.L., Naves, R., Hermoso, M., Salazar-Onfray, F., Lopez M.N., Bono M.R., and Osorio, F. , (2021).

40. Invitro Phenotyope induction of Circulating Monocytes CD16 and CD163 Analysis., Journal of inflamation research. 10.2147/JIR.S292513. Karsulovic, C., Tempio F., López M.N., Guerrero, J., and Goecke, A, (2021).

41. The Role of CXCL10 and IL-18 as Markers of Repigmentation Response in Nonsegmental Vitiligo Treated with Narrowband UVB Phototherapy: A Prospective Cohort Study., Journal of investigative Dermatology. 10.1016/j.jid.2020.12.021. Hojman, L., Cabrera, R., Karsulovic, C., Tempio, F., Perez, C., López, M.N., (2021).

42. Aminoguanidine Prevents the Oxidative Stress, Inhibiting Elements of Inflammation, Endothelial Activation, Mesenchymal Markers, and Confers a Renoprotective Effect in Renal Ischemia and Reperfusion Injury. Antioxidants. 10.3390/antiox10111724. Pasten C, Lozano M, Rocco J, Carrión F, Alvarado C, Liberona J, Michea L, Irarrázabal CE., (2021).

43. Effect of Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy on clinical and laboratory biomarkers associated with gastric damage in healthy school-aged children: A randomized non-blinded trial. Lucero Y, Lagomarcino AJ, Torres JP, Roessler P, Mamani N, George SA, Huerta N, González M, O’Ryan G M., (2021). Helicobacter. doi: 10.1111/hel.12853.

44. Safeguarding vaccine production and supply strategies for polio eradication endgame. Bandyopadhyay AS, O’Ryan M., (2021). Lancet Reg Health West Pac. doi: 10.1016/j.lanwpc.2021.100159.

45. Helicobacter pylori, clinical, laboratory, and noninvasive biomarkers suggestive of gastric damage in healthy school-aged children: A case-control study. Lucero Y, Lagomarcino AJ, Torres JP, Roessler P, Mamani N, George S, Huerta N, Gonzalez M, O’Ryan M., (2021). Int J Infect Dis. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2020.11.202.

46. Attended Automated Office Blood Pressure Measurement Versus Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in a Primary Healthcare Setting in Chile. South Medical Journal. 10.14423/SMJ.0000000000001206. Michea L , Toro L, Alban N , Contreras D , Morgado P, Paccot M, Escobar MC , Lorca E, (2021).

47. Glutathione S-Transferase and Clusterin, New Players in the Ischemic Preconditioning Renal Protection in a Murine Model of Ischemia and Reperfusion. Cellular Physiology & Biochemistry. 10.33594/000000442. Pasten C, Herrera-Luna Y, Lozano M, Rocco J, Alvarado C, Liberona J, Michea L, Irarrázabal CE, (2021).

48. Dynamic IgG seropositivity after rollout of CoronaVac and BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccines in Chile: a sentinel surveillance study. Sauré D, O’Ryan M, Torres JP, Zuniga M, Santelices E, Basso LJ, (2021). Lancet Infect Dis. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(21)00479-5.

49. The burden of norovirus disease in children: a multi-country study in Chile, Brazil, Thailand and the Philippines. Safadi MA, Riera-Montes M, Bravo L, Tangsathapornpong A, Lagos R, Thisyakorn U, Linhares AC, Capeding R, Prommalikit O, Verstraeten T, O’Ryan M. , (2021). Int J Infect Dis. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2021.06.037.

50. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Antibody Prevalence in Blood in a Large School Community Subject to a Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak: A Cross-sectional Study. Torres JP, Piñera C, De La Maza V, Lagomarcino AJ, Simian D, Torres B, Urquidi C, Valenzuela MT, O’Ryan M., (2021). Clin Infect Dis. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa955.

51. Norovirus: Facts and Reflections from Past, Present, and Future. Lucero, Y.; Matson, D.O.; Ashkenazi, S.; George, S.; O’Ryan, M. , (2021). Viruses. 10.3390/v13122399.

52. The Role of Serology Testing in the Context of Immunization Policies for COVID-19 in Latin American Countries. dos Santos Ferreira, C.E.; Gómez-Dantés, H.; Junqueira Bellei, N.C.; López, E.; Nogales Crespo, K.A.; O’Ryan, M.; Villegas, J. , (2021). Viruses. 10.3390/v13122391.

53. Cancer research in Latin America, 2014-2019, and its disease burden, Journal of Scientometric Res. 10.5530/jscires.10.1s.19. Lewison G., Owen GI., Gomez H., Cazap E., Murillo R., Saldaña KU., Dreyer M., Tsunoda A., Jimenez de la Jara J., (2021).

54. Mechanobiology of autophagy: The unexplored side of cancer., Frontiers in Oncology. 10.3389/fonc.2021.632956. Hérnandez-Cáceres MP., Muñoz L., Pradenas JM., Pena F., Lagos P., Aceiton P., Owen GI., Morselli E., Criollo A., Ravasio A., Bertocchi C., (2021).

55. Thyroid Gene Mutations in Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women Diagnosed With Transient Congenital Hypothyroidism: Implications for the Offspring’s Health., Frontiers in endocrinology. 10.3389/fendo.2021.679002. Opazo MC, Rivera JC, Gonzalez PA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, Riedel CA, (2021).

56. C-type lectin receptors MR and DC-SIGN are involved in recognition of hemocyanins, shaping their immunostimulatory effects on human dendritic cells. Villar J, Salazar ML, Jiménez JM, Campo MD, Manubens A, Gleisner MA, Ávalos I, Salazar-Onfray F, Salazar F, Mitchell DA, Alshahrani MY, Martínez-Pomares L, Becker MI, (2021). European Journal of Immunology. DOI: 10.1002/eji.202149225.

57. A case-control study of a combination of single nucleotide polymorphism and clinical parameters to predict clinically relevant toxicity associated with fluoropyrimidine and platinum-based chemotherapy in gastric cancer., BMC Cancer. 10.1186/s12885-021-08745-0. Cordova-Delgado M., Nravo ML., Cumsille E., Hill CN., Muñoz-Medel M., Pinto MP., Retamal IN., Lavanderos MA., Miquel JF., Rodriguez-Fernandez M., Liao Y., Li Z., Corvalán AH., Armisén R., Garrido M., Quiñones LA., Owen GI., (2021).

58. CD73 Ectonucleotidase Restrains CD8+ T Cell Metabolic Fitness and Anti-tumoral Activity, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 10.3389/fcell.2021.638037. Briceño P, Rivas-Yañez E, Rosemblatt MV, Parra-Tello B, Farías P, Vargas L, Simon V, Cárdenas C, Lladser A, Salazar-Onfray F, Elorza AA, Rosemblatt M, Bono MR, Sauma D., (2021).

59. The Evaluation of 17 Gastrointestinal Tumor Markers Reveals Prognosis Value for MUC6, CK17, and CD10 in Gallbladder-Cancer Patients. Carrasco C, Tittarelli A, Paillaleve N, Pozo MD, Rojas-Sepúlveda D, Barría O, Fluxá P, Hott M, Martin C, Quezada C, Salazar-Onfray F., (2021). Diagnostics (Basel). doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11020153.

60. Immunosuppressive Mechanisms of Regulatory B Cells, Frontiers in Immunology. 16643224, 10.3389/fimmu.2021.611795. Catalán D, Mancilla MA, Ferrier A, Soto L, Oleinika K, Aguillón JC, Aravena O. , (2021).

61. Comparing Approaches to Normalize, Quantify, and Characterize Urinary Extracellular Vesicles. J Am Soc Nephrol. 1555-9041, 10.1681 / ASN.2020081142. Charles J. Blijdorp , Omar A. Z. Tutakhel , Thomas A. Hartjes, Thierry P. P. van den Bosch,Martijn H. van Heugten, Juan Pablo Rigalli, Rob Willemsen,Usha M. Musterd-Bhaggoe, Eric R. Barros, Roger Carles-Fontana,Cristian A. Carvajal , Onno J. Arntz, Fons A. J. van de Loo, Guido Jenster,Marian C. Clahsen-van Groningen, Cathy A. Cuevas, David Severs, Robert A. Fenton,Martin E. van Royen , Joost G. J. Hoenderop , René J. M. Bindels , andEwout J. Hoorn “, (2021).

62. Extracellular vesicles regulate purinergic signaling and epithelial sodium channel expression in renal collecting duct cells. The Faseb Journal. 0892-6638, 10.1096/fj.202002559R. Eric R. Barros Lamus, Valentina Carotti,Christine R. S. de Vries, Femke Witsel,Onno J. Arntz, Fons A. J. van de Loo, Cristian A. Carvajal, René J. M. Bindels,Joost G. J. Hoendero, Juan P. Rigalli, (2021).

63. Proteomic Profile of Urinary Extracellular Vesicles Identifies AGP1 as a Potential Biomarker of Primary Aldosteronism. Endocrinology. 1365-2265, 10.1210/endocr/bqab032. Barros ER, Rigalli JP, Tapia-Castillo A, Vecchiola A, Young MJ, Hoenderop JGJ, Bindels RJM, Fardella CE, Carvajal CA, (2021).

64. Serum alpha-1-acid glycoprotein-1 and urinary extracellular vesicle miR-21-5p as potential biomarkers of primary aldosteronism. Frontiers in Immunology. 1664-3224, 10.3389/fimmu.2021.768734. Carvajal CA. Tapia-Castillo A, Perez J, Fardella CE, (2021).

65. Primary aldosteronism, aldosterone and extracellular vesicles. Endocrinology. 1365-2265, Carvajal CA. Tapia-Castillo A, Perez J, Fardella CE, (2021).

66. Aldosterone and renin concentration were abnormally elevated in a cohort of normotensive pregnant women. Endocrinology. 1365-2265, 10.1007/s12020-021-02938-0. Pasten V, Tapia-Castillo A, Fardella CE, Leiva A, Carvajal CA, (2021).

67. Respiratory viral infections during pregnancy: effects of SARS-CoV-2 and other related viruses over the offspring. International Society for Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. 2040-1744, Riedel C, Rivera JC, Canedo-Marroquín G, Kalergis AM, Opazo MC, (2021).

68. Role of inflammation in hypertension. Revista Medica de Chile, 10.4067/s0034-98872021000200255. Prat H, Araos P, Michea L., (2021).

69. Herpes Simplex Viruses Type 1 and Type 2 Infection and Immunity. Antonia Reyes, Mónica A. Farías, Nicolás Corrales, Eduardo Tognarelli, Pablo A.González, (2021). Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences.

70. Interim Report: safety and immunogenicity of an inactivated vaccine 2 against SARS-CoV2 in healthy Chilean adults in a phase 3 clinical trial. MedRxiv, 10.1101/2021.03.31.21254494. Bueno SM*, Abarca K, González PA, Gálvez NMS, Soto JA, Duarte LF, Schultz BM, Pacheco GA, González LA, Vázquez Y, Ríos M, Melo-González F, Rivera-Pérez D, Iturriaga C, Urzúa M, Dominguez A, Andrade CA, Berrios RV, Canedo-Marroquín G, Covián C, Moreno-Tapia D, Saavedra F, Vallejos OP, Donato P, Espinoza P, Fuentes D, González M, Guzmán P, Muñoz-Venturelli P, Pérez CM, Potin M, Rojas A, Fasce R, Fernández J, Mora J, Ramírez E, Gaete-Argel A, Oyarzún-Arrau A, Valiente-Echeverría F, Soto-Rifo R, Weiskopf D, Sette A, Zeng G, Meng W, González-Aramundiz JV, Kalergis AM*, (2021).

71. A booster dose of an inactivated vaccine increases neutralizing antibodies and T cell responses against SARS-CoV-2. MedRxiv, 10.1101/2021.11.16.21266350. Schultz BM, Melo-González F, Duarte LF, Gálvez NMS, Pacheco GA, Soto JA, Berríos-Rojas RV, González LA, Moreno-Tapia D, Rivera-Pérez D, Hoppe-Elsholz G, Iturriaga C, Ríos M, Vallejos OP, Urzúa M, Vázquez Y, Navarrete MS, Rojas A, Weiskopf D, Sette A, Zeng G, Meng W, CoronaVac03CL Study Group, González-Aramundiz JV, González PA, Abarca K, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, (2021).

72. Lung pathology due to hRSV infection impairs blood–brain barrier permeability enabling astrocyte infection and a long-lasting inflammation in the CNS Karen Bohmwald, Jorge A. Soto, Catalina Andrade-Parra, Ayleen Fernández-Fierro, Janyra A. Espinozaa, Mariana Ríos, Eliseo A. Eugenin, Pablo A. González, María Cecilia Opazo, Claudia A. Riedel, Alexis M. Kalergis. Brain, Behaviour and Immunity

2020 IMII Publications

1. The Internal Ribosome Entry Site of Dengue Virus mRNA Is Active When Cap-Dependent Translation Initiation Is Inhibited. Leandro Fernández-García, Jenniffer Angulo, Hade Ramos, Aldo Barrera, Karla Pino, Jorge Vera-Otarola,. Marcelo López-Lastraa. J Virol 95:e01998-20.

2. Lung pathology due to hRSV infection impairs blood–brain barrier permeability enabling astrocyte infection and a long-lasting inflammation in the CNS Karen Bohmwald, Jorge A. Soto, Catalina Andrade-Parra, Ayleen Fernández-Fierro, Janyra A. Espinozaa, Mariana Ríos, Eliseo A. Eugenin, Pablo A. González, María Cecilia Opazo, Claudia A. Riedel, Alexis M. Kalergis. Brain, Behaviour and Immunity

3. ICD-10 coded hospitalizations due to drug hypersensitivity: A nationwide study from Chile Juan J. Escobar, BS, Raquel Aguilera-Insunz, MD, MMS, Arturo Borzutzky, MD, and Rodrigo Hoyos-Bachiloglu, MD, MMSc. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice2020 Mar;8(3):1156-1158.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2019.10.012. Epub 2019 Oct 31.

4. Repertoire and Diversity of Toxin–Antitoxin Systems of Crohn’s Disease-Associated Adherent-Invasive Escherichia coli. New Insight of This Emergent E. coli Pathotype. Paula Bustamante and Roberto Vidal. Front. Microbiol. 11:807. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00807.

5. Human Norovirus Proteins: Implications in the Replicative Cycle, Pathogenesis, and the Host Immune Response., Frontiers in Immunology. 1664-3224, 10.3389/fimmu.2020.00961 Campillay-Véliz CP, Carvajal JJ, Avellaneda AM, Escobar D, Covián C, Kalergis AM, Lay MK, (2020).

6. Current antivirals and novel botanical molecules interfering with herpes simplex virus infection., Fontiers in Microbiology. 1664-302X, DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00139. Alvarez DM, Castillo E, Duarte LF, Arriagada J, Corrales N, Farías MA, Henríquez A, Agurto-Muñoz A, González PA, (2020).

7. Antibody development for preventing the human respiratory syncytial virus pathology., Molecular Medicine. 1076-1551, 10.1186/s10020-020-00162-6. Soto JA, Gálvez NMS, Pacheco GA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, (2020).

8. Anti-herpetic Activity of Macrocystis pyrifera and Durvillaea antarctica Algae Extracts Against HSV-1 and HSV-2., Frontiers in Microbiology. 1664-302X, 10.3389/fmicb.2020.02006. Castillo E, Duarte LF, Corrales N, Álvarez DM, Farías MA, Henríquez A, Smith PC, Agurto-Muñoz C, González PA, (2020).

9. Cetylpyridinium chloride blocks herpes simplex virus replication in gingival fibroblasts., Antiviral Research. 0166-3542, 10.1016/j.antiviral.2020.104818. Álvarez DM, Duarte LF, Corrales N, Smith PC, González PA, (2020).

10. Immunoglobulins concentration and B cell counts as severity markers in adult community-acquired pneumonia: Cross sectional study, Medicine. 0025-7974, 10.1097/MD.0000000000022390. Vivian Luchsinger, Luis Lizama, María Luisa Garmendia, Fabián Tempio, Mauricio Ruiz, Rolando Pizarro, Patricio Rossi, Lucía Huenchur, Cristian Moreno, Mercedes López, Sandra Ampuero, Carmen Larrañaga, Luis Fidel Avendaño, (2020).

11. Amide-Linked C4?-Saccharide Modification of KRN7000 Provides Potent Stimulation of Human Invariant NKT Cells and Anti-Tumor Immunity in a Humanized Mouse Model, ACS Chemical Biology. 1554-8929, 10.1021/acschembio.0c00707. Saavedra-Avila NA, Keshipeddy S, Guberman-Pfeffer MJ, Pérez-Gallegos A, Saini NK, Schäfer C, Carreño LJ, Gascón JA, Porcelli SA, Howell AR, (2020).

12. Classic and Nonclassic Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess Syndrome., The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 0021-972X, 10.1210/clinem/dgz315. Carvajal CA, Tapia-Castillo A, Vecchiola A, Baudrand R, Fardella CE., (2020).

13. Contribution of hypoxia inducible factor-1 during viral infections., VIRULENCE. 2150-5594, 10.1080/21505594.2020.1836904. Reyes A, Corrales N, Gálvez NMS, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, González PA, (2020).

14. Current Insights in the Development of Efficacious Vaccines Against RSV, Frontiers in Immunology. 1664-3224, 10.3389/fimmu.2020.01507. Jorge A. Soto, Laura M. Stephens, Kody A. Waldstein, Gisela Canedo-Marroquín, Steven M. Vargas, Alexis M. Kalergis, (2020).

15. Deciphering Additional Roles for the EF-Tu, l-Asparaginase II and OmpT Proteins of Shiga Toxin-ProducingEscherichia coli, Microorganisms. 2076-2607, 10.3390/microorganisms8081184 Torres, AN; Chamorro-Veloso, N; Costa, P; Cadiz, L; Del Canto, F; Venegas, SA; Nitsche, ML; Coloma-Rivero, RF; Montero, DA; Vidal, RM, (2020).

16. A heat-shocked melanoma cell lysate vaccine enhances tumor infiltration by prototypic effector T cells inhibiting tumor growth, Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer. 2051-1426, 10.1136/jitc-2020-000999. María Alejandra Gleisner, Cristián Pereda, Andrés Tittarelli, Mariela Navarrete, Camila Fuentes, Ignacio Ávalos, Fabian Tempio, Juan Pablo Araya, María Inés Becker, Fermín Eduardo González, Mercedes Natalia López, Flavio Salazar-Onfray, (2020).

17. Eplerenone implantation improved adipose dysfunction averting RAAS activation and cell division, Frontiers in Endocrinology. 1664-2392, 10.3389/fendo.2020.00223. Andrea Vecchiola, Cristobal A. Fuentes, Isidora Solar, Carlos F. Lagos, Maria Cecilia Opazo, Natalia Muñoz-Durango, Claudia A. Riedel, Gareth I. Owen, Alexis M. Kalergis, Carlos E. Fardella, (2020).

18. Evaluation of the chemopreventive potentials of ezetimibe and aspirin in a novel mouse model of gallbladder preneoplasia, Molecular oncology. 1574-7891, 10.1002/1878-0261.12766. Lorena Rosa, Lorena Lobos-González, Natalia Muñoz-Durango, Patricia García, Carolina Bizama, Natalia Gómez, Ximena González, Ignacio A Wichmann, Nicolás Saavedra, Francisca Guevara, Jaime Villegas, Marco Arrese, Catterina Ferreccio, Alexis M Kalergis, Juan Francisco Miquel, Jaime A Espinoza, Juan C Roa, (2020).

19. Flow Cytometry Evaluation of Gap Junction-Mediated Intercellular Communication Between Cytotoxic T Cells and Target Tumor Cells., Methods in Molecular Biology. 1064-374, 10.1007/7651_2020_326. Navarrete M., Salazar-Onfray F., Tittarelli A., (2020).

20. Detection of a novel severe mutation affecting the CYP21A2 gene in a Chilean male with salt wasting congenital adrenal hyperplasia., Endocrine. 1355-008X, 10.1007/s12020-019-02097-3. Arteaga E, Valenzuela F, Lagos CF, Lagos M, Martinez A, Baudrand R, Carvajal C, Fardella CE, (2020).

21. Development and analytical validation of real-time PCR for the detection of Streptococcus agalactiae in pregnant women, BioMed Central pregnancy and childbirth. 1471-2393, 10.1186/s12884-020-03038-z. Daniel F Escobar, Diego A Diaz-Dinamarca, Carlos F Hernández, Daniel A Soto, Ricardo A Manzo, Pedro I Alarcón, Camila H Pinto, Diego N Bastias, Carolayn N Oberg-Bravo, Robert Rojas, Sebastián E Illanes, Alexis M Kalergis, Abel E Vasquez, (2020).

22. Distribution of Locus of Adhesion and Autoaggregation and hes Gene in STEC Strains from Countries of Latin America, CURRENT MICROBIOLOGY. 0343-8651;1432-0991, 10.1007/s00284-020-02062-8. Velez, MV; Colello, R; Etcheverria, AI; Vidal, RM; Montero, DA; Acuna, P; Fretes, RMG; Toro, M; Padola, NL, (2020).

23. Novel Aspects of Extracellular Vesicles in the Regulation of Renal Physiological and Pathophysiological Processes, Frontiers in cell and developmental biology. 2296-634X, 10.3389/fcell.2020.00244. Juan Pablo Rigalli, Eric Raul Barros, Vera Sommers, René J. M. Bindels and Joost G. J. Hoenderop, (2020).

24. Peripheral Blood Classical Monocytes and Plasma Interleukin 10 Are Associated to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Response in Breast Cancer Patients, Frontiers in Immunology. 1664-3224, 10.3389/fimmu.2020.01413. Javier Valdés-Ferrada, Natalia Muñoz-Durango, Alejandra Pérez-Sepulveda,Sabrina Muñoz, Irenice Coronado-Arrázola, Francisco Acevedo, Jorge A. Soto, Susan M. Bueno, Cesar Sánchez, Alexis M. Kalergis, (2020).

25. TCR Repertoire Characterization for T Cells Expanded in Response to hRSV Infection in Mice Immunized with a Recombinant BCG Vaccine, Viruses. 1999-4915, 10.3390/v12020233. Emma Rey-Jurado, Karen Bohmwald, Hernán G Correa, Alexis M Kalergis, (2020).

26. Pharmacological management of human respiratory syncytial virus infection, Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy. 1465-6566;1744-7666, 10.1080/14656566.2020.1806821. Alexis M Kalergis , Jorge A Soto, Nicolás M S Gálvez, Catalina A Andrade, Ayleen Fernandez, Karen Bohmwald, Susan M Bueno, (2020).

27. Horizontally Acquired Homologs of Xenogeneic Silencers: Modulators of Gene Expression Encoded by Plasmids, Phages and Genomic Islands., Genes. 2073-4425, 10.3390/genes11020142 . Piña-Iturbe A, Suazo ID, Hoppe-Elsholz G, Ulloa-Allendes D, González PA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, (2020).

28. Innate Immune Components that Regulate the Pathogenesis and Resolution of hRSV and hMPV Infections., Viruses. 1999-4915, 10.3390/v12060637 Andrade CA, Pacheco GA, Gálvez NMS, Soto JA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, (2020),

29. L-Arginine Enhances Intracellular Killing of Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 by Murine Neutrophils, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 2235-2988, 10.3389/fcimb.2020.571771 . Peñaloza HF, Ahn D, Schultz BM, Piña-Iturbe A, González LA, Bueno SM, (2020).

30. Urinary sodium-to- potassium ratio and plasma renin and aldosterone concentrations in normotensive children: implications for the interpretation of results., J Hypertens. 2020, Apr;38(4):671-678. 0263-6352, 10.1097/HJH.0000000000002324. Martinez-Aguayo AG, Campino C, Rodriguez-Fernandez M, Poggi H, D’apremont I, Moore R, Garcia H, Solari S, Allende F, Peredo S, Trincado C, Carvajal C, Arancibia M, Ossa JT, Sifaqui S, Fardella CE, Baudrand R, (2020).

31. Mucosal Vaccination with Lactococcus lactis-Secreting Surface Immunological Protein Induces Humoral and Cellular Immune Protection against Group B Streptococcus in a Murine Model, Vaccines. 2076-393X, 10.3390/vaccines8020146 Diego A Diaz-Dinamarca, Carlos Hernandez, Daniel F Escobar, Daniel A Soto, Guillermo A Muñoz, Jesús F Badilla, Ricardo A Manzo, Flavio Carrión, Alexis M Kalergis, Abel E Vasquez, (2020).

32. Naturally Derived Heme-Oxygenase 1 Inducers and Their Therapeutic Application to Immune-Mediated Diseases, Frontiers in immunology. 1664-3224, 10.3389/fimmu.2020.01467. Funes SC, Rios M, Fernández-Fierro A, Covián C, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Mackern-Oberti JP, Kalergis AM, (2020).

33. The impact of the micronutrient iodine in health, Critical reviews in food science and nutrition. 1040-8398, 10.1080/10408398.2020.1843398. Opazo MC, Coronado-Arrázola I, Vallejos OP, Moreno-Reyes R, Fardella C, Mosso L, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, (2020).

34. Hypoxic Melanoma Cells Deliver microRNAs to Dendritic Cells and Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes through Connexin-43 Channels, International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 1422-0067, 10.3390/ijms21207567. Andrés Tittarelli, Mariela Navarrete, Marcelo Lizana, Francisca Hofmann-Vega, Flavio Salazar-Onfray, (2020).

35. ICD-10 coded hospitalizations due to drug hypersensitivity: A nationwide study from Chile., The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice. 2213-2198, 10.1016/j.jaip.2019.10.012. Escobar JJ, Aguilera-Insunza R, Borzutzky A, Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, (2020).

36. Immunization of mice with chimeric antigens displaying selected epitopes confers protection against intestinal colonization and renal damage caused by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, nature partner journals Vaccines. 2059-0105, 10.1038/s41541-020-0168-7. Montero D.A., Del Canto F., Salazar J.C., Céspedes S., Cádiz L., Arenas-Salinas M., Reyes J., Oñate Á., Vidal R.M., (2020).

37. Increasing food allergies in Chile, a developing country post-epidemiological transition., Pediatr Allergy Immunology. 0905-6157, 10.1111/pai.13225. Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, Escobar JJ, Cifuentes C, Aguilera-Insunza R, Morales PS, Borzutzky A, (2020).

38. Inverse Relationship Between Alzheimer’s Disease and Cancer: How Immune Checkpoints Might Explain the Mechanisms Underlying Age-Related Diseases, Journal Alzheimer Diseases. 1387-2877, 10.3233/JAD-190839. Nicole K Rogers, Cesar Romero, Carol D SanMartín, Daniela P Ponce, Felipe Salech, Mercedes N López, Alejandra Gleisner, Fabián Tempio, María I Behrens, (2020).

39. Respiratory viral infections during pregnancy: effects of SARS-CoV2 and other related viruses over the offspring, Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 10.1017/S2040174420001373. Claudia Riedel, Juan Carlos Rivera, Gisela Canedo-Marroquín, Alexis M. Kalergis and Ma. Cecilia Opazo, (2020).

40. Genomic characterization of the non-O1/non-O139 Vibrio cholerae strain that caused a gastroenteritis outbreak in Santiago, Chile, 2018, Mkicrobial Genomics. 2057-5858, 10.1099/mgen.0.000340. Arteaga M, Velasco J, Rodriguez S, Vidal M, Arellano C, Silva F, Carreño LJ, Vidal R, Montero DA, (2020).

41. Type I Natural Killer T Cells as Key Regulators of the Immune Response to Infectious Diseases, Clinical microbiology reviews. 0893-8512, 10.1128/CMR.00232-20. Nicolás M S Gálvez, Karen Bohmwald, Gaspar A Pacheco, Catalina A Andrade, Leandro J Carreño, Alexis M Kalergis, (2020).

42. mTORC inhibitor Sirolimus deprograms monocytes in “cytokine storm” in SARS-CoV2 secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis- like syndrome, Journal Clinical Immunology. 1521-6616, 10.1016/j.clim.2020.108539. Claudio Karsulovic, Mercedes Lopez, Fabian Tempio, Julia Guerrero, Annelise Goecke, (2020).

43. The Role of Dendritic Cells During Infections Caused by Highly Prevalent Viruses., Frontiers in Immunology. 1664-3224, 10.3389/fimmu.2020.01513. Soto JA, Gálvez NMS, Andrade CA, Pacheco GA, Bohmwald K, Berrios RV, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, (2020).

44. New Insights on the Role of Lipid Metabolism in the Metabolic Reprogramming of Macrophages, Frontiers in Immunology. 1664-3224, 10.3389/fimmu.2019.02993. Ana Batista-Gonzalez, Roberto Vidal, Alfredo Criollo and Leandro J. Carreño, (2020).

45. Ten years of molecular epidemiology surveillance of Listeria monocytogenes in Chile, Food Microbiology. 0740-0020, 10.1016/ Paduro C, Montero DA, Chamorro N, Carreño LJ, Vidal M, Vidal R, (2020).

46. Repertoire and Diversity of Toxin – Antitoxin Systems of Crohn’s Disease-Associated Adherent-Invasive Escherichia coli. New Insight of This Emergent E. coli Pathotype, FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY. 1664-302X, 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00807. Bustamante, P; Vidal, R, (2020).

47. Rho-kinase pathway activation and apoptosis in circulating leucocytes in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction., Journal of cell and molecular medicine. 1582-1838, 10.1111/jcmm.14819. Ocaranza MP, Moya J, Jalil JE, Lavandero S, Kalergis AM, Molina C, Gabrielli L, Godoy I, Córdova S, Castro P, Mac Nab P, Rossel V, García L, González J, Mancilla C, Fierro C, Farías L., (2020).

48. Study of a classification algorithm for AIEC identification in geographically distinct E. coli strains, Scientific Reports. 2045-2322, 10.1038/s41598-020-64894-5. Camprubi-Font, C; Bustamante, P; Vidal, RM; O’Brien, CL; Barnich, N; Martinez-Medina, M, (2020).

49. Role of CXCL10 and IL-18 as markers of repigmentation response in non-segmental vitiligo treated with narrowband-UVB phototherapy: a prospective cohort study, Journal Investigative dermatology. 0022-202X, in process. Hojjman Lia; Cabrera, Raul; Karsulovic, Claudio Antonio; Tempio, Fabian; Perez, Claudio; Lopez, Mercedes, (2020).

50. SARS-CoV-2: Immune Response Elicited by Infection and Development of Vaccines and Treatments, Frontiers in Immunology. 1058-4838, 10.1093/cid/ciaa955. Gisela Canedo-Marroquín, Farides Saavedra, Catalina A Andrade, Roslye V Berrios, Linmar Rodríguez-Guilarte, María C Opazo, Claudia A Riedel, Alexis M Kalergis, (2020).

51. Safety and immunogenicity evaluation of recombinant BCG vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase I clinical trial, EClinicalMedicine. 2589-5370, 10.1016/j.eclinm.2020.100517. Katia Abarca, Emma Rey-Jurado, Natalia Muñoz-Durango, Yaneisi Vázquez, Jorge A Soto, Nicolás M S Gálvez, Javier Valdés-Ferrada, Carolina Iturriaga, Marcela Urzúa, Arturo Borzutzky, Jaime Cerda, Luis Villarroel, Victoria Madrid, Pablo A González, José V González-Aramundiz, Susan M Bueno, Alexis M Kalergis, (2020).

52. A molecular stratification of Chilean gastric cancer patients with potential clinical applicability, Cancers. 2072-6694, 10.3390/cancers12071863. Mauricio P. Pinto, Miguel Córdova-Delgado, Ignacio N. Retamal, Matías Muñoz-Medel, M.Loreto Bravo, Doris Duran, Francisco Villanueva, César Sanchez, Francisco Acevedo, Sebastián Mondaca, Erica Koch, Carolina Ibañez, Héctor Galindo, Jorge Madrid, Bruno Nervi, José Peña, Javiera Torres, Gareth I. Owen, Alejandro H. Corvalán, Ricardo Armisén, Marcelo Garrido, (2020).

53. Chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis in children: a multicenter case series., Rheumatol Int. 0172-8172, 10.1007/s00296-019-04400-x. Concha S, Hernández-Ojeda A, Contreras O, Mendez C, Talesnik E, Borzutzky A, (2020).

54. Cap-independent translation initiation of the unspliced RNA of retroviruses, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Gene Regulatory Mechanisms. 1874-9399, 10.1016/j.bbagrm.2020.194583. Aldo Barrera, Valeria Olguín, JorgeVera-Otarola, Marcelo López-Lastra, (2020).

55. Connexin-Mediated Signaling at the Immunological Synapse, International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 1422-0067, 10.3390/ijms21103736. Andrés Tittarelli, Mariela Navarrete, María Alejandra Gleisner, Peter Gebicke-Haerter and Flavio Salazar-Onfray, (2020).

56. Coronavirus Disease-19: An Interim Evidence Synthesis of the World Association for Infectious Diseases and Immunological Disorders (Waidid)., Front Med (Lausanne. 2296-858X, 10.3389/fmed.2020.572485. Abu-Raya B, Migliori GB, O’Ryan M, Edwards K, Torres A, Alffenaar JW, Märtson AG, Centis R, D’Ambrosio L, Flanagan K, Hung I, Lauretani F, Leung CC, Leuridan E, Maertens K, Maggio MG, Nadel S, Hens N, Niesters H, Osterhaus A, Pontali E, Principi N, Rossato Silva D, Omer S, Spanevello A, Sverzellati N, Tan T, Torres-Torreti JP, Visca D, Esposito S, (2020),

57. Could BCG Vaccination Induce Protective Trained Immunity for SarsCov 2., Frontiers in Immunology. 1664-3224, 10.3389/fimmu.2020.00970. Camila Covián, Angello Retamal-Díaz, Susan M. Bueno and Alexis M. Kalergis, (2020).

58. Deciphering the role of the coagulation cascade and autophafy in cancer-related thrombosis and metastasis, Frontiers Oncology. 2234-943X, 10.3389/fonc.2020.605314. Charlotte Nicole Hill, Maria Paz Hernández-Cáceres, Catalina Asencio, Begoña Torres, Benjamin Solis, Gareth I Owen, (2020).

59. Early origins of allergy and asthma (ARIES): study protocol for a prospective prenatal birth cohort in Chile., BMC Pediatrics. 1471-2431, 10.1186/s12887-020-02077-x. Hernández CD, Casanello P, Harris PR, Castro-Rodríguez JA, Iturriaga C, Perez-Mateluna G, Farías M, Urzúa M, Hernandez C, Serrano C, Sandoval M, Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, Uauy R, Borzutzky A, (2020).

60. Gastric Damage and Cancer-Associated Biomarkers in Helicobacter pylori-Infected Children., Front Microbiol. 1664-302X, 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00090. George S, Lucero Y, Torres JP, Lagomarcino AJ, O’Ryan M, (2020).

61. Global Perspectives on Immunization During Pregnancy and Priorities for Future Research and Development: An International Consensus Statement. Front Immunol. 1664-3224, 10.3389/fimmu.2020.01282. Abu-Raya B, Maertens K, Edwards KM, Omer SB, Englund JA, Flanagan KL, Snape MD, Amirthalingam G, Leuridan E, Damme PV, Papaevangelou V, Launay O, Dagan R, Campins M, Cavaliere AF, Frusca T, Guidi S, O’Ryan M, Heininger U, Tan T, Alsuwaidi AR, Safadi MA, Vilca LM, Wanlapakorn N, Madhi SA, Giles ML, Prymula R, Ladhani S, Martinón-Torres F, Tan L, Michelin L, Scambia G, Principi N, Esposito S, (2020).

62. Infectious and non-infectious diseases burden among Haitian immigrants in Chile: a cross-sectional study., Nature Scientific reports. 2045-2322, 10.1038/s41598-020-78970-3. Francisco Fuster, Felipe Peirano, José Ignacio Vargas, Francisco Xavier Zamora, Marcelo López-Lastra, Ruth Núñez, Jacinta Soza, Katherine González, Denisse Estay, Beatrice Barchiesi, Antonieta Fuster, Ignacia López, Nicolás Utrera, Jorge Landeros, Javiera Chandía, Angela Paredes, Daniela Reyes, Rodrigo Arias, Luis Padilla,Hernán Suárez, Katia Farcas, Macarena Cannistra, Geraldine Muñoz, Ignacio Rodríguez, Ivana Ormazábal, Josefina Cortés, Bárbara Cornejo, Franco Manzur, Antonia Reyes, Vicente Leiva, María Victoria Raimann, Catalina Arrau, Valentina Cox, Alejandro Soza, (2020).

63. Post-translational modifications of hnRNP A1 differentially modulate retroviral IRES-mediated translation initiation, Nucleic Acid Research. 0305-1048, 10.1093/nar/gkaa765. Aldo Barrera, Hade Ramos, Jorge Vera-Otarola, Leandro Fernández-Garcia, Jenniffer Angulo, Valeria Olguíin, Karla Pino, Andrew J. Mouland Marcelo López-Lastra, (2020).

64. Helicobacter pylori, clinical, laboratory and noninvasive biomarkers suggestive of gastric damage in healthy school-aged children: a case-control study, International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 1201-9712, 10.1016/j.ijid.2020.11.202. Yalda Lucero, Anne J Lagomarcino, Juan P Torres, PatriciaRoessler, Nora Mamani, Sergio George, Nicole Huerta, Monica Gonzalez, Miguel O’Ryan G, (2020).

65. The Andes Orthohantavirus NSs Protein Antagonizes the Type I Interferon Response by Inhibiting MAVS Signaling, Journal of Virology. 0022-538X, 10.1128/JVI.00454-20. Jorge Vera-Otarola, Loretto Solis, Fernando Lowy, Valeria Olguín, Jenniffer Angulo, Karla Pino, Nicole D Tischler, Carola Otth Paula Padula, Marcelo López-Lastra, (2020).

66. The impact of the potential antitumor agent 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl) amino-1,4-naphthoquinone (Q7) on vasomotion is mediated by the vascular endothelium, but not vascular smooth muscle cell metabolism, Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology. 0160-2446, 10.1097/FJC.0000000000000940. Javier Palacios, Julio Benites, Gareth Owen, Pablo Morales, Mario Chiong, Chukwuemeka Nwokocha, Adrian Paredes, Fredi Cifuentes, (2020).

67. Mandatory notifications of type 1 diabetes incident cases in Chilean children, 2006-2014: a population-based study, Pediatric Diabetes. 1399-543X, 10.1111/pedi.12937. Garfias CP, Borzutzky A, Ugarte MF, Garcia HJ, Phingsthorn M, Garcia HG, (2020).

68. Maternal H. pylori is associated with differential fecal microbiota in infants born by vaginal delivery., Scientific Reports. 2045-2322, 10.1038/s41598-020-64296-7. Hernandez CD, Shin H, Troncoso PA, Vera MH, Villagran AA, Rodriguez-Rivera SM, Ortiz MA, Serrano CA, Borzutzky A, Dominguez-Bello MG, Harris PR, (2020).

69. Multi-objective optimization for personalized prediction of venous thromboembolism in ovarian cancer patients, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2168-2194, 10.1109/JBHI.2019.2943499. Maria Emilia Frésard, Rafaela Erices, Maria Loreto Bravo, Mauricio Cuello, Gareth I. Owen, Carolina Ibañez, Maria Rodriguez-Fernandez, (2020).

70. Norovirus compared to other relevant etiologies of acute gastroenteritis among families from a semirural county in Chile., International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 1201-9712, 10.1016/j.ijid.2020.10.013. Lucero Y, Lagomarcino AJ, Espinoza M, Kawakami N, Mamani N, Huerta N, Del Canto F, Farfán M, Sawaguchi Y, George S, O’Ryan M, (2020).

71. Parent reported outcomes to measure satisfaction, acceptability, and daily life impact after vaccination with whole-cell and acellular pertussis vaccine in Chile., Vaccine. 0264-410X, 10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.08.046. O’Ryan M, Calvo AE, Espinoza M, Vega N, Lagomarcino AJ, López Castillo H, Puentes E, Macina D., (2020).

72. SARS-CoV-2 antibody prevalence in blood in a large school community subject to a Covid-19 outbreak: a cross-sectional study., Clinical Infectious Diseases. 1664-3224, 10.3389/fimmu.2020.569760.Torres JP, Piñera C, De La Maza V, Lagomarcino AJ, Simian D, Torres B, Urquidi C, Valenzuela MT, O’Ryan, (2020).

73. The Reprimo-like gene is an epigenetic-mediated tumor suppressor and a candidate biomarker for the non-invasive detection of gastric cancer., International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 1422-0067, 10.3390/ijms2124947. Maria Alejandra Alarcón, Wilda Olivares, Miguel C´rodova-Delgado, Matías Muñoz-Medel, Tomas de Mayo, Gonzalo Carrasco-Aviño, Ignacion Wichmann, Natalia Landeros, Julio amigo, Enrique Norero, Franz Villarroel-Espíndola, Arnoldo Riquelme, Marcelo Garrido, Gareth I. Owen, Alejandro H Corvalan, (2020).

74. Severe respiratory disease caused by human respiratory syncytial virus impairs language learning during early infancy, Scientific reports. 2045-2322, 10.1038/s41598-020-79140-1. Marcela Peña, Cristina Jara, Juan C Flores, Rodrigo Hoyos-Bachiloglu, Carolina Iturriaga, Mariana Medina, Javier Carcey, Janyra Espinoza, Karen Bohmwald, Alexis M Kalergis, Arturo Borzutzky, (2020).

75. Surface Immunogenic Protein of Streptococcus Group B is an Agonist of Toll-Like Receptors 2 and 4 and a Potential Immune Adjuvant, Vaccines. 2076-393X, 10.3390/vaccines8010029. Diego A Diaz-Dinamarca, Ricardo A Manzo, Daniel A Soto, María José Avendaño-Valenzuela, Diego N Bastias, Paulina I Soto, Daniel F Escobar, Valeria Vasquez-Saez, Flavio Carrión, Magdalena S Pizarro-Ortega, Christian A M Wilson, Julio Berrios, Alexis M Kalergis, Abel E Vasquez, (2020).

76. Contribution of NKT cells to the immune response and pathogenesis triggered by respiratory viruses, Virulence. 2150-5594, 10.1080/21505594.2020.1770492. Rey-Jurado E, Bohmwald K, Gálvez NMS, Becerra D, Porcelli SA, Carreño LJ, Kalergis AM, (2020).

77. Optimizing RT-PCR detection of SARS-CoV-2 for developing countries using pool testing., Revista Chilena de infectología. 0716-1018, 10.4067/s0716-10182020000300276. Farfan MJ, Torres JP, O’Ryan M, Olivares M, Gallardo P, Lastra J, Salas C, (2020).

78. Pandemic and vaccines, chimera or reality? Revista Médica de Chile. 0034-9887, 10.4067/s0034-98872020000400427. George S, Torres Torreti JP, O’Ryan M, (2020).

79. Estudio de frecuencia y asociación de los polimorfismos RS965513 y RS1867277 del gen FOXE1 con el carcinoma papilar de tiroides y su riesgo de recurrencia en población chilena., Revista Chilena de Endocrinología y Diabetes. 0718-493X. Carolina Valdivia P., Daniela Olivari U., María Javiera Pérez E., Alejandra Tapia Castillo, David Ortiz C., Eric Barros L, Carlos E. Fardella B, Cristián A. Carvajal M, José Miguel Domínguez R-T, (2020).

2019 IMII Publications

1. Antimicrobial properties of a novel copper-based composite coating with potential for use in healthcare facilities. David A Montero, Carolina Arellano; Mirka Pardo; Rosa Vera; Ricardo Gálvez; Marcela Cifuentes; María A Berasain; Marisol Gomez; Claudio Ramírez; Roberto Vidal. Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control. DOI: 10.1186/s13756-018-0456-4. Related research line: New developments of copper surfaces in health and food production institutions. Publication date: 05-01-19.

2. Identification and detection of iha subtypes in LEE-negative Shigatoxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains isolated from humans, cattle and food. Rocío Colello, Alejandra Krüger, María Victoria Velez, Felipe Del Canto, Analía Inés Etcheverría, Roberto Vidal, Nora Lía Padola Heliyon. DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e03015.Related research line: Pathogenic E. coli. Publication date: 06-12-19.

3. Pertussis Prevention: Reasons for Resurgence, and Differences in the Current Acellular Pertussis Vaccines. Esposito, Susanna; Stefanelli, Paola; Fry, Norman K.; Fedele, Giorgio; He, Qiushui; Paterson, Pauline; Tan, Tina; Knuf, Markus; Rodrigo, Carlos; Olivier, Catherine Weil; Flanagan, Katie L.; Hung, Ivan; Lutsar, Iria; Edwards, Kathryn; O’Ryan, Miguel; Principi, Nicola. Frontiers in Immunology. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.01344. Related research line: Rotavirus and other enteric virus infections and vaccine development. Publication date: 03-07-19.

4. Genome and Functional Characterization of Colonization Factor Antigen I- and CS6-Encoding Heat-Stable Enterotoxin-Only Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli Reveals Lineage and Geographic Variation. Tracy H. Hazen, Sushma Nagaraj, Sunil Sen, Jasnehta Permala-Booth, Felipe Del Canto, Roberto Vidal, Eileen M. Barry, Jacob P. Bitoun, Wilbur H. Chen, Sharon M. Tennant, David A. Rasko mSystems. DOI: 10.1128/mSystems.00329-18. Related research line: Pathogenic E. coli. Publication date: 15-01-19.

5. Cumulative acquisition of pathogenicity islands has shaped virulence potential and contributed to the emergence of LEE-negative Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli strains. David Arturo Montero, Felipe Del Canto, Juliana Velasco, Rocío Colello, Nora Lia Padola, Juan Carlos Salazar, Carla San Martin, Angel Oñate, Jorge Blanco, David A. Rasko, Carmen Contreras, Jose Luis Puente, Flemming Scheutz, Eelco Franz & Roberto M. Vidal Emerging Microbes & Infections. DOI: 10.1080/22221751.2019.1595985. Related research line: Pathogenic E. coli. Publication date: 29-03-19.

6. New insights for vaccine development against Clostridium difficile infections. Pizarro-Guajardo M, Chamorro-Veloso N, Vidal RM, Paredes-Sabja D. Anaerobe DOI: 10.1016/j.anaerobe.2019.04.009. Related research line: Chimeric vaccine design for STEC. Publication date: 26-04-19.

7. Ten years of molecular epidemiology surveillance of Listeria monocytogenes in Chile. Paduro C, Montero DA, Chamorro N, Carreño LJ, Vidal M, Vidal R Food Microbiology. DOI: 10.1016/ Related research line: Other Food pathogens like Listeria monocytogenes. Publication date: 26-07-19.

8. Comparative genomic analysis and molecular examination of the diversity of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli isolates from Chile. Rasko DA, Del Canto F, Luo Q, Fleckenstein JM, Vidal R, Hazen TH PLoS Neglected Tropical Disease. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007828. Related research line: Pathogenic E. coli. Publication date: 20-11-19.

9. Cytokines in the Respiratory Airway as Biomarkers of Severity and Prognosis for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection: An Update. Vázquez Y, González L, Noguera L, González PA, Riedel CA, Bertrand P, Bueno SM. Frontiers in Immunology. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.01154. Related research line: Identification of antigens of human respiratory pathogens and human proinflammatory cytokines for the diagnosis of severe respiratory diseases. Publication date: 04-06-19.

10. Interleukin-10 Produced by Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells Provides Protection to Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Sequence Type 258 by Enhancing Its Clearance in the Airways. Peñaloza HF, Noguera LP, Ahn D, Vallejos OP, Castellanos RM, Vazquez Y, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, González L, Suazo I, Pardo-Roa C, Salazar GA, Prince A, Bueno SM. Infection and Immunity. DOI: 10.1128/IAI.00665-18. Related research line: Role of pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the susceptibility of the host to infectious diseases. Publication date: 23-04-19.

11. Dendritic Cells Loaded with Heat Shock-Conditioned Ovarian Epithelial Carcinoma Cell Lysates Elicit T Cell-Dependent Antitumor Immune Responses In Vitro. Flores I, Hevia D, Tittarelli A, Soto D, Rojas-Sepúlveda D, Pereda C, Falcón-Beas C, Gatica J, Falcón-Beas F, González FE,Galindo Mario, Salazar-Onfray F, López MN Journal Immunological Research. DOI: 10.1155/2019/9631515. Related research line: Immunology and Cancer. Publication date: 16-10-19.

12. “Cx43-Gap Junctions Accumulate at the Cytotoxic Immunological Synapse Enabling Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Melanoma Cell Killing”. Hofmann F, Navarrete M, Álvarez J, Guerrero I, Gleisner MA, Tittarelli A, Salazar-Onfray F. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. DOI: 10.3390/ijms20184509. Related research line: Connexins and Gap Junctions interaction between Immune cells and tumors. Publication date: 12-09-19.

13. Association Between Plasma Antibody Responses and Risk for Cryptococcus-Associated Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome. Yoon HA, Nakouzi A, Chang CC, Kuniholm MH, Carreño LJ, Wang T, Ndung’u T, Lewin SR, French MA, Pirofski L Journal of Infectious Disesases. DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiy447. Related research line: Improving viral immunity by targeting Natural Killer T cells. Publication date: 09-01-19.

14. l-NIL prevents the ischemia and reperfusion injury involving TLR-4, GST, clusterin, and NFAT-5 in mice. Consuelo Pasten, Cristóbal Alvarado, Jocelyn Rocco, Luis Contreras, Paula Aracena, Jéssica Liberona, Cristian Suazo, Luis Michea, and Carlos E. Irarrázabal American Journal of Physiology – Renal Physiology. DOI: 10.1152/ajprenal.00398.2018. Related research line: Role of dietary chloride as accompanying ion of sodium in Angiotensin II hypertension. Publication date: 30-04-19.

15. The cancer-related transcription factor RUNX2 modulates expression and secretion of the matricelllar protein. Villanueva F, Araya H, Briceño P, Varela N, Stevenson A, Jerez S, Tempio F, Chnaiderman J, Perez C, Villarroel M, Concha E, Khani F, Thaler R, Salazar-Onfray F, Stein GS, van Wijnen AJ, Galindo M. Journal Cell Physiology. DOI: 10.1002/jcp.28046. Related research line: Design of improved vaccines against cancer. Publication date: 31-08-19.

16. Is there an association between indoor allergens and the severity of atopic dermatitis? Cid BJ, Perez-Mateluna G, Iturriaga C, Zambrano MJ, Vives MI, Valenzuela PM, Borzutzky A. International Journal of Dermatology. DOI: 10.1111/ijd.14281. Related research line: Pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis. Publication date: 30-04-19.

17. Vitamin D modulates the allergic phenotype of dendritic cells in children with atopic dermatitis. Cristi F, Pérez-Mateluna G, Vera-Kellet C, Silva-Valenzuela S, Iturriaga C, Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, Navarrete-Dechent C, Cifuentes L, Camargo CA, Kalergis A, Borzutzky A. Experimental Dermatology. DOI: 10.1111/exd.13873. Related research line: Pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis. Publication date: 31-03-19.

18. Glucocorticoids Decrease Longitudinal Bone Growth in Pediatric Kidney Transplant Recipients by Stimulating the FGF23/FGFR3 Signaling Pathway. Ángela Delucchi, Luis Toro, Rodrigo Alzamora, Victor Barrientos, Magdalena González, Rodrigo Andaur, Pablo León, Francisco Villanueva, Mario Galindo, Facundo Las Heras, Martín Montecino, Daniel Moena, Andrea Lazcano, Viola Pinto, Paulina Salas, María Loreto Reyes, Verónica Mericq, Luis Michea The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.3761. Related research line: To evaluate if FGF23 is implicated and/or a useful biomarker of Acute kidney Injury (AKI). Publication date: 31-10-19.

19. Dendritic cells are crucial for cardiovascular remodeling and modulate neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin expression upon mineralocorticoid receptor activation. Patricio Araos, Carolina Prado, Mauricio Lozano, Stefanny Figueroa, Alexandra Espinoza, Thorsten Berger, Tak Mak, Frédéric Jaisser, Rodrigo Pacheco, Luis Michea, Cristián Amador; Journal of Hypertension. DOI: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000002067. Related research line: Role of dietary chloride as accompanying ion of sodium in Angiotensin II hypertension. Publication date: 31-07-19.

20. TRPM4 channel is involved in regulating epithelial to mesenchymal transition, migration, and invasion of prostate cancer cell lines. Alfredo I. Sagredo, Eduardo A. Sagredo, Victor Pola, César Echeverría, Rodrigo Andaur, Luis Michea, Andrés Stutzin, Felipe Simon, Katherine Marcelain, Ricardo Armisén Journal of Cellular Physiology. DOI: 10.1002/jcp.27371. Related research line: Immunological aspects of Galbladder tumors. Publication date: 31-03-19.

21. Host Component Contributing to Respiratory Syncytial Virus Pathogenesis. Carvajal JJ, Avellaneda AM, Salazar-Ardiles CN, Maya JE, Kalergis AM, Lay MK Frontiers Immunology. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.02152. Related research line: Host factors on and viral induced disease outcome. Publication date: 12-09-19.

22. BCG-Induced Cross-Protection and Development of Trained Immunity: Implication for Vaccine Design. Covia´n C, Ferna´ndez-Fierro A, Retamal-Di´az A, Di´az FE, Vasquez AE, Lay MK, Riedel CA, Gonza´lez PA, Bueno SM and Kalergis AM Frontiers Immunology. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.02806. Related research line: Host factors on and viral induced disease outcome. Publication date: 29-11-19.

23. Correlation between female sex, IL28B genotype, and the clinical severity of bronchiolitis in pediatric patients. Astudillo P, Angulo J, Pino K, de Carvalho JB, de Morais GL, Perez S, de Vasconcelos ATR, Ferrés M, López-Lastra M. Pediatric Research. DOI: 10.1038/s41390-019-0623-1. Related research line: Host factors on and viral induced disease outcome. Publication date: 23-10-19.

24. A Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism of aVß3 Integrin Is Associated with the Andes Virus Infection Susceptibility. Martínez-Valdebenito C, Angulo J, Le Corre N, Marco C, Vial C, Miquel JF, Cerda J, Mertz G, Vial P, Lopez-Lastra M, Ferrés M. Viruses. DOI: 10.3390/v11020169. Related research line: Host factors on and viral induced disease outcome. Publication date: 20-02-19.

25. Severe Necrotic Reaction to 23-Valent Polysaccharide Pneumococcal Vaccine in a Patient With STAT3 Deficiency. Piñones M, Vizcaya C, Pérez-Mateluna G, Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, Borzutzky A. Journal Allergy Clinical Immunology: in Practice. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaip.2019.01.033. Related research line: Discovery and characterization of novel genetic etiologies of primary immunodeficiencies. Publication date: 31-05-19.

26. Helicobacter pylori pediatric infection changes FceRI expression in dendritic cells and Treg profile in vivo and in vitro. Leon MA, Palma C, Hernandez C, Sandoval M, Cofre C, Perez-Mateluna G, Borzutzky A, Harris PR, Serrano CA. Microbes and Infection. DOI: 10.1016/j.micinf.2019.05.001. Related research line: Discovery and characterization of novel genetic etiologies of primary immunodeficiencies. Publication date: 02-12-19.

27. Novel penguin Avian avulaviruses 17, 18 and 19 are widely distributed in the Antarctic Peninsula. Olivares F, Tapia R, Gálvez C, Meza F, Barriga GP, Borras-Chavez R, Mena-Vasquez J, Medina RA, Neira V. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. DOI: 10.1111/tbed.13309. Related research line: Molecular Virology – Influenza. Publication date: 29-07-19.

28. Dexamethasone turns tumor antigen-presenting cells into tolerogenic dendritic cells with T cell inhibitory functions. Falcón-Beas C, Tittarelli A, Mora-Bau G, Tempio F, Pérez C, Hevia D, Behrens C, Flores I, Falcón-Beas F, Garrido P, Ascui G, Pereda C, González FE, Salazar-Onfray F, López MN Immunobiology. DOI: 10.1016/j.imbio.2019.05.011. Related research line: New antigens and vaccines against cancer. Publication date: 06-06-19.

29. Coagulation Factor Xa Promotes Solid Tumor Growth, Experimental Metastasis and Endothelial Cell Activation. Arce M, Pinto MP, Galleguillos M, Muñoz C, Lange S, Ramirez C, Erices R, Gonzalez P, Velasquez E, Tempio F, Lopez MN, Salazar-Onfray F, Cautivo K, Kalergis AM, Cruz S, Lladser Á, Lobos-González L, Valenzuela G, Olivares N, Sáez C, Koning T, Sánchez FA, Fuenzalida P, Godoy A, Contreras Orellana P, Leyton L, Lugano R, Dimberg A, Quest AFG, Owen GI. Cancers. DOI: 10.3390/cancers11081103. Related research line: New antigens and vaccines against cancer. Publication date: 02-08-19.

30. Inverse Relationship Between Alzheimer’s Disease and Cancer: How Immune Checkpoints Might Explain the Mechanisms Underlying Age-Related Diseases. Nicole K. Rogers, Cesar Romero, Carol D. SanMartín, Daniela P. Ponce, Felipe Salech, Mercedes N. López, Alejandra Gleisner, Fabián Tempio, María I. Behrens Journal of Alzheimer’s Diseases. DOI: 10.3233/JAD-190839. Related research line: Design of improved vaccines against cancer. Publication date: 09-12-19.

31. Primary Intestinal Lymphangiectasia (Waldmann’s disease) Borzutzky A, Espino A, Alberti G, Torres J, Harris PR. American Journal of Gastroenterology. DOI: 10.1038/s41395-018-0413-0. Related research line: Discovery and characterization of novel genetic etiologies of primary immunodeficiencies. Publication date: 28-02-19.

32. Disseminated Mycobacterial Disease in a Patient with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome: Case Report and Review of the Literature Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, Gallo S, Vizcaya C, Zuñiga P, Valbuena JR, Casanova JL, Bustamante J, Borzutzky A. Journal of Clinical Immunology. DOI: 10.1007/s10875-019-00678-5. Related research line: Discovery and characterization of novel genetic etiologies of primary immunodeficiencies. Publication date: 31-10-19.

33. Interleukin-8 Secreted by Glioblastoma Cells Induces Microvascular Hyperpermeability Through NO Signaling Involving S-Nitrosylation of VE-Cadherin and p120 in Endothelial Cells. Guequén A, Zamorano P, Córdova F, Koning T, Torres A, Ehrenfeld P, Boric MP, Salazar-Onfray F, Gavard J, Durán WN, Quezada C, Sarmiento J, Sánchez FA. Frontiers Physiology. DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2019.00988. eCollection 2019. Related research line: Design of improved vaccines against cancer. Publication date: 01-08-19.

34. Extracellular adenosine promotes cell migration/invasion of Glioblastoma Stem-like Cells through A3 Adenosine Receptor activation under hypoxia. Torres Á, Erices JI, Sanchez F, Ehrenfeld P, Turchi L, Virolle T, Uribe D, Niechi I, Spichiger C, Rocha JD, Ramirez M, Salazar-Onfray F, San Martín R, Quezada C. Cancer Letter. DOI: 10.1016/j.canlet.2019.01.004. Related research line: Design of improved vaccines against cancer. Publication date: 30-04-19.

35. IRE1a Activation in Bone Marrow-Derived Dendritic Cells Modulates Innate Recognition of Melanoma Cells and Favors CD8+ T Cell Priming. Medel B, Costoya C, Fernandez D, Pereda C, Lladser A, Sauma D, Pacheco R, Iwawaki T, Salazar-Onfray F, Osorio F. Frontiers in Immunology. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.03050. Related research line: New antigens and vaccines against cancer. Publication date: 31-01-19.

36. Chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis in children: a multicenter case series. Concha S, Hernández-Ojeda A, Contreras O, Mendez C, Talesnik E, Borzutzky A. Rheumatology International. DOI: 10.1007/s00296-019-04400-x. Related research line: Discovery and characterization of novel genetic etiologies of primary immunodeficiencies. Publication date: 02-08-19.

37. Mandatory notifications of type 1 diabetes incident cases in Chilean children, 2006-2014: a population-based study Garfias CP, Borzutzky A, Ugarte MF, Garcia HJ, Phingsthorn M, Garcia HG. Pediatric Diabetes. DOI: 10.1111/pedi.12937. Related research line: Role of vitamin D in immune-mediated and other extraskeletal diseases in Chile. Publication date: 19-10-19.

38. Solar radiation, air pollution, and bronchiolitis hospitalizations in Chile: An ecological study. Terrazas C, Castro-Rodriguez JA, Camargo CA, Borzutzky A. Pediatric Pulmonology. DOI: 10.1002/ppul.24421. Related research line: Role of vitamin D in immune-mediated and other extraskeletal diseases in Chile. Publication date: 30-09-19.

39. ICD-10 coded hospitalizations due to drug hypersensitivity: A nationwide study from Chile. Escobar JJ, Aguilera-Insunza R, Borzutzky A, Hoyos-Bachiloglu R. Journal Allergy Clinical Immunology: in Practice. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaip.2019.10.012. Related research line: Early origins of allergy and asthma. Publication date: 31-10-19.

40. Mucosal Exposure to Cigarette Components Induces Intestinal Inflammation and Alters Antimicrobial Response in Mice. Berkowitz L, Pardo-Roa C, Salazar GA, Salazar-Echegarai F, Miranda JP, Ramírez G, Chávez JL, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, Álvarez-Lobos M Frontiers in Immunology. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.02289. Related research line: IBD implications in Paneth Cells in patients that are smokers. Publication date: 25-09-19.

41. Conservation and global distribution of non-canonical antigens in Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. Kuhlmann FM, Martin J, Hazen TH, Vickers TJ, Pashos M, Okhuysen PC,Gómez-Duarte OG, Cebelinski E, Boxrud D, Del Canto F, Vidal R, Qadri F, Mitreva M, Rasko DA, Fleckenstein JM. PLoS Neglected Tropical Disease. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007825. Related research line: Pathogenic E. coli. Publication date: 22-11-19.

42. New insights on the role of lipid metabolism in the metabolic reprogramming of macrophages. Ana Batista-Gonzalez, Roberto Mauricio Vidal, Alfredo Criollo and Leandro J Carreño Frontiers Immunology. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.02993. Related research line: Elaboration and characterization of anti-inflammatory lipsoomes to treat allergy. Publication date: 05-12-19.

43. Predominance of Rotavirus G8P[8] in a City in Chile, a Country Without Rotavirus Vaccination.Lucero, Yalda; O’Ryan, Miguel; Liparoti, Giulia; Huerta, Nicole; Mamani, Nora; Ramani, Sasirekha; Lagomarcino, Anne J.; Del Canto, Felipe; Quense, Jorge Journal of Pediatrics. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2018.08.037. Related research line: Rotavirus and other enteric virus infections and vaccine development. Publication date: 01-01-19.

44. Antibody persistence and booster response in adolescents and young adults 4 and 7.5 years after immunization with 4CMenB vaccine. Nolan, Terry; Elena Santolaya, Maria; de Looze, Ferdinandus; Marshall, Helen; Richmond, Peter; Henein, Sam; Rheault, Paul; Heaton, Ken; Perrett, Kirsten P.; Garfield, Hartley: Gupta, Anil; Ferguson, Murdo; D’Agostino, Diego; Toneatto, Daniela; O’Ryan, Miguel Vaccine. DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2018.12.059. Related research line: Norovirus infection and vaccine development. Publication date: 21-02-19.

45. Chilean Registry for Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Latin American Perspective. Pinto MP, Muñoz Medel M, Carrillo D, Retamal IN, Bravo ML, Valenzuela Y, Nervi B, Sánchez C, Galindo H, Ibañez C, Peña J, Balmaceda C, Madrid J, Briones J, Torres J, Nilo F, Guarda FJ, Quintana JC, Orellana P, Mondaca S, Acevedo F, Vicentini D, Cordova-Delgado M, Owen GI, Garrido M Hormones & Cancer. DOI: 10.1007/s12672-018-0354-5. Related research line: Translational research in cancer. Publication date: 01-02-19.

46. Fact or Fiction, It Is Time for a Verdict on Vasculogenic Mimicry? Valdivia A, Mingo G, Aldana V, Pinto MP, Ramirez M, Retamal C, Gonzalez A, Nualart F, Corvalan AH, Owen GI Frontiers in Oncology. DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2019.00680. Related research line: Vasculogenic Mimicry in ovarian and gastrintestinal cancer. Publication date: 02-08-19.

47. High Proportion of Potential Candidates for Immunotherapy in a Chilean Cohort of Gastric Cancer Patients: Results of the FORCE1 Study. Cordova-Delgado M, Pinto MP, Retamal IN, Muñoz-Medel M, Bravo ML, Fernández MF, Cisternas B, Mondaca S, Sanchez C, Galindo H, Nervi B, Ibáñez C, Acevedo F, Madrid J, Peña J, Koch E, Maturana MJ, Romero D, de la Jara N, Torres J, Espinoza M, Balmaceda C, Liao Y, Li Z, Freire M, Gárate-Calderón V, Cáceres J, Sepúlveda-Hermosilla G, Lizana R, Ramos L, Artigas R, Norero E, Crovari F, Armisén R, Corvalán AH, Owen GI, Garrido M. Cancers. DOI: 10.3390/cancers11091275. Related research line: Immunology and Cancer. Publication date: 30-08-19.

48. Multi-objective optimization for personalized prediction of venous thromboembolism in ovarian cancer patients. Fresard ME, Erices R, Bravo ML, Cuello M, Owen GI, Ibanez C, Rodriguez-Fernandez M. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2019.2943499. Related research line: Translational research in cancer. Publication date: 24-09-19.

49. Targeted deep sequencing from multiple sources demostrates increased NOTCH1 alterations in lung cancer patient plasma. Liao Y, Ma Z, Zhang Y, Li D, Lv D, Chen Z, Li P, Ai-Dherasi A, Zheng F, Tian J, Zou K, Wang Y, Wang D, Cordova M, Zhou H, Li X, Liu D, Yu R, Zhang X, Zhang J, Zhang X, Zhang X, Li Y, Shao Y, Song L, Liu R, Wang Y, Sufiyan S, Liu Q, Owen GI, Li Z, Chen J. Cancer Medicine. DOI: 10.1002/cam4.2458. Related research line: Translational research in cancer. Publication date: 01-08-19.

50. Regulation of Tolerogenic Features on Dexamethasone-Modulated MPLA-Activated Dendritic Cells by MYC. García-González PA, Maggi J, Schinnerling K, Sepúlveda-Gutiérrez A, Soto L, Neira O, Mehdi AM, Nel HJ, Pesce B, Aravena O, Molina MC, Catalán D, Thomas R, Verdugo RA, Aguillón JC. Frontiers in Immunology. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.01171. Related research line: Biology of dendritic cells and their therapeutic use in autoimmune diseases. Publication date: 28-05-19.

51. Clinical, Biochemical, and Genetic Characteristics of “Nonclassic” Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess Syndrome. Tapia-Castillo A, Baudrand R, Vaidya A, Campino C, Allende F, Valdivia C, Vecchiola A, Lagos CF, Fuentes CA, Solari S, Martínez-Aguayo A, García H, Carvajal CA, Fardella CE. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. DOI: 10.1210/jc.2018-01197.Related research line: Endocrine Hypertension. Publication date: 01-02-19.

52. The Aldosterone/Renin Ratio Predicts Cardiometabolic Disorders in Subjects Without Classic Primary Aldosteronism. Vecchiola A, Fuentes CA, Barros ER, Martínez-Aguayo A, García H, Allende F, Solari S, Olmos R, Carvajal C, Tapia-Castillo A, Campino C, Kalergis AM, Baudrand R, Fardella CE. American Journal Hypertension. DOI: 10.1093/ajh/hpz023. Related research line: Endocrine Hypertension. Publication date: 22-04-19.

53. Using plasma cell-free DNA to monitor the chemoradiotherapy course of cervical cancer. Tian J, Geng Y, Lv D, Li P, Cordova M, Liao Y, Tian X, Zhang X, Zhang Q, Zou K, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Li Y, Zhang J, Ma Z, Shao Y, Song L, Owen GI, Li T, Liu R, Liu Q, Zou L, Zhang Z, Li Z. International Journal of Cancer. DOI: 10.1002/ijc.32295. Related research line: Translational research in cancer. Publication date: 29-03-19.

54. The Reprimo gene family member, reprimo-like (rprml), is requerid for blood development in embryonic zebrafish. Stanic K, Reig G, Wichmann IA, Opazo JC, Owen GI, Corvalán AH, Concha ML, Amigo JD. Scientific Reports. DOI: 10.3390/cancers11060801. Related research line: Coagulation and Cancer. Publication date: 09-05-19.

55. Urinary sodium-to-potassium ratio and plasma renin and aldosterone concentrations in normotensive children: implications for the interpretation of results. Alejandro Martinez-Aguayo, Carmen Campino; Maria Rodriguez-Fernandez,Helena Poggi;Ivonne D’apremont; Rosario Moore;Hernan Garcia; Sandra Solari; Fidel Allende;S oledad Peredo;Claudia Trincado;Cristian Carvajal; Monica Arancibia; Jose Ossa; Sofia Sifaqui; Carlos Fardella; Rene Baudrand; Journal of Hypertension. DOI: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000002324. Related research line: Endocrine Hypertension. Publication date: 04-12-19.

56. Downregulation of exosomal miR 192 5p and miR 204 5p in subjects with nonclassic apparent mineralocorticoid excess Alejandra Tapia Castillo, Dominic Guanzon, Carlos Palma, Andrew Lai, Eric Barros, Fidel Allende, Andrea Vecchiola, Carlos E. Fardella, Carlos Salomón and Cristian A. Carvajal Journal of Translational Medicine. DOI: 10.1186/s12967 019 02143 8. Related research line: Endocrine Hypertension. Publication date: 27-11-19.

57. Circulating Endothelial Cells From Septic Shock Patients Convert to Fibroblasts Are Associated With the Resuscitation Fluid Dose and Are Biomarkers for Survival Prediction. Tapia P, Gatica S, Cortés-Rivera C, Otero C, Becerra A, Riedel CA, Cabello-Verrugio C, Kalergis AM, Simon F Critical Care Medicine. DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000003778. Publication date: 01-07-19.

58. Mucin 5B, carbonic anhydrase 9 and claudin 18 are potential theranostic markers of gallbladder carcinoma. Espinoza JA, Riquelme I, Sagredo EA, Rosa L, García P, Bizama C, Apud-Bell M, Leal P, Weber H, Benavente F, Vargas S, Romero D, Kalergis AM, Roa JC. Histopathology. DOI: 10.1111/his.13797. Related research line: Immunological aspects of Galbladder tumors. Publication date: 28-01-19.

59. Immune checkpoints and the regulation of tolerogenicity in dendritic cells: Implications for autoimmunity and immunotherapy. Funes SC, Manrique de Lara A, Altamirano-Lagos MJ, Mackern-Oberti JP, Escobar-Vera J, Kalergis AM. Autoimmunity Reviews. DOI: 10.1016/j.autrev.2019.02.006. Related research line: Role of HO-1 in autoimmunity and tolerance. Publication date: 08-02-19.

60. Contribution of Fc? Receptor-Mediated Immunity to the Pathogenesis Caused by the Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Acevedo OA, Díaz FE, Beals TE, Benavente FM, Soto JA, Escobar-Vera J, González PA, Kalergis AM. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. DOI: 10.3389/fcimb.2019.00075. Related research line: Mechanisms of pathogenicity used by the human Respiratory Syncytial Virus to prevent T cell activation and cause Central Nervous System inflammation. Publication date: 29-03-19.

61. Copper deficiency-induced anemia is caused by a mitochondrial metabolic reprograming in erythropoietic cells. Jensen EL, Gonzalez-Ibanez AM, Mendoza P, Ruiz LM, Riedel CA, Simon F, Schuringa JJ, Elorza AA Metallomics. DOI: 10.1039/c8mt00224j. Related research line: Mitochondrial Function in Erythropoiesis. Publication date: 20-02-19.

62. Cellular immune response induced by surface immunogenic protein with AbISCO-100 adjuvant vaccination decreases group B Streptococcus vaginal colonization. Soto JA, Diaz-Dinamarca DA, Soto DA, Barrientos MJ, Carrión F, Kalergis AM, Vasquez AE. Molecular Immunology. DOI: 10.1016/j.molimm.2019.04.025. Related research line: Vaccine development against the respiratory syncytial virus. Publication date: 09-05-19.

63. Detection of a novel severe mutation affecting the CYP21A2 gene in a Chilean male with salt wasting congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Arteaga E, Valenzuela F, Lagos CF, Lagos M, Martinez A, Baudrand R, Carvajal C, Fardella CE. Endocrine. DOI: 10.1007/s12020-019-02097-3. Related research line: Endocrine Hypertension. Publication date: 30-09-19.

64. [Update in the clinical management of low renin hypertension]. Macchiavello S, Fardella C, Baudrand R. Revista Medica de Chile. DOI: 10.4067/S0034-98872019000400490. Related research line: Endocrine Hypertension. Publication date: 01-04-19.

65. Classic and nonclassic apparent mineralocorticoid excess. Cristian A. Carvajal, Alejandra Tapia-Castillo, Andrea Vecchiola, Rene Baudrand, Carlos E. Fardella Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. DOI: 10.1210/clinem/dgz315 Related research line: Endocrine Hypertension. Publication date: 01-12-19.

66. The absence of interleukin 10 affects the morphology, differentiation, granule content and the production of cryptidin-4 in Paneth cells in mice. Berkowitz L, Pardo-Roa C, Ramírez G, Vallejos OP, Sebastián VP, Riedel CA, Álvarez-Lobos M, Bueno SM PLoS One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0221618. Related research line: IBD implications in Paneth Cells in patients that are smokers. Publication date: 11-09-19.

67. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Infection of the Central Nervous System: Insights Into Proposed Interrelationships With Neurodegenerative Disorders. Duarte LF, Farías MA, Álvarez DM, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, González PA. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. DOI: 10.3389/fncel.2019.00046. Related research line: Effect of herpes simplex virus infection over host susceptibility to neurological inflammatory diseases. Publication date: 26-02-19.

68. Pathogenicity island excision during an infection by Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis is required for crossing the intestinal epithelial barrier in mice to cause systemic infection. Pardo-Roa C, Salazar GA, Noguera L, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Vallejos OP, Suazo I, Schultz BM, Coronado-Arrazola I, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. PLoS Pathogens. DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008152. Related research line: Lateral transfer of genes in Salmonella and its role in virulence. Publication date: 04-12-19.

69. Contribution of Cytokines to Tissue Damage During Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection. Bohmwald K, Gálvez NMS, Canedo-Marroquín G, Pizarro-Ortega MS, Andrade-Parra C, Gómez-Santander F, Kalergis AM. Frontiers in Immunology. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00452.Related research line: Mechanisms of pathogenicity used by the human Respiratory Syncytial Virus to prevent T cell activation and cause Central Nervous System inflammation. Publication date: 18-03-19.

70. Herpes Simplex Virus Evasion of Early Host Antiviral Responses. Tognarelli EI, Palomino TF, Corrales N, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, González PA. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. DOI: 10.3389/fcimb.2019.00127. Publication date: 30-04-19.

71. Contribution of IDO to human respiratory syncytial virus infection Benavente FM, Soto JA, Pizarro-Ortega MS, Bohmwald K, González PA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. Journal of Leukocyte Biology. DOI: 10.1002/JLB.4RU0219-051RR. Related research line: Mechanisms of pathogenicity used by the human Respiratory Syncytial Virus to prevent T cell activation and cause Central Nervous System inflammation. Publication date: 15-05-19.

72. Characterization of LDLR rs5925 and PCSK9 rs505151 genetic variants frequencies in healthy subjects from northern Chile: Influence on plasma lipid levels. Rojas C, Ramírez H, Salazar LA, Kalergis AM, Gálvez AS, Escobar-Vera J. Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis. DOI: 10.1002/jcla.23001. Related research line: Discovery and characterization of novel genetic etiologies of primary immunodeficiencies. Publication date: 22-08-19.

73. Lithraea caustic (Litre) Extract Promotes an Antitumor Response Against B16 Melanoma Robles-Planells C, Michelson SA, Mena J, Escrig D, Rojas JL, Sanchez-Guerrero G, Hernández R, Barrera-Avalos C, Rojo LE, Sauma D, Kalergis AM, Imarai M, Fernández R, Robles CA, Leiva-Salcedo E, Santander R, Escobar A, Acuña-Castillo C. Frontiers in Pharmacology. DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2019.01201. Related research line: Immunology and Cancer. Publication date: 22-10-19.

74. Rho-kinase pathway activation and apoptosis in circulating leucocytes in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. Ocaranza MP, Moya J, Jalil JE, Lavandero S, Kalergis AM, Molina C, Gabrielli L, Godoy I, Córdova S, Castro P, Mac Nab P, Rossel V, García L, González J, Mancilla C, Fierro C, Farías L. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. DOI: 10.1111/jcmm.14819. Related research line: Discovery and characterization of novel genetic etiologies of primary immunodeficiencies. Publication date: 28-11-19.

75. Contribution of Resident Memory CD8+ T Cells to Protective Immunity Against Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Their Impact on Vaccine Design. Retamal-Díaz A, Covián C, Pacheco GA, Castiglione-Matamala AT, Bueno SM, González PA, Kalergis AM. Pathogens. DOI: 10.3390/pathogens8030147. Related research line: Vaccine development against the respiratory syncytial virus. Publication date: 11-09-19.

76. Immune-Modulation by the Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus: Focus on Dendritic Cells. Eduardo I. Tognarelli, Susan M. Bueno and Pablo A. González Frontiers in Immunology. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00810. Related research line: Vaccine development against the respiratory syncytial virus. Publication date: 15-04-19.

77. Current Animal Models for Understanding the Pathology Caused by the Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Altamirano-Lagos MJ, Díaz FE, Mansilla MA, Rivera-Pérez D, Soto D, McGill JL, Vasquez AE, Kalergis AM. Frontiers in Microbiology. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00873. Related research line: Vaccine development against the respiratory syncytial virus. Publication date: 03-05-19.

78. The Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio Predicts the Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Luminal B Breast Cancer. Rivas M, Acevedo F, Dominguez F, Galindo H, Camus M, Oddo D, Villarroel A, Razmilic D, Peña J, Munoz Medel M, Navarro ME, Perez-Sepulveda A, Medina L, Merino T, Briones J, Kalergis A, Sanchez C. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. DOI: 10.31557/APJCP.2019.20.7.2209. Related research line: Immunology and Cancer. Publication date: 01-07-19.

79. Tolerogenic dendritic cell transfer ameliorates systemic lupus erythematosus in mice. Funes SC, Ríos M, Gómez-Santander F, Fernández-Fierro A, Altamirano-Lagos MJ, Rivera-Perez D, Pulgar-Sepúlveda R, Jara EL, Rebolledo-Zelada D, Villarroel A, Roa JC, Mackern-Oberti JP, Kalergis AM. Immunology. DOI: 10.1111/imm.13119. Related research line: Publication date: 07-10-19.

80. The OXPHOS supercomplex assembly factor HIG2A responds to changes in energetic metabolism and cell cycle. Salazar C, Elorza AA, Cofre G, Ruiz-Hincapie P, Shirihai O, Ruiz LM. J Cell Physiology. DOI: 10.1002/jcp.28362. Related research line: Bioenergetics in Cell Metabolism. Publication date: 30-03-19.

81. The Emerging Roles of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Oxidase 2 in Skeletal Muscle Redox Signaling and Metabolism. Henríquez-Olguín C1,2, Boronat S3, Cabello-Verrugio C4,5,6, Jaimovich E2, Hidalgo E3, Jensen TE1. Antioxid Redox Signal. DOI: 10.1089/ars.2018.7678. Related research line: Skeletal muscle wasting development in patients with chronic hepatic disease. Publication date: 20-12-19.

82. N-Acetyl Cysteine attenuates the sarcopenia and muscle apoptosis induces by Chronic liver disease. Ábrigo, J., Marín, T., Aguirre, F., Tacchi, F., Vilos, C., Simon, F., Arrese, M., Cabrera, D., Cabello-Verrugio, C Curr Mol Med. DOI: 10.2174/1566524019666190917124636. Related research line: Skeletal muscle wasting development in patients with chronic hepatic disease. Publication date: 30-12-19.

83. The p75NTR neurotrophin receptor is required to organize the mature neuromuscular synapse by regulating synaptic vesicle availability. Pérez, V., Bermedo-Garcia, F., Zelada, D., Court, F.A., Pérez. M.Á., Fuenzalida, M., Ábrigo, J., Cabello-Verrugio, C., Moya-Alvarado, G., Tapia, J.C., Valenzuela, V., Hetz, C., Bronfman, F.C., Henríquez, J.P. Acta Neuropathologica Communications. DOI: 10.1186/s40478-019-0802-7. Related research line: Skeletal muscle wasting development in patients with chronic hepatic disease. Publication date: 12-09-19.

84. Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Skeletal Muscle Pathologies. Abrigo J, Simon F, Cabrera D, Vilos C, Cabello-Verrugio C. Current Protein & Peptide Science. DOI: 10.2174/1389203720666190402100902. Related research line: Skeletal muscle wasting development in patients with chronic hepatic disease. Publication date: 30-12-19.

85. Rotavirus vaccines for infants. David O Matson, Miguel Luis O´Ryan Gallardo. UpToDate. 2019.

86. Norovirus. Miguel G O’Ryan, Neil R Blacklow. UpToDate. 2019.

87. Acute viral gastroenteritis in children in resource-rich countries: Clinical features and diagnosis. David O Matson, Miguel G O’Ryan. UpToDate. 2019.

88. Patient Education: Acute diarrhea in children (Beyond the Basics). Gary R Fleisher, David O Matson, Miguel G O’Ryan. UpToDate. 2019.

89. Acute viral gastroenteritis in children in resource-rich countries: management and Prevention. David O Matson, Miguel G O’Ryan. UpToDate. 2019.

90. Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of rotavirus infection. David O Matson, Miguel G O’Ryan. UpToDate. 2019.

2018 IMII Publications 

Impact of Cigarette Smoking on the Gastrointestinal Tract Inflammation: Opposing Effects in Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. Berkowitz L, Schultz BM, Salazar GA, Pardo-Roa C, Sebastian VP, Alvarez-Lobos MM, Bueno SM. Frontiers in Immunology 10.3389/fimmu.2018.00074.

Evaluation of Monoclonal Antibodies that Detect Conserved Proteins from Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Metapneumovirus and Adenovirus in human samples. González LA, Vázquez Y, Mora JE, Palavecino CE, Bertrand P, Ferrés M, Contreras AM, Beckhaus AA, Riedel CA, Bueno SM. Journal of Virological Methods. 10.1016/j.viromet.2018.01.011.

Persistent Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium Infection Increases the Susceptibility of Mice to Develop Intestinal Inflammation        Schultz BM, Salazar GA, Paduro CA, Pardo-Roa C, Pizarro DP, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Torres J, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Álvarez-Lobos MM, Bueno SM. Frontiers in Immunology           10.3389/fimmu.2018.01166.

Comparative and Phylogenetic Analysis of a Novel Family of Enterobacteriaceae-associated Genomic Islands that Share a Conserved Excision/Integration module.Piña-Iturbe A, Ulloa-Allendes D, Pardo-Roa C, Coronado-Arrázola I, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Sclavi B, González PA, Bueno SM. Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-018-28537-0

Expanding the Current Knowledge About the Role of Interleukin-10 to Major Concerning Bacteria. Peñaloza HF, Noguera LP, Riedel CA, Bueno SM. Frontiers in Microbiology. 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02047.

Heme Oxygenase-1 as a Modulator of Intestinal Inflammation Development and Progression. Sebastian VP, Salazar GA, Coronado-Arrázola I, Schultz BM, Vallejos OP, Berkowitz L, Álvarez-Lobos MM, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. Frontiers in Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01956.

Dual Modifications of a-Galactosylceramide Synergize to Promote Activation of Human Invariant Natural Killer T Cells and Stimulate Anti-tumor Immunity. Chennamadhavuni D, Saavedra-Avila NA, Carreño LJ, Guberman-Pfeffer MJ, Arora P, Yongqing T, Pryce R, Koay HF, Godfrey DI, Keshipeddy S, Richardson SK, Sundararaj S, Lo JH, Wen X, Gascón JA, Yuan W, Rossjohn J, Le Nours J, Porcelli SA, Howell AR. Cell Chemical Biology. 10.1016/j.chembiol.2018.06.008

Association between plasma antibody responses and risk for Cryptococcus-associated immune reconstitution inflammatory síndrome. Yoon HA, Nakouzi A, Chang CC, Kuniholm MH, Carreño LJ, Wang T, Ndung’u T, Lewin SR, French MA, Pirofski LA. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 10.1093/infdis/jiy447

Serum Cortisol and Cortisone as Potential Biomarkers of Partial 11ß-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 2 Deficiency. Carvajal CA, Tapia-Castillo A, Valdivia CP, Allende F, Solari S, Lagos CF, Campino C, Martínez-Aguayo A, Vecchiola A, Pinochet C, Godoy C, Iturrieta V, Baudrand R, Fardella CE. Am J Hypertens. doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpy051.

Sodium Intake Is associated With Endothelial Damage Biomarkers and Metabolic Dysregulation           Campino C, Baudrand R, Valdivia CA, Carvajal C, Vecchiola A, Tapia-Castillo A, Martínez-Aguayo A, Garcia H, García L, Allende F, Solari S, Fuentes CA, Lagos CF, Rojas MP, Muñoz D, Fardella CE      Am J Hypertens.  doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpy097.

Response to Associations Among Sodium Intake, Endothelial Dysfunction, and Endothelial Damage Biomarkers in Hypertension (AJH-D-18-00331). Campino C, Baudrand R, Fardella CE. Am J Hypertens.  doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpy151.

Clinical, Biochemical and Genetic Characteristics of “Non-Classical” Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess Syndrome.     Tapia-Castillo A, Baudrand R, Vaidya A, Campino C, Allende F, Valdivia C, Vecchiola A, Lagos C, Fuentes C, Solari S, Martínez-Aguayo A, García H, Carvajal CA, Fardella CE. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.  doi: 10.1210/jc.2018-01197.

Experimental Dissection of the Lytic Replication Cycles of Herpes Simplex Viruses in vitro. Francisco J. Ibáñez, Mónica A. Farías, Maria P. Gonzalez-Troncoso, Nicolás Corrales, Luisa F. Duarte, Angello Retamal-Díaz and Pablo A. González*. Frontiers in Microbiology doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02406

Neurologic Alterations Due to Respiratory Virus InfectionsKaren Bohmwald, Nicolás M. S. Gálvez, Mariana Ríos, Alexis M. Kalergis. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2018.00386

“Human Metapneumovirus: Mechanisms and Molecular Targets Used by the Virus to Avoid the Immune System”.    “Jorge A. Soto, Nicolás M. S. Gálvez, Felipe M. Benavente, Magdalena S. Pizarro-Ortega, Margarita K. Lay, Claudia Riedel, Susan M. Bueno, Pablo A. Gonzalez, Alexis M. Kalergis”. Frontiers in Immunology. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.02466

Clinical and microbiological response of mice to intranasal inoculation with Lactococcus lactis expressing Group A Streptococcus antigens, to be used as an anti-streptococcal vaccine. Patricia C. Garcia, Braulio A. Paillavil, Natalia Scioscia, James B. Dale, Paulette Legarraga, Francisco J. Salazar-Echegarai, Susan M. Bueno, Alexis M. Kalergis, Aniela Wozniak. Microbiology and Immunology. doi: 10.1111/1348-0421.12657

Comparative effect of platelet-rich plasma, platelet-poor plasma, and fetal bovine serum on the proliferative response of periodontal ligament cell subpopulations. Constanza E. Martínez, Roberto Gómez, Alexis M. Kalergis, Patricio C. Smith. Clinical Oral Investigations.

“Oral vaccine based on a surface immunogenic protein mixed with alum promotes a decrease in Streptococcus agalactiae vaginal colonization in a mouse model”. D.A. Diaz-Dinamarca, D.A. Soto, Y.Y Leyton, M.J. Altamirano-Lagos, M.J. Avendaño, A.M. Kalergis,  A.E. Vasquez. Molecular Immunology.

Patterns of antibody response during natural hRSV infection: insights for the development of new antibody-based therapies. Natalia Muñoz-Durango, Magdalena S. Pizarro-Ortega, Emma Rey-Jurado, Fabián E. Díaz, Susan M. Bueno, Alexis M. Kalergis. EXPERT OPINION ON INVESTIGATIONAL DRUGS.

Role of Regulatory T Cells in Infection and Vaccination During Early Infancy. Samanta Celeste Funes, Miguel Andres Mansilla, Gisela Canedo-Marroquín, Margarita K. Lay, Claudia A. Riedel, Alexis M. Kalergis. Current Pharmaceutical Design. “DOI:10.2174/1381612824666180829094315”

Immunization with a Mixture of Nucleoprotein from Human Metapneumovirus and AbISCO-100 Adjuvant Reduces Viral Infection in Mice Model. Diego A. Diaz-Dinamarca, Francisco J. Ibañez, Daniel A. Soto, Jorge A. Soto, Pablo F. Cespedes, Nicolas A. Muena, Diego S. Garate, Alexis M. Kalergis, Abel E. Vasquez. VIRAL IMMUNOLOGY        DOI: 10.1089/vim.2017.0159

“An Update on Host-Pathogen Interplay and Modulation of Immune Responses during Orientia tsutsugamushi Infection”. Fabián E. Díaz, Katia Abarca, Alexis M. Kalergis. Clinical Microbiology Reviews. doi: 10.1128/CMR.00076-17

“Assessing the Importance of Domestic Vaccine Manufacturing Centers: An Overview of Immunization Programs, Vaccine Manufacture, and Distribution”   Emma Rey-Jurado, Felipe Tapia, Natalia Muñoz-Durango, Margarita K. Lay, Leandro J. Carreño, Claudia A. Riedel, Susan M. Bueno, Yvonne Genzel, Alexis M. Kalergis    Frontiers in Immunology. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.00026

Contribution of sex steroids and prolactin to the modulation of T and B cells during autoimmunity       Gabriela Recalde, Tamara Moreno-Sosa, Florencia Yúdica, Cristian A. Quintero, María Belén Sánchez, Graciela A. Jahn, Alexis M. Kalergis, Juan Pablo Mackern-ObertiAutoimmunity Reviews.

Implications of macrophage polarization in autoimmunity”Samanta C. Funes, Mariana Rios, Jorge Escobar-Vera, Alexis M. Kalergis” . IMMUNOLOGY. doi:10.1111/imm.12910 Insights on the crosstalk between dendritic cells and helper T cells in novel genetic etiology for mendelian susceptible mycobacterial disease. Emma Rey-Jurado, Magdalena S. Pizarro-Ortega, Alexis M. Kalergis. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. DOI: 10.1038/s41423-018-0177-x

“Nitric oxide activation by progesterone suppresses ATP-induced ciliary activity in oviductal ciliated cells”      Bredford Kerr, Mariana Rios, Karla DroguettC, Manuel Villalón. Reproduction, Fertility and Development.

Protective immunity induced by an intranasal multivalent vaccine comprising 10 Lactococcus lactis strains expressing highly prevalent M-protein antigens derived from Group A Streptococcus. Aniela Wozniak, Natalia Scioscia, Patricia C. García, James B. Dale, Braulio A. Paillavil, Paulette Legarraga, Francisco J. Salazar-Echegarai, Susan M. Bueno, Alexis M. Kalergis. Microbiology and Immunology. doi: 10.1111/1348-0421.12595


The Optimisation of the Expression of Recombinant Surface Immunogenic Protein of Group B Streptococcus in Escherichia coli by Response Surface Methodology Improves Humoral Immunity. Diego A. Díaz-Dinamarca, José I. Jerias, Daniel A. Soto, Jorge A. Soto, Natalia V. Díaz, Yessica Y. Leyton, Rodrigo A. Villegas,Alexis M. Kalergis, Abel E. Vásquez. Molecular Biotechnology.

Differential expression profile of CXCR3 splicing variants is associated with thyroid neoplasia. Potential role in papillary thyroid carcinoma oncogenesis? “Soledad Urra, Martin C. Fischer, José R. Martínez, Loreto Véliz, Paulina Orellana, Antonieta Solar, Karen Bohmwald, Alexis Kalergis, Claudia Riedel, Alejandro H. Corvalán, Juan C. Roa, Rodrigo Fuentealba, C. Joaquin Cáceres, Marcelo López-Lastra, Augusto León, Nicolás Droppelmann, Hernán E. González”. Oncotarget. doi:  10.18632/oncotarget.23502

IL28B gene polymorphism rs12979860, but not rs8099917, contributes to the occurrence of chronic HCV infection in Uruguayan patients. Echeverría N, Chiodi D, López P, Sanchez Ciceron A, Angulo J, López-Lastra M, Silvera P, Canavesi A, Bianchi C, Colistro V, Cristina J, Hernandez N, Moreno P. Virology Journal. doi:10.1186/s12985-018-0946-2

Hepatitis A outbreak since November 2016 affecting men who have sex with men (MSM) in Chile connected to the current outbreak in MSM in Europe, situation up to October 2017. Rivas, Violeta; Barrera, Aldo; Pino, Karla; Núñez, Ruth; Caceres, C. Joaquin; Lopez-Lastra, Marcelo; Soza, Alejandro. Eurosurveillance. doi:10.2807/1560-7917

Non-canonical translation initiation of the spliced mRNA encoding the human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 basic leucine zipper protein            Cáceres, C Joaquín; Angulo, Jenniffer; Lowy, Fernando; Contreras, Nataly; Walters, Beth; Olivares, Eduardo; Allouche, Delphine; Merviel, Anne; Pino, Karla; Sargueil, Bruno; Thompson, Sunnie R; López-Lastra, Marcelo. Nucleic Acids Research.  doi:10.1093/nar/gky802

1918 influenza virus: 100 years on, are we prepared against the next influenza pandemic? Medina RA. Nat Rev Microbiol. doi: 10.1038/nrmicro.2017.174.

Infection of novel reassortant H1N2 and H3N2 swine influenza A viruses in the guinea pig model.         Tapia R, García V, Mena J, Bucarey S, Medina RA, Neira V.   Vet Res. doi: 10.1186/s13567-018-0572-4.

Reemergence of H3N8 Equine Influenza A virus in Chile, 2018. Mena, J., Brito, B., Moreira, R., Tadich, T., González, I., Cruces, J., Ortega, R., van Bakel, H., Rathnasinghe, R., Pizarro-Lucero, J., Medina, R.A., Neira, V.  Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. doi: 10.1111/tbed.12984

Pure platelet-rich plasma and supernatant of calcium-activated P-PRP induce different phenotypes of human macrophagesEscobar G, Escobar A, Ascui G, Tempio FI, Ortiz MC, Pérez CA, López MN.Future Medicine. doi: 10.2217/rme-2017-0122.

Erythropoietin induces bone marrow and plasma fibroblast growth factor 23 during acute kidney injury          Toro L, Barrientos V, León P, Rojas M, Gonzalez M, González-Ibáñez A, Illanes S, Sugikawa K, Abarzúa N, Bascuñán C, Arcos K, Fuentealba C, María Tong A,  A. Elorza A, Pinto ME, Alzamora R, Romero C, Michea L.     Kidney International.

Myeloid CD11c+ Antigen-Presenting Cells Ablation Prevents Hypertension in Response to Angiotensin II Plus High-Salt Diet. Hevia D, Araos P,  Prado C, Fuentes Luppichini E,  Rojas M,  Alzamora R,  Cifuentes-Araneda F,  A. Gonzalez A,  A. Amador C, Pacheco R,  Michea L. Hypertension            10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.117.10145

TRPM4 channel is involved in regulating epithelial to mesenchymal transition, migration, and invasion of prostate cancer cell lines.  I. Sagredo A, . Sagredo E,  Pola V, Echeverría C,  Andaur R, Michea L,  Stutzin A, Simon F,  Marcelain K, Armisén R.     Journal of Cellular Physiology  10.1002/jcp.27371

L-NIL prevents the ischemia and reperfusion injury involving TRL4, GST, clusterin and NFAT5 in mice. Pasten C, Alvarado C, Rocco J, Contreras L, Aracena P, Liberona J, Suazo C, Michea LF, Irarrázabal CE. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol.

Impact of Maternal Antibody on the Immunogenicity of Inactivated Polio Vaccine in Infants Immunized With Bivalent Oral Polio Vaccine: Implications for the Polio Eradication Endgame. Gaensbauer JT, Gast C, Bandyopadhyay AS, O’Ryan M, Saez-Llorens X, Rivera L, Lopez-Medina E, Melgar M, Weldon WC, Oberste MS, Rüttimann R, Clemens R, Asturias EJ. Clin Infect Dis. 2018 Oct 30;67(suppl_1):S57-S65.  doi: 10.1093/cid/ciy649.

Intestinal Immunity to Poliovirus Following Sequential Trivalent Inactivated Polio Vaccine/Bivalent Oral Polio Vaccine and Trivalent Inactivated Polio Vaccine-only Immunization Schedules: Analysis of an Open-label, Randomized, Controlled Trial in Chilean Infants. Brickley EB, Wieland-Alter W, Connor RI, Ackerman ME, Boesch AW, Arita M, Weldon WC, O’RyanMG, Bandyopadhyay AS, Wright PF. Clin Infect Dis. 2018 Oct 30;67(suppl_1):S42-S50.  doi: 10.1093/cid/ciy603.

Predominance of Rotavirus G8P[8] in a City in Chile, a Country Without Rotavirus Vaccination. Lucero Y, O’Ryan M, Liparoti G, Huerta N, Mamani N, Ramani S, Lagomarcino AJ, Del Canto F, Quense J. J Pediatr. 2018 Oct 5. pii: S0022-3476(18)31211-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2018.08.037.

Indications for Helicobacter pylori Eradication: Do We Need to Consider to Screen and Treat Asymptomatic Children? Lucero Y, George S, O’Ryan M. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2018 Oct;67(4):e86-e87.  doi: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000002082.

Coli Surface Antigen 26 Acts as an Adherence Determinant of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and Is Cross-Recognized by Anti-CS20 Antibodies. Cádiz L, Torres A, Valdés R, Vera G, Gutiérrez D, Levine MM, Montero DA, O’Ryan M, Rasko DA, Stine OC, Vidal R, Del Canto F. Front Microbiol. 2018 Oct 16;9:2463.  doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02463. eCollection 2018.

Global epidemiology of serogroup B meningococcal disease and opportunities for prevention with novel recombinant protein vaccines. Villena R, Safadi MAP, Valenzuela MT, Torres JP, Finn A, O’Ryan M.   Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2018 May 4;14(5):1042-1057.  doi: 10.1080/21645515.2018.1458175. Epub 2018 Apr 30

The ArcAB two-component regulatory system promotes resistance to reactive oxygen species and systemic infection by Salmonella Typhimurium. Pardo-Esté C, Hidalgo AA, Aguirre C, Briones AC, Cabezas CE, Castro-Severyn J, Fuentes JA, Opazo MC, Riedel CA, Otero C, Pacheco R, Valvano MA, Saavedra CP. Plos one doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0203497

Chilean Gastric Cancer Task Force. A study protocol to obtain a clinical and molecular classification of a cohort of gastric patients    Gareth I Owen, Mauricio P Pinto, Ignacio N Retamal, María F Fernandez, Betzabe Cisternas, Sebastián Mondaca, Cesar Sánchez, Hector Galindo, Bruno Nervi, Carolina Ibañez, Francisco Acevedo, Jorge Madrid, José Peña, Maria Loreto Bravo, Maria Jose Maturana, Miguel Cordova-Delgado, Diego Romero, Nathaly de la Jara, Javiera Torres, Maria Rodriguez-Fernandez, Manuel Espinoza, Carlos Balmaceda, Matías Freire, Valentina Gárate-Calderón, Fernando Crovari, Paula Jimenez-Fonseca, Alberto Carmona-Bayonas, Ariel Zwenger, Ricardo Armisen, Alejandro H Corvalán, Marcelo Garrido. Medicine. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000010419.

Expression of RPRM/rprm in the olfactory system of embryonic zebrafish (Danio rerio). Karen Stanic, Alonso Quiroz, Carmen G Lemus, Ignacio a Wichmann, Alejandro H Corvalan, Gareth I Owen, Juan C Opazo, Miguel L Concha, Julio D  Amigo.  Frontiers in neuroanatomy. doi: 10.3389/fnana.2018.00023

Patient inflammatory status and CD4+/CD8+intraepithelial tumor lymphocyte infintration are predictors of outcomes in high-grade serous ovarian cáncer. Mauricio P Pinto, Carlos Balmaceda, Maria L Bravo, Sumie Kato, Alejandra Villarroel, Gareth I Owen, Juan Carlos Roa, Mauricio A Cuello, Carolina Ibañez. Gynecologic Oncology. doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2018.07.025

The Reprimo gene family: A novel gene lineage in gastric cancer with tumor suppressive properties. Julio d Amigo, Juan C Opazo, Roddy Jorquera, Ignacio A Wichmann, Benjamin A Garcia-Bloj, Maria Alejandra Alarcon, Gareth I Owen, Alejandro H Corvalan. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. doi: 10.3390/ijms19071862

Simvastatin interferes with cancer ‘stem-cell’ plasticity reducing metastasis in ovarian cancer   S Kato, M F Liberona, J Cerda-Infante, M Sanchez, J Henriquez, C Bizama, M L Bravo, P González, R Gejman, J Brañes, K Garcia, C Ibañez, G I Owen, J C Roa, V Montecinos, M A Cuello   Endocrine Related Cancer. doi: 10.1530/ERC-18-0132

Copper deficiency-induced anemia is caused by a mitochondrial metabolic reprograming in erythropoietic cells. Jensen EL,  Gonzalez-Ibanez AM,  Mendoza P, Ruiz LM,  Riedel CA,  Simon F, Schuringa JJ  and Elorza AA. Royal society of chemistry. doi: 10.1039/c8mt00224j

The ArcAB two-component regulatory system promotes resistance to reactive oxygen species and systemic infection by Salmonella Typhimurium. Pardo-Esté C, Hidalgo AA, Aguirre C, Briones AC, Cabezas CE, Castro-Severyn J, Fuentes JA, Opazo CM, Riedel CA, Otero C, Pacheco R, Valvano MA, Saavedra CP. Plos one. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0203497

Gestational Hypothyroxinemia Affects Its Offspring With a Reduced Suppressive Capacity Impairing the Outcome of the Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. Haensgen H, Albornoz E, Opazo MC, Bugueño K, Jara Fernández EL, Binzberger R, Rivero-Castillo T, Venegas Salas LF, Simon F, Cabello-Verrugio C, Elorza AA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, Riedel CA. Frontiers in inmunology. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01257

Role of Oxidative Stress as Key Regulator of Muscle Wasting during Cachexia. Ábrigo J, Elorza AA, Riedel CA, Vilos C, Simon F, Cabrera D, Estrada L, Cabello-Verrugio C.    Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity doi: 10.1155/2018/2063179

Intestinal Microbiota Influences Non-intestinal Related Autoimmune Diseases.  Opazo MC, Ortega-Rocha EM, Coronado-Arrázola I, Bonifaz LC, Boudin H, Neunlist M, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, Riedel CA. Frontiers in microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00432

Role of Transforming Growth Factor Family of Peptides in Health and Diseases.  Cabello-Verrugio C. Current protein & peptide science. doi: 10.2174/138920371912180926125239

Gestational Hypothyroxinemia Affects Its Offspring With a Reduced Suppressive Capacity Impairing the Outcome of the Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. Haensgen H, Albornoz E, Opazo MC, Bugueño K, Jara Fernández EL, Binzberger R, Rivero-Castillo T, Venegas Salas LF, Simon F, Cabello-Verrugio C, Elorza AA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, Riedel CA. Frontiers in inmunology. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01257

Sarcopenia in a mice model of chronic liver disease: role of the ubiquitin-proteasome system and oxidative stress.    Campos F, Abrigo J, Aguirre F, Garcés B, Arrese M, Karpen S, Cabrera D, Andía ME, Simon F, Cabello-Verrugio C. Pflügers Archiv : European journal of physiology. doi: 10.1007/s00424-018-2167-3

Role of Oxidative Stress as Key Regulator of Muscle Wasting during Cachexia. Ábrigo J, Elorza AA, Riedel CA, Vilos C, Simon F, Cabrera D, Estrada L, Cabello-Verrugio C.    Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity. doi: 10.1155/2018/2063179

Combined Therapies for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy to Optimize Treatment Efficacy. Cordova G, Negroni E, Cabello-Verrugio C, Mouly V, Trollet C. Combined   Frontiers in genetics. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2018.00114

Transforming Growth Factor-Beta Family: Advances in Vascular Function and Signaling Gatica S, Cabello-Verrugio C, Simon F. Current protein & peptide science          doi: 10.2174/1389203719666171128114730

TGF-ß and Hepatocellular Carcinoma: When A Friend Becomes An Enemy. Arrese M, Hernandez A, Astete L, Estrada L, Cabello-Verrugio C, Cabrera D.        Current protein & peptide science. doi: 10.2174/1389203718666171117112619

Central Role of Transforming Growth Factor Type Beta 1 in Skeletal Muscle Dysfunctions: An Update on Therapeutic Strategies. Abrigo J, Simon F, Cabrera D, Cordova G, Trollet C, Cabello-Verrugio C. Current protein & peptide science. doi: 10.2174/1389203718666171117101916.

TGF-ß requires the activation of canonical and non-canonical signalling pathways to induce skeletal muscle atrophy. Ábrigo J, Campos F, Simon F, Riedel C, Cabrera D, Vilos C, Cabello-Verrugio C. Biological chemistry. doi: 10.1515/hsz-2017-0217

Copper deficiency-induced anemia is caused by a mitochondrial metabolic reprograming in erythropoietic cells. Jensen EL,  Gonzalez-Ibanez AM,  Mendoza P, Ruiz LM,  Riedel CA,  Simon F, Schuringa JJ  and Elorza AA. Royal society of chemistry. doi: 10.1039/c8mt00224j

TRPM4 channel is involved in regulating epithelial to mesenchymal transition, migration, and invasion of prostate cancer cell lines. Sagredo AI, Sagredo EA, Pola V, Echeverría C, Andaur R, Michea L, Stutzin A, Simon F, Marcelain K, Armisén R. Journal of Cellular Physiology. doi: 10.1002/jcp.27371

Gestational Hypothyroxinemia Affects Its Offspring With a Reduced Suppressive Capacity Impairing the Outcome of the Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. Haensgen H, Albornoz E, Opazo MC, Bugueño K, Jara Fernández EL, Binzberger R, Rivero-Castillo T, Venegas Salas LF, Simon F, Cabello-Verrugio C, Elorza AA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, Riedel CA. Frontiers in inmunology. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01257

Sarcopenia in a mice model of chronic liver disease: role of the ubiquitin-proteasome system and oxidative stress.    Campos F, Abrigo J, Aguirre F, Garcés B, Arrese M, Karpen S, Cabrera D, Andía ME, Simon F, Cabello-Verrugio C. Pflügers Archiv : European journal of physiology. doi: 10.1007/s00424-018-2167-3

Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 Expression Mediates Capsaicin-Induced Cell Death. Ramírez-Barrantes R, Córdova C, Gatica S, Rodriguez B, Lozano C, Marchant I, Echeverria C, Simon F, Olivero P. Frontiers in physiology. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.00682

Role of Oxidative Stress as Key Regulator of Muscle Wasting during Cachexia. Ábrigo J, Elorza AA, Riedel CA, Vilos C, Simon F, Cabrera D, Estrada L, Cabello-Verrugio C.    Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity. doi: 10.1155/2018/2063179

Critical contribution of Na+-Ca2+ exchanger to the Ca2+-mediated vasodilation activated in endothelial cells of resistance arteries. Lillo MA, Gaete PS, Puebla M, Ardiles NM, Poblete I, Becerra A, Simon F, Figueroa XF. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. doi: 10.1096/fj.201700365RR

Transforming Growth Factor-Beta Family: Advances in Vascular Function and Signaling. Gatica S, Cabello-Verrugio C, Simon F. Current protein & peptide science          doi: 10.2174/1389203719666171128114730

Central Role of Transforming Growth Factor Type Beta 1 in Skeletal Muscle Dysfunctions: An Update on Therapeutic Strategies. Abrigo J, Simon F, Cabrera D, Cordova G, Trollet C, Cabello-Verrugio C. Current protein & peptide science. doi: 10.2174/1389203718666171117101916

TGF-ß requires the activation of canonical and non-canonical signalling pathways to induce skeletal muscle atrophy. Ábrigo J, Campos F, Simon F, Riedel C, Cabrera D, Vilos C, Cabello-Verrugio C. Biological chemistry. doi: 10.1515/hsz-2017-0217

TRPM4 regulates Akt/GSK3-ß activity and enhances ß-catenin signaling and cell proliferation in prostate cancer cells. Sagredo AI, Sagredo EA, Cappelli C, Báez P, Andaur RE, Blanco C, Tapia JC, Echeverría C, Cerda O, Stutzin A, Simon F, Marcelain K, Armisén R. Molecular oncology. doi: 10.1002/1878-0261.12100

Expression of the ectodomain-releasing protease ADAM17 is directly regulated by the osteosarcoma and bone-related transcription factor RUNX2. Araya HF, Sepulveda H, Lizama CO, Vega OA, Jerez S, Briceño PF, Thaler R, Riester SM, Antonelli M, Salazar-Onfray F, Rodríguez JP, Moreno RD, Montecino M, Charbonneau M, Dubois CM, Stein GS, van Wijnen AJ, Galindo MA. Journal of Cellular Biochemestry.  doi: 10.1002/jcb.26832.

Vaccination-induced skin-resident memory CD8+ T cells mediate strong protection against cutaneous melanoma. Gálvez-Cancino F, López E, Menares E, Díaz X, Flores C, Cáceres P, Hidalgo S, Chovar O, Alcántara-Hernández M, Borgna V, Varas-Godoy M, Salazar-Onfray F, Idoyaga J, Lladser A. Oncoimmunology. doi: 10.1080/2162402X.2018.1442163.

Proteomic Identification of Heat Shock-Induced Danger Signals in a Melanoma Cell Lysate Used in Dendritic Cell-Based Cancer Immunotherapy. González FE, Chernobrovkin A, Pereda C, García-Salum T, Tittarelli A, López MN, Salazar-Onfray F, Zubarev RA. Journal Immunology Research. doi: 10.1155/2018/3982942.

Molecular signatures associated with tumor-specific immune response in melanoma patients treated with dendritic cell-based immunotherapy            García-Salum T, Villablanca A, Matthäus F, Tittarelli A, Baeza M, Pereda C, Gleisner MA, González FE, López MN, Hoheisel JD, Norgauer J, Gebicke-Haerter PJ, Salazar-Onfray F. Oncotarget.  doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.24795.

Tumor lysate-based vaccines: on the road to immunotherapy for gallbladder cancer. Rojas-Sepúlveda D, Tittarelli A, Gleisner MA, Ávalos I, Pereda C, Gallegos I, González FE, López MN, Butte JM, Roa JC, Fluxá P, Salazar-Onfray F. Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy. doi: 10.1007/s00262-018-2157-5.

Antitumor activity and carrier properties of novel hemocyanins coupled to a mimotope of GD2 ganglioside. Palacios M, Tampe R, Del Campo M, Zhong TY, López MN, Salazar-Onfray F, Becker MI. European Journal of medicinal Chemistry. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2018.02.082.

High CD8+ and absence of Foxp3+ T lymphocytes infiltration in gallbladder tumors correlate with prolonged patients survival. Fluxá P, Rojas-Sepúlveda D, Gleisner MA, Tittarelli A, Villegas P, Tapia L, Rivera MT, López MN, Catán F, Uribe M, Salazar-Onfray F. British Medical Cancerdoi: 10.1186/s12885-018-4147-6.

First report of the distribution of Locus of Adhesion and Autoaggregation(LAA) pathogenicity island in LEE-negative Shiga toxin-producingEscherichia coli isolates from Argentina. Colello R, Vélez MV, González J, Montero DA, Bustamante AV, Del Canto F, Etcheverría AI, Vidal R, Padola NL. Microbial Pathogenesis           doi: 10.1016/j.micpath.2018.07.011

2017 IMII Publications 

Functional Impairment of Mononuclear Phagocyte System by the Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Bohmwald K, Espinoza J, Pulgar R, Jara E, Kalergis A. Frontiers in Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2017.01643.

Pharmacological Induction of Heme Oxygenase-1 Impairs Nuclear Accumulation of Herpes Simplex Virus Capsids upon Infection. Ibáñez FJ, Farías MA, Retamal-Díaz A, Espinoza JA, Kalergis AM, González PA. Frontiers in Microbiology. 10.3389/fmicb.2017.02108.

Innate immune cells for immunotherapy of autommune and cancer disorders. Shafer C, Ascui G, Ribeiro CH, López M, Prados-Rosales R, González PA. Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Banera A, Kalergis AM, Carreños LJ. International Reviews of Immunology. 10.1080/08830185.2017.1365145.

Modulation of Host Immunity by Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus Virulence Factors: A Synergic Inhibition of Both Innate and Adaptive Immunity. Canedo-Marroquin G, Acevedo- Acevedo O, Rey- Jurado E, Saavedra JM, Lay MK, Bueno, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM. Frontiers in Cell and Infection Microbiology. 10.3389/fcimb.2017.00367

A Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Deleted for Glycoprotein D Enables Dendritic Cells to Active CD4+ and CD8+T Cells. Retamal-Díaz A, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM, González PA. Frontiers in Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00904.

Interlukin-10 Production by T and B Cells Is a Key Factor to Promote Systemic Salmmonella Eterica Serovas Typhimurium Infection in Mice. Salazar GA, Peñaloza HF, Pardo_roa C, Schultz B, Muñoz-Durango N, Gómez RS, Salazar FJ, Pizarro DP, Riedel CA, GonzálezPA, Alvarez-Lobos M, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. Frontiers in Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00889.

New Insights Contributing to the Development of Effective Vaccines and Therapies to Reduce the Pathology Caused by hRSV. Gálvez NMS, Soto J, Kalergis AM    International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 10.3390/ijms18081753.

Aberrant T cell immunity triggered by human Respiratory Syncytial Virus and human Metapneumovirus infection      González AE, Lay MK; Jara EL, Espinoza JA, Gómez R, Soto J, Rivera CA, Abarca K, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM. Virulence. 10.1080/21505594.2016.1265725.

Autologous tolerogenic dendritic cells derived from monocytes of sytemic  lupus eruthematosus patients and healthy donors show a stable and immunosuppressive phenotype . Obreque J, Vega F, Torres A, Cuitino L, Mackern-Oberti JP, Vivianu P, Kalergis AM, Llanos C. Immunology. 10.1111/imm.12806.

Heme Oxygenase-1 Modulates Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus Replication and Lung Pathogenesis during Infection. Espinoza JA, León MA, Céspedes PF, Gómes RS, Canedo-Marroquin G, Riquelme SA, Salazar FJ, Blancou P, Simon T, Anegon I, Lay MK, González PA, Ridel CA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. The Journal of Immunology. 10.4049/jimmunol.160141.

FOCIS goes south: Advances in translational and Clinical Immunology. Kalergis AM, Anegon I, González PA      Immunotherapy. 10.2217/imt-2017-007.

Modulation of Antiviral Immunity by Heme Oxygenase-1. Espinoza JA, González PA, Kalergis AM. The American Journal of Pathology. 10.1016/j.ajpath.2016.11.011.

THEMIS, the new kid on the block for T-cell development. Espinoza JA, Jara EL, Kalergis AM. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. 10.1038/cmi.2017.34.

Gestational Hypothyroxinemia Imprints a Switch in the Capacity of Astrocytes and Microglial Cells of Offpring to React in Imflammation. Opazo MC, González PA, Flores BD, Venegas LF, Albornoz EA, Cisternas P, Bohmwald K, Nieto PA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, Riedel CA. Mol Microbiol. 10.1007/s12035-017-0627-y.

A safe and efficient BCG vectored vaccine to prevent the disease caused by the human Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Rey-Jurado E, Soto J, Gálvez N, Kalergis AM. Human Vaccine & Immunotherapeutics. 10.1080/21645515.2017.

Hormonal Modulation of Dendritic Cells Differentiation, Maturation and Function: Implications for the Initiation and Progress of Systremic Autoimmunity. Mackern-Oberti JP, Jara EL, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM. Arch Immunil Ther. Exp. 10.1007/s00005-016-0418-6.

Imprinting of maternal thyroid hormones in the offpring. Opazo MC, Haensgen H, Bohmwald K, Venegas LF, Boudin H, Elorza AA, Simon F, Fardella C, Bueno SM, Klaregis AM, Riedel CA. International Reviews of Immunology. 10.1080/08830185.2016.

Immunological Features of Respiratory Syncytial Virus- Caused Pneumonia – Implications for Vaccine Design. Rey-Jurado E, Kalergis AM. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 10.3390/ijms18030556.

Endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition: Cytokine-mediated pathways that determine endothelial fibrosis under imflammatory conditions. Pérez L, Muñoz-Durando N, Riedel CA, Echeverría C, Kalergis AM, Cabello-Verrugo C, Simon F. Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews. 10.1016/j.cytogfr.2016.09.002.

A Potential Role of Salmonella Infection in the Onset of Imflammatory Bowel Diseases. Schultz B, Paduro CA, Salazar G, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Sebastian VP, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Alvarez-Lobos M, Bueno SM.          Frontiers in Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00191.

Modulating the function of the immune system by thyroid hormones and thyrotropin. Jara EL, Muñoz-Durango N, Llanos Ca, Fardella C, Gonzáles PA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AMN, Riedel CA. Immunology Letters. 10.1016/j.imlet.2017.02.010.

Proteomic Analysis of Exosomes and Exosome-Free Conditoned Media From Human Osteosarcoma Cell Lines Reveals Secretion of Proteins Related to Tumor Progression. Jerez S, Araya H, Thaler R, Charlesworth MC, López Solpis R, Kalergis AM, Céspedes PF, Dudakovic A, Stein GR, van Wijnen AJ, Galindo M. Journal of Cell Biochemistry. 10.1002/jcb.25642.

A single, low dose of a cGMP recombinant BCG vaccine elicits protective T cell immunity against the human respiratory syncytial virus infection and prevents lung pathology in mice. Céspedes PF, Rey-Jurado E, Espinoza JA, Rivera CA, Canedo-Marroquin G, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM.  Vaccine. 10.1016/j.vaccine.2016.12.048.

Interleukin 10 modulation of neutrophil subsets infiltrating lungs during Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. Peñaloza HF, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Bueno SM. Biochem Biophys Rep.

US6 Gene Deletion in Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Enhances Dendritic Cell Function and T Cell Activation. Retamal-Díaz A, Weiss KA, Tognarelli EI, Freire M, Bueno SM, Herold BC, Jacobs WR Jr, González PA. Front Immunol. 10.3389/fimmu.2017.01523.

Serum levels of interleukin-6 are linked to the severity of the disease caused by Andes Virus. Angulo J, Martínez-Valdebenito C, Marco C, Galeno H, Villagra E, Vera L, Lagos N, Becerra N, Mora J, Bermúdez A, Díaz J, Ferrés M, López-Lastra M. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. Enfermedades Infecciosas. 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005757.

Dexamethasone and Monophosphoryl Lipid A Induce a Distinctive Profile on Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells through Transcriptional Modulation of Genes Associated With Essential Processes of the Immune Response. García-González PA, Schinnerling K, Sepúlveda-Gutiérrez A, Maggi J, Mehdi AM, Nel HJ, Pesce B, Larrondo ML, Aravena O, Molina MC, Catalán D, Thomas R, Verdugo RA, Aguillón JC. Frontiers in Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2017.01350.

The role of interleukin-6 signalling and its therapeutic blockage in skewing the T cell balance in rheumatoid arthritis. Schinnerling K, Aguillón JC, Catalán D, Soto L. Clinical and Experimental Immunology. 10.1111/cei.12966.

TIM-1 defines a human regulatory B cell population that is altered in frequency and function in systemic sclerosis patients. Aravena O, Ferrier A, Menon M, Mauri C, Aguillón JC, Soto L, Catalán D. Arthritis Research and Therapy. 10.1186/s13075-016-1213-9.

Mind the Gaps in Tumor immunity: impact of Connexin-Mediated intercellular Connections. María Alejandra Gleisner, Mariela Navarrete, Francisca Hofmann, Flavio Salazar-Onfray and Andrés Tittarelli. Frontiers in Immunology. 10.3389/fimmu.2017.01067.

Proteomic identification of heat shock-induced danger signals in a melanoma cell lysate used in dendritic cell-based cancer immunotherapy. Fermin Gonzalez, Alexey Chernobrovkin,  Cristián Pereda, Tamara García-Salum, Andrés Tittarelli, Mercedes López, Flavio Salazar-Onfray, R. A. Zubarev. Journal of Immunology Research.

Targeting Innate Immune Cells for Immunotherapy. Carreño LJ, Prados-Rosales R, López MN, Baena A, González PA. J Immunol Res. 10.1155/2017/4271384.

Molluskan Hemocyanins Activate the Classical Pathway of the Human Complement System through Natural Antibodies. Pizarro-Bauerle J, Maldonado I, Sosoniuk-Roche E, Vallejos G, López MN, Salazar-Onfray F, Aguilar-Guzmán L, Valck C, Ferreira A, Becker MI.   Front Immunol. 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00188.

Wnt/ß-Catenin Signaling Activates Expression of the Bone-Related Transcription Factor RUNX2 in Select Human Osteosarcoma Cell Types.Vega O, Lucero CMJ, Araya HF, Jerez S, Tapia JC, Antonelli M, Salazar-Onfray F, Las Heras F, Thaler R, Riester SM, Stein GS, van Wijnen AJ, Galindo MA. J Cell Biochem. 10.1002/jcb.26011.

Caveolin-1 Expression Increases upon Maturation in Dendritic Cells and Promotes Their Migration to Lymph Nodes Thereby Favoring the Induction of CD8+ T Cell Responses.Oyarce C, Cruz-Gomez S, Galvez-Cancino F, Vargas P, Moreau HD, Diaz-Valdivia N, Diaz J, Salazar-Onfray FA, Pacheco R, Lennon-Dumenil AM, Quest AFG, Lladser A. Front Immunol. 10.3389/fimmu.2017.01794.

Diabetic concentrations of metformin inhibit platelet-mediated ovarian cancer cell progression. Rafaela Erices, Sofía Cubillos, Raúl Aravena, Felice Santoro, Monica Marquez, Renan Orellana, Carolina Ramírez, Pamela González, Patricia Fuenzalida, María Loreto Bravo, Bárbara Oliva, Sumie Kato, Carolina Ibañez, Jorge Brañes, Erasmo Bravo, Catalina Alonso, Karen García, Clemente Arab, Vicente A. Torres, Alejandro S. Godoy, Jaime Pereira, Galdo Bustos, Julio Cesar Cardenas, Mauricio A. Cuello, Gareth I. Owen. Oncotarget. 10.18632/oncotarget.15348.

Reprimo tissue-specific expression pattern is conserved between zebrafish and human. Ricardo J. Figueroa, Gonzalo Carrasco-Avino, Ignacio A. Wichmann, Martin Lange, Gareth I. Owen, Arndt F. Siekmann, Alejandro H. Corvalan, Juan C. Opazo, Julio D. Amigo  Plos One. 10.1371/journal.pone.0178274.

The salivary peptide histatin-1 promotes endothelial cell adhesion, migration, and angiogénesis. Pedro Torres, Jorge Diaz,Maximiliano Arce, Patricio Silva, Pablo Mendoza, Pablo Lois, Alfredo Molina-Berrios, Gareth I. Owen, Veronica Palma, and Vicente A. Torres. The Faseb Journal. 10.1096/fj.201700085R.

Angiogenesis inhibitors in early development for gastric cancer    Mauricio P. Pinto, Gareth I. Owen, Ignacio Retamal and Marcelo Garrido. Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs. Angiogenesis in cancer progression.     10.1080/13543784.2017.1361926.

Structural and functional identification of vasculogenic mimicry in vitro. Dusan Racordon, Andrés Valdivia, Gabriel Mingo, Rafaela Erices, Raúl Aravena, Felice Santoro, Maria Loreto Bravo, Carolina Ramirez, Pamela Gonzalez, Alejandra  Sandoval, Alfonso González, Claudio Retamal, Marcelo J. Kogan, Sumie Kato, Mauricio A. Cuello, German Osorio, Francisco Nualart, Pedro Alvares, Araceli Gago-Arias, Daniella Fabri, Ignacio Espinoza, Beatriz Sanchez, Alejandro H. Corvalán, Mauricio P. Pinto & Gareth I. Owen. Scientific Reports. 10.1038/s41598-017-07622-w.

MicroRNA-335-5p is a potential suppressor of metastasis and invasion in gastric cáncer. Alejandra Sandoval-Bórquez, Iva Polakovicova, Nicolás Carrasco-Véliz, Lorena Lobos-González, Ismael Riquelme, Gonzalo Carrasco-Avino, Carolina Bizama, Enrique Norero, Gareth I. Owen, Juan C. Roa, and Alejandro H. Corvalán. Clinical Epigenetics. 10.1186/s13148-017-0413-8.

Oxidative stress in disease and aging: Mechanisms and therapies 2016. Cabello-Verrugio, Simon, F., Trollet, C., Santibañez, JF. Oxidative medicine cell longevity. 10.1155/2017/4310469.

The complex of PAMAM-OH dendrimer with Angiotensin (1-7) prevented the disuse-induced skeletal muscle atrophy in mice. Marquez-Miranda, V., Ábrigo, J., Rivera, JC., Araya-Duran, I., Aravena, J., Simon, F., Pacheco, N., Gonzalez-Nilo, FD., Cabello-Verrugio, C.  International journal of nanomediceine. 10.2147/IJN.S125521.

Skeletal muscle wasting: new role of non-classical renin-angiotensin system. Cabello-Verrugio, C., Rivera, JC., Garcia, D. Current opinion in Clinical nutrition & Metabolic care. 10.1097/MCO.000000000000036.

Andrographolide ameliorates inflammation and fibrogenesis and attenuates inflammasome activation in experimental non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Cabrera, D., Wree, A., Povero, D., Solis, N., Hernandez, A., Pizarro, M., Moshage, H., Torres, J., Feldstein, AE., Cabello-Verrugio, C. Scientific report. 10.1038/s41598-017-03675-z.

Central role of transforming growth factor type beta 1 in skeletal muscle dysfunctions: an update on therapeutic-strategies. Ábrigo, J., Simón, F., Cabrera, D., Cordova, G., Trollet, C., Cabello-Verrugio, C. Current proteins and peptides science. 10.2174/1389203718666171117101916.

TGF-b and Hepatocellular carcinoma: when a friend becomes an enemy.  Arrese, M., Cabrera, D., Hernandez, A., Astete, L., Estrada, L., Cabello-Verrugio, C. Current proteins and peptides science.10.2174/1389203718666171117112619.

TGF-b requires the activation of canonical and non-canonical signaling pathways to induce skeletal muscle atrophy. Ábrigo, J., Campos, F., Simon, F., Riedel, C., Cabrera, D., Vilos, C., Cabello-Verrugio, C. Biological chemistry. 10.1515/hsz-2017-0217.

Urinary Exosomes and Their Cargo: Potential Biomarkers for Mineralocorticoid Arterial Hypertension? Eric R. Barros and Cristian A. Carvajal*. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 10.3389/fendo.2017.00230.

Primary Aldosteronism Surgery Outcome (PASO) investigators. Outcomes after adrenalectomy for unilateral primary aldosteronism: an international consensus on outcome measures and analysis of remission rates in an international cohort. Williams TA, Lenders JWM, Mulatero P, Burrello J, Rottenkolber M, Adolf C, Satoh F, Amar L, Quinkler M, Deinum J, Beuschlein F, Kitamoto KK, Pham U, Morimoto R, Umakoshi H, Prejbisz A, Kocjan T, Naruse M, Stowasser M, Nishikawa T, Young WF Jr, Gomez-Sanchez CE, Funder JW, Reincke M;  C Fardella; R Baudrand.  The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. 10.1016/S2213-8587(17)30135-3.

Hypertensive Patients That Respond to Aldosterone Antagonists May Have a Nonclassical 11ß-HSD2 Deficiency. Alejandra Tapia-Castillo,1,* Cristian A. Carvajal,1,* Fidel Allende,2 Carmen Campino,1 and Carlos E. Fardella. American Journal of Hypertension. 10.1093/ajh/hpx065.

Chapter 7. Epigenetics and ArterialHypertension: Evidences and Perspectives S. Friso, C.A. Carvajal, F. Pizzolo, C.E. Fardella and O. Olivieri. Translating Epigenetics to the Clinic. Genetics & Epigenetics of Endocrine Hypertension (Joven-CCM). 10.1016/B978-0-12-800802-7.00007-1.

Continuum of Renin-Independent Aldosteronism in Normotension. Rene Baudrand, Francisco J. Guarda, Carlos Fardella, Gregory Hundemer, Jenifer Brown, Gordon Williams, Anand Vaidya. Hypertension. 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.116.08952.

Topical nitric oxide releasing nanoparticles are effective in a murine model of dermal Trichophyton rubrum dermatophytosis. Mordorski B, Costa-Orlandi CB, Baltazar LM, Carreño LJ, Landriscina A, Rosen J, Navati M, Mendes-Giannini MJS, Friedman JM, Nosanchuk JD, Friedman AJ. Nanomedicine. 10.1016/j.nano.2017.06.018.

Enhanced control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis extrapulmonary dissemination in mice by an arabinomannan-protein conjugate vaccine. Prados-Rosales R, Carreño L, Cheng T, Blanc C, Weinrick B, Malek A, Lowary TL, Baena A, Joe M, Bai Y, Kalscheuer R, Batista-Gonzalez A, Saavedra NA, Sampedro L, Tomás J, Anguita J, Hung SC, Tripathi A, Xu J, Glatman-Freedman A, Jacobs WR Jr, Chan J, Porcelli SA, Achkar JM, Casadevall A. PLoS Pathogens. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1006250..

Circulating vitamin D-binding protein and free 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations in patients with melanoma: a case-control study.Navarrete-Dechent C, Del Puerto C, Molgo M, González S, Perez-Mateluna G, Uribe P, Camargo CA, Borzutzky A. J Am Acad Dermatol. 10.1016/j.jaad.2017.03.035.

Incidence and risk factors of food allergy after umbilical cord blood transplantation in children. Hernández-Ojeda A, Rojas N, Barriga F, Wietstruck MA, Morales PS, Borzutzky A. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract.           10.1016/j.jaip.2017.04.034.

Evolution of the skin manifestations of X-linked Pigmentary Reticulate Disorder.Starokadomskyy P, Sifuentes-Dominguez L, Gemelli T, Zinn AR, Dossi MT, Mellado C, Bertrand P, Borzutzky A, Burstein E. Brit J Dermatol. 10.1111/bjd.15586.

Regional solar radiation is inversely correlated with incidence and severity of tuberculosis in Chile. Balcells ME, Cerda J, Concha S, Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, Camargo CA, Martineau AR, Borzutzky A. Epidemiol Infect. 10.1017/S0950268817000607.

Primary immunodeficiencies in Chile evaluated through ICD-10 coded hospital admissions. Poli C, Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, Borzutzky A. Allergol Immunopathol (Madr). 10.1016/j.aller.2016.05.004.

Solar radiation is inversely associated with inflammatory bowel disease admissions.  Jaime F, Riutort MC, Alvarez-Lobos M, Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, Camargo CA, Borzutzky A. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2017; 52(6-7):730-737. 10.1080/00365521.2017.1307444.

Locus of Adhesion and Autoaggregation (LAA), a pathogenicity island present in emerging Shiga Toxin-producing Escherichia coli strains. Montero DA, Velasco J, Del Canto F, Puente JL, Padola NL, Rasko DA, Farfán M, Salazar JC, Vidal R. Scientific Reports10.1038/s41598-017-06999-y.

Distinctive Gut Microbiota Is Associated with Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli Infections in Chilean Children.  Gallardo P, Izquierdo M, Vidal RM, Chamorro-Veloso N, Rosselló-Móra R, O’Ryan M, Farfán MJ. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 10.3389/fcimb.2017.00424.

Mineralocorticoids modulate the expression of the ß-3 subunit of the Na+, K+-ATPase in the renal collecting duct. Macarena Rojas, Pablo Díaz, Pablo León, Alexis A. Gonzalez, Magdalena González, Víctor Barrientos, Nikolay B. Pestov, Rodrigo Alzamora & Luis MicheaChannels. 10.1080/19336950.2017.1344800.

2016 MIII Publications

Escaping antiangiogenic therapy: strategies employed by cancer cells. Pinto MP, Sotomayor P, Carrasco-Avino G, Corvalan AH, Owen GI.  International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2016 6;17(9).

Modulatory Effect of 2-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)amino-1,4-naphthoquinone on Endothelial Vasodilation in Rat Aorta. Palacios J, Cifuentes F, Valderrama J, Benites J, Rios D, Gonzalez C, Chiong M, Cartes-Saavedra B, Lafourcade C, Wyneken U, Gonzalez P, Owen GI, Pardo F, Sobrevia L, Buc Calderon P. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2016:3939540.

Evolutionary history of the reprimo tumor suppressor gene family in vertebrates with a description of a new reprimo gene lineage. Wichmann IA, Zavala K, Hoffmann FG, Vandewege MW, Corvalán AH, Amigo JD, Owen GI, Opazo JC. Gene. 2016 Oct 10;591(1):245-54.

Adenosine A3 receptor elicits chemoresistance mediated by multiple resistance-associated protein-1 in human glioblastoma stem-like cells. Torres A, Vargas Y, Uribe D, Jaramillo C, Gleisner A, Salazar-Onfray F, López MN, Melo R, Oyarzún C, San Martín R, Quezada C. Oncotarget 2016 7(41):67373-67386.

Dendritic cell chimerism in oral mucosa of transplanted patients affected by graft-versus-host disease. Pérez CA, Rabanales R, Rojas-Alcayaga G, Larrondo M, Escobar AF, López MN, Salazar-Onfray F, Alfaro JI, González FE. J Oral Pathol Med 2016 45(2):127-35.

CitosineAdenineRepeat Microsatellite of 11ßhydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 Gene in Hypertensive Children. Valdivia C, Carvajal CA, Campino C, Allende F, Martinez-Aguayo A, Baudrand R, Vecchiola A, Lagos CF, Tapia-Castillo A, Fuentes CA, Aglony M; Solari S, Kalergis AM, García H, Owen GI, Fardella CE. Am J Hypertens 2016 29(1):25-32.

Aldosterone Production and Signaling Dysregulation in Obesity. Vecchiola A, Lagos CF, Carvajal CA, Baudrand R, Fardella CE. Curr Hypertens 2016 18(3):20.

Role of the ReninAngiotensinAldosterone System beyond Blood Pressure Regulation: Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms Involved in End-Organ Damage during Arterial Hypertension. Muñoz-Durango N, Fuentes CA, Castillo AE, González-Gómez LM, Vecchiola A, Fardella CE, Kalergis AM. Int J Mol Sci 2016 17(7). pii: E797.

Cortisol/cortisone ratio and matrix metalloproteinase9 activity are associated with pediatric primary hypertension. Martinez-Aguayo A, Campino C, Baudrand R, Carvajal CA, García H, Aglony M,Bancalari R, García L, Loureiro C, Vecchiola A, Tapia-Castillo A, Valdivia C, Sanhueza S, Fuentes CA, Lagos CF, Solari S, Allende F, Kalergis AM, Fardella CE. J Hypertens 2016 34(9):1808-14.

Usefulness and Pitfalls in Sodium Intake Estimation: Comparison of Dietary Assessment and Urinary Excretion in Chilean Children and Adults. Campino C, Hill C, Baudrand R, Martínez-Aguayo A, Aglony M, Carrasco CA, Ferrada C, Loureiro C, Vecchiola A, Bancalari R, Grob F, Carvajal CA, Lagos CF, Valdivia C, Tapia-Castillo A, Fuentes CA, Mendoza C, Garcia H, Uauy R, Fardella CE. J Hypertens 2016 29(10):1212-7.

Synthetic glycolipid activators of natural killer T cells as immunotherapeutic agents. Carreño LJ, Saavedra-Avila A and Porcelli S. Clinical & Translational Immunology 2016 8;5(4):e69.

Suppression of autophagy and antigen presentation by Mycobacterium tuberculosis PE_PGRS47. Saini NK, Baena A, Ng TW, Venkatasamy MM, Kennedy SC, Kunnath-Velayudhan S, Carreño LJ, Xu J, Chan J, Larsen MH, Jacobs WR, Jr., and Porcelli SA. Nat Microbiol. 2016 Aug 15;1(9):16133.

The Type of Growth Medium Affects the Presence of a Mycobacterial Capsule and Is Associated With Differences in Protective Efficacy of BCG Vaccination Against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Prados-Rosales R, Carreño LJ, Weinrick B, Batista-Gonzalez A, Glatman-Freedman A, Xu J, Chan J, Jacobs WR Jr., Porcelli SA and Casadevall A. J Infect Dis. 2016 Aug 1;214(3):426-37.

Modulation of antigen processing by heme-oxygenase 1. Implications on inflammation and tolerance. Riquelme SA, Carreño LJ, Espinoza JA, Mackern-Oberti JP, Alvarez-Lobos MM, Riedel CA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. Immunology. 2016 Sep;149(1):1-12.

The Ski Protein is Involved in the Transformation Pathway of Aurora Kinase A. Rivas S, Armisén R, Rojas DA, Maldonado E, Huerta H, Tapia JC, Espinoza J, Colombo A, Michea L, Hayman MJ, Marcelain K. J Cell Biochem. 2016;117(2):334-43.

Potential neurocognitive consequences of infection by human Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Flores JC, Bohmwald K, Espinoza J, Jara C, Peña M, Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, Iturriaga C, Kalergis AM, Borzutzky A. Rev Chilena Infectol. 2016 Oct;33(5):537-542.

Parent-Reported Prevalence of Food Allergy in Mexican Schoolchildren: A Population-Based Study, Ontiveros N, Valdez-Meza EE, Vergara-Jiménez MJ, Canizalez-Román A, Borzutzky A, Cabrera-Chávez F. Allergol Immunopathol (Madr). 2016;44(6):563-570.

Humoral and cellular autoreactivity to epidermal proteins in atopic dermatitis. Navarrete-Dechent C, Perez-Mateluna G, Silva-Valenzuela S, Vera-Kellet C, Borzutzky A. Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz). 2016;64(6):435-442

Geographic distribution of Kawasaki disease in Chile. Hoyos-Bachiloglu R, García A, Morales PS, Cerda J, Talesnik E, Borzutzky A.  Rev Chilena Infectol. 2016 Feb;33(1):12-8.

Vitamin D axis and its role in skin carcinogenesis: a comprehensive review. Del Puerto C, Navarrete-Dechent C, Molgo M, Borzutzky A, Gonzalez S. Applied Cancer Research 2016 36:5.

Aberrant T cell immunity triggered by human Respiratory Syncytial Virus and human Metapneumovirus infection, González AE, Lay MK, Jara EL, Espinoza JA, Gómez RS, Soto J, Rivera CA, Abarca K, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM. Virulence. 2016 2:1-20.

Opposing roles of IL-10 in acute bacterial infections. Peñaloza HF, Schultz BM, Nieto PA, Salazar GA, Suazo I, Gonzalez PA, Riedel CA, Alvarez-Lobos MM, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. Cytokine & Growth Factor Rev. 2016 Dec;32:17-30

Clinical significance of tumor expression of major histocompatibility complex class I-related chains A and B (MICA/B) in gastric cancer patients. Ribeiro CH, Kramm K, Gálvez-Jirón F, Pola V, Bustamante M, Contreras HR, Sabag A, Garrido-Tapia M, Hernández CJ, Zúñiga R, Collazo N, Sotelo PH, Morales C, Mercado L, Catalán D, Aguillón JC, Molina MC. Oncol Rep. 2016 Mar;35(3):1309-17.

Dexamethasone and monophosphoryl lipid A-modulated dendritic cells promote antigen-specific tolerogenic properties on naive and memory CD4+ T cells. Maggi J, Schinnerling K, Pesce B, Hilkens CM, Catalán D, Aguillón JC. Front Immunol. 2016 Sep 19;7:359.

Treatment with dexamethasone and monophosphoryl lipid A removes disease-associated transcriptional signatures in monocyte-derived dendritic cells from rheumatoid Arthritis patients and confers tolerogenic features. García-González PA, Schinnerling K, Sepúlveda-Gutiérrez A, Maggi J, Hoyos L, Morales RA, Mehdi AM, Nel HJ, Soto L, Pesce B, Molina MC, Cuchacovich M, Larrondo ML, Neira Ó, Catalán DF, Hilkens CM, Thomas R, Verdugo RA, Aguillón JC. Front Immunol. 2016 Oct 25;7:458.

Tolerogenic dendritic cells for reprogramming of lymphocyte responses in autoimmune diseases. García-González P, Ubilla-Olguín G, Catalán D, Schinnerling K, Aguillón JC (2016) Autoimmun Rev. 2016 15(11):1071-1080.

Infection in Health Personnel with High and Low Levels of Exposure in a Hospital Setting during the H1N1 2009 Influenza A Pandemic. Sandoval C, Barrera SC, A. Ferrés M, Cerda J, Retamal J, Medina R.A, Hirsch T, PLoS One. 2016 11(1): e0147271.

Urinary leukotriene and Bcl I polymorphism of glucocorticoid receptor gene in preschoolers with recurrent wheezing and high risk of asthma. Morales M, Flores C, Pino K, Angulo J, López-Lastra M, Castro-Rodriguez JA. Allergol Immunopathol (Madr). 2016 Jan-Feb;44(1):59-65.

LOOP IIId of the HCV IRES is essential for the structural rearrangement of the 40S-HCV IRES complex. Angulo J, Ulryck N, Deforges J, Chamond N, Lopez-Lastra M, Masquida B, Sargueil B. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Feb 18;44(3):1309-25.

Polypyrimidine tract-binding protein binds to the 5′ untranslated region of the mouse mammary tumor virus mRNA and stimulates cap-independent translation initiation. Cáceres CJ, Contreras N, Angulo J, Vera-Otarola J, Pino-Ajenjo C, Llorian M, Ameur M, Lisboa F, Pino K, Lowy F, Sargueil B, López-Lastra M.  FEBS J. 2016 May;283(10):1880-901.

Structural domains within the HIV-1 mRNA and the ribosomal protein S25 influence cap-independent translation initiation. Carvajal F, Vallejos M, Walters B, Contreras N, Hertz MI, Olivares E, Cáceres CJ, Pino K, Letelier A, Thompson SR, López-Lastra M. FEBS J. 2016 Jul;283(13):2508-27.

Effect of ezetimibe in HCV viral load after liver transplantation. Monrroy-Bravo H, Angulo J, Pino K, Labbé P, López-Lastra M, Soza A. Ann Hepatol. 2016 Sep-Oct;15(5):803-5.

Targeting deoxyhypusine hydroxylase activity impairs cap-independent translation initiation driven by the 5’untranslated region of the HIV-1, HTLV-1, and MMTV mRNAs. Cáceres CJ, Angulo J, Contreras N, Pino K, Vera-Otarola J, López-Lastra M., (2016),Antiviral Res. 2016 Oct;134:192-206.

Avian Influenza Virus H5 Strain with North American and Eurasian Lineage Genes in an Antarctic Penguin. Barriga GP, Boric-Bargetto D, San Martin MC, Neira V, van Bakel H, Thompsom M, Tapia R, Toro-Ascuy D, Moreno L, Vasquez Y, Sallaberry M, Torres-Pérez F, González-Acuña D, Medina RA., (2016). Emerg Infect Dis. 2016 Dec;22(12):2221-2223.

Challenges for Scientists in Latin America. Kalergis AM, Lacerda M, Rabinovich GA, Rosenstein Y. Trends Mol Med. 2016 Sep;22(9):743-5.

Modulation of Host Immunity by the Human Metapneumovirus. Céspedes PF, Palavecino CE, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. Clin Microbiol Rev. 2016 29(4):795-818.

Innate Immunity and Inflammation in NAFLD/NASH. Arrese M, Cabrera D, Kalergis AM, Feldstein AE. Dig Dis Sci. 2016 May;61(5):1294-303.

Editorial: Searching for immune tolerance manipulating new molecules and exploiting new concepts on lymphocyte biology. Catalán D, Pino-Lagos K. Front Immunol. 2016 Feb 1;7:27. This editorial made an excellent compilation on the current molecules and cell populations that are being aggressively targeted to restore immune tolerance in affected patients.

Acquired resistance to innate immune clearance promotes Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 pulmonary infection. Ahn D, Peñaloza H, Wang Z, Wickersham M, Parker D, Patel P, Koller A, Chen EI, Bueno SM, Uhlemann AC and Prince A. JCI Insight. 2016 20;1(17):e89704.

Endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition: Cytokine-mediated pathways that determine endothelial fibrosis under inflammatory conditions. Pérez L, Muñoz-Durango N, Riedel CA, Echeverría C, Kalergis AM, Cabello-Verrugio C, Simon F, Cytokine Growth Factor Rev. 2017 Feb;33:41-54.

Contribution of Fc? receptors to human respiratory syncytial virus pathogenesis and the impairment of T-cell activation by dendritic cells. Gómez RS, Ramirez BA, Céspedes PF, Cautivo KM, Riquelme SA, Prado CE, González PA, Kalergis AM. Immunology. 2016 Jan;147(1):55-72.

Gestational Hypothyroidism Improves the Ability of the Female Offspring to Clear Streptococcus pneumoniae Infection and to Recover from Pneumococcal Pneumonia. Nieto PA, Peñaloza HF, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Castellanos RM, Opazo MC, Venegas L, Padilla O, Kalergis AM, Riedel CA, Bueno SM. Endocrinology. 2016 Jun;157(6):2217-28.

Gestational Hypothyroxinemia Affects Glutamatergic Synaptic Protein Distribution and Neuronal Plasticity Through Neuron-Astrocyte Interplay. Cisternas P, Louveau A, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, Boudin H, Riedel CA. Mol Neurobiol. 2016 Dec;53(10):7158-7169.

Hormonal Modulation of Dendritic Cells Differentiation, Maturation and Function: Implications for the Initiation and Progress of Systemic Autoimmunity. Mackern-Oberti JP, Jara EL, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM., Arch Immunol Ther Exp (2016).

Imprinting of maternal thyroid hormones in the offspring. María Cecilia Opazo, Henny Haensgen, Karen Bohmwald, Luis F. Venegas, Helene Boudin, Alvaro A. Elorza, Felipe Simon, Carlos Fardella, Susan M. Bueno, Alexis M. Kalergis, Claudia A. Riedel. International Reviews of Immunology. (2016).

Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus: Infection and Pathology. Bohmwald K, Espinoza JA, Rey-Jurado E, Gómez RS, González PA, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, (2016). Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2016 Aug;37(4):522-37.

Necroptosis Promotes Staphylococcus aureus Clearance by Inhibiting Excessive Inflammatory Signaling. Kitur K, Wachtel S, Brown A, Wickersham M, Paulino F, Peñaloza HF, Soong G, Bueno S, Parker D, Prince A. Cell Rep. 2016 Aug 23;16(8):2219-30.

Neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio in complete blood count as a mortality predictor in breast cancer. Mimica X, Acevedo F, Oddo D, Ibáñez C, Medina L, Kalergis A, Camus M, Sánchez C. Rev Med Chil. 2016 Jun;144(6):691-6.

New insights about excisable pathogenicity islands in Salmonella and their contribution to virulence. Nieto PA, Pardo-Roa C, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Tobar HE, Coronado-Arrázola I, Riedel CA, Alexis M. Kalergis AM, Bueno SM. Microbes Infect. 2016 May;18(5):302-9.

2015 MIII Publications

Contribution of autophagy to antiviral immunity. Rey-Jurado E, Riedel CA, González PA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, (2015), FEBS Lett

Contribution of dendritic cells to the autoimmune pathology of systemic lupus erythematosus, Mackern-Oberti JP, Llanos C, Riedel CA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, (2015),Immunology

Elevated IL-3 and IL-12p40 levels in the lower airway of infants with RSV-induced bronchiolitis correlate with recurrent wheezing.  Bertrand P, Lay MK, Piedimonte G, Brockmann PE, Palavecino CE, Hernández J, León MA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM., (2015),Cytokine, J Cytokine

Role of dendritic cells in the initiation, progress and modulation of systemic autoimmune diseases, Mackern-Oberti JP, Llanos C, Vega F, Salazar-Onfray F, Riedel CA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, (2015), Autoimmun Rev

Association of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms in IL28B, but Not TNF-a, With Severity of Disease Caused by Andes Virus, Angulo J, Pino K, Echeverría-Chagas N, Marco C, Martínez-Valdebenito C, Galeno H, Villagra E, Vera L, Lagos N, Becerra N, Mora J, Bermúdez A, Cárcamo M, Díaz J, Miquel JF, Ferrés M, López-Lastra M., (2015), Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Dec 15;61(12):e62-9. doi: 10.1093/cid/civ830.

Carbon monoxide impairs mitochondria-dependent endosomal maturation and antigen presentation in dendritic cells. Riquelme SA, Pogu J, Anegon I, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, (2014), Eur J Immunol. 2015 Oct 2. doi: 10.1002/eji.201545671

Epigenetics and arterial hypertension: the challenge of emerging evidence, Friso S; Carvajal CA; Fardella CE; Olivieri O, (2015), Transl Res. 2015 Jan; 165(1):154-65.

New clinical advances in immunotherapy for the treatment of solid tumours. , Zavala VA, Kalergis AM., (2015), Immunology.

Carbon monoxide inhibits T cell activation in target organs during systemic lupus erythematosus, Mackern-Oberti JP, Obreque J, Méndez GP, Llanos C, Kalergis AM, (2015), Clin Exp Immunol. 2015 Jun 22. doi: 10.1111/cei.12657

Citosine-Adenine-Repeat Microsatellite of 11ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 Gene in Hypertensive Children. Valdivia C, Carvajal CA, Campino C, Allende F, Martinez-Aguayo A, Baudrand R, Vecchiola A, Lagos CF, Tapia-Castillo A, Fuentes CA, Aglony M, Solari S, Kalergis AM, García H, Owen GI, Fardella CE., (2015), Am J Hypertens.

Effect of heparin on the biological properties and molecular signature of human mesenchymal stem cells. Ling L, Camilleri ET, Helledie T, Samsonraj RM, Titmarsh DM, Chua RJ, Dreesen O, Dombrowski C, Rider DA, Galindo M, Lee I, Hong W, Hui JH, Nurcombe V, van Wijnen AJ, Cool SM., (2015), Gene. 576:292-303.

Evasion of early antiviral responses by herpes simplex viruses., Suazo PA, Ibañez FJ, Retamal-Díaz AR, Paz-Fiblas MV, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, González PA, (2015), Mediators Inflamm. 2015;2015:593757.

Gestational Hypothyroxinemia Affects Glutamatergic Synaptic Protein Distribution and Neuronal Plasticity Through Neuron-Astrocyte Interplay, Cisternas P, Louveau A, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, Boudin H, Riedel CA., (2015), Mol Neurobiol.

Herpes simplex virus 2 infection: molecular association with HIV and novel microbicides to prevent disease. Suazo PA, Tognarelli EI, Kalergis AM, González PA, (2015), Med Microbiol Immunol

Human metapneumovirus infection activates the TSLP pathway that drives excessive pulmonary inflammation and viral replication in mice, Lay MK, Céspedes PF, Palavecino CE, León MA, Díaz RA, Salazar FJ, Méndez GP, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, (2015), Eur J Immunol. 2015 Jun;45(6):1680-95.

Immune evasion by herpes simplex viruses, Retamal-Díaz AR, Suazo PA, Garrido I, Kalergis AM and González PA, (2015), Rev Chilena Infectol

Excess iodide induces an acute inhibition of the sodium/iodide symporter in thyroid male rat cells by increasing reactive oxygen species, Arriagada AA, Albornoz E, Opazo MC, Becerra A, Vidal G, Fardella C, Michea L, Carrasco N, Simon F, Elorza AA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM, Riedel CA, (2015), Endocrinology

Gene expression profiling of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells – searching for molecular regulators of tolerogenicity, K Schinnerling, P García-González, JC Aguillón, (2015), Frontiers in Immunology

Contribution of Fc? receptors to human respiratory syncytial virus pathogenesis and the impairment of T-cell activation by dendritic cells, Gómez RS, Ramirez BA, Céspedes PF, Cautivo KM, Riquelme SA, Prado CE, González PA, Kalergis AM., (2015), Immunology

Dendritic cell chimerism in oral mucosa of transplanted patients affected by graft-versus-host disease. Pérez CA, Rabanales R, Rojas-Alcayaga G, Larrondo M, Escobar AF, López MN, Salazar-Onfray F, Alfaro JI, González FE, (2015), Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine.

Outcome of relapsing Clostridium difficile infections do not correlate with virulence-, spore- and vegetative cell-associated phenotypes, Plaza-Garrido Á, Miranda-Cárdenas C, Castro-Córdova P, Olguín-Araneda V, Cofré-Araneda G, Hernández-Rocha C, Carman R, Ibáñez P, Fawley WN, Wilcox MH, Gil F, Calderón IL, Fuentes JA, Guzmán-Durán AM, Alvarez-Lobos M, Paredes-Sabja D., (2015), Anaerobe

Therapeutic potential of hyporesponsive CD4+ T cells in autoimmunity, J Maggi, C Schäfer, G Ubilla-Olguín, D Catalan, K Schinnerling, JC Aguillón, (2015), Frontiers in Immunology

Increases in reactive oxygen species enhance vascular endothelial cell migration through a mechanism dependent on the transient receptor potential melastatin 4 ion channel, Sarmiento D, Montorfano I, Cerda O, Cáceres M, Becerra A, Cabello-Verrugio C, Elorza AA, Riedel C, Tapia P, Velásquez LA, Varela D, Simon F, (2015),Microvasc Res.

Inflammatory damage on respiratory and nervous systems due to hRSV infection, Bohmwald K, Espinoza JA, Becerra D, Rivera K, Lay MK, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, (2015),Curr Opin Immunol.

Interleukin-10 plays a key role in the modulation of neutrophils recruitment and lung inflammation during infection by Streptococcus pneumoniae. Peñaloza HF, Nieto PA, Muñoz-Durango N, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Torres J, Parga MJ, Alvarez-Lobos M, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM., (2015),  Immunology

Intravenous administration of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells induces a switch from classical to atypical symptoms in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, Kurte M, Bravo-Alegría J, Torres A, Carrasco V, Ibáñez C, Vega-Letter AM, Fernández-O’Ryan C, Irarrázabal CE, Figueroa FE, Fuentealba RA, Riedel C, Carrión F, (2015), Stem Cells Int.

Metabolic syndrome and its components are strongly associated with an inflammatory state and insulin resistance in the pediatric population, Loureiro C, Godoy A, Martínez A, Campino C, Aglony M, Bancalari R, Mendoza C, Cerda J, Carvajal C, Arnaiz P, Fardella C, García H, (2015), Nutr Hosp. 2015 Apr 1; 31(4):1513-8

Neuropilin-1+ regulatory T cells promote skin allograft survival and modulate effector CD4+ T cells phenotypic signature, M Campos-Mora, R Morales, F Pérez, T Gajardo, J Campos-Acuña, D Catalan, JC Aguillón, K Pino-Lagos, (2015), Immunology and Cell Biology

LOOP IIId of the HCV IRES is essential for the structural rearrangement of the 40S-HCV IRES complex., Angulo J, Ulryck N, Deforges J, Chamond N, Lopez-Lastra M, Masquida B, Sargueil B., (2015), Nucleic Acids Res.

Role of Dendritic Cells in the Induction of Lymphocyte Tolerance, Fabiola Osorio, Camila Fuentes, Mercedes N López, Flavio Salazar-Onfray, Fermín E González, (2015), Frontiers in Immunology

Skewing dendritic cell differentation towards a tolerogenic state for recovery of tolerance in rheumatoid arthritis, K Schinnerling, L Soto, P García-González, D Catalán, JC Aguillón, (2015), Autoimmunity Reviews

Systemic Sclerosis Patients Present Alterations in the Expression of Molecules Involved in B-Cell Regulation, L Soto, A Ferrier, O Aravena, E Fonseca, J Berendsen, A Biere, D Bueno, V Ramos, JC Aguillón, D Catalán, (2015), Frontiers in Immunology

Tumor cells lysates as inmunogenic sources for cancer vaccine desing, Fermín E. González, Alejandra Gleisner, Felipe Falcón-Beas, Fabiola Osorio, Mercedes N López y Flavio Salazar-Onfray, (2015), Human vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, 10(11), 3261-3269.

The Ski Protein is Involved in the Transformation Pathway of Aurora Kinase A., Rivas S, Armisén R, Rojas DA, Maldonado E, Huerta H, Tapia JC, Espinoza J, Colombo A, Michea L, Hayman MJ, Marcelain K., (2016), J Cell Biochem

Mitotic inheritance of mRNA facilitates translational activation of the osteogenic-lineage commitment factor Runx2 in progeny of osteoblastic cells., Nelson Varela, Alejandra Aranguiz, Carlos Lizama, Hugo Sepulveda, Marcelo Antonelli, Roman Thaler, Ricardo D. Moreno, Martin Montecino, Gary S. Stein, Andre J. van Wijnen, and Mario Galindo (2015), J Cell Phys

Modulation of Immunity and Inflammation by the Mineralocorticoid Receptor and Aldosterone, Muñoz-Durango N, Vecchiola A, Gonzalez-Gomez LM, Simon F, Riedel CA, Fardella CE, Kalergis AM. (2015), Biomed Res Int. 2015;2015:652738. doi: 10.1155/2015/652738.

New insights on the viral and host factors contributing to the airway pathogenesis caused by the respiratory syncytial virus. Lay MK, Bueno SM, Gálvez N, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, (2015), Crit Rev Microbiol. 2015 Jun 29:1-13.

Novel therapies and vaccines against the human respiratory syncytial virus. Rivera CA, Gómez RS, Díaz RA, Céspedes PF, Espinoza JA, González PA, Riedel CA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM., (2015), Expert Opin Investig Drugs. 2015 Oct 12:1-18.

Overexpression of connexin 43 reduces melanoma proliferative and metastatic capacity, Tittarelli A, Guerrero I, Tempio F, Gleisner MA, Avalos I, Sabanegh S, Ortiz C, Michea L, López MN, Mendoza-Naranjo A, Salazar-Onfray F., (2015), British Journal of Cancer; 113(2), 259-67.

Pregnancy normalized familial hyperaldosteronism type I: a novel role for progesterone? Campino C, Trejo P, Carvajal CA, Vecchiola A, Valdivia C, Fuentes CA, Delgado JF, Lagos CF, Aglony M, Carrasco C, Martinez-Aguayo A, García H, Loureiro C, Fardela CE, (2015), Hum Hypertens. 2015 Feb;29(2):138-9

Purification and characterization of saxitoxin from Mytilus chilensis of southern Chile. Rubio DP, Roa LG, Soto DA, Velasquez FJ, Gregorcic NA, Soto JA, Martinez MC, Kalergis AM, Vasquez AE., (2015), Toxicon. 2015 Oct 1. pii: S0041-0101(15)30102-1. doi: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2015.09.045

Understanding Lung Immunopathology Caused by the Human Metapneumovirus: Implications for Rational Vaccine Design, Palavecino CE, Cespedes PF, Lay MK, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM., (2015), Critical Reviews in Immunology

Urinary leukotriene and Bcl I polymorphism of glucocorticoid receptor gene in preschoolers with recurrent wheezing and high risk of asthma., Morales M, Flores C, Pino K, Angulo J, López-Lastra M, Castro-Rodriguez JA, (2015), Allergol Immunopathol (Madr).

Vascular mineralocorticoid receptor and blood pressure regulation., Tarjus A, Amador C, Michea L, Jaisser F., (2015), Curr Opin Pharmacol.

Vitamin D levels and vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms in asthmatic children: a case-control study., Einisman H, Reyes ML, Angulo J, Cerda J, López-Lastra M, Castro-Rodriguez JA, (2015), Pediatr Allergy Immunol.

Transactivation activity and nucleocytoplasmic transport of?ß-catenin are independently regulated by its C-terminal end, Maturana J.L., Niechi I., Silva-Pavez E., Huerta-Castro H., Cataldo R., Härtel S., Barros L.F., Galindo M., Tapia J.C., Gene (2015).

Rapamycin-conditioned dendritic cells activated with monophosphoryl lipid-A promote allograft acceptance in vivo, J Campos-Acuña, F Pérez, E Narváez, M Campos-Mora, T Gajardo, D Catalán, JC Aguillón, K Pino-Lagos, (2015), Immunotherapy

Retinaldehyde dehydrogenase activity is triggered during allograft rejection and it drives Th1/Th17 cytokine production, R Morales, M Campos-Mora, T Gajardo, F. Pérez, J Campos, JC Aguillón, K Pino-Lagos, (2015), Immunobiology

Structure-based pharmacophore identification of selective 11beta-HSD1 inhibitors, Lagos, C. F.; Ortiz-Canales, D.; Fuentes-Ibacache, N.; Allende, F.; Fuentes, C. A.; Gonzalez-Gomez, L. M.; Campino, C.; Baudrand, R.; Carvajal, C. A.; Solari, S.; Cifuentes, M.; Vecchiola, A.; Fardella, C., (2015), Chemical Biology & Drug Design

Toxin-induced necroptosis is a major mechanism of Staphylococcus aureus lung damage. Kitur K, Parker D, Nieto P, Ahn DS, Cohen TS, Chung S, Wachtel S, Bueno S, Prince A. PLoS Pathogen DOI:10.1371/journal.ppat.1004820 April 16, 2015.

The Expression of RAC1 and Mineralocorticoid Pathway-Dependent Genes are Associated With Different Responses to Salt Intake. Tapia-Castillo A, Carvajal CA, Campino C, Hill C, Allende F, Vecchiola A, Carrasco C, Bancalari R, Valdivia C, Lagos C, Martinez-Aguayo A, Garcia H, Aglony M, Baudrand RF, Kalergis AM, Michea LF, Riedel CA, Fardella CE. Am J Hypertens. 2015 Jun;28(6):722-8. doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpu224

2014 MIII Publications

Central nervous system alterations caused by infection with the human respiratory syncytial virus.
Bohmwald K, Espinoza JA, González PA, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM.
Rev Med Virol. 2014 Nov;24(6):407-19. doi: 10.1002/rmv.1813. Epub 2014 Oct 14.

Conjugal transfer of the pathogenicity island ROD21 in Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis depends on environmental conditions.
Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Tobar HE, Nieto PA, Riedel CA, Bueno SM.
PLoS One. 2014 Apr 4;9(4):e90626. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0090626.

Modulation of host adaptive immunity by hRSV proteins.
Espinoza JA, Bohmwald K, Céspedes PF, Riedel CA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM.
Virulence. 2014 Aug 5;5(7). [Epub ahead of print] Review.

The 5′ untranslated region of the human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 mRNA enables cap-independent translation initiation.
Olivares E, Landry DM, Cáceres CJ, Pino K, Rossi F, Navarrete C, Huidobro-Toro JP, Thompson SR, López-Lastra M.
J Virol. 2014 Jun;88(11):5936-55. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00279-14. Epub 2014 Mar 12.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus: Pathology, therapeutic drugs and prophylaxis.
Gomez RS, Guisle-Marsollier I, Bohmwald K, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM.
Immunol Lett. 2014 Sep 28. pii: S0165-2478(14)00194-1. doi:

Recent insights and therapeutic perspectives of angiotensin-(1-9) in the cardiovascular system.
Ocaranza MP, Michea L, Chiong M, Lagos CF, Lavandero S, Jalil JE.
Clin Sci (Lond). 2014 Nov;127(9):549-57. doi: 10.1042/CS20130449. Review.

Reply: dissociating angiotensin 1-9 anticardiovascular remodeling effects from those on blood pressure.
Ocaranza MP, Michea L, Chiong M, Lavandero S, Jalil JE.
J Hypertens. 2014 Aug;32(8):1719-21. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000000247. No

Angiotensin-(1-9) reverses experimental hypertension and cardiovascular damage by inhibition of the angiotensin converting enzyme/Ang II axis.
Ocaranza MP, Moya J, Barrientos V, Alzamora R, Hevia D, Morales C, Pinto M, Escudero N, García L, Novoa U, Ayala P, Díaz-Araya G, Godoy I, Chiong M, Lavandero S, Jalil JE, Michea L.
J Hypertens. 2014 Apr;32(4):771-83. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000000094.

Targeting dendritic cell function during systemic autoimmunity to restore tolerance.
Mackern-Oberti JP, Vega F, Llanos C, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM.
Int J Mol Sci. 2014 Sep 16;15(9):16381-417. doi: 10.3390/ijms150916381. Review.

Herpes simplex virus 2 infection: molecular association with HIV and novel microbicides to prevent disease.
Suazo PA, Tognarelli EI, Kalergis AM, González PA.
Med Microbiol Immunol. 2014 Sep 11. [Epub ahead of print]

Carbon monoxide down-modulates TLR4/MD2 expression on innate immune cells and reduces endotoxic shock susceptibility.
Riquelme SA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM.
Immunology. 2014 Sep 1. doi: 10.1111/imm.12375. [Epub ahead of print]

Dietary effect on immunological energetics in mice.
Martel SI, Riquelme SA, Kalergis AM, Bozinovic F.
J Comp Physiol B. 2014 Oct;184(7):937-44. doi: 10.1007/s00360-014-0852-x. Epub 2014 Aug 17.

Surface expression of the hRSV nucleoprotein impairs immunological synapse formation with T cells.
Céspedes PF, Bueno SM, Ramírez BA, Gomez RS, Riquelme SA, Palavecino CE, Mackern-Oberti JP, Mora JE, Depoil D, Sacristán C, Cammer M, Creneguy A, Nguyen TH, Riedel CA, Dustin ML, Kalergis AM.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Aug 5;111(31):E3214-23. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1400760111. Epub 2014 Jul 23.

A novel live vector group A streptococcal emm type 9 vaccine delivered intranasally protects mice against challenge infection with emm type 9 group A streptococci.
Wozniak A, García P, Geoffroy EA, Aguirre DB, González SA, Sarno VA, Dale JB, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Vera A, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM.
Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2014 Sep;21(9):1343-9. doi: 10.1128/CVI.00330-14. Epub 2014 Jul 23.

Induction of protective effector immunity to prevent pathogenesis caused by the respiratory syncytial virus. Implications on therapy and vaccine design.
Espinoza JA, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM.
Immunology. 2014 Sep;143(1):1-12. doi: 10.1111/imm.12313. Review.

Heme oxygenase-1 as a target for the design of gene and pharmaceutical therapies for autoimmune diseases.
Mackern-Oberti JP, Riquelme SA, Llanos C, Schmidt CB, Simon T, Anegon I, Jara E, Riedel CA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM.
Curr Gene Ther. 2014;14(3):218-35.

Independent anti-angiogenic capacities of coagulation factors X and Xa.
Lange S, Gonzalez I, Pinto MP, Arce M, Valenzuela R, Aranda E, Elliot M, Alvarez M, Henriquez S, Velasquez EV, Orge F, Oliva B, Gonzalez P, Villalon M, Cautivo KM, Kalergis AM, Pereira K, Mendoza C, Saez C, Kato S, Cuello MA, Parborell F, Irusta G, Palma V, Allende ML, Owen GI.
J Cell Physiol. 2014 Nov;229(11):1673-80. doi: 10.1002/jcp.24612.

Spironolactone decreases DOCA-salt-induced organ damage by blocking the activation of T helper 17 and the downregulation of regulatory T lymphocytes.
Amador CA, Barrientos V, Peña J, Herrada AA, González M, Valdés S, Carrasco L, Alzamora R, Figueroa F, Kalergis AM, Michea L.
Hypertension. 2014 Apr;63(4):797-803.

Gap junction intercellular communications regulate NK cell activation and modulate NK cytotoxic capacity.
Tittarelli A, Mendoza-Naranjo A, Farías M, Guerrero I, Ihara F, Wennerberg E, Riquelme S, Gleisner A, Kalergis A, Lundqvist A, López MN, Chambers BJ, Salazar-Onfray F.
J Immunol. 2014 Feb 1;192(3):1313-9. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1301297. Epub 2013 Dec 27.

Immunization with a recombinant bacillus Calmette-Guerin strain confers protective Th1 immunity against the human metapneumovirus.
Palavecino CE, Céspedes PF, Gómez RS, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM.
J Immunol. 2014 Jan 1;192(1):214-23. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1300118. Epub 2013 Dec 6.

Respiratory syncytial virus detection in cells and clinical samples by using three new monoclonal antibodies.
Gómez RS, Mora JE, Cortés CM, Riedel CA, Ferrés M, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM.
J Med Virol. 2014 Jul;86(7):1256-66. doi: 10.1002/jmv.23807. Epub 2013 Oct 22.

Herpes simplex virus type 2 glycoprotein H interacts with integrin avß3 to facilitate viral entry and calcium signaling in human genital tract epithelial cells.
Cheshenko N, Trepanier JB, González PA, Eugenin EA, Jacobs WR Jr, Herold BC.
J Virol. 2014 Sep 1;88(17):10026-38. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00725-14. Epub 2014 Jun 18.

Endotoxin-induced endothelial fibrosis is dependent on expression of transforming growth factors ß1 and ß2.
Echeverría C, Montorfano I, Tapia P, Riedel C, Cabello-Verrugio C, Simon F.
Infect Immun. 2014 Sep;82(9):3678-86. doi: 10.1128/IAI.02158-14. Epub 2014 Jun 16.

Increases in reactive oxygen species enhance vascular endothelial cell migration through a mechanism dependent on the transient receptor potential melastatin 4 ion channel.
Sarmiento D, Montorfano I, Cerda O, Cáceres M, Becerra A, Cabello-Verrugio C, Elorza AA, Riedel C, Tapia P, Velásquez LA, Varela D, Simon F.
Microvasc Res. 2014 Feb 9. pii: S0026-2862(14)00032-6. doi: 10.1016/j.mvr.2014.02.001. [Epub ahead of print]

Adaptive responses of mitochondria to mild copper deprivation involve changes in morphology, OXPHOS remodeling and bioenergetics.
Ruiz LM, Jensen EL, Bustos RI, Argüelloa G, Gutierrez-Garcia R, González M, Hernández C, Paredes R, Simon F, Riedel C, Ferrick D, Elorza AA.
J Cell Physiol. 2014 May;229(5):607-19. doi: 10.1002/jcp.24484.

Epigenetics and arterial hypertension: the challenge of emerging evidence.
Friso S, Carvajal CA, Fardella CE, Olivieri O.
Transl Res. 2014 Jun 25. pii: S1931-5244(14)00214-X. doi: 10.1016/j.trsl.2014.06.007. [Epub ahead of print] Review.

Pregnancy normalized familial hyperaldosteronism type I: a novel role for progesterone?
Campino C, Trejo P, Carvajal CA, Vecchiola A, Valdivia C, Fuentes CA, Delgado JF, Lagos CF, Aglony M, Carrasco C, Martinez-Aguayo A, García H, Loureiro C, Fardella CE.
J Hum Hypertens. 2014 Jun 19. doi: 10.1038/jhh.2014.49. [Epub ahead of print] No abstract available.

LC-MS/MS Method for the Simultaneous Determination of Free Urinary Steroids.
Allende F, Solari S, Campino C, Carvajal CA, Lagos CF, Vecchiola A, Valdivia C, Baudrand R, Owen GI, Fardella CE.
Chromatographia. 2014;77:637-642. Epub 2014 Feb 11.

Polymorphisms in the RAC1 gene are associated with hypertension risk factors in a Chilean pediatric population.
Tapia-Castillo A, Carvajal CA, Campino C, Vecchiola A, Allende F, Solari S, García L, Lavanderos S, Valdivia C, Fuentes C, Lagos CF, Martínez-Aguayo A, Baudrand R, Aglony M, García H, Fardella CE.
Am J Hypertens. 2014 Mar;27(3):299-307. doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpt277. Epub 2014

Identification of novel 11ß-HSD1 inhibitors by combined ligand- and structure-based virtual screening.
Lagos CF, Vecchiola A, Allende F, Fuentes CA, Tichauer JE, Valdivia C, Solari S, Campino C, Tapia-Castillo A, Baudrand R, Villarroel P, Cifuentes M, Owen GI, Carvajal CA, Fardella CE.
Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2014 Mar 25;384(1-2):71-82. doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2014.01.011.

Different effects of progesterone and estradiol on chimeric and wild type aldosterone synthase in vitro.
Vecchiola A, Lagos CF, Fuentes CA, Allende F, Campino C, Valdivia C, Tapia-Castillo A, Ogishima T, Mukai K, Owen G, Solari S, Carvajal CA, Fardella CE.
Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2013 Aug 13;11:76. doi: 10.1186/1477-7827-11-76.

High sodium intake is associated with increased glucocorticoid production, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.
Baudrand R, Campino C, Carvajal CA, Olivieri O, Guidi G, Faccini G, Vöhringer PA, Cerda J, Owen G, Kalergis AM, Fardella CE.
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2014 May;80(5):677-84. doi: 10.1111/cen.12225. Epub 2013 May 15.

Neuropilin-1+ regulatory T cells promote skin allograft survival and modulate effector CD4+ T cells phenotypic signature.
Campos-Mora M, Morales RA, Pérez F, Gajardo T, Campos J, Catalan D, Aguillón JC, Pino-Lagos K.
Immunol Cell Biol. 2014 Sep 23. doi: 10.1038/icb.2014.77. [Epub ahead of print]

2013 MIII Publications

Role of Salmonella enterica exposure in chilean Crohn’s disease patients.

Alvarez-Lobos M, Pizarro DP, Palavecino CE, Espinoza A, Sebastian VP, Alvarado JC, Ibañez P, Quintana C, Díaz O, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM.

World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2013, 19(35):5855-62.

Impaired learning resulting from respiratory syncytial virus infection.

Espinoza JA, Bohmwald K, Céspedes PF, Gómez RS, Riquelme SA, Cortés CM, Valenzuela JA, Sandoval RA, Pancetti FC, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM

Proc Natl Acad Sci, 2013, 110(22):9112-7

Gene elements that regulate Streptococcus pneumoniae virulence and immunity evasion.

Nieto PA, Riquelme SA, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM.

Current Gene Therapy. 2013. 13(1): 51-64.

Human Metapneumovirus keep dendritic cells from priming antigen-specific naive T cells.

Cespedes, PF, Gonzalez PA, Kalergis AM.

Immunology, 2013, 139 (9):366-76

Carbon monoxide exposure improves immune function in lupus-prone mice.

Mackern-Oberti JP, Llanos C, Carreño LJ, Riquelme SA, Jacobelli SH, Anegon I, Kalergis AM.

Immunology. 2013 Sep;140(1):123-32

WebRASP: a server for computing energy scores to assess the accuracy and stability of RNA 3D structures.

Norambuena, T., Cares, J.F., Capriotti, E., Melo, F.

Bioinformatics. 2013 Oct 15; 29(20):2649-50.

Towards the development of standardized methods for comparison, ranking and evaluation of structure alignments.

Slater, A.W., Castellanos, J.I., Sippl, M.J., Melo, F.

Bioinformatics. 2013 Jan 1; 29(1):47-53.

A cis-acting element present within the gag coding region negatively impacts on IRES-mediated translation from the full length HIV-1 mRNA.

F. Valiente-Echeverría, M. Vallejos, A. Monette, A. Letelier, K. Pino, F. E. Rodriguez, C. Navarrete, J. P. Huidobro-Toro, A. J. Mouland, M.López-Lastra.

PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e56962

Dual mechanisms of translation initiation of the full-length HIV-1 mRNA contribute to Gag synthesis.

A. Monette, F. Valiente-Echeverría, M. Rivero, É. A Cohen, M. Lopez-Lastra, A.J. Mouland.

PLoS One. 2013; 8(7):e68108

Genetic variations in host IL28B links to the detection of peripheral blood mononuclear cells associated hepatitis C virus RNA in chronically infected patients.

Angulo J, Pino K, Pavez C, Biel F, Labbé P, Miquel JF, Soza A, M. López-Lastra.

J Viral Hepat. 2013;20(4):263-272

Translation initiation is driven by different mechanisms on the HIV-1 and HIV-2 genomic RNAs.

S. de Breyne, R. Soto-Rifo, M. López-Lastra, T. Ohlmann.

Virus Research 2013;171(2):366-81

IL28B Polymorphisms Among Latin American HCV Patients.

A. Soza and M. López-Lastra.

Curr Hepatitis Rep (2013) 12:276–279

Steroid withdrawal in pediatric kidney transplant allows better growth, lipids and body composition: a randomized controlled trial.

Mericq V, Salas P, Pinto V, Cano F, Reyes L, Brown K, Gonzalez M, Michea L, Delgado I, Delucchi A.

Horm Res Paediatr 2013, 79(2):88-96

Influence of glucose metabolism on vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation.

Chiong M, Morales P, Torres G, Gutiérrez T, García L, Ibacache M, Michea L.

Vasa 2013, 42(1):8-16.

MicroRNA-34c Inversely Couples the Biological Functions of the Runt-related Transcription Factor RUNX2 and the Tumor Suppressor p53 in Osteosarcoma.

van der Deen, M. (1st author), Taipaleenmäki, H., Zhang, Y., Teplyuk, N.M., Gupta, A., Cinghu, S., Shogren, K., Maran, A., Yaszemski, M.J., Ling, L., Cool, S.M., Leong, D.T., Dierkes, C., Zustin, J., Salto-Tellez, M., Ito, Y., Bae, S.C., Zielenska, M., Squire, J.A., Lian, J.B., Stein, J.L., Zambetti, G.P., Jones, S.N., Galindo, M. [PI], Hesse, E., Stein, G.S., van Wijnen, A.J.

J Biol Chem. 2013, 288(29):21307-21319.

The cancer-related transcription factor Runx2 modulates cell proliferation in human osteosarcoma cell lines.

Lucero, C.M., Vega, O.A., Osorio, M.M., Tapia, J.C., Antonelli, M., Stein, G.S., van Wijnen, A.J., Galindo, M.A..

J Cell Physiol. 2013. 228(4):714-723.

Dexamethasone preconditioning improves the response of collagen-induced arthritis to treatment with short-term lipopolysaccharide-stimulated collagen-loaded dendritic cells.

Peña C, Gárate D, Contreras-Levicoy J, Aravena O, Catalán D, Aguillón JC.

Clin Dev Immunol. 2013;2013:296031

A short protocol using dexamethasone and monophosphoryl lipid A generates tolerogenic dendritic cells that display a potent migratory capacity to lymphoid chemokines.

García-González P, Morales R, Hoyos L, Maggi J, Campos J, Pesce B, Gárate D, Larrondo M, González R, Soto L, Ramos V, Tobar P, Molina MC, Pino-Lagos K, Catalán D, Aguillón JC.

J Transl Med. 2013; 11: 128.

Effect of interleukin-6 receptor blockade on the balance between regulatory T cells and T helper type 17 cells in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Pesce B, Soto L, Sabugo F, Wurmann P, Cuchacovich M, López MN, Sotelo PH, Molina MC, Aguillón JC, Catalán D.

Clin Exp Immunol. 2013 Mar;171(3):237-42.

Blocking of p38 and transforming growth factor ß receptor pathways impairs the ability of tolerogenic dendritic cells to suppress murine arthritis.

Gárate D, Rojas-Colonelli N, Peña C, Salazar L, Abello P, Pesce B, Aravena O, García-González P, Ribeiro CH, Molina MC, Catalán D, Aguillón JC.

Arthritis Rheum. 2013 Jan;65(1):120-9.

Positive association between aldosterone-renin ratio and carotid intima-media thickness in hypertensive children.

Loureiro, C.; Campino, C.; Martinez-Aguayo, A.; Godoy, I.; Aglony, M.; Bancalari, R.; Garcia, H.; Carvajal, C.A.; Fardella, C.

Clinical endocrinology. 2013, 38 (3) 352-357.

Age-related changes in 11ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 activity in normotensive subjects.

Campino, C.; Martinez-Aguayo, A.; Baudrand, R.; Carvajal, C.A.; Aglony, M.; Garcia, H.; Padilla, O.; Kalergis, A.M.; Fardella, C.E.

American journal of hypertension. 2013, 26 (4) 481-487.

Different effects of progesterone and estradiol on chimeric and wild type aldosterone synthase in vitro.

Vecchiola, A.; Lagos, C.F.; Fuentes, C.A.; Allende, F.; Campino, C.; Valdivia, C.; Tapia-Castillo, A.; Ogishima, T.; Mukai, K.; Owen, G.; Solari, S.; Carvajal, C.A.; Fardella, C.E.

Reproductive biology and endocrinology, 2013, RB&E. 11 (1) 76.

Immune system alterations by aldosterone during hypertension: from clinical observations to genomic and non-genomic mechanisms leading to vascular damage.

Muñoz-Durango, N.; Barake, M.F.; Letelier, N.A.; Campino, C.; Fardella, C.E.; Kalergis, A.M.

Current molecular medicine. 2013, 13 (6) 1035-1046

Gestational Hypothyroidism Increases the Severity of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis in Adult Offspring.

Eduardo A. Albornoz, Leandro J. Carreño, Claudia M. Cortes, Pablo A. Gonzalez, Pablo A. Cisternas, Kelly M. Cautivo, Tamara P. Catalán, M. Cecilia Opazo, Eliseo A. Eugenin, Joan W. Berman, Susan M. Bueno, Alexis M. Kalergis, and Claudia A. Riedel.

Thyroid. 2013 Dec;23(12):1627-37

Impaired Spatial Memory in Mice Lacking CD3? Is Associated with Altered NMDA and AMPA Receptors Signaling Independent of T-Cell Deficiency.

A Louveau, J Angibaud, F Haspot, MC Opazo, R Thinard, V Thepenier, SJ Baudouin SJ, Lescaudron L, Hulin P, Riedel CA, Boudin H.(

J Neurosciencie. Nov 20;33(47):18672-85. 2013.

Respiratory syncytial virus detection in cells and clinical samples by using three new monoclonal antibodies.

Gómez RS, Mora JE, Cortés CM, Riedel CA, Ferrés M, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM. (2013)

J Med Virol. 2013 Oct 22. doi: 10.1002/jmv.23807. PMID: 24150877.

Copper deficiency alters cell bioenergetics and induces mitochondrial fusion through up-regulation of MFN2 and OPA1 in erythropoietic cells.

Bustos RI, Jensen EL, Ruiz LM, Rivera S, Ruiz S, Simon F, Riedel C, Ferrick D, Elorza AA.

Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013 Aug 2;437(3):426-32.

Lipopolysaccharide induces a fibrotic-like phenotype in endothelial cells.

Echeverría C, Montorfano I, Sarmiento D, Becerra A, Nuñez-Villena F, Figueroa XF, Cabello-Verrugio C, Elorza AA, Riedel C, Simon F.

J Cell Mol Med. 2013 Jun;17(6):800-14.

Carbon monoxide decreases endosome-lysosome fusion and inhibits soluble antigen presentation by dendritic cells to T cells.

Tardif V, Riquelme SA, Remy S, Carreño LJ, Cortés CM, Simon T, Hill M, Louvet C, Riedel CA, Blancou P, Bach JM, Chauveau C, Bueno SM, Anegon I, Kalergis AM.

Eur J Immunol. 2013 Jul 15. doi: 10.1002/eji.201343600.

Modulation of tumor immunity by soluble and membrane-bound molecules at the immunological synapse.

González PA, Carreño LJ, Céspedes PF, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM.

Clin Dev Immunol 2013;2013:450291. doi: 10.1155/2013/450291.Epub 2013 Mar 7.

Advances in understanding respiratory syncytial virus infection in airway epithelial cells and consequential effects on the immune response.

Lay MK, González PA, León MA, Céspedes PF, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM.

Microbes Infect. 2013 Mar;15(3):230-242.

Nutritional status modulates plasma leptin, AMPK and TOR activation, and mitochondrial biogenesis: implications for cell metabolism and growth in skeletal muscle of the fine flounder.

Fuentes, EN, Safian, D, Einarsdottir, IE, Valdés, JA, Elorza, AA, Molina, A, Bjornsson, BT.

General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2013 186 (6): 172-180

Adaptive responses of mitochondria in mice under mild copper deprivation involve changes in morphology, oxphos remodeling, and bioenergetics.

Ruiz LM, Jensen EL, Bustos RI, Arguello AG, Gutierrez-Garcia R, Gonzalez M, Hernandez C, Paredes R, Simon F, Riedel C, Ferrick D, Elorza AA.

Jounal of Celular Physiology, 2013. DOI: 10.1002/jcp.24484

Neisseria gonorrhoeae induces a tolerogenic phenotype in macrophages to modulate host immunity.

Escobar A, Candia E, Reyes-Cerpa S, Villegas-Valdes B, Neira T, Lopez MN, Maisey K, Tempio F, Ríos M, Acuña-Castillo C, Imarai M.

Mediators Inflamm. 2013;2013:127017. doi: 10.1155/2013/127017. Epub 2013 Sep 24.

Melanocortin 1 Receptor-derived peptides are efficiently recognized by cytotoxic T lymphocytes from melanoma patients.

González FE, Ramírez M, Allerbring EB, Fasching N, Lundqvist A, Poschke I, Achour A, Salazar-Onfray F.

Immunobiology, 2013 2985(13).

Tumour cell lysate-loaded dendritic cell vaccine induces biochemical and memory immune response in castration-resistant prostate cancer patients.

Reyes D, Salazar L, Espinoza E, Pereda C, Castellón E, Valdevenito R, Huidobro C, Inés Becker M, Lladser A, López MN, Salazar-Onfray F.

British Journal of Cancer, 2013, 109(6):1488-1497.

The immunological response and post-treatment survival of DC-vaccinated melanoma patients are associated with increased Th1/Th17 and reduced Th3 cytokine responses.

Durán-Aniotz C, Segal G, Salazar L, Pereda C, Falcón C, Tempio F, Aguilera R, González R, Pérez C, Tittarelli A, Catalán D, Nervi B, Larrondo M, Salazar-Onfray F, López MN.

Cancer Inmunology, Immunotherapy, 2013, 62(4):761-772

Chromosomal excision of a new pathogenicity island modulates Salmonella virulence in vivo.

Tobar HE, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Nieto PA, Palavecino CE, Sebastian VP, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM.

Current Gene Therapy, 2013 13(4): 240-9

Tolerogenic dendritic cells as a therapy for treating lupus.

Llanos C, Mackern-Oberti JP, Vega F, Jacobelli SH, Kalergis AM.

Clin Immunol. 2013 Aug;148(2):237-45.

Understanding respiratory syncytial virus infection to improve treatment and immunity.

Pablo A. González, Leandro J. Carreño, Susan M. Bueno, Claudia A. Riedel and Alexis M. Kalergis.

Curr Mol Med. 2013 Aug;13(7):1122-39.

High sodium intake is associated with increased glucocorticoid production, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.

Baudrand R, Campino C, Carvajal CA, Olivieri O, Guidi G, Faccini G, Vöhringer PA, Cerda J, Owen G, Kalergis AM, Fardella CE

Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2013 Apr 17. doi: 10.1111/cen.12225.

2012 MIII Publications

Interplay between behavioural thermoregulation and immune response in mealworms.

Catalán TP, Niemeyer HM, Kalergis AM, Bozinovic F.

J Insect Physiol. 2012 Sep 14. pii: S0022-1910(12)00212-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jinsphys.2012.08.011. [Epub ahead of print]

PMID: 22985859

The blocking of p38 and transforming growth factor-ß receptor pathways impairs the ability of tolerogenic dendritic cells to suppress murine arthritis.

Gárate D, Rojas-Colonelli N, Peña C, Salazar L, Abello P, Pesce B, Aravena O, García-González P, Ribeiro CH, Molina MC, Catalán D, Aguillón JC.

Arthritis Rheum. 2012 Sep 12. doi: 10.1002/art.37702. [Epub ahead of print]

PMID: 22972370

The cancer-related transcription factor Runx2 modulates cell proliferation in human osteosarcoma cell lines.

Lucero C, Vega O, Osorio M, Tapia JC, Antonelli M, Stein GS, van Wijnen AJ, Galindo M.

J Cell Physiol. 2012 Sep 4. doi: 10.1002/jcp.24218. [Epub ahead of print]

PMID: 22949168

Hypothyroidism in the adult rat causes incremental changes in brain-derived neurotrophic factor, neuronal and astrocyte apoptosis, gliosis, and deterioration of postsynaptic density.

Cortés C, Eugenin E, Aliaga E, Carreño LJ, Bueno SM, Gonzalez PA, Gayol S, Naranjo D, Noches V, Marassi MP, Rosenthal D, Jadue C, Ibarra P, Keitel C, Wohllk N, Court F, Kalergis AM, Riedel CA.

Thyroid. 2012 Sep;22(9):951-63. Epub 2012 Aug 7.

PMID: 22870949

Mechanisms used by virulent Salmonella to impair dendritic cell function and evade adaptive immunity.

Bueno SM, Riquelme S, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM.

Immunology. 2012 Sep;137(1):28-36. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2567.2012.03614.x.

PMID: 22703384

Haem oxygenase 1 expression is altered in monocytes from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.

Herrada AA, Llanos C, Mackern-Oberti JP, Carreño LJ, Henriquez C, Gómez RS, Gutierrez MA, Anegon I, Jacobelli SH, Kalergis AM.

Immunology. 2012 Aug;136(4):414-24. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2567.2012.03598.x.

PMID: 22587389

Low 2-methoxyestradiol levels at the first trimester of pregnancy are associated with the development of pre-eclampsia.

Pérez-Sepúlveda A, Torres MJ, Valenzuela FJ, Larraín R, Figueroa-Diesel H, Galaz J, Nien JK, Serra R, Michea L, Illanes SE.

Prenat Diagn. 2012 Aug 7:1-6. doi: 10.1002/pd.3954. [Epub ahead of print]

PMID: 22886584

Positive association between aldosterone-renin ratio and carotid intima-media thickness in hypertensive children.

Loureiro C, Campino C, Martinez-Aguayo A, Godoy I, Aglony M, Bancalari R, Garcia H, Carvajal CA, Fardella C.

Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2012 Jul 16. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2265.2012.04503.x. [Epub ahead of print]

PMID: 22803613

IgG keeps virulent Salmonella from evading dendritic cell uptake.

Riquelme SA, Bueno SM, Kalergis AM.

Immunology. 2012 Jul;136(3):291-305. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2567.2012.03578.x.

PMID: 22352313

M-protein gene-type distribution and hyaluronic acid capsule in group A Streptococcus clinical isolates in Chile: association of emm gene markers with csrR alleles.

Wozniak A, Rojas P, Rodríguez C, Undabarrena A, Garate C, Riedel I, Román JC, Kalergis AM, García P.

Epidemiol Infect. 2012 Jul;140(7):1286-95. Epub 2011 Sep 12.

PMID: 21906413

Respiratory syncytial virus infection and immunity.

González PA, Bueno SM, Carreño LJ, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM.

Rev Med Virol. 2012 Jul;22(4):230-44. doi: 10.1002/rmv.1704. Epub 2012 Jan 31.

PMID: 22290692

Toll-like receptor 4 gene polymorphism influences dendritic cell in vitro function and clinical outcomes in vaccinated melanoma patients.

Tittarelli A, González FE, Pereda C, Mora G, Muñoz L, Saffie C, García T, Díaz D, Falcón C, Hermoso M, López MN, Salazar-Onfray F.

Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2012 May 3. [Epub ahead of print]

PMID: 22552381

Birth weight is inversely associated with blood pressure and serum aldosterone and cortisol levels in children.

Martinez-Aguayo A, Aglony M, Bancalari R, Avalos C, Bolte L, Garcia H, Loureiro C, Carvajal C, Campino C, Inostroza A, Fardella C.

Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2012 May;76(5):713-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2265.2011.04308.x.

PMID: 22145676

Overexpression of 11ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in visceral adipose tissue and portal hypercortisolism in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Candia R, Riquelme A, Baudrand R, Carvajal CA, Morales M, Solís N, Pizarro M, Escalona A, Carrasco G, Boza C, Pérez G, Padilla O, Cerda J, Fardella CE, Arrese M.

Liver Int. 2012 Mar;32(3):392-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1478-3231.2011.02685.x. Epub 2011 Dec 4.

PMID: 22136330

Bone marrow stromal cells modulate mouse ENT1 activity and protect leukemia cells from cytarabine induced apoptosis.

Macanas-Pirard P, Leisewitz A, Broekhuizen R, Cautivo K, Barriga FM, Leisewitz F, Gidi V, Riquelme E, Montecinos VP, Swett P, Besa P, Ramirez P, Ocqueteau M, Kalergis AM, Holt M, Rettig M, DiPersio JF, Nervi B.

PLoS One. 2012;7(5):e37203. Epub 2012 May 22.

PMID: 22629369

Fc?RIIb and BAFF differentially regulate peritoneal B1 cell survival.

Amezcua Vesely MC, Schwartz M, Bermejo DA, Montes CL, Cautivo KM, Kalergis AM, Rawlings DJ, Acosta-Rodríguez EV, Gruppi A.

J Immunol. 2012 May 15;188(10):4792-800. Epub 2012 Apr 18.

PMID: 22516957

Functional and structural analysis of the internal ribosome entry site present in the mRNA of natural variants of the HIV-1.

Vallejos M, Carvajal F, Pino K, Navarrete C, Ferres M, Huidobro-Toro JP, Sargueil B, López-Lastra M.

PLoS One. 2012;7(4):e35031. Epub 2012 Apr 4.

PMID: 22496887

11ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 polymorphisms and activity in a Chilean essential hypertensive and normotensive cohort.

Campino C, Quinteros H, Owen GI, Carvajal CA, Morales M, Olivieri O, Guidi G, Faccini G, Pasini F, Baudrand R, Padilla O, Valdivia C, Thichauer J, Lagos CF, Kalergis AM, Fardella CE.

Am J Hypertens. 2012 May;25(5):597-603. doi: 10.1038/ajh.2011.263. Epub 2012 Jan 26.

PMID: 22278213

The Andes hantavirus NSs protein is expressed from the viral small mRNA by a leaky scanning mechanism.

Vera-Otarola J, Solis L, Soto-Rifo R, Ricci EP, Pino K, Tischler ND, Ohlmann T, Darlix JL, López-Lastra M.

J Virol. 2012 Feb;86(4):2176-87. Epub 2011 Dec 7.

PMID: 22156529

Interplay between thermal and immune ecology: effect of environmental temperature on insect immune response and energetic costs after an immune challenge.

Catalán TP, Wozniak A, Niemeyer HM, Kalergis AM, Bozinovic F.

J Insect Physiol. 2012 Mar;58(3):310-7. Epub 2011 Oct 14.

PMID: 22019347

A new presentation of the chimeric CYP11B1/CYP11B2 gene with low prevalence of primary aldosteronism and atypical gene segregation pattern.

Carvajal CA, Campino C, Martinez-Aguayo A, Tichauer JE, Bancalari R, Valdivia C, Trejo P, Aglony M, Baudrand R, Lagos CF, Mellado C, Garcia H, Fardella CE.

Hypertension. 2012 Jan;59(1):85-91. Epub 2011 Nov 14.

PMID: 22083159

Evasion of host immunity by virulent Salmonella: implications for vaccine design.

Riquelme SA, Wozniak A, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM.

Curr Med Chem. 2011;18(36):5666-75. Review.

PMID: 22172071

Excision of an unstable pathogenicity island in Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis is induced during infection of phagocytic cells.

Quiroz TS, Nieto PA, Tobar HE, Salazar-Echegarai FJ, Lizana RJ, Quezada CP, Santiviago CA, Araya DV, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM, Bueno SM.

PLoS One. 2011;6(10):e26031. Epub 2011 Oct 19.

PMID: 22039432

Genetic and pharmacological modulation of dendritic cell-T cell interactions as a therapeutic strategy for systemic lupus erythematosus.

Llanos C, Carreño LJ, Gutierrez MA, Riedel CA, Jacobelli SH, Kalergis AM.

Curr Gene Ther. 2011 Dec;11(6):544-53. Review.

PMID: 22023471

Anti-TNF therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis decreases Th1 and Th17 cell populations and expands IFN-?-producing NK cell and regulatory T cell subsets.

Aravena O, Pesce B, Soto L, Orrego N, Sabugo F, Wurmann P, Molina MC, Alfaro J, Cuchacovich M, Aguillón JC, Catalán D.

Immunobiology. 2011 Dec;216(12):1256-63. Epub 2011 Jul 7.

PMID: 21840621

Increased urinary glucocorticoid metabolites are associated with metabolic syndrome, hypoadiponectinemia, insulin resistance and ß cell dysfunction.

Baudrand R, Campino C, Carvajal CA, Olivieri O, Guidi G, Faccini G, Sateler J, Cornejo J, Martin BS, Dominguez JM, Cerda J, Mosso LM, Owen GI, Kalergis AM, Fardella CE.

Steroids. 2011 Dec 20;76(14):1575-81. Epub 2011 Oct 5.

PMID: 21996535

Overexpression of hepatic 5a-reductase and 11ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in visceral adipose tissue is associated with hyperinsulinemia in morbidly obese patients.

Baudrand R, Domínguez JM, Carvajal CA, Riquelme A, Campino C, Macchiavello S, Bozinovic M, Morales M, Pizarro M, Solis N, Escalona A, Boza C, Arrese M, Fardella CE.

Metabolism. 2011 Dec;60(12):1775-80. Epub 2011 Jun 24.

PMID: 21704348

Aldosterone as a modulator of immunity: implications in the organ damage.

Herrada AA, Campino C, Amador CA, Michea LF, Fardella CE, Kalergis AM.

J Hypertens. 2011 Sep;29(9):1684-92. Review.

PMID: 21826023

Functional gap junctions accumulate at the immunological synapse and contribute to T cell activation.

Mendoza-Naranjo A, Bouma G, Pereda C, Ramírez M, Webb KF, Tittarelli A, López MN, Kalergis AM, Thrasher AJ, Becker DL, Salazar-Onfray F.

J Immunol. 2011 Sep 15;187(6):3121-32. Epub 2011 Aug 15.

PMID: 21844382

Contribution of dendritic cell/T cell interactions to triggering and maintaining autoimmunity.

Llanos C, Carreño LJ, Kalergis AM.

Biol Res. 2011;44(1):53-61. doi: 10.4067/S0716-97602011000100007. Epub 2011 May 11. Review.

PMID: 21720681

A synthetic peptide homologous to IL-10 functional domain induces monocyte differentiation to TGF-ß+ tolerogenic dendritic cells.

López MN, Pesce B, Kurte M, Pérez C, Segal G, Roa J, Aguillón JC, Mendoza-Naranjo A, Gesser B, Larsen C, Villablanca A, Choudhury A, Kiessling R, Salazar-Onfray F.

Immunobiology. 2011 Oct;216(10):1117-26. Epub 2011 Apr 22.

PMID: 21601308

Activity of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 cell cycle-dependent internal ribosomal entry site is modulated by IRES trans-acting factors.

Vallejos M, Deforges J, Plank TD, Letelier A, Ramdohr P, Abraham CG, Valiente-Echeverría F, Kieft JS, Sargueil B, López-Lastra M.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Aug;39(14):6186-200. Epub 2011 Apr 10.

PMID: 21482538

Frequency of familial hyperaldosteronism type 1 in a hypertensive pediatric population: clinical and biochemical presentation.

Aglony M, Martínez-Aguayo A, Carvajal CA, Campino C, García H, Bancalari R, Bolte L, Avalos C, Loureiro C, Trejo P, Brinkmann K, Giadrosich V, Mericq V, Rocha A, Avila A, Perez V, Inostroza A, Fardella CE.

Hypertension. 2011 Jun;57(6):1117-21. Epub 2011 Apr 18.

PMID: 21502562

Infection of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells by ANDES Hantavirus enhances pro-inflammatory state, the secretion of active MMP-9 and indirectly enhances endothelial permeability.

Marsac D, García S, Fournet A, Aguirre A, Pino K, Ferres M, Kalergis AM, Lopez-Lastra M, Veas F.

Virol J. 2011 May 13;8:223.

PMID: 21569520

Modulation of the dendritic cell-T-cell synapse to promote pathogen immunity and prevent autoimmunity.

Carreño LJ, González PA, Bueno SM, Riedel CA, Kalergis AM.

Immunotherapy. 2011 Apr;3(4 Suppl):6-11. Review.

PMID: 21524159

Heat-shock induction of tumor-derived danger signals mediates rapid monocyte differentiation into clinically effective dendritic cells.

Aguilera R, Saffie C, Tittarelli A, González FE, Ramírez M, Reyes D, Pereda C, Hevia D, García T, Salazar L, Ferreira A, Hermoso M, Mendoza-Naranjo A, Ferrada C, Garrido P, López MN, Salazar-Onfray F.

Clin Cancer Res. 2011 Apr 15;17(8):2474-83. Epub 2011 Feb 3.

PMID: 21292818

Local cytokine response upon respiratory syncytial virus infection.

Bueno SM, González PA, Riedel CA, Carreño LJ, Vásquez AE, Kalergis AM.

Immunol Lett. 2011 May;136(2):122-9. Epub 2010 Dec 31. Review.

PMID: 21195729

Interleukin 10 decreases MICA expression on melanoma cell surface.

Serrano AE, Menares-Castillo E, Garrido-Tapia M, Ribeiro CH, Hernández CJ, Mendoza-Naranjo A, Gatica-Andrades M, Valenzuela-Diaz R, Zúñiga R, López MN, Salazar-Onfray F, Aguillón JC, Molina MC.

Immunol Cell Biol. 2011 Mar;89(3):447-57. Epub 2010 Aug 17.

PMID: 20714339

An ultrasound model to discriminate the risk of thyroid carcinoma.

Domínguez JM, Baudrand R, Cerda J, Campusano C, Fardella C, Arteaga E, Cruz F, Solar A, Arias T, Mosso L.

Acad Radiol. 2011 Feb;18(2):242-5. Epub 2010 Nov 13.

PMID: 21075018

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