IMII – Instituto Milenio en Inmunología e Inmunoterapia :: Millennium Institute on Immunology and Immunotherapy

Dr. Felipe Simón

Dr. Felipe Simón

Principal Investigator, Universidad Andrés Bello.

Felipe Simon is a Full Professor at Universidad Andrés Bello. He holds a degree in Biochemistry, a Master’s in Biological Sciences with a specialization in Physiology, and a PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Chile.

He has a distinguished career in research with over 100 published articles in the fields of vascular pathophysiology and septic infection. He has served as principal investigator or associate in more than 15 projects funded by Fondecyt, CORFO, ECOS, or similar programs, and is an associate researcher at the Millennium Institute on Immunology and Immunotherapy. He has taught both undergraduate and graduate courses and has supervised students at both levels. He is an active participant in the Chilean Society of Physiological Sciences, where he has held leadership positions, and is an enthusiastic science communicator to the community.

He has been the Director of the PhD Program in Molecular Biosciences and previously the Director of the Master’s Program in Biotechnology and Life Sciences. Until last year, he was the Director of Research and PhD Programs at the Faculty of Life Sciences. Currently, he serves as the Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences.